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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 501680 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #408 on: July 20, 2020, 10:31:12 PM »
   She is going to challenge him/run against him Johnny. Being on the outside peering in = your Not Knowing this.

Please cite her saying she is going to do this.

And then explain how 2022 constitutes the “aftermath” of this year’s election.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #408 on: July 20, 2020, 10:31:12 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #409 on: July 20, 2020, 11:08:13 PM »

     It's obvious that your political savy extends all the way into Tomorrow. You're in WAY over your head. Man Up to your limitations and Move On.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #410 on: July 20, 2020, 11:13:57 PM »
No different than the predator in chief at the WH

Fox News Hit With Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Misconduct by Top Talent
Eriq Gardner

Jennifer Eckhart and Cathy Areu are claiming a hostile workplace.

Fox News has been hit with a kitchen sink suit, replete with trigger warning, as a complaint was filed on Monday in New York federal court alleging sexual misconduct by some of its top hosts including Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

Jennifer Eckhart, a former associate producer on Fox Business Network, is a co-plaintiff in the suit. The most serious claim pertains to Eckhart's allegation that she was raped by former White House chief correspondent Ed Henry, who earlier this month was fired by Fox News as a result of the charge.

"On July 1, 2020, Fox News disclosed to the public that it had terminated Mr. Henry based on the findings of an internal investigation, and purported to take credit for acting appropriately," states the complaint. "However, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, Fox News knew that Mr. Henry had engaged in sexual misconduct as far back as early 2017. At that time, when Fox News was conducting a company-wide investigation into issues of sexual harassment, multiple women came forward to complain that Mr. Henry had engaged in sexually inappropriate conduct towards them."

Fox News now faces a sex trafficking claim as a result of Eckhart's allegation. The rape allegedly happened in 2017 in a hotel room after the two had met for drinks. Two years earlier, according to the complaint, Henry had romantically pursued her, forced a kiss on her, convince her to have sex by holding her career over her head, and months later assaulted her in Fox News' New York offices.

Catherine Foti, Henry's lawyer, responds by saying, "The evidence in this case will demonstrate that Ms. Eckhart initiated and completely encouraged a consensual relationship."

Cathy Areu is the other co-plaintiff in this case that also asserts Fox News subjected women to a hostile workplace.

Once an on-air regular on Fox News, Areu says she victimized by Henry through a "slew of wildly inappropriate sexual images and messages." The complaint details the contents of these messages.

Additionally, Areu targets several of Fox News' other stars. She alleges that Hannity once threw $100 on the desk of his set and called for the men around to take her on a date for drinks. She says that Carlson once probed to see whether she'd be interested in a sexual relationship. She accuses Howard Kurtz of inviting her to a hotel room. After allegedly spurning advances or enduring comments, Areu says she stopped being invited to appear on each of their respective programs. The three Fox News hosts are co-defendants in the suit and face claims of retaliation.

Here's the full complaint.

Notably, the plaintiffs are represented by Douglas Wigdor and Michael Willemin at Wigdor LLP. Two years ago, Wigdor settled claims by more than 20 individuals against Fox. Many of those suits targeted behavior by Fox News founder Roger Ailes.

In reaction to the suit, Fox News reacts strongly against Areu's claims against its working talent while suggesting that Eckhart and Areu pursue Henry directly.

"Based on the findings of a comprehensive independent investigation conducted by an outside law firm, including interviews with numerous eyewitnesses, we have determined that all of Cathy Areu’s claims against Fox News, including its management as well as its hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity & Howard Kurtz and its contributor Gianno Caldwell, are false, patently frivolous and utterly devoid of any merit," reads the network's statement. "We take all claims of harassment, misconduct and retaliation seriously, promptly investigating them and taking immediate action as needed — in this case, the appropriate action based on our investigation is to defend vigorously against these baseless allegations. Ms. Areu and Jennifer Eckhart can pursue their claims against Ed Henry directly with him, as FOX News already took swift action as soon as it learned of Ms. Eckhart’s claims on June 25 and Mr. Henry is no longer employed by the network.”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #410 on: July 20, 2020, 11:13:57 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #411 on: July 20, 2020, 11:35:53 PM »
John Kasich will be endorsing Joe Biden to save our democracy from this deranged orange lunatic. More Republicans to follow. Ohio is going to be close, but with Kasich's endorsement that will move 3-5% of the vote to Biden winning the state. Donald Trump cannot be elected without Ohio.

Donald Trump is down by 15 points and his 38% approval rating is rapidly dropping.     

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #412 on: July 20, 2020, 11:40:41 PM »
This is total b.s. disinformation. The death rate is rapidly increasing. Since when did we have mass graves to bury the dead and have portable refrigerator trucks to store dead bodies? Is having a majority of our hospitals at full capacity normal? Michael feels 143,000 deaths is just fine when no other country has these disastrous numbers. Michael accepts failure and uses disinformation to spin it into a positive. That's what right wingers do. If they had any integrity they would be able to save American lives and then state they were able to get the job done.         

