This is what happens when we have a bunch of idiots and morons in charge of the country. Thank God there's only 43 more days left of this disaster and this criminal corrupt administration can't harm Americans anymore.
Trump administration passed on upping vaccine supply this summer, prompting shortage fears
Now Pfizer might not be able to deliver additional vaccine supplies to the US until next summer
First of all:
Pfizer might not be able to deliver additional vaccine supplies to the US until next Summer? Make that definitely won’t. When the Trump administration turned down the deal last summer, other countries stepped up and reserved those supplies for themselves. So, yes, eventually we will get additional vaccine supplies, but with we have to wait for the other countries orders to be filled first. As a result of this “dropping the ball”, America is not going to receive these “Trump vaccines”. Much of the “Trump vaccines” will go to other countries, who were willing to make the deal that Trump was not willing to make last summer. And not to American which is having such a high rate of infection, thanks, in no small part to the poor example set by Trump in mask wearing, still seen to this day, in his supporter’s election mass meetings like the ones in Georgia last SaPersonay.
Some of Trump’s Georgia followers don’t believe in wearing masks, except when they get together in their secret “fraternal” order. You know the one I mean.
Encouraging mass election rallies without the wearing of masks, with everyone shouting, is bad enough during an election. But to continue this after the election is crazy.
Well, we better hope the other vaccines from the other companies come through.