There isn't one major country facing this disaster that we are. Making bogus comparisons to cover up for Donald Trump is disgraceful.
What happened to "fair & balanced"..... not even considering the link to a generally unreliable source, thefederalist.com ?
Michael gives us a peek through the window into the bubble. With so many sources reporting "fake news", according to Trump-World, what sources are there to link to? Solomon's jutthenews.com and the QAnon, flavored, "Trump is a victim of the deep state". thefederalist.com
Let's run through it. "Journalist" (I already brought "misgivings" to Michael, about the reliability of, his links to Solomon's justhenews covid-19 drug study "reporters", and how to check on their backgrounds to anticipate if their reputations are politically or scientifically oriented; i.e., discernment.)
Allison Schuster is described as an intern @ thefederalist.com and appears to be an undergraduate student at Hillsdale College, known for turning out committed conservatives against federal government mandates or controls.
A New Report By Health Policy Experts Shows Path To Reopen Schools
JULY 18, 2020 By Allison Schuster
A new report summarizes research showing the financial and health repercussions of keeping schools, colleges, and child-care facilities closed far outweigh any risk. The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity report also offers recommendations on how to reopen for the safest and fairest results.
Report coauthor Avik Roy said in a tweet the report aims for policymakers to learn of and “heed the educational, social, and public health impact of prolonged school closures” for the nearly 80 million U.S. students who have already been out of school for months in 2020. ......
Hillsdale College refuses to speak on command of totalitarian mob
Allison Schuster, Federalist June 19, 2020
....directs readers to this guy's,
Avik Roy's "study"!
Background is as anti-ACA flack and former Romney 2012 campaign advisor during the period Romney defended against claims he was for RomneyCare in Massachusetts before he was against it...
Reporting from multiple sources cites one quarter of recent public schools teaching staff being of elevated risks age.
If Michael T Griffith has any details supporting the study he linked to, since Avik Roy's involvement stains it as contemporary far right messaging, more than circa 2020 medical and social science based conclusions or even sound advice based on the body of scientific knowledge as it is understood in June, 2020, Michael should share it in this thread.
I underlined the names of Avik Roy's claimed co-authors. Michael or anyone else can pursue and verify that the backgrounds of the co-authors are hopefully more science oriented or more likely, "republican legislative campaigning, 2020." Or, possibly some of them still believe they've penned a paper of "Trump 2020 Levitating" proportions!