It’s not just Physics graduate student William Hoffman’s study, seen below, that indicates the limousine was essentially moving at a steady 8 mph from z305 through z345: look at the Zapruder frames at:
There is reaction to the shots but 313 could not have been heard that quickly. The driver is looking back to the rear of the car at 313. He hears Jackie screaming. He sees the SS man running to the back of the car out of the corner of his eye. He obviously brakes very quickly but turns forward and accelerates.
Looking at the individual Zapruder frames at: don’t see any real difference in the other occupants between z312 and z316. By z317, I think Governor Connally might be just starting to react. About a quarter of a second after the shot. The timing works out right.
During this time, “Landmarks”, from standing witnesses seen behind the limousine, to something white lying on the ground, visible from z313 and afterwards, show these landmarks always moving about 8 inches to the left with each frame, compared to any part of the limousine, indicating a steady 8 mph speed that does not slow or speed up significantly during this period.
At 8 mph, it should take about 31 frames for the length of the limousine to pass by one of these landmarks. The entire length of limousine is not visible but most of it is, and it takes from frame z313 through z335, 22 frames, for about two thirds of the length of the limousine to pass by that white object lying on the green grass.
Tell me which section of the Zapruder film from z305 through z345 shows a stretch where the limousine is going slower, or faster, than 8 mph. I see none.