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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497338 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1776 on: September 23, 2020, 11:18:43 PM »
I don't engage with Dishonest John but anyone can do a simple Google search to confirm that several European countries have greater deaths per capita than the US.  Belgium, Spain, and UK, for example.

Shifting the goalposts again,  Lying "Richard"?  You said "a greater per capita number of cases and a greater number of deaths".

Andorra is the only European country with more cases per capita.  And no country in the world has a greater number of deaths.  Nice try.  Wrong and arrogant about it -- as usual.

  And Europe is in the midst of a surge in cases.  It is a falsehood to suggest that Trump failed to perform some still unspecified act that resulted in a greater number of deaths than in other places.

He denied that it was a problem for months, did nothing toward a nationwide lockdown, testing, or masking strategy, encouraged all his lackeys such as yourself to think of it all as a hoax or overblown, and helped governors based on how much they sucked up to him.  Then he exerted pressure on the CDC to adjust their guidelines.

In fact, the CDC estimated approximately 200k deaths with mitigation.  So Trump has saved approximately 1.8 million lives given that the estimate was around 2 million deaths without mitigation.

There was mitigation in spite of Trump, not because of Trump.

  It is all the more humorous that Trump is being scolded by Old Joe, "Let Them Eat Ice Cream" Nancy, and Negligent Cuomo.  All of whom downplayed the risks of the virus and encouraged people to go out like normal because they claimed the virus was all a racist hoax.  Untold numbers of Americans would have died has any of those PC numbskulls been in charge.  Nobel Prize nominations, three Supreme Court justices,  hundreds of federal judges and sparing us from President Hillary.  Wow.  Even if Trump loses this election he has done more good than any recent president.

He hasn't done any good.  He's the most incompetent and corrupt president in US history. 

  Massive crowds at his events

Almost none wearing masks.  Yeah, he's all about "mitigation".   :D  That's ok -- Darwin will sort them out.  Too bad they go home and infect intelligent people, but that's "collateral damage" to a Trumpster.  It is what it is.

All he cares about is feeling like he's adored.  He's a malignant narcissist.  Not unlike yourself.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1776 on: September 23, 2020, 11:18:43 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1777 on: September 23, 2020, 11:20:28 PM »
I don't engage with Dishonest John but anyone can do a simple Google search to confirm that several European countries have greater deaths per capita than the US.  Belgium, Spain, and UK, for example.  And Europe is in the midst of a surge in cases.  It is a falsehood to suggest that Trump failed to perform some still unspecified act that resulted in a greater number of deaths than in other places.  In fact, the CDC estimated approximately 200k deaths with mitigation.  So Trump has saved approximately 1.8 million lives given that the estimate was around 2 million deaths without mitigation.  It is all the more humorous that Trump is being scolded by Old Joe, "Let Them Eat Ice Cream" Nancy, and Negligent Cuomo.  All of whom downplayed the risks of the virus and encouraged people to go out like normal because they claimed the virus was all a racist hoax.  Untold numbers of Americans would have died has any of those PC numbskulls been in charge.  Nobel Prize nominations, three Supreme Court justices,  hundreds of federal judges and sparing us from President Hillary.  Wow.  Even if Trump loses this election he has done more good than any recent president.  Massive crowds at his events while Old Joe hides in the basement day after day.  And where is Kantala?  She disappeared faster than Amelia Earhart.

anyone can do a simple Google search to confirm that several European countries have greater deaths per capita than the US.  Belgium, Spain, and UK, for example. 

Still trying to downplay the terrible deathrate in America, by ignoring that the USA has 4 % of the world's population and over 25% of all the covid-19 cases. Compared to the USA, the countries you name are significantly smaller and have a much higher population density than the USA, so logically the risk of covid spreading faster is greater and any per capita comparision is simply dishonest.

And Europe is in the midst of a surge in cases.

