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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 495536 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1648 on: September 01, 2020, 11:51:26 PM »
First off, only a tiny minority of Trump supporters believe the odd COVID-19 conspiracy theory described in the OP.

Speaking of COVID-19 and the unjustified panic that liberal news outlets continue to stoke, the U.S. COVID-19 case death rate has now dropped to 3.1%, which means the survival rate is 96.9%. Six months ago, 3 weeks after the lockdowns began, the case death rate was at around 5-6%. As of this morning, it is 3.1% (6.03 million cases/183K deaths).

Here is a statistic that we have not looked at yet: the number of COVID-19 deaths and the number of deaths from all causes by age group. These numbers come from the CDC's website:

0-1                     17                            9835
1-4                     12                            1909
5-14                   28                            2935
15-24               280                          18594
25-34             1257                          38503
35-44             3401                          54563 
45-54             9648                        100926
55-64           22665                        231983
65-74           39980                        351806
75-84           48392                        430582
85-99           55710                        537185

We see that COVID-19 deaths constitute a very small portion of the total deaths for each age group. Among people aged 0-34, COVID-19 deaths account for only 2.8% of that group's total deaths. Even among the highest-risk age group, 85-99, COVID-19 deaths account for only 11% of that group's total deaths.

We also see that 78% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among people aged 65 and above.

So why are some states talking about resuming or actually resuming some of their senseless one-size-fits-all lockdown measures, especially when recent research shows that people with COVID-19 who have no symptoms are far less likely to transmit the virus than those who have symptoms, and given the fact that about 80% of COVID-19 cases involve no symptoms or only very mild symptoms.

People have been trivializing covid-19 from the beginning and look where it has gotten us. Selfish people who refuse to wear masks or keep social distance (which are measures to protect others) give the virus every opportunity to spread. Not everything is known about the virus but two things are certain by now; (1) it won't go away by itself and (2) it has used and is going to continue to use every opportunity to spread. When 1200 students of one university can get infected in less than two weeks after re-opening, what does that tell you?

None of the traditional methods have worked against this virus, except - as Europe has shown us - at least to some extend lock downs. Herd immunity is no longer a viable option either as there are now people who had covid-19, and recovered, being infected again. You can come up with all sorts of statistics and predictions but nobody knows where this illness is going and how long the pandemic is going to last. America has 4% of the world population, yet it has 25% or more of all the covid-19 cases. That should tell you something, but it probably won't.

Even if the covid-19 death numbers are only a marginal part of the total deaths per month, it nevertheless is a marginal part that could have been avoided, at least to some extend. People will die from accidents, killings, drugs abuse and fatal illnesses all the time. To pretend that covid-19 is just another cause we simply have to live with is a denial of reality.

Republicans have been pushing the idea of accepting the risk that older people may die as long as the econonomy can stay open. It's money over people every time. Those greedy S.O.B.'s don't (want to) understand that even if you lose all your money, you can still make some more, but when you lose your life you will never need money anymore. As no age group is completely immune, it's Russian roulette... No matter what the odds are, are you willing to gamble your own life or that of a loved one to make money?

Not all, but many people are stupid, ignorant and selfish. They only think about themselves and the consequences for them and the virus will use every opportunity that kind of mentality creates. Those people, who trivialize covid-19 are the ones who are keeping the virus active for far longer than it should be.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 02:17:41 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1648 on: September 01, 2020, 11:51:26 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1649 on: September 02, 2020, 03:30:56 AM »
Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with people from several European countries. They all agreed on one thing; America has become a banana republic under Trump.

How else can you describe a country where a 17 year old, carrying a semi-automatic weapon can kill two people and be defended on television by the President, who btw sees no harm in people shooting paintball rounds at demonstrators, or taking semi automatic rifles to a anti-covid 19 demonstration, but takes no position when a police officer shoots an unarmed black guy seven times in the back from close distance?

Just how delusional do you have to be to consider any of this even remotely normal?

