Just a follow on thought about the Reid story that Karen Westbrook Scranton tells 'starting 29:17 in the below video:
She seems unequivocal that Reid specifically mentioned Oswald in her story but looking at Reid's WC testimony, she is also equivocal that she didn't know Oswald's name on the day of the assassination so how could she be talking about him in the hour after the assassination. In her testimony she states:
Mrs. REID. No; very seldom unless they are sent up there to get something. I mean they just don't come in there and wander around. It is some business for them.
Now, I did see him in the lunchroom a few times prior to this eating his lunch but I didn't even know his name.
Mr. BELIN. Did you know his name on the day you saw him?
Mrs. REID. No; I did not. When I saw his picture I still didn't know his name until they told us who it was.
Mr. BELIN. How did you know the person you saw was Lee Harvey Oswald on the second floor?
Mrs. REID. Because it looked just like him.
Mr. BELIN. You mean the picture with the name Lee Harvey Oswald?
So, at some point she was shown a picture of Oswald and could then put a name to the face but I find it hard to imagine that someone had a picture of Oswald available so soon after the shooting to show TSBD employees (obviously I could be completely wrong).
On the flip side of that, if she wasn't shown a picture of Oswald before she went home she must surely have seen him on the TV at some point over the weekend and would have recognised from that and not a photo someone had shown her.
Not sure what to make of it.