I'm in Europe and have been there since the lockdown in March. You are full of BS! Yes, in some parts of some countries a second wave of covid-19 (if you can call it that) is happening but it's nowhere near a "surge". What it is, though, is the result of people not following the guidelines, like wearing a mask and social distancing.

It is a falsehood to suggest that Trump failed to perform some still unspecified act that resulted in a greater number of deaths than in other places.

Really? And you know this, how? You just call it a falsehood because you want it to be. People with a functional brain know better.

the CDC estimated approximately 200k deaths with mitigation.

Really... well guess what, even if that is true, we have already reached 200K deaths and the pandemic is far from over....

So Trump has saved approximately 1.8 million lives given that the estimate was around 2 million deaths without mitigation.

Just like Trump, you are pulling these numbers out of your ass. If that was even remotely true, why did Trump refuse to take any responsibility for anything related to covid-19?

Even if Trump loses this election he has done more good than any recent president.

Which is why just about everybody, except the extreme right wing nuts, dislike him like no President before. If Trump loses the election it will not be because of Biden. It will be because of Trump

Massive crowds at his events while Old Joe hides in the basement day after day.

And yet Biden still leads massively in the polls and most key states.... Go figure!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 01:33:47 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1778 on: September 24, 2020, 02:58:36 AM »
Again, a simple Google search can establish the facts.  As Dishonest John apparently admits, the number of deaths per capita in many countries exceeds that of the US.  And here is the March report on the projected number of deaths:

"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

It's a pandemic.  There is no vaccine.  People will continue to get sick and die until the Trump vaccine has been released.  Old Joe has no magic wand or plan to do anything better or differently.  He is completely clueless.  In fact, if he had been President the numbers would be much higher because he tried to make this a race issue instead of a health issue.  Not to mention his families financial ties to China.  Where is Hunter?  Where is Kantala?  Only Jimmy Hoffa managed to disappear more quickly. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1778 on: September 24, 2020, 02:58:36 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1779 on: September 24, 2020, 03:28:34 AM »
Again, a simple Google search can establish the facts.  As Dishonest John apparently admits, the number of deaths per capita in many countries exceeds that of the US.  And here is the March report on the projected number of deaths:

"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

It's a pandemic.  There is no vaccine.  People will continue to get sick and die until the Trump vaccine has been released.  Old Joe has no magic wand or plan to do anything better or differently.  He is completely clueless.  In fact, if he had been President the numbers would be much higher because he tried to make this a race issue instead of a health issue.  Not to mention his families financial ties to China.  Where is Hunter?  Where is Kantala?  Only Jimmy Hoffa managed to disappear more quickly.

Again, a simple Google search can establish the facts.  As Dishonest John apparently admits, the number of deaths per capita in many countries exceeds that of the US.

First of all, John did not admit anything of the kind. Secondly, if you need to rely on a google search for your information, than try one about population density, rather than being a dishonest hack.

USA: 4% of the world's population... more than 25% of all the covid-19 cases. Deal with it!

And here is the March report on the projected number of deaths:

"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios. That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said. As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

What report? Without a source this is meaningless.... Also, even if this speculative report estimates up to 1.7 million could die (not "will die"), that still does not mean you can claim, as you did before, that Trump "saved approximately 1.8 million lives given that the estimate was around 2 million deaths without mitigation" because it's simply not true. Trump saved nobody! The report merely estimates that the death toll could be anywhere between 200.000 and 1.7 million people.

It's a pandemic.  There is no vaccine. 

Would you like another open door to kick in?

People will continue to get sick and die until the Trump vaccine has been released. 

There is no such thing as a Trump vaccine.... It's just one more thing Trump is trying to claim credit for even before it arrives, which it may never do. Nobody knows.... They never found a vaccine for aids either....

Old Joe has no magic wand or plan to do anything better or differently. 

Neither does Donald Trump have a magic wand and the fact that he has no plan has become obvious over recent months.

He is completely clueless.  In fact, if he had been President the numbers would be much higher because he tried to make this a race issue instead of a health issue. 

