Boy oh boy, there you go again...
As usual you have completely made something up out of thin air and presented it as a fact. Nowhere does Shelley state that he is stood west of Lovelady. If you have a quote for this please supply it. If you any quote that specifically puts Shelley to the right /west of Lovelady please provide it.
Already done----------but, just like the old Mr
Doyle, you don't like inconvenient facts that get in the way of your mad
Doyle theory that Prayer Man is a fat woman smoking a cigarette and wearing a wig in a professional situation.
Mr Shelley says he is not in view of the camera. The man you are saying is Mr Shelley is in view of the camera. Therefore the man you are saying is Mr Shelley is not Mr Shelley.
Get it now? Of course you don't, because you're the new Mr
Once again I'm having to deal with something you've completely made up. Show where I have argued that the man in the suit in the doorway (Shelley) is Joe Molina.
Sure---------as soon as you show where I have argued that you have argued that the man in the suit in the doorway is Mr Molina.
You're mistaking Mr Molina for Mr Shelley because you need Mr Molina to be Mr Shelley in order to keep alive your mad
Doyle theory that Prayer Man is a fat woman smoking a cigarette and wearing a wig in a professional situation.
Get it now? Of course you don't, because you're the new Mr
Utter made-up nonsense yet again. Shelley states he is stood just outside the glass door.
Naughty naughty!
March 18 FBI statement: "I was standing just outside the glass door
s of the entrance"
WC testimony:
Mr. BALL - You were standing where? / Mr. SHELLEY - Just outside the glass doors there. 
Compare Mr Molina (WC testimony):
Mr. BALL. Where were you standing?
Mr. MOLINA. Right at the front door; right at the front door.
Mr. BALL. Outside the front door?
Mr. MOLINA. Yes, outside the front door I was standing; the door was right behind me. Get it now? Of course you don't, because you're the new Mr
This is a central position, neither east nor west. If Lovelady is sat in front of him please explain how this 'unequivovally' places Shelley on the west side.
The Hughes film shows Mr Lovelady having stood up for the limousine's arrival. He is right over by the west column of the entranceway. This places Mr Shelley unequivocally (or rather: unequivovally) on the west side of the entranceway.
Get it now? Of course you don't, because you're the new Mr
Please provide the quote where Lovelady is asked whether Shelley is in Altgens 6. Is he ever asked about it?
Mr Shelley himself was asked about it, and he gave a clear answer:
I was not in view of the camera. You don't like his answer because it ruins your mad
Doyle theory that Prayer Man is a fat woman smoking a cigarette and wearing a wig in a professional situation? Not my problem!
As for Mr Lovelady, he points out the lady working on the second floor because (as he states) she can vouch for his presence on the steps. You think if he could see Mr Shelley-----------whom he otherwise mentions every time he talks about who was with him on the steps-----------in the photograph he would fail to mention that fact?
Of course you do, because you're the new Mr
The only 'lady shielding her eyes' on the TSBD steps in the Altgens pic has already identified. Maddie Reese. Lovelady has made a mistake placing her on the second floor when she works on the third. He obviously doesn't know her that well, he never refers to her by name and she never refers to him. It's a simple mistake. Maddie Reese is the only female TSBD employee on the steps shielding her eyes in Altgens. You must drop this thing about identifying Joe Molina as Sarah Stanton, it' really embarrassing.
What's embarrassing is that you can't find the woman from the second floor whom Mr Lovelady can see in the Altgens photograph. All you can do is reject what he is saying on entirely makey-uppey grounds because it doesn't fit your mad
Doyle theory that Prayer Man is a fat woman smoking a cigarette and wearing a wig in a professional situation.
Keep up your groundbreaking work!