Michael mocks this pandemic as a "panic party". That's the same disinformation Faux News Hacks push to the sheep downplaying the severity of our dire situation. Seems to be quite a bit of panic going on with our doctors and hospitals not having any beds to put COVID patients. Let me ask you Michael, COVID-19 cases are going up more each week, where are all these new people that require hospitalization going to go when hospitals all are already at full capacity? Do you have any idea of the stress happening with doctors and nurses who have their hospitals maxed out? Then we have thousands of dead bodies that need to be stored since all the morgues are full. They are all stored in special trucks. The Trump administration in March secretly ordered over 100,000 extra body bags because they knew the death total was going to be high and they wanted to hide it from the public. They also blocked the CDC from releasing any information about what is really going on. There is no doubt in my mind that COVID-19 is 10x's as worse than we know. One journalist called this genocide and I have to agree with that.

Michael also dismisses the 143,289 dead as a meaningless statistic. Well, the 143,289 dead Americans meant something to the families and friends left behind. We were lied to and told this was a "hoax" and it was "low risk". 3,898,550 are infected, so it's not low risk, because it's highly contagious. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were at 3.3 million and now we are nearly at 4 million. One dire statistic that came out that stated, that if we don't get this virus under control, half of the US population could be infected by December. Is Michael going to call that statistic "panic" as well? Also, it has been reported that the death toll is much higher than is what's counted, because many people are dying in their homes and their COVID death isn't being counted in the statistic. Other people who do have COVID-19 haven't been tested to know they have it and are dying from heart attacks and strokes at home not being counted in the statistics. Only after an autopsy was performed was it discovered that these people had COVID-19.

People like Michael who push this disinformation want you to become numb to the fact that all this massive death is happening. They want you to accept it as reality being a normal way of life. They want you to live with it and think that this is ok. This is tragic and devastating. This is not normal and we shouldn't have to accept massive death and become numb to it. This is their plan so they can elect this SOB who refuses to save American lives. He can  save confederate statues but not living Americans. This is why Donald Trump and the GOP needs to be defeated in a massive landslide or hundreds of thousands more people are going to be dead because they do not care about saving you. His election means more to him than saving American lives which he took an oath to do. How can you support someone who continues to lie about your health and safety? Look below and you can see how deaths are increasing and the dire situation we are in as Michael wants to play it off as no big deal.                                               

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Refrigerated trucks requested in Texas and Arizona as morgues fill up due to coronavirus deaths

With morgues brimming, Texas and Arizona turn to refrigerator trucks
Every disaster has its symbols, "for COVID-19, it might just be the refrigerator truck."

Dozens of refrigerator trucks head to Arizona and Texas as the states' coronavirus cases skyrocket and morgues overflow reaching double their capacity
Arizona's Maricopa County is bringing in 14 coolers to hold up to 280 bodies
Coolers in Maricopa will be located at the medical examiner's office, which stores around 20% of bodies in the county
In Texas, the city of San Antonio and Bexar County have acquired five refrigerated trailers to store up to 180 bodies
14 refrigerated trucks are headed to Texas in the next week to serve as temporary mortuaries
As of Friday morning, Texas has more than 305,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus while 3,657 people have died
In Arizona, more than 134,600 have tested positive for COVID-19 while some 2,492 people have died

Doctor at JMH says hospital’s ICU at capacity amid COVID-19 surge in Florida

'Dire situation’: Hospitals in Manatee County hitting capacity as coronavirus cases increase

Texas hospitals are running out of drugs, beds, ventilators and even staff
Many Texas hospitals are no longer accepting transfer patients in order to maintain space for a surge that’s expected to come. In some parts of the state, it’s already here.

Mass grave of COVID-19 victims

Michael, like the GOP, passes off our seniors as expendable who can be sacrificed for the economy and our country. This is why Donald Trump is losing in a landslide and has lost seniors vote in every state. The GOP claims to be "Pro Life" which is an absolute joke since they have no problem killing seniors and children. The GOP is the Party of Death. Don't forget, several GOP officials are on the record stating seniors are expendable and were calling for them to sacrifice themselves for the economy because they think it will help Donald Trump get elected. Are you going to kill yourself so Donald Trump can continue his corruption and abuse of power appointing himself as dictator?       

Donald Trump and the GOP do not care about you and their own actions have made that quite obvious. As the old saying goes, watch their actions and not their words. They are feeding you b.s. while doing nothing.