America is no longer the land of the free.... It's the land of fear.
Dr. Heinrich Weidmann, I realize you are a statistician, a medical researcher, an oncologist, and an official member of the Nazi party, but a pollster too? You mean you actually go out of your way to talk with people from other countries to see if they hold the same concerns about the U.S. as you?  This is almost as good as those silly videos about former Trump voters.

You must be a busy person. Pollster will be added to your resume as well as being an independent journalist, telling the story of how you find the videos and how you select the conversations to give the desired outcome.

I didn't know you were a student of propaganda, but you are a Nazi so I should have known

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1650 on: September 02, 2020, 03:46:01 AM »
Dr. Heinrich Weidmann, I realize you are a statistician, a medical researcher, an oncologist, and an official member of the Nazi party, but a pollster too? You mean you actually go out of your way to talk with people from other countries to see if they hold the same concerns about the U.S. as you?  This is almost as good as those silly videos about former Trump voters.

You must be a busy person. Pollster will be added to your resume as well as being an independent journalist, telling the story of how you find the videos and how you select the conversations to give the desired outcome.

I didn't know you were a student of propaganda, but you are a Nazi so I should have known

Sorry, not interested in the opinion of an idiotic Trump nutter operating outside reality from his mom's basement

You were given fair warning;

I wouldn't place any kind of value on whatever it is that he has to say.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 04:01:20 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1650 on: September 02, 2020, 03:46:01 AM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1651 on: September 02, 2020, 08:11:36 PM »
Very alarming news.
Trump is training his own "blackshirts". Shades of Adolph.

Congress, what are you doing about this. ICE must be stopped from doing this.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1652 on: September 02, 2020, 09:37:00 PM »
Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with people from several European countries. They all agreed on one thing; America has become a banana republic under Trump.

How else can you describe a country where a 17 year old, carrying a semi-automatic weapon can kill two people and be defended on television by the President, who btw sees no harm in people shooting paintball rounds at demonstrators, or taking semi automatic rifles to a anti-covid 19 demonstration, but takes no position when a police officer shoots an unarmed black guy seven times in the back from close distance?

Just how delusional do you have to be to consider any of this even remotely normal?

America is no longer the land of the free.... It's the land of fear.

LOL.  First off this probably a complete lie.  Second, I would expect the Europeans to dislike Trump.  The US has been paying to defend them for decades.  They don't even contribute the small amount that they agreed to pay under NATO.  They must be laughing their arse off.  That's quite a deal.  Imagine if someone else were paying for all of our defense needs?  We would be awash in money.  They can only afford their socialist utopia because the US has footed the bill for decades.  Mostly as the result of corrupt career long politicians like Old Joe who get kick backs from the lobbyists who make billions from the US defense budget.  They have no incentive to change the status quo.  They have been riding that gravy train for decades.  That is why they hate Trump.  The party at the hands of the US tax payer is almost over.

And you cite one example of violence - and a questionable one at that - when there are left wing mobs rampaging and burning US cities to the ground because the dems who control those cities won't allow the police to do their jobs?  Wow.  How about the Trump supporter that was shot in Portland or the elderly people attacked after the GOP convention or the businesses burned and looted.  Nothing to see there.  Right?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1652 on: September 02, 2020, 09:37:00 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1653 on: September 02, 2020, 10:50:12 PM »
LOL.  First off this probably a complete lie.

Says the guy known as Lying "Richard".

  Second, I would expect the Europeans to dislike Trump.  The US has been paying to defend them for decades.  They don't even contribute the small amount that they agreed to pay under NATO.  They must be laughing their arse off.

Blame George Marshall.  But don't pretend that this was out of the goodness of our hearts.  It's all about control.

  That's quite a deal.  Imagine if someone else were paying for all of our defense needs?  We would be awash in money.

Imagine if we didn't try to solve every issue with a wasteful military "solution".  JFK might have even ended up surviving.

  They can only afford their socialist utopia because the US has footed the bill for decades.  Mostly as the result of corrupt career long politicians like Old Joe who get kick backs from the lobbyists who make billions from the US defense budget.  They have no incentive to change the status quo.  They have been riding that gravy train for decades.  That is why they hate Trump.

No, they hate Trump because is is a sociopathic authoritarian who can't put together a coherent sentence and thinks he is above the law.

  The party at the hands of the US tax payer is almost over.

Sure, "Richard".  What about the taxpayer financed party for the wall boondoggle that Mexico was going to pay for?  Have you looked at the national debt lately?

And you cite one example of violence - and a questionable one at that - when there are left wing mobs rampaging and burning US cities to the ground because the dems who control those cities won't allow the police to do their jobs?

You mean won't allow police to shoot unarmed black people in the backs?  boo hoo.  Trump is stoking every one of those flames because he thinks that chaos will somehow get him re-elected.  He's that delusional.  And his followers even more so.

  Wow.  How about the Trump supporter that was shot in Portland

Channeling Royell again?  He couldn't demonstrate that his example had anything to do with Trump either.

or the elderly people attacked after the GOP convention or the businesses burned and looted.  Nothing to see there.  Right?

You mean they got "boo" yelled at them?  Oh noes!!!!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 10:51:34 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1654 on: September 03, 2020, 01:11:20 AM »
LOL.  First off this probably a complete lie.  Second, I would expect the Europeans to dislike Trump.  The US has been paying to defend them for decades.  They don't even contribute the small amount that they agreed to pay under NATO.  They must be laughing their arse off.  That's quite a deal.  Imagine if someone else were paying for all of our defense needs?  We would be awash in money.  They can only afford their socialist utopia because the US has footed the bill for decades.  Mostly as the result of corrupt career long politicians like Old Joe who get kick backs from the lobbyists who make billions from the US defense budget.  They have no incentive to change the status quo.  They have been riding that gravy train for decades.  That is why they hate Trump.  The party at the hands of the US tax payer is almost over.

And you cite one example of violence - and a questionable one at that - when there are left wing mobs rampaging and burning US cities to the ground because the dems who control those cities won't allow the police to do their jobs?  Wow.  How about the Trump supporter that was shot in Portland or the elderly people attacked after the GOP convention or the businesses burned and looted.  Nothing to see there.  Right?

First off this probably a complete lie.

Yeah, you would say that, wouldn't you. But it is a true story and you just don't like it. It is as simple as that!

I would expect the Europeans to dislike Trump. The US has been paying to defend them for decades.  They don't even contribute the small amount that they agreed to pay under NATO.  They must be laughing their arse off.  That's quite a deal.  Imagine if someone else were paying for all of our defense needs?  We would be awash in money.   

Complete BS. The US is by no means altruistic and has been part of NATO out of pure self-interest. It allowed them to have troops on the ground in various European countries and even install, in the 80's, nukes there pointed at Russia. They used Europe as their first line of defense, in the same way that Russia wants to use Ukraine and Belarus.

They can only afford their socialist utopia because the US has footed the bill for decades.

What bill exactly has the US footed for decades? Just making a comment doesn't make it true, so give us a specific example.

That is why they hate Trump.

No, they hate Trump because he is an unstable, unpredictable and unreliable nutcase as well as a wannabe dictator, who through his incompetence unstabilized the world

And you cite one example of violence - and a questionable one at that - when there are left wing mobs rampaging and burning US cities to the ground because the dems who control those cities won't allow the police to do their jobs?

What city exactly has been burned down to the ground? Again, just claiming that a city burned down doesn't make it true! So, name one city that is in ashes.

How about the Trump supporter that was shot in Portland

If he was indeed a Trump supporter, what was he doing at the Portland riots? Didn't you claim that only left wing mobs were responsible for those riots?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2020, 02:06:11 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1655 on: September 03, 2020, 04:35:16 AM »
Sorry, not interested in the opinion of an idiotic Trump nutter operating outside reality from his mom's basement

You were given fair warning;
You are quoting yourself.

Here's a liberal talking about other liberals. He's talking about how retarded you are, Dr. Heinrich Weidmann, can't you see this? ha ha haha

ha ha ha ha Watch and learn!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1655 on: September 03, 2020, 04:35:16 AM »