As far as I know, you've claimed no evidence other than that you think it looks like a fat lady smoking a cigarette.
You have an incredibly short memory John.
I composed a list of witnesses who were stood behind, alongside and in front of prayer-blob and of those who, on returning to the TSBD, would've have walked right by that position:
Judy McCully
Buell Wesley Frazier
Bill Shelley
Billt Lovelady
Joe Molina
Pauline Sanders
Otis Williams
Roy Edward Lewis
Roy Truly
Karen Westbrook
Karen Hicks
Gloria Calvery
Carol Reed
Georgia Hendirx
Jeraldean Reid
Carolyn Arnold
16 witnesses, all who knew Oswald by sight, all with an excellent opportunity to see Oswald in the prayer-blob position and all who, when specifically asked if they saw Oswald around the time of the assassination, denied seeing him.
I argued that, if it had been Oswald in the prayer-blob position, it would have been incredibly unlikely that not one of these witnesses put him there. You, of course, twisted my words (no shock there) to make out I was arguing that that if none of these witnesses saw him there then he wasn't there, even though I'd specifically stated that was not my argument, that I was arguing for the unlikelihood of such a scenario.
Don't you remember John?
It wasn't that long ago