Michael acts like COVID-19 is a common cold that just goes away once you get it. Right wingers were making that same bogus claim with their COVID-19 disinformation campaign. The fact is we do not really know the long term effects or permanent damage COVID-19 will cause humans who contract it. Doctors only know the short term problems since this is a new virus. New reports show that younger people who have the virus developed permanent lung damage since many people ages 16-25 have had severe breathing problems after having the virus. Other problems such as brain damage and organ damage have been reported as well. So, this nonsense that if someone below 65 or in their 20's and teens gets it will have a full recovery with no damage is bogus.                           

Right wingers are pushing kids to be in school so it appears everything is back to normal so Donald Trump can get elected. They do not care about the health of children. Power is the only thing that matters to them. Schools are the worst place for germs during flu season and it spreads in packed classrooms. Schools were closed in March because of COVID-19 and the virus is worse now. How does it make sense to shove kids in a dangerous environment when it's less safe than before? This will explode the virus and entire classrooms and familes of these kids can be infected. Not only that, children who contracted COVID-19 have different severe medical conditions than adults. Kids have developed the Kawasaki disease, inflammation disease, and severe neurological damage. Why would we risk putting children through this?   

The GOP does not care about that. We can not allow kids to be put in danger zone where they can get sick spreading COVID-19 wherever they go. 85 infants were infected with COVID-19 and a few even died. They weren't jammed inside a full classroom where it would be even worse. And Michael and his fellow right wingers want kids in school to get sick and die to help Donald Trump because they think it will get him elected. Disgraceful. The overwhelming majority of Americans refuse to put their children in school during a deadly pandemic and can see right through these dirty GOP tricks. This is why the GOP is going to lose in a massive landslide in November.                               

Perhaps Michael and his fellow right wingers should sit inside a packed room daily since they think it's safe to do. But they won't do it, they only want others to go through it. Perfect example is the cowardly hypocrites at Faux Propaganda. Hacks like Laura Ingraham and Hack Hannity screaming for people to go back to work and kids to be in school aren't even at work themselves. They broadcast from home because the network deemed it to be unsafe working in the studio. So, here these hypocrites demand people to be forced into a pandemic and here they are working safely from home with a blue screen behind them making it appear as if they are in the studio. Why aren't these frauds out in the middle of a pandemic? Just more hypocrisy from these hacks as they push disinformation to the sheep. That's why these right wingers have zero credibility and are only there to prop up Donald Trump as state run media. He calls the MSM the '"enemy of the people" and "fake news" for a reason. He wants to abolish the free press like all dictators do and have the real fake news like Faux Propaganda run in a 24/7 loop praising him. That's why this lunatic must be defeated in a massive landslide in November. Children are at severe risk for COVID-19 diseases as you can see below and watch both videos as well. So, what we've read from Michael is the bogus disinformation that right wingers are pushing since this is all they can do to cover up the death and destruction Donald Trump cause this country.                   

85 babies infected with COVID-19 in Texas county

As COVID-19 death tolls reach new highs, millions of children in CA and across U.S. unlikely to return to classrooms

Children face risk for severe complications and death from COVID-19

Doctors warn of rise in serious condition in Arizona kids from COVID-19 exposure

Researchers report nearly 300 cases of inflammatory syndrome tied to Covid-19 in kids

Researchers find neurological damage in four children with coronavirus inflammatory syndrome

Protect Our Kids

Keep Your Child Home

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #412 on: July 20, 2020, 11:40:41 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #413 on: July 20, 2020, 11:48:44 PM »
Donald Trump using his Gestapo to attack American citizens and tear gassing pregnant women is turning off the GOP. Our liberties are at stake with this fascist wannabe dictator and Americans have had enough. Sycophant Rand Paul is speaking out. Thousands of moms will be out protesting in Portland tonight against Donald Trump. He woke up this entire city and they are outraged and so is all of America.     

Rand Paul Hits Trump for Sending Troops Into Cities

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) voiced opposition to President Trump’s efforts to send federal law enforcement agents to Democratic-controlled cities.

Said Paul: “We cannot give up liberty for security. Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will.”

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #414 on: July 20, 2020, 11:56:26 PM »
  PLEASE Post a pic of those, "1,000's of MOM'S out protesting in Portland tonight....". Moms Have and Always will support Law & Order to protect their children. You guys continue handing Nov to Trump on a silver platter.  Thanks so much for what You are doing.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 12:03:22 AM by Royell Storing »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #415 on: July 21, 2020, 12:07:42 AM »
  PLEASE Post a pic of those, "1,000's of MOM'S out protesting in Portland tonight....". Moms Have and Always will support Law & Order to protect their children. You guys continue handing Nov to Trump on a silver platter.  Thanks so much for what You are doing.

Fool... those pro-law & order moms are protesting against the uniformed thugs that are beating up their children on Trump's orders.

Get a grip on reality, will ya....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #415 on: July 21, 2020, 12:07:42 AM »