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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 386331 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4088 on: July 13, 2021, 01:32:39 PM »
The Family Secrets Fueling the Trump Organization Indictment

Prosecutors have been seeking evidence of tax evasion at the Trump Organization for years. In the end, it was the ex-wife of a Trump employee who had what they were looking for

While the Manhattan District Attorney’s office undertook a years-long, high-stakes battle to obtain Donald Trump’s tax records—twice returning to the Supreme Court—some of the most damning evidence was quietly in the possession of someone who was more than willing to turn it over: the ex-daughter-in-law of a top Trump Organization executive.

Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer, has always been key to unlocking the finances of the Trump family business. For years, prosecutors have been looking for documents that would show what exiled insiders like Trump’s ex-consigliere Michael Cohen have claimed: that the Trump Organization was fudging numbers and dodging taxes.

What investigators didn’t know was that the proof was in the hands of Jennifer Weisselberg, the woman once married to Barry Weisselberg, the son of Allen Weisselberg. And it wasn’t until November 2020 that city and state investigators connected with her to acquire the evidence.

The Daily Beast has obtained some of the records that, according to Ms. Weisselberg and her lawyer, have proved pivotal to last week’s indictment of the Trump Organization CFO.

The top finance executive at the Trump Organization was indicted for dodging taxes by receiving pay in unaccounted corporate perks. Among them: redirecting his salary to cover tuition payments for his grandkids.

As prosecutors would discover, Barry Weisselberg explained it all in sworn testimony he made during a deposition in his divorce case in August 2018.

Grandpa Weisselberg paid more than $50,000 a year for each of the two kids to attend a top-rated private academy, the Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School. He’d been doing it for at least six years, Barry Weisselberg told his wife’s lawyer, Clifford Petroske.

New York investigators would later ask Jennifer Weisselberg about that financial arrangement, according to two people in the room. They said prosecutors’ eyes widened when she explained that Trump himself would sign a check that she would hand deliver to the school.

That detail made its way into page seven of last week’s indictment: “as part of the scheme to defraud, Trump Corporation personnel, including Weisselberg, arranged for tuition expenses for Weisselberg’s family members to be paid by personal checks drawn on the account of and signed by Donald J. Trump.”

In the indictment, the office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. noted that tuition payments “constituted employee compensation and taxable income to Allen Weisselberg,” but it claims he hadn’t reported that additional $359,058 in his taxes over the years.

The indictment also mentions “a family member” of the CFO who took part in “the scheme to defraud” the government by getting a company apartment—again, without reporting it on personal income taxes.

This, too, stemmed from the Barry-Jennifer divorce case. Investigators found that the CFO’s son, a fellow Trump Organization employee in charge of its Wollman ice skating rink at Central Park, was keeping his official salary artificially low. In his divorce case, Barry Weisselberg testified that he didn’t even get a monetary raise in years, and according to investigators, he received the extra compensation in the form of fringe benefits.

The documents lay it out. Barry and Jennifer Weisselberg’s joint 2010 tax return lists his combined “wages, salaries, and tips” at $132,811. In New York, that’s enough for a couple to live in a comfortable one-bedroom apartment in Queens with a view of the city.

But in actuality, the Weisselbergs were staying at the ritzy 100 Central Park South, premium real estate at a coveted spot in the heart of Manhattan. The cost of living at the Trump-owned building is several times higher than what Weisselberg could afford on that salary, where monthly rent nowadays ranges from $5,300 to $20,000.

The answer? Donald Trump picked up the tab for more than six years.

“It was a corporate apartment, so we didn’t have rent,” Barry Weisselberg said in his deposition.

His wife’s lawyer kept pressing with questions to reveal the value of this luxurious corporate perk.

“What would the rent have been if that apartment would have been rented to a third party?” Petroske asked.

“I have no idea,” Barry Weisselberg replied.

When asked whether he’d reported the apartment perk on his taxes from 2005 to 2011, he said he didn’t “recall.”

This is the same arrangement that the longtime Trump ice rink manager had for his next place: a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan’s expensive Upper East Side, on the same block as the Trump Plaza building.

In his divorce deposition, Barry Weisselberg described this other spot as “a corporate apartment” and said he simply didn’t know who was paying the rent, if it were being paid at all.

