This is just crazy talk, detached from all reality. Trump has repeatedly expressed sorrow for those who have died from COVID-19, but he has always provided healthy doses of reality and perspective, as have hundreds of scholars and scientists.
This is what right wingers call "alternate facts" which is code for

Trump said "it is what it is" about over 160,000 dead Americans and didn't even shed a tear over the death of his friend Herman Cain who he killed at his Tulsa Death Rally. Trump says he 'has no remorse' and then made up excuses claiming Cain probably contracted COVID-19 somewhere else. Trump doesn't care about you or all the people he killed including his own followers.
Telling people to inject themselves with disinfectant and UV lights is not reality, that is fiction. Promoting Hydroxychloroquine which is a bogus drug is not reality.
Trump attacks Dr. Fauci and ignores all medical experts claiming he "knows more than they do".
He is a lunatic and in 90 days we can vote this S.O.B. out in a massive landslide.
Your post was full of nonsense and not one thing you said was accurate.