Still hours of reading Fred (which I will get to in my own time).
Just tell me what it is that debunks the Stanton ID or say you don't know.
But don't claim something like that when you don't know, then pretend that you do.
It's important that avenues of investigation aren't shut off for no reason. I think the claim for it being Oswald on the steps is non-existent. There is literally nothing to make the ID yet others are quite ferocious in their defence of this non-idea. It smacks of intellectual bullying (I use the word 'intellectual' very loosely).
The case for Stanton as prayer-blob is many times more superior to that of Oswald (IMHO) but it seems like those who shout the loudest are the ones who get heard.
Mr O'meara:
There's still a search function on this site, I do believe.
Also, for a guy who just joined this site in..June? of this year, you certainly seem to have strong opinions and, by your own account, a great deal of knowledge.
Have you been researching the JFK assassination for a lot longer than 4 months, through other means?
For the record, the Sarah Stanton, Prayer Man, whomever is a pointless diversion, as is any attempt to ascertain what went on in Oswald's interrogation; those that were present certainly shared less than the truth, there's no audio recording, and everybody involved is long dead.
Before I even thought of joining one of these JFK sites, let alone commenting, I spent several years reading. And reading. And reading.
But, "you shine on, you crazy diamond."