In the indictment, prosecutors said that second apartment also “constituted income” that should have been taxes, but that the Trump Organization “intentionally failed to do so.”

Barry Weisselberg was not charged in last week’s indictment, but the investigation is ongoing and the government could still target him. It’s a looming threat that could be understood as a strategy: applying additional pressure on the CFO, so that he cooperates with law enforcement to spare his son from the probe.

The Manhattan District Attorney and New York Attorney General, which have struck a rare partnership to prosecute this together, have hinted that there’s more to come. Questions asked of witnesses, who spoke to The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity, show that investigators are interested in other executives as well.

And as the current case centers on questions about untaxed “fringe benefits,” the DA and AG will have to prove who tweaked salaries—and whether they knew about tax rules.

Once again, Jennifer Weisselberg’s divorce case shows the path.

Barry Weisselberg’s testified that his pay—which remained flat for “numerous years” while the corporate perks added up—was decided by his own father, Allen Weisselberg, and Trump’s Chief Operating Officer, Matthew Calamari.

Trump’s bodyguard-turned-COO was not named in the indictment, nor has he been charged with a crime. But investigators are probing Calamari’s activity, according to two people familiar with the investigation.

Prosecutors also have reason to examine Trump’s involvement more closely as well. In his divorce testimony, Barry Weisselberg made clear that his pay was once determined by the head honcho himself.

“Personally Donald Trump would make that decision?” his wife’s lawyer asked.

“Yes,” Barry Weisselberg responded.

Trump only stopped personally overseeing the skating rink manager’s pay when Trump became president of the United States, Barry Weisselberg claimed. If true, that would rope in Trump, who called himself “king of the tax code” for years and is now trying to walk that back and play dumb.

In the several boxes of evidence that investigators received from Jennifer Weisselberg, they came across one name they knew well: Donald Bender.

For years, the DA’s office had been seeking Trump’s tax returns held at his trusted outside accounting firm, Mazars USA. The Trump Organization had them prepared by Bender, a partner at Mazars USA’s Long Island office, and always in close consultation with Allen Weisselberg, according to a source familiar with the arrangement.

Jennifer Weisselberg’s records show that Bender also prepared the couple’s taxes back in 2009 and 2010, when he was at a previous iteration of the firm.

Jennifer Weisselberg’s lawyer, Duncan Levin, credited his client with gifting investigators a mountain of evidence.

“Jen has shown a great deal of bravery in coming forward with the information that she has,” he said. “She has been 100 percent cooperative with prosecutors for many months. She’s met with prosecutors more than a half dozen times, and has really done a thorough job of culling through a huge volume of materials to give to prosecutors. I’m very confident she is a pivotal witness to the district attorney’s office and in large measure responsible for where things stand today.”

Jennifer Weisselberg told The Daily Beast that her guiding principle was the example that her actions would set for her kids.

“Justice matters to me,” she said. “I always wanted to teach my kids right from wrong. Accountability. And that if you don’t cheat and lie, you can still succeed with dignity.”

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4088 on: July 13, 2021, 01:32:39 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4089 on: July 13, 2021, 01:45:08 PM »
All of these right wingers who are spreading COVID-19 and vaccine disinformation need to be held accountable for the damage they are doing to America and their own supporters they are killing off with their lies. The GOP "Pro Death" cult has no regard for human life and it appears they are trying to kill as many people as possible. Why else would they continue to lie about the vaccine every day telling people not to get vaccinated to protect their own lives?     

Newsmax host dangerously declares vaccines go ‘against nature’: Diseases are ‘supposed to’ wipe out people

‘Deranged’: Republican ‘death cult’ blasted for COVID stupidity

Fox News ripped on the Senate floor for letting anti-vax 'quacks' lie about COVID every night

'It's horrifying': Dr. Fauci reacts to CPAC crowd celebrating low vaccination rates

'I am afraid for my state': Tennessee's top vaccine official speaks out after being fired by GOP governor

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4090 on: July 13, 2021, 11:15:35 PM »
So it appears Criminal Donald wanted to execute people like they do in North Korea. Thank God this deranged psychopath is out of office. Bunker Boy Trump is a top trend currently on Twitter. He was melting down like a child on election night which is why he tried to stage a coup to illegally remain in office. 

