'Trump is a laughing stock' trends nationwide on Twitter: ‘The whole world is laughing’
Donald Trump was ridiculed on Twitter on SaPersonay, causing the hashtag #TrumpIsALaughStock to trend nationwide on SaPersonay.
Much of the commentary was focused on Trump’s disastrous interview with Chris Wallace that was broadcast on Fox News.
“It’s because they want to defund the police — and [Joe] Biden wants to defund the police,” Trump claimed.
“Sir, he does not,” Wallace interjected.
“Look, he signed a charter with Bernie Sanders,” Trump argued.
“And it says nothing about defunding the police,” Wallace replied.
“Oh really? It says abolish. It says — let’s go. Get me the charter, please,” Trump said, interrupting the interview.
An aide brought him the document, but Trump was unable to find language about defunding the police.Here’s some of what people were saying about Trump’s meltdown and his hatred of a blockbuster new tell-all book by his niece, Mary Trump:
I love that #TrumpIsALaughingStock is the number 1 trending hashtag in the US.
I have been laughing about this all evening. Might be the funniest thing Trump has ever done. You have to listen to Wallace's description and then try to picture it. Trump: Bring me the documents! Then the documents prove him wrong. As the cameras roll.
#TrumpIsALaughingStock The whole world is laughing at Trump.
Trump has lost everyone. Fox News is laughing at him. The RNC thinks Kansas is in play. He’s at the point Hoover was when he received a telegram saying “vote for Roosevelt and make it unanimous.”
Red Alert! A nerve has been struck! I repeat: a nerve has been struck. Operation Global Humiliation now in process. This is not a drill @MaryLTrump is a national hero. #TrumpIsALaughingStock
TRASHING HIS OWN FAMILY. It's one thing for Trump to trash politicians & the media but now he has taken to trashing someone in his own family. There has never been a president as sad & pathetic as Donald Trump. Mary Trump's book is 100% on point. #TrumpIsALaughingStock
Oh how beautiful is this clip? Trump stops interview to bring "proof" that Biden plans to defund the police. It did not end well. Retweet if you agree that #TrumpIsALaughingStock
The world isn't laughing at US, @realDonaldTrump. It's laughing at YOU. #TrumpIsALaughingStock
What's even worse, there are millions of Trump supporters who are the laughing stock of the country! #TrumpIsALaughingStock
Oooh... the cultists are not happy with Chris Wallace.
What they seem to not realize is the problem isn’t defunding the police, etc... It’s the reaction of Trump acting like a petulant child. I cannot wait to watch him storm off the debate stage. #TrumpIsALaughingStock

The World Is Laughing At Me. #TrumpIsALaughingStock