Bla bla bla... more pathetic speculation and idiotic reasoning. Btw, nowhere else but in America it is in fact a health issue and a race issue.

Not to mention his families financial ties to China.  Where is Hunter? 

Family ties?... Like Ivanka and her Chinese trademarks, you mean? Got any evidence that Joe Biden has financial ties to China? I seriously doubt it. And who cares where Hunter Biden is. He isn't part of the election. Trying to pull of a Ukraine II scenario?

Where is Kantala?  Only Jimmy Hoffa managed to disappear more quickly.

I don't really care where she is either, but I have a good idea where she will be in January 2021.

Does you mommy know you are so dishonest, "Richard"?

Offline Joffrey van de Wiel

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1780 on: September 24, 2020, 02:24:35 PM »

Two issues up for your consideration.

1) Confirmed COVID-19 cases here in the Netherlands just passed the 100,000 mark. It is on the rise again after the lockdown was turned down a bit, but His Majesty's Government announced new measures to bring the numbers down again: mandatory face masks in major cities and public transportation. Social distancing rules in effect. New emergency legislation allows law enforcement to punish those not following the rules: a $125,00 fine or even arrest and jail time in extreme cases.

The mistake we made here is that we allowed an issue of science and medicine to be taken over by politicians. Most of them are halfwits. Only concerned about the next election. They are neither doctors nor scientists. COVID-19 is now a stick used to beat the Government, especially the Prime Minister and the Health Care Secretary. He is under a lot of pressure, he cried and almost fainted during a debate in the House.

Same thing happens in the USA, albeit bigger and more is at stake with the upcoming presidential election. Statements that the virus is a 'hoax' and will miraculously disappear are not helpful. It should be made clear through a public enlightenment campaign that one can not infect himself by wearing a face mask. I wear one when visiting crowded places like supermarkets and office meetings. I feel silly wearing it but silly is better than dead.

2) The leader of the political party I am a member of quite to my surprise expressed his support for the reelection of President Trump, and as a 'reward' the President will address a rally of our party after the election. Last time a US President visited here was years ago, President Obama came and was very enthusiastically greeted by large crowds. I think I will attend that rally as I never seen a US president before. The ties of friendship between our two nations go back to the American Revolution, and I am a strong believer in a transatlantic cooperation that benefit both our peoples. My country was liberated in part by US forces in World War II, so by attending the rally and hear what the President has to say is my way of paying respects to the fallen heroes of yesteryear.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1780 on: September 24, 2020, 02:24:35 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1781 on: September 24, 2020, 02:47:38 PM »
Again, a simple Google search can establish the facts.  As Dishonest John apparently admits, the number of deaths per capita in many countries exceeds that of the US.

First of all, John did not admit anything of the kind. Secondly, if you need to rely on a google search for your information, than try one about population density, rather than being a dishonest hack.

USA: 4% of the world's population... more than 25% of all the covid-19 cases. Deal with it!

What report? Without a source this is meaningless.... Also, even if this speculative report estimates up to 1.7 million could die (not "will die"), that still does not mean you can claim, as you did before, that Trump "saved approximately 1.8 million lives given that the estimate was around 2 million deaths without mitigation" because it's simply not true. Trump saved nobody! The report merely estimates that the death toll could be anywhere between 200.000 and 1.7 million people.

It's a pandemic.  There is no vaccine. 

Would you like another open door to kick in?

People will continue to get sick and die until the Trump vaccine has been released. 

There is no such thing as a Trump vaccine.... It's just one more thing Trump is trying to claim credit for even before it arrives, which it may never do. Nobody knows.... They never found a vaccine for aids either....

Old Joe has no magic wand or plan to do anything better or differently. 

Neither does Donald Trump have a magic wand and the fact that he has no plan has become obvious over recent months.

He is completely clueless.  In fact, if he had been President the numbers would be much higher because he tried to make this a race issue instead of a health issue. 

