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Author Topic: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory  (Read 31399 times)

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2020, 03:34:28 PM »
Now just think about that. Think about it for a second. Take a breath, pretend that your mind is open to logic and fact, and think about it. If CE 399 was the bullet, how in the world would you end up with one vertical tear being over half an inch longer than the other vertical tear? If the bullet exited "length wise, how on earth would you end up with one vertical tear being half an inch longer than the other vertical tear? How? Think about it.

Obviously, to all except those who slavishly defend the impossible, such uneven tears--one over half an inch longer than the other--are typical of what you would see with a deformed bullet or a fragment with one edge longer than the other.

This is hilarious. It is only "the million dollar question" if you have read nothing but pro-WC propaganda and/or if you refuse to allow for a rear shot from one of the nearby buildings, such as the Dal-Tex Building and the County Records Building.

Every single argument you just put forward is either wrong, irrelevant, or misleading. I have already quoted John and Nellie Connally's statements, and they both swore up and down that Connally was not hit by the first shot. Connally never deviated from this position, and when asked by Life magazine to study high-quality blowups of the Zapruder film, he was adamant that he was not hit before Z234.

You keep ignoring basic facts:

* The rear holes in the coat and jacket place the back wound at least 5 inches below the top of the collar, and this location is confirmed by the autopsy face sheet, by the death certificate, by the FBI report on the autopsy, by Dr. Ebersole, and by Sibert and O'Neill's report on the autopsy.

Here we have hard physical evidence of the wound's location, and you guys respond by making up this nutty, desperate, laughable bunched-clothing theory when we all know that there is not one single photo or frame that shows JFK's coat bunched anywhere close to the degree and formation that could enable a bullet that struck 2-3 inches higher to produce holes that would be 5-plus inches below the top of the collar with the shirt and coat in normal position. It's pure poppycock.

* There were no bullet holes in the front of JFK's shirt, only two narrow slits made by the Parkland nurses.

* There was no bullet hole through JFK's tie, only a small nick made by the Parkland nurses, and the nick is not even on the edge of the knot.

* We know from ARRB-released records that the autopsy doctors positively, absolutely determined that the back wound had no exit point. They removed the chest organs and turned the body into several positions for each probe attempt, and they were able to see the end of the wound tract and that it did not enter the chest lining--they could see the probe pushing against the chest lining.

* Dr. Mantik has confirmed Dr. Nichols' analysis that there is no path from the back wound to the throat wound on the x-rays without smashing through the spine. It is just impossible. Sorry, but that's just how it is.

Just curious but why would the tears be the same given the bullet was tumbling? Actually why would you ever think they would be the same under any circumstances?
Gov Connally is a poor choice for witness relibility. His initial statement he states he saw JFK slumped after the first shot only to change his statement completely later. Nelly's initial statement made through Julian Read was that she did not know anything about a third shot.

JBC 11/27/63 Parkland Hospital--- First statement made by JBC was the  interview in the Parkland Hospital. JBC clearly states JFK was struck by the first shot which is exactly what Nelly, Jackie, Hill, and all the other eyewitnesses stated. His WC statement is completely opposite which leads you to question whether JBC really remembers exactly what happened. JBC goes from turning left and seeing JFK slump in the Parkland Hospital interview  to turning right and not seeing JFK at all in the WC Testimony.
“And then we had just turned the corner [from Houston onto Elm], we heard a shot; I turned to my left

I was sitting in the jump seat. I turned to my left to look in the back seat – the president had slumped. He had said nothing. Almost simultaneously, as I turned, I was hit and I knew I had been hit badly.”

Four witnesses in or near the car all state exactly what JBC's reaction was to the first shot and what they witnessed.

JBC always stated he only heard two shots. He was struck by the same bullet as JFK which is what Nelly and Jackie referenced in JBC crying out OH No No No. Bill Newman and DPD Hargis both observed by JBC’s reacting to having been struck by the first shot.


