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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497250 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1752 on: September 18, 2020, 04:03:41 PM »
Anyone who watched Old Joe's performance on CNN last night has to be very concerned.  He was old, frail, and rambling.  I feel sorry for him.  He is not a terrible person like Hillary.  Just incompetent.  He is being exploited by folks who want power.  Even if you think Trump is the devil, it has to be concerning to elect a person with such an obvious cognitive problem.  He won't last two months in office.  Instead of hate filled rage about Trump, just make an honest assessment of Old Joe.  He is not mentally fit to be President.  Not even close.  He will be pushed aside or replaced very quickly if elected.  Then we will have Kantala and the hardcore kooks in charge.  The entire country will be run like California, Portland, Chicago, and NYC.  A smoldering ruin.

Not one word about why Trump should be re-elected, just fearmongering. It says a lot....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1752 on: September 18, 2020, 04:03:41 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1753 on: September 18, 2020, 04:43:43 PM »
Who would have dreamt four years ago that an Attorney General of the United States would call on legal protesters, carrying out their Constitutional right,  to be charged with sedition.  Sadly the U.S. has really started to become a banana republic, led by a clown of a president, and supported by a crooked Attorney General(Jabba the Hutt?), and their herd mentality fellow travellers, including Richard Smith, Royell Storing (whatever happened to him..did he succumb to Covid?) and Michael T Griffiths. Do the latter three people really want to see the U.S. turn into a fascist state?

You have a peculiar understanding of a "fascist state."  I'm assuming you are not a person whose business or home has been burned, looted, and destroyed by "legal protestors"?  You are also not a police officer who has been assaulted or killed.  Those are crimes for which people should be arrested.  It would not be necessary for the federal government to intervene if the socialists who run these state and local governments were not derelict in performing their duty by enforcing the law.  And talk about a banana republic.  How many of Crooked Hillary's associates have been raided by a SWAT team in the morning with CNN taping the whole incident?  None.  The only political bias is toward anyone associated with Trump.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1754 on: September 18, 2020, 05:58:52 PM »
You have a peculiar understanding of a "fascist state."  I'm assuming you are not a person whose business or home has been burned, looted, and destroyed by "legal protestors"?  You are also not a police officer who has been assaulted or killed.  Those are crimes for which people should be arrested.  It would not be necessary for the federal government to intervene if the socialists who run these state and local governments were not derelict in performing their duty by enforcing the law.  And talk about a banana republic.  How many of Crooked Hillary's associates have been raided by a SWAT team in the morning with CNN taping the whole incident?  None.  The only political bias is toward anyone associated with Trump.

Another thing the extreme right is extremely good at; exaggerating, playing the victim and whining.

Too bad "Richard" hasn't leared a damned thing from what happened in Germany in the 30's, because if he had he would know what a fascist state is.

The only political bias is toward anyone associated with Trump.

Says the guy with a political bias toward Biden and the Democrats...
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 07:57:47 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1754 on: September 18, 2020, 05:58:52 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1755 on: September 18, 2020, 09:08:27 PM »
You have a peculiar understanding of a "fascist state."
I have avery good understanding of what a"fascist state" is.
It is one where the leader surrounds him (or her) self with crooked minions (see Jabba the Hutt, Barr) who do his bidding no matter how disgusting or illegal, i.e. pardoning correctly imprisoned felons who happen to be friends of the leader.(Roger Stone, anybody?) And acting as his personal attorney.

It is one where State institutions (vide ICE backed institutions) perform unnecessary medical operations i.e hysterectomies, on defenceless immigrant people.
It is one where the ruling elite try to control the press. (Where everything critical is "Fake news"). And where a portion of the press who are his acolytes do his bidding. (Faux News, anybody?)

It is one where the sheep who follow the leader believe that he can do no wrong, and the sun shines out of backside, no matter how many lies he disseminates.

It is one where the state tries to control the courts and the judiciary and take away victims rights.

It is one where the judges, favourable to his whims are installed by his dishonourable henchmen in the Senate, like Mitch McConnell (a man who will surely burn in Hell if there is any justice.)

It is one where the opposition, like the Democrats, the immigrants, and refugees, is vilified and blamed for actions which have in fact been carried out by the ruling party.

It is one where the rule of law is  I'm assuming you are not a person whose business or home has been burned, looted, and destroyed by "legal protestors"?

You are right. I am not one of those. However, before criticising those who commit acts like that look to the reason they committed them. For example the deaths of innocent black people, murdered by those in control (or supposedly so,) but I suppose that escaped your mind.

You are also not a police officer who has been assaulted or killed.

Nor am I one who knelt on a black man's throat for eight minutes whilst he died choking, nor one who pumped seven shots into the back of an innocent man getting into his car.

Those are crimes for which people should be arrested.
I agree and given a fair trial, and not as "der fuhrer" recently said shot as that is "what should happen to them."

It would not be necessary for the federal government to intervene if the socialists who run these state and local governments were not derelict in performing their duty by enforcing the law.

It isn't socialists who are running these states as you call them, but Democratically elected people. (Unlike the President who was elected by the Electoral Collage despite losing the public vote by a large majority. Some democracy there, folks.
And talk about a banana republic.  How many of Crooked Hillary's associates have been raided by a SWAT team in the morning with CNN taping the whole incident?  None. 
You mean like the SWAT (ICE) teams sent in to terrorise cities with undocumented immigrants in February?
The only political bias is toward anyone associated with Trump.

I certainly plead guilty to that. I am totally biased against Trump, the worst President, (and that's saying something) ever to have been sworn in.

Germans and Italians will soon be saying how come Americans  didn't see what was happening before their eyes, when the historical evidence of what happened in their own countries was obvious.

Unfortunately, there is no arguing with stupid people who can't see exactly what is happening. Wake up and smell the coffee, Richard, before it is too late to save the United States.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 09:16:30 PM by Ray Mitcham »

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1756 on: September 20, 2020, 02:43:14 AM »
Best response I’ve ever seen on this forum. Kudos.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1756 on: September 20, 2020, 02:43:14 AM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1757 on: September 20, 2020, 11:08:45 AM »
Best response I’ve ever seen on this forum. Kudos.

Thanks, Paul. We don't agree on JFK, but we can both see the danger the Trump (mis)administration has put the country in.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1758 on: September 21, 2020, 04:41:29 PM »
Thanks, Paul. We don't agree on JFK, but we can both see the danger the Trump (mis)administration has put the country in.

It's clear from your rambling post that you have no clue what a "fascist" state is.  In fact, it is insulting to those who suffered under fascism.  You seem to confuse it with having a different view from yourself.  The violence, intolerance, abuse of authority has all been on the side of socialists.  And just wait until Trump exercises his constitutional duty to nominate a supreme court justice!  Socialists are already threatening violence against the duly elected political institutions. 

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1759 on: September 21, 2020, 04:50:57 PM »
It's clear from your rambling post that you have no clue what a "fascist" state is.  In fact, it is insulting to those who suffered under fascism.  You seem to confuse it with having a different view from yourself.  The violence, intolerance, abuse of authority has all been on the side of socialists.  And just wait until Trump exercises his constitutional duty to nominate a supreme court justice!  Socialists are already threatening violence against the duly elected political institutions.

Idiot. Protests and riots (which btw are not ok, under any circumstance) are not the same as fascism.

Socialists are already threatening violence against the duly elected political institutions.

What "duly elected political institutions" would that be?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 05:20:19 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1759 on: September 21, 2020, 04:50:57 PM »