Bla bla bla... more pathetic speculation and idiotic reasoning. Btw, nowhere else but in America it is in fact a health issue and a race issue.

Not to mention his families financial ties to China.  Where is Hunter? 

Family ties?... Like Ivanka and her Chinese trademarks, you mean? Got any evidence that Joe Biden has financial ties to China? I seriously doubt it. And who cares where Hunter Biden is. He isn't part of the election. Trying to pull of a Ukraine II scenario?

Where is Kantala?  Only Jimmy Hoffa managed to disappear more quickly.

I don't really care where she is either, but I have a good idea where she will be in January 2021.

Does you mommy know you are so dishonest, "Richard"?

So many words again.  Let us summarize:

Per capita deaths = many countries have a higher number of per capita deaths including Spain, Belgium, and UK.  Cases are also surging again in utopian Europe where we were told they did everything right.  Those are just facts that can easily be confirmed by a google search.  Roger/Martin can squeal until the banjo stops playing but it doesn't change those numbers. 

CDC projections (March) = 200K or possibly more deaths.  Perhaps as many as two million under some projections. 

Old Joe's magic wand = Old Hiden has no solution to the virus.  As many or even more people would have died had he been in charge (as evidenced by the record of his response in March) because he tried to frame this as a race issue and not a health issue.

Kantala and Hunter =  Martin/Roger doesn't care where Kantala is during the campaign?  The person who will become President when Hiden is committed to the old folks home within months of the election.  Wow.  That speaks volumes.  That is a strange attitude.  Generally, when electing a candidate folks want to hear what they have to say and according to the media Kantala is a saint.  But she is nowhere to be seen and neither is Old Joe.  Wonder why?  Meanwhile Hunter is down at the strip club visiting his girlfriend and illegitimate kid.  Nice try using the virus shutdown to avoid the hearing to pay child support.  I guess marrying his sister in law after his brother died apparently didn't work out.

The Hunter saga I:

In 2017 former Vice President Joe Biden‘s son Hunter made headlines when the family confirmed he had split with wife Kathleen and was seeing a new woman: his former sister-in-law, Hallie, the widow of his older brother, Beau.

The Hunter saga II:

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow
« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 03:25:17 PM by Richard Smith »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1782 on: September 24, 2020, 03:46:28 PM »
So many words again.  Let us summarize:

You mean; twist my words, right?... Nothing new there.

Per capita deaths = many countries have a higher number of per capita deaths including Spain, Belgium, and UK.  Cases are also surging again in utopian Europe where we were told they did everything right.  Those are just facts that can easily be confirmed by a google search.  Roger/Martin can squeal until the banjo stops playing but it doesn't change those numbers. 

Still talking BS based on a google search, yet unwilling to look at population density. Classic lying "Richard"

USA: 4% of the world population - more than 25% of all Covid-19 cases! This will not change, no matter how much spin you try to put on it. Over 200.000 deaths in six months time may be no big deal and acceptable to you, but that only tells us something about you.

CDC projections (March) = 200K or possibly more deaths.  Perhaps as many as two million under some projections. 

So the projection of 200K was correct.

Perhaps, maybe, possibly more deaths does not equal Trump saving 1.8 million lives as you previously falsely claimed.

Old Joe's magic wand = Old Hiden has no solution to the virus.  As many or even more people would have died had he been in charge (as evidenced by the record of his response in March) because he tried to frame this as a race issue and not a health issue.

The same broken record being played again. Already answered and debunked as complete BS. Simply repeating the same old crap doesn't make it true, "Richard"

Kantala and Hunter =  Martin/Roger doesn't care where Kantala is during the campaign?  The person who will become President when Hiden is committed to the old folks home within months of the election.  Wow.  That speaks volumes.  That is a strange attitude.  Generally, when electing a candidate folks want to hear what they have to say and according to the media Kantala is a saint.  But she is nowhere to be seen and neither is Old Joe.  Wonder why? 

More selfserving speculation about what may or may not happen in the future. It's all insignificant hot air, but fully in line with the usual paranoid Republican fear mongering.

Meanwhile Hunter is down at the strip club visiting his girlfriend and illegitimate kid.  Nice try using the virus shutdown to avoid the hearing to pay child support.  I guess marrying his sister in law after his brother died apparently didn't work out.

The Hunter saga:
In 2017 former Vice President Joe Biden‘s son Hunter made headlines when the family confirmed he had split with wife Kathleen and was seeing a new woman: his former sister-in-law, Hallie, the widow of his older brother, Beau.

So what? Hunter Biden is not up for election, nor is he part of his father's campaign.

Your fake morality crap doesn't impress. If you want to go down the road of cheating on a wife, take a good look at Donald, his three wives, numerous affairs and his scandalous relation with a porn star. But none of that matters to a hypocrite like lying Richard!

And if you want to take a look at Hunter Biden anyway, we should also have a good look at Ivanka Trump and the many ways she profits from daddy being President.

The Hunter saga II:

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow

There is not a shred of evidence that this claim, made by two Republican hacks out to protect Trump is true. But even if it is, so what? Without proper context this is just a hollow meaningless claim.... Hunter Biden is a lawyer and lawyers hold money in escrow all the time.

The 87 page "report" is full of such hollow claims. Just like Guiliani's bogus claims about Ukraine were before it. It's classic Republican BS.... They did it with Hillary Clinton. First Benghazi, for which investigation after investigation yielded nothing, and then the e-mail "scandal" that went nowhere fast.

The only investigation that yielded actual results was by Mueller. Republicans are trying to undo the damage by starting "investigations" of their own, but Horowitz failed to deliver, so Barr tried Durham and all indications are his probe isn't going to produce anything major either. So, now you've got those two Republican clowns just wildly throwing old, debunked and unproven allegations around in the hope something will stick. It won't... and the MSM already see it for what it is.

Btw.. just how many millions extra did the Trump hotel in Washington make since Trump became President? Any idea?

« Last Edit: September 24, 2020, 07:21:44 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1783 on: September 24, 2020, 03:57:19 PM »
So many words again.  Let us summarize:

Per capita deaths = many countries have a higher number of per capita deaths including Spain, Belgium, and UK.  Cases are also surging again in utopian Europe where we were told they did everything right.  Those are just facts that can easily be confirmed by a google search.  Roger/Martin can squeal until the banjo stops playing but it doesn't change those numbers. 

CDC projections (March) = 200K or possibly more deaths.  Perhaps as many as two million under some projections. 

Old Joe's magic wand = Old Hiden has no solution to the virus.  As many or even more people would have died had he been in charge (as evidenced by the record of his response in March) because he tried to frame this as a race issue and not a health issue.

Kantala and Hunter =  Martin/Roger doesn't care where Kantala is during the campaign?  The person who will become President when Hiden is committed to the old folks home within months of the election.  Wow.  That speaks volumes.  That is a strange attitude.  Generally, when electing a candidate folks want to hear what they have to say and according to the media Kantala is a saint.  But she is nowhere to be seen and neither is Old Joe.  Wonder why?  Meanwhile Hunter is down at the strip club visiting his girlfriend and illegitimate kid.  Nice try using the virus shutdown to avoid the hearing to pay child support.  I guess marrying his sister in law after his brother died apparently didn't work out.

The Hunter saga I:

In 2017 former Vice President Joe Biden‘s son Hunter made headlines when the family confirmed he had split with wife Kathleen and was seeing a new woman: his former sister-in-law, Hallie, the widow of his older brother, Beau.

The Hunter saga II:

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow

Who told ya Europe did everything right? Gimme a break. Just as bad as initially as the USA, they just got it a tad earlier in places like northern Italy and Spain.

Just pray when Trump loses he concedes......that's the real worry. The vote is already underway.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1783 on: September 24, 2020, 03:57:19 PM »