Furious Trump demanded leaker who revealed he fled to his bunker during protests be executed: report

According to Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender's bombshell book, "Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost, a furious Donald Trump demanded that officials in his government find out who leaked the story that he fled to his bunker during the George Floyd protests in D.C. and wanted them tried for treason and then executed.

As the report notes, Trump, his wife Melania and son Barron were escorted to the bunker -- news of which quickly made it to the press, which caused the president to blow up.

Bender reports the former president, "held a tense meeting with top military, law enforcement and West Wing advisers, in which he aired grievances over the leak."

According to his book, "Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president," with Bender reporting Trump yelled, "Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason! They should be executed!"

Bender adds that former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows interceded and "repeatedly tried to calm the president as startled aides avoided eye contact," while assuring Trump, "I'm on it. We're going to find out who did it."

The report adds that Trump obsessed over it for days afterwards and "those who said they'd heard the president issue that warning had interpreted the outburst as a sign of a president in panic."

'He’s in a meltdown': White House adviser begged Karl Rove to calm down Trump on election night

According to excerpts from "I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year" by the Washington Post's Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, former president Donald Trump grew so furious on election night 2020 over the state by state returns that showed he was going to lose that a close aide to the former president was forced to call former Bush administration White House chief of staff Karl Rove for help.

As the clock ticked past midnight in Washington, D.C., on election night, Trump grew angrier and angrier as key states he needed to remain in office slipped away. Already upset that his lead in Pennsylvania was rapidly shrinking, the president reportedly lost it when Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden.

According to an excerpt from the book, Fox News personality Laura Ingraham was on hand in Trump's election night war room, and she counseled him to give up on Arizona, informing him that it was unlikely the courts would help him overturn the election results -- to which Trump responded, "Fox shouldn't have called it."

The reports adds that an aide to Trump then put in a call to Rove -- a Fox News contributor -- asking for help.

"He's in a meltdown," the adviser reportedly told Rove. "Can you call him and tell him that all is not lost?"

According to the book, "Rove phoned the president and tried to give him a pep talk. 'Hang in there,' he told Trump. 'There's a lot of ballots to be counted and it's not going to be done for some time. You fought a good fight … You're not out yet.'"

Referring to the 2000 election when former president George W. Bush was able to claim victory after the networks awarded Florida to ex-Vice President Al Gore, Rove reportedly placated Trump by telling him, "I know premature calls. Hang in there. You gave it your all. You came down to the end. You upset them in 2016. You can do it again. Just hold on."

'That's what crazy dictators do': Trump slammed for allegedly demanding execution of leaker who made him look bad

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4090 on: July 13, 2021, 11:15:35 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4091 on: July 13, 2021, 11:50:05 PM »
Well, what I've been saying all along finally has been confirmed. Criminal Donald purposely allowed COVID-19 to ravage America because he thought it would delay and prevent the election from happening in 2020. It was clearly obvious from the start what he was doing. Nobody can be that incompetent to ignore several warnings from U.S. Intelligence who warned him that we will be facing a disastrous pandemic and then do nothing about it. It was all done on purpose to allow COVID-19 to get out of control and then lie about the virus every single step of the way making it a political issue instead of the health crisis that it is

After mask mandates and stay at home orders were working to slow down the virus, Criminal Donald started his attack campaign demanding to open up all the states even before it was safe to reopen. He wanted the virus to kill people and ravage our communities because he thought it would stop the election from happening so he couldn't lose. That's how much of a sick deranged psychopath Donald Trump is. He always knew he was going to lose which is why he tried to illegally extort Ukraine into smearing President Joe Biden. He got impeached for that.

Every single poll showed him losing to Joe Biden and so did his own internal polling which is why he thought a pandemic would cancel the election. This is clear dereliction of duty and a violation of his oath of office. Criminal Donald needs to be brought up on charges with crimes against the United States of America for treason and be held accountable for all the 623,284+ deaths he allowed to happen on purpose. Let's not forget he didn't do this all by himself. He had help from his henchmen in his corrupt administration, the GOP, and the lying right wing media who spread lies about COVID-19 parroting Trump's lies. This should outