Yes, Trump was mean to a senior citizen. He dominated Old Joe. Perhaps there should be an investigation. Maybe it was elder abuse. LOL. Who do you want as president a confident "bully" or a senile "mouse"? The liberal media just had a hammer dropped on their socialist utopian dreams again. Their salty tears of false indignation are beautiful. Trump is mean! Boo Hoo. Don't worry though. There will always be a place for Old Joe back at his alma mater - Delaware St. HA HA HA. And that was some "reasonable" conversation that Hiden was trying to have with the American people. Court packing - wouldn't answer. Hunter kicked out of the military for drug use - Hiden lied and denied it. Hunter receiving millions from the Russians, Chinese, and Ukraine - nothing to see there. Squinting like a maniac trying to remember where he was and what was happening. At least he hugged the right woman when his wife came onstage and didn't try to give Melania a massage.
You obviously watched a different "debate" than the rest of the world. Fortunately, the biased opinion of a cult member like you is just that...
Btw.. it's telling that Trump tried to go after Hunter Biden with false, debunked claims and unsubstantiated allegations made up by two Republican hacks. Did the senile idiot perhaps think he was running against Hunter Biden?