The position of JFk's wounds was not a SWAG. The position of the  wounds and how they were determined is explained in great detail. Instead of always searching for an alternative answer read how they arrive at their conclusions.

Mr. GOLDSMITH. How did you actually proceed to make the adjustments?
Mr. CANNING. I worked with the people at the FAA in Oklahoma City, the anthropological group there, and we made measurements of typical skin mobility. We studied this in order to find out how the wounds moved when the President was manipulated from his position and posture at the time he was wounded to the position and posture during the autopsy.


Make the trajectory work without hitting JFK. Seems simple enough except there were no shots from those buildings. The next obvious question is how many snipers do you think were present with carcanos? Only evidence of two bullets were recovered and they caused all the wounds. What exactly were the other rifleman doing?


Dr Ebersol Xrayed JFK's body twice looking for the bullet and never found one. Dr Humes was then advised by Dallas that the throat wound was the exit wound. Steel jacketed bullets fired at close range don't stop upon impact. A bullet traveling at a speed of 2000 fps and suddenly coming to a halt would really be a magic bullet.


It seems like such a waste to have these selected few doctors and professional people making irrefutable claims but the one thing that is an undeniable reality and beyond the science is Gov Connally's wound that can only be explained by a bullet through JFK. They need to explain this reality before expounding on their beliefs.
Dr. Baden of the HSC Panel best states the reality of the relationship of JBC's and JFK's wounds:

Mr. PREYER - Incidentally, you mentioned the bullet nicking the vertebra. Could the, bullet, CE-399, the pristine bullet, have nicked President Kennedy s vertebra and still have left the neat, clean exit wound in the throat?
Dr. BADEN - Yes, sir. Usually, when a bullet strikes something of substance, it will begin to wobble, but as a bullet wobbles, there are times when it will be alined in a straight-on directional course. As I am demonstrating by using this wooden pointer there are times when, even if it is wobbling as it is moving, it will be in a straight on position. If the bullet did strike bone, and we cannot be certain of that, it may nevertheless have stayed on course; it may have begun to wobble after it came out from the neck. If it were exiting in a direct head-on fashion and the skin were made more firm because the collar and the shirt were reasonably snug around the President's neck, these factors would tend to make the exit skin hole small. There is no disagreement among the panel members that the perforation in the front of the neck is an exit wound, despite early Parkland Hospital confusion, and this was also the conclusion of the Rockefeller panel and the Clark panel

Baden:  "There were no other bullets that were found. The only bullet path is the one through JFK's back/throat and it lines up with JBC's back entrance wound. This picture shows the alignment of JFK and JBC. A bullet leaving JFK's throat can only strike JBC."

Mr. PREYER - The final question I have, Dr. Baden, you mentioned that part of the information on which you based your conclusions that the single-bullet theory was valid was that no other bullet was found. If another bullet would have turned up, or should turn up, say in the upholstry of the car, would that affect the validity of the single-bullet theory, that is, that one bullet passed through both President Kennedy and Governor Connally?
Dr. BADEN - I think that if another bullet were found in the car, the pathology panel members would have to give that a great deal of consideration before reading its final conclusions. The problem with bullets going through people, through multiple people, which happens from time to time in ordinary civilian practice, or going in and out of one part of the body and into another part of the body, is that it is never possible to say that the only possibility is a single bullet from the autopsy findings alone. The circumstances are very important in interpreting the autopsy findings. All we as pathologists can do is say they line up together; one bullet could have caused both injuries, but if the two people, if the arm and the chest were held apart and two bullets were fired at appropriate angles, it is possible to simulate tracks with two bullets that could be caused by one bullet. Presence or absence of the reentry characteristic would be important in interpreting the findings. We are taking into account in our evaluation the Zapruder film, the fact that the President and the Governor are in certain positions, seated down, one in front of the other; from the autopsy point of view they line up. The bullet going through the President would have enough steam behind it to reenter the Governor. Further, the appearance of the Governor's wound indicates that the bullet entering the Governor struck something before it hit the Governor. There is no evidence of striking anything else in the vicinity of the car, although it is possible; but being reasonable and trying to examine all of the possibilities in the context of the medical evidence available, we find that the bullet that struck the President in the upper back had no other place to go, went no place else, except into the person in front of him, the Governor. And that there is no other place that the bullet going through the chest could go but the wrist. It would be possible for another bullet to have been fired from another point and caused the same injuries to the Governor. This is highly unlikely. In civilian practice with experience with thousands of bullet wounds the majority of panel members find it very significant that the wounds line up: If the shoe fits, it fits. If the bullet in the hand and the chest line up as consistent with coming from the same bullet track, invariably, when all the evi- dence is in, this proves to be the correct explanation; but it is not necessarily the only explanation. It is just there are so many ways people can be shot; myriads of ways people can be shot that don't line up. If the bullet paths line up in a way so that they are possibly caused by one bullet, that in itself eliminates countless other possibilities.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2020, 03:34:28 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2020, 04:37:38 PM »
'JBC always stated he only heard two shots. He was struck by the same bullet as JFK which is what Nelly and Jackie referenced in JBC crying out OH No No No. Bill Newman and DPD Hargis both observed by JBC’s reacting to having been struck by the first shot.'

