The HSCA didn't say Kennedy's head had to be tilted forward to make the SBT work.
The HSCA didn't say Kennedy's head had to be tilted forward to make the SBT work. They said: [SNIP]The HSCA didn't say Kennedy's head had to be tilted forward to make the SBT work. Can you show us where the HSCA said Kennedy's head had to be literally tilted forward some-30° for the SBT to work?
The abrasion collar is larger at the lower margin of the wound, evidence that the bullet's trajectory at the instant of penetration was slightly upward in relation to the body. (7 HSCA 175)
In an aside to Inspector Thomas Kelley, the Secret Service’s liaison with the Commission, one of the staff lawyers offered as “an outside possibility” that the first shot might have gone through JFK with sufficient velocity “to penetrate Connally’s body, wrist, and leg.” Kelley later confided to the FBI’s L.T. Gauthier that the idea was “ridiculous” and that a shot under those circumstances would have gone completely “wild.”In April Eisenberg arranged for two sessions to determine which fames of the Zapruder movie captured the impact of the first and second bullets. He enlisted the support of medical doctors for both sessions. In the April 14 conference the three pathologists who had performed the autopsy, Humes, Boswell, and Finck, viewed Zapruder’s 8-mm movie and frames of the assassination for the first time. Since Humes had written the official autopsy protocol, he more or less took the lead in this session. After viewing the Zapruder film and studying the slides, the Bethesda Navy doctor hypothesized that Connally had been hit by the first two shots. He thought that the first shot that had exited JFK’s throat had then passed through Connally’s chest, losing velocity in its flight, lodged itself in the governor’s clothing, and later appeared on his stretcher. The second bullet, a separate shot, according to Humes’s reconstruction, had hit Connally’s wrist with such impact that it shattered into fragments, one of those fragments causing the wound to the governor’s left thigh. Just as they had testified before the Warren Commission a month earlier, Humes and the two other prosectors had not changed their opinion about Connally’s wrist wound. All three were convinced that the near-pristine CE 399 was not mutilated enough to have shattered the governor’s wrist bone. (Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why, University Press of Kansas, 2005, pp. 221)
Getting Some Facts Biased Opinions Straight About the Single-Bullet Theory
So that's your answer to the fact that, as late as April 1964, even the three autopsy doctors insisted that Connally's wrist must have been struck by a separate bullet because they knew that the wrist bone is one of the hardest bones in the body and that CE 399 could not have shattered that bone without incurring significant damage? Does the fact that the WC's own ballistics tests confirmed this mean anything to you? Are you aware that the WC's top wound ballistics expert, Dr. Joseph Dolce, told the commission that the SBT was impossible and that his ballistics tests proved this?Why do you suppose that Dr. Baden, chairman of the HSCA FPP, refused Dr. Wecht's request that the panel arrange to have ballistics tests done to determine whether a bullet could do all the damage attributed to CE 399 and still emerge in nearly pristine condition?Why do you suppose Baden refused to call Dr. Dolce as a witness, even after Dr. Dolce said he wanted to testify? Could it be because Baden knew that Dolce was going to say that the SBT was fiction and that the WC had ignored its own ballistics tests?How about the fact that the slits in the front of JFK's shirt are not the same length, that they have no fabric missing from them, and that no metallic traces were found on them? That's because they were not bullet holes but slits made by the nurses who hurriedly cut off Kennedy's clothing, as one of the nurses confirmed to Henry Hurt.
It's alleged that the holes in the shirt collar were made by a scalpel.You actually think a nurse used a scalpel (as opposed to blunt-nosed scissors) to remove the President's clothing?
Robert A. Frazier: "The hole in the front of the shirt does not have the round characteristic shape caused by a round bullet entering cloth. It is an irregular slit. It could have been caused by a round bullet, however, since the cloth could have torn in a long slitlike way as the bullet passed through it."
The first FBI laboratory reports on Kennedy’s clothes revealed that the holes in his coat and shirt submitted to both X-ray and spectrographic analysis showed traces of copper (bullet metal) around the edges of the holes. This was forensically consistent with JFK having been shot in the back with copper-jacketed ammunition. The same tests run on Kennedy’s collar and tie showed no bullet metal was found in the surrounding fabric. Rather than admit that the slits in the President’s collar and nick in his tie were not caused by an assassin’s bullet, the FBI lab report noted that the slits had the “characteristics of an exit hole for a bullet fragment.” (
The reason the Commission did not include a picture of the shirt collar was that it dared not. The slit on the left-hand side of the shirt and collar was much longer than the slit on the right-hand side. To claim there was an alignment was patently untrue. . . .The fact that the slits were not aligned destroys the Commission's contention that they were made by a bullet. Bullets make holes and not slits unless they are tumbling when they strike flesh or cloth. Carrico described Kennedy's anterior neck wound as "rather round and there were no ragged edges or ostellic lacerations." (Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why, University Press of Kansas, 2005, p. 268)
There is fabric missing in the holes
and they do line up. That's a thread extending upright from the righthand hole.