The only thing I did was called on your fake post. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I wrt to your last paragraphs. The facts lie somewhere in between and I can tell you horses eat hay and you can say cows eat hay too!
There was nothing fake about my post, just a minor error. You seem to like to throw the word "fake" around for everything you don't like. But I'm glad you think I'm entitled to my opinion. For a moment, I was really worried

Now let me tell you what my opinion is re Hunter Biden/Shokin/Burisma.
You are not making any kind of sense and neither does the allegation.
1. Even if Shokin investigated Burisma for corruption in 2010 - 2012, for which there is no proof and it's denied by the Ukraine Government - that has nothing to do with Hunter Biden, who did not join the board of Burisma until 2014
2. The financial aid package for Ukraine after the Russian invasion of Crimea was put together by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the Obama administration. Joe Biden was merely the messenger who told the Ukraine Government to clean up it's act and start fighting corruption seriously or they wouldn't get the financial aid. Firing Shokin, who wasn't investigating any corruption at Burisma or elsewhere and was in fact corrupt himself, was part of the demand. Again, none of it had anything to do with Hunter Biden, because Shokin wasn't even investigating Burisma when he was fired in 2016 (in my previous post I wrote 2018 in error. I have since corrected it).
It is beyond belief that the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the Obama administration would all conspire to have a prosecutor fired to protect Hunter Biden, who wasn't even being investigated.
3. When Shokin was fired there was no "Hunter Biden scandal". Nobody complained, nobody cared and nobody made any allegations against Joe and Hunter Biden. That only changed, some three years later, after it had become clear, in 2019, that Joe Biden would run for President. Then, suddenly, this "scandal" was concocted by Rudy Guiliani et all out of thin air.
You may not want to know any of this and ignore it but those are the facts and your bogus claim that Shokin was fired to protect Hunter Biden is just that: bogus.