JBC said there were 3 shots. He heard the first & third shots. He felt the second, the one that felt like someone punched him. He stated that he was in shock, which he reckoned was why he didn't actually hear the report.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 04:42:54 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2020, 04:45:24 PM »
'JBC always stated he only heard two shots. He was struck by the same bullet as JFK which is what Nelly and Jackie referenced in JBC crying out OH No No No. Bill Newman and DPD Hargis both observed by JBC’s reacting to having been struck by the first shot.'

JBC said there were 3 shots. He heard the first & third shots. He felt the second, the one that felt like someone punched him. He stated that he was in shock, which he reckoned was why he didn't actually hear the report.

Wrong.  He said he heard two shots. He assumed there was a shot he didn't hear. Jackie, Nelly, Newman, Hargis, Hill, Landis, Chaney, Brennan, Williams and 30 to 40 other eyewitnesses never heard it either.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2020, 04:45:24 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #67 on: July 29, 2020, 04:49:14 PM »
How do you know the shot that hit Connally’s back came from the 6th floor?

JAQer. Want some fries with that nothingburger?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 07:00:56 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #68 on: July 29, 2020, 05:07:43 PM »
Wrong.  He said he heard two shots. He assumed there was a shot he didn't hear. Jackie, Nelly, Newman, Hargis, Hill, Landis, Chaney, Brennan, Williams and 30 to 40 other eyewitnesses never heard it either.

He has stated he never heard the second shot which hit him - the Governor. His wife however heard three:

Mr. Specter: How many [shots] did you hear in all?

Mrs. Connally: I heard three.

Warren Commission Hearings Vol. IV - Page 149

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #68 on: July 29, 2020, 05:07:43 PM »

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #69 on: July 29, 2020, 05:18:24 PM »
Wrong.  He said he heard two shots. He assumed there was a shot he didn't hear. Jackie, Nelly, Newman, Hargis, Hill, Landis, Chaney, Brennan, Williams and 30 to 40 other eyewitnesses never heard it either.

Wrong.  He said he heard two shots. He assumed there was a shot he didn't hear.

That's what Bill said right? Unless I am misreading his post?

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #70 on: July 29, 2020, 07:13:15 PM »
Wrong.  He said he heard two shots. He assumed there was a shot he didn't hear. Jackie, Nelly, Newman, Hargis, Hill, Landis, Chaney, Brennan, Williams and 30 to 40 other eyewitnesses never heard it either.

Your reading comprehension needs work. I reported that he said there were 3 shots and he heard the first and third one.

The second one was the one that felt like a punch in the back and he said he knew he was in shock. The old maxim 'you don't hear the bullet that kills hits you applies here.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 07:15:38 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #71 on: July 29, 2020, 07:27:57 PM »
Just curious but why would the tears be the same given the bullet was tumbling? Actually why would you ever think they would be the same under any circumstances?

