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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 391902 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3216 on: January 08, 2021, 08:12:22 PM »
Where were the police and why did they allow an infiltration into the building?  Where was the teargas and resistance?  Did the police really open up the gates or was that photo op made by Trump supporters?

That's a really good question that needs to be investigated.  Sympathy for their cause amongst the Capitol police?  If these were BLM protesters or black people they would all be dead.  Instead they were let go or at most ticketed for curfew violations. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3216 on: January 08, 2021, 08:12:22 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3217 on: January 08, 2021, 08:26:23 PM »
That's a really good question that needs to be investigated.  Sympathy for their cause amongst the Capitol police?  If these were BLM protesters or black people they would all be dead.  Instead they were let go or at most ticketed for curfew violations.

Sympathy for their cause by the head of the Capitol police, Sund, is a strong possibility in my mind, and should investigated. Damm it, this is starting to become a bad habit. Most officers, from what I can see did their job, although a few seem friendly with the rioters.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3218 on: January 08, 2021, 08:42:27 PM »

Apparently Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law dressed up in a weird head dress with photos taken to just once more add credibility to a bunch of Trump kooks storming the capital buildings and running amuck! 

oh, please.   ::)  The guy with the goofy head dress is Jake Angeli, a known QAnon kook, and soon to be federal prisoner.

You are right, John, but the other guy in the photo was indeed Michiel Vos who is Nancy Pelosi's son in law. But guess what, he is from the Netherlands, and the Chief America correspondent for the biggest Dutch TV station. He had a reason to be there because he was reporting on the riot.

Which only shows how easily Allan Fritzke buys into the false propoganda put out by the extreme right media

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3218 on: January 08, 2021, 08:42:27 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3219 on: January 08, 2021, 09:08:39 PM »
I guess I tried - and failed? - to do satire, but,  ...
Anyhow. Hugo Chavez Dominion 5G China Virus ...uh,  Build the Wall?

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3220 on: January 08, 2021, 09:26:14 PM »
I guess I tried - and failed? - to do satire, but,  ...
Anyhow. Hugo Chavez Dominion 5G China Virus ...uh,  Build the Wall?

Don’t feel bad. I think anyone who tried was bound to fail.

Build the Wall? Absolutely. Around the Capitol. And one for the Supreme Court as well. We can call them the Trump walls. Aliens are not a problem but traitors, even deluded traitors, must always be guarded against.

Of course, the most important wall would be an 8 by 10 foot wall around Trump. I’ll volunteer to work on that project for free.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 09:27:31 PM by Joe Elliott »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3220 on: January 08, 2021, 09:26:14 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3221 on: January 08, 2021, 09:40:47 PM »
You are right, John, but the other guy in the photo was indeed Michiel Vos who is Nancy Pelosi's son in law. But guess what, he is from the Netherlands, and the Chief America correspondent for the biggest Dutch TV station. He had a reason to be there because he was reporting on the riot.

Which only shows how easily Allan Fritzke buys into the false propoganda put out by the extreme right media

Oh my God. As a reporter, he had to rush in to report on the mob that menaced his mother-in-law. She would be high on their list, just below Mike Pence. It would be hard to keep one’s professional composure during those circumstances.

I have heard that true rioters, without any press credentials, but who made recordings with their cellphones, are trying to pass themselves off as “reporters”. Maybe they could call themselves “Immersive Historians”, who make and record history at the same time. If only Bonnie and Clyde had thought to take movie films of their actions, we wouldn’t be thinking of them as just bank robbers.

I suppose if one of Nancy Pelosi’s sons was a Capitol Police officer, Allan would have described him as one of the rioters as well.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3222 on: January 08, 2021, 09:42:27 PM »
I agree this violence should never have happened.   The 42 year old officer died after being hit with a fire extinguisher as Joe pointed out.  He collapsed later at his precinct and likely had a blood clot from his injury - very sad.      Yes, that is tragic but no officer was killed at the scene.  This march was announced long before it occurred.  Where were the police and why did they allow an infiltration into the building?  Where was the teargas and resistance?  Did the police really open up the gates or was that photo op made by Trump supporters?   

The only one killed violently at the scene was Ashley and you can clearly see this in the video, there were  4 heavily armed police with ARs nearby or on there way there.  How did the mob get past them?  The other 3 of the 5 deaths were heart attacks and that happens in any crowd of 100,000 plus.   Surely these heavily armed police should have been deployed at doorways to buildings earlier and ground stood - not inside!    The man on the other side of door, did not attempt to arrest and give warning  but chose to shoot her in cold blood to make an example.   Of course, it is always justified when you can say it was done to stop the onslaught of the mob.    Biden should give him the medal of honor and elevate him to hero status for doing that!

This all looks like a Hollywood setup and a false flag type operation.  (Pearl Harbor, LHO/JR, 911 as  a few previous examples).   In this case, let the situation escalate, shoot someone and then blame Trump for the violence that happened.   Normally, protestors would have been met with tear gas and resistance outside buildings and perimeter fence held and told to back off and disperse.  None of this happened and the infiltration appeared to encouraged and an end achieved.  Everyone was forewarned that this was going to be a big march and nothing was done to organize against possible violence.   As stated above, this is not the first time in history that a politicized event has been used for covert purposes and means.     Again, I suspect government controls will increase once more and addendums added to the Patriot's Act and or Homeland Security to give government more control and politicians more protection.  1st amendment goes, then the second.  The Republic has become a one party rule of government and MSM will censor the resistance too and the propaganda continued to spew.

There is no need for elections anymore.  It has been a failure of a 2 party system which was not foreseen by the forefathers.  Sad day when climate scaremongering, COVID crisis, contact tracing  and so called terrorism dictates the need for more government control of the peasant class of the world and a further decisive division of the 2 classes of people.

Hepa Filters in airplanes allow passengers to sit side by side (no 6 ft separation) without risk of spreading viruses while outdoor dining can be banned in a warm climate like CA.   (Everyone uses the cone distributor above their head!)   Very safe because ventilation is second to none when pressurizing cabins!  Do as I say but don't do as I do.  What hypocrisy if you really were scared of a virus - you would have shutdown passenger air travel first  and foremost.   Airplanes are the best place to spread it.   As I said, it is a sad day when science is being used to push  BS: and the peasants buy into it.   How did West Nile mosquitoes land in New York and invade the country?

The Big Tech companies make more money than ever during the pandemic and the peasants struggling to make living get pushed further into debt and taxed to death.  I am afraid there is no end and the plutocrats win.   Millions supporting Republicans versus 3 dozen plutocrats supporting Democrats.  Money talks - middle class disappears!  Debt has no end and no fiscal responsibility in governments called for by media.   All in bed together to bring the system down and to be replaced by a NEW government of the world.


Benedict Donal.d fired Pentagon officials and put in his "yes men" stooges in place. When they were called to send the National Guard they refused. This was all planned in their illegal coup. There was no voter fraud and it was all a lie in which you were posting lies and disinformation. That woman had no business storming the Capitol along with her maga thugs attempting to overthrow the US Government. All I have to say is that your disgusting comments are Anti American and if hate it here, you should move to another country.         

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3223 on: January 08, 2021, 09:44:49 PM »
Well at least you can get the real news from Parler - fake MSM doesn't show you nothing of what took  place at that shooting.  Parler isn't censored yet! Watch embedded video and who is standing next to the person shot!  Sure looks like a false flag if you match the post with the video!  Look for yourself.

So, let me get this straight. The 4 to 6 police in body armor and assault rifles stand literally 4 feet away from the martyr and didn't feel threatened, but the guy on the other side of the door with those police right at hand, felt the need to shoot someone.  Okay I get it!   I wonder if the question on "non lethal" means will ever come up. If it is even relevant.  What a bunch of  BS:   It looks like we even have a pretty good picture of the non-self defense shooter that shot Ashley!   I wonder if he faces charges?

It is a Hollywood story!   That must mean when prince charming and cinderella take control of the white house , all of America's problems go away, right. Will the white house press conferences be gay old parties and pats on the back from now on?   Of course BLM will be replaced with all lives matter to not offend anybody. A good movie usually always has a sequel.

Interesting to note that on all other occasions of Trump protest rallies, the BLM and ANTIFA groups violently met them on the streets and pushed back against their march.  There was absolutely no resistance present this time.   Strangely, the protest was violent and if you look at footage, it appears that ANTIFA leaders were in the building dressed up in their kooky costumes.  The absence of these groups meant they were somewhere......perhaps infiltrating the crowds of so-called Trump supporters just as suggested by Matt Gaetz when he made his speech inside the building?

Parler is full of right wing nuts who hate the US Government inciting violence and that hate site needs to be shut down. I would bet money that you are a member of that hate site.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3223 on: January 08, 2021, 09:44:49 PM »