Thanks for your prompt and informative reply John. As a follow up do you think it is too late for the Republicans to cut their losses by cutting the umbilical to Trump? Let’s say if polling indicated they could retain the senate majority by doing so, would that be contemplated? If so, would Donald comply?
PS for Richard, let’s all rejoice that Hunter overcame his addiction. Maybe Joe can give Donald advice on how to deal with Don Jr's "erratic behaviour".
Mr Crow: the Republicans - in their present form - live in fear of Trump. Primarily, they fear an attack from Trump, if they express any divergence from total fealty to Dear Leader. Or is it Great Leader? I sometimes confuse the monikers of the North Korean Kim dynasty.
While I have never been enticed by any of the Republican party's goals, plans, policies, etc., I must mention a few Republicans who had a moral code.
Specifically, when asked by Nixon during 1973 SaPersonay Night massacre to fire the Watergate special prosecutor, Archibald Cox, both Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus- lifelong Republicans - resigned, immediately, in lieu of carrying out what they believed to be an unethical, possibly illegal act.
Sad that such Republicans do not exist today.
As an aside, supposedly, Al Haig, then chief of staff, implored Elliot Richardson to obey Nixon's order, saying, "your President needs you". Richardson, the ultimate WASP, Boston Brahmin, conservative gentleman, etc., replied: " F#%k you, Al."