Huh? Do you even understand the issue here? Now, I'll tell you what: Let's see you produce or find a diagram, just a basic one, that shows how a tumbling bullet--you pick the angle of the pitch and yaw--would produce two vertical tears that were parallel but markedly differed in length--differed by 35% (4.8 cm vs. 3.1 cm) and were joined in the middle by a third tear to form an H.

You don't seem to be taking into account the fact that the tears paralleled each other. We're not talking tears that ran different directions at different angles. We're talking about two parallel vertical tears, joined in the middle by a tear so that they and the joining tear form an H. Perhaps it would help to quote the Warren Commission's description of the tears:

A very irregular tear in the form of an "H" was observed on the front side of the Governor's shirt, approximately 1 1/2 inches high, with a crossbar tear approximately 1 inch wide, located 5 inches from the right side seam and 9 inches from the top of the right sleeve. (p. 94)

Do tell me how a single bullet that looked anything like CE 399 could have produced such a tear? Use some common sense to visualize in your mind how the bullet/fragment would have had to be shaped to produce an H-shaped tear with uneven sides. This is basic geometry.

Gov Connally is a poor choice for witness reliability.

Right! Because he was just the guy who experienced the hit! Yeah, what would he know?! And when he spent almost an hour looking at high-quality blowups of frames Z190-240 for Life magazine, he, being the person who was actually hit and knowing his own facial expressions, etc.--he was in no position to determine when he was hit!

His initial statement he states he saw JFK slumped after the first shot only to change his statement completely later.

This is nitpicking nonsense. Connally never, ever wavered from his insistence that he was not hit by the first shot and that was hit as he was turning after hearing the first shot, and the Zapruder film confirms this clearly.

Nelly's initial statement made through Julian Read was that she did not know anything about a third shot.

Gosh! Maybe because she was focused on her husband?! Lots of people only heard two shots, partly because two of the shots came in very rapid succession and partly because of where they were and/or what they were doing at the time.

JBC 11/27/63 Parkland Hospital--- First statement made by JBC was the  interview in the Parkland Hospital. JBC clearly states JFK was struck by the first shot which is exactly what Nelly, Jackie, Hill, and all the other eyewitnesses stated. His WC statement is completely opposite which leads you to question whether JBC really remembers exactly what happened. JBC goes from turning left and seeing JFK slump in the Parkland Hospital interview  to turning right and not seeing JFK at all in the WC Testimony.
“And then we had just turned the corner [from Houston onto Elm], we heard a shot; I turned to my left

I was sitting in the jump seat. I turned to my left to look in the back seat – the president had slumped. He had said nothing. Almost simultaneously, as I turned, I was hit and I knew I had been hit badly.”[Debunked HSCA testimony and arguments SNIPPED]

Did it ever occur to you that in his first statement Connally had not yet seen the Zapruder film, and that in his subsequent statements he was including hindsight observations based on his having seen the film? The point is that Connally never veered from his insistence that he was not hit by the first shot.

Any trajectory analysis that assumes a bullet exited Kennedy's throat is invalid from the outset, as I document in the OP of this thread. Again, no bullet exited the tie knot or the front of the shirt. No bullet penetrated the chest and lung cavities--we know this now from released documents. There was no path from the back wound to the throat wound without smashing through the spine, which is undoubtedly part of the reason that the first two drafts of the autopsy report said the back wound had no exit point.

Now, you need to explain how on this planet any bullet that looked anything like CE 399 could have produced an H-shaped tear with uneven vertical sides. Let's hear and/or see it. This is silly because the laws of geometry and physics tells us that there is no way a virtually pristine bullet could have produced an H-shaped tear with uneven sides. But, please do give it a shot.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 08:06:49 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Getting Some Facts Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
« Reply #71 on: July 29, 2020, 07:27:57 PM »