2,614 COVID-19 deaths yesterday in the United States. Experts predicted we would see 3,000 a day starting this week so it's no surprise that the death total was close to the 3,000 prediction.
Also, no surprise that Texas topped the list with the most new infections and deaths. A record 237 deaths was recorded yesterday in Texas along with 13,236 infections.
Florida went over the 1 million mark with coronavirus cases.
Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania all recorded over 100 deaths each and that was due to the moronic MAGA imbecile rallies that were held for an election LOSER despite health officials warning not to hold them. So, the orange clown managed to kill off more of his own cult worshippers.
Indiana (141), Missouri (134), Ohio (119) all had triple digit deaths while New York had 74.
Red states with failed lack of leadership has a COVID-19 disaster and with a lame duck loser finishing out the remaining last days of his disastrous term ignoring the pandemic we will certainly see more terrible numbers this month.
The United States has gone over the 14 million mark and just a few days ago it was at 13.
276,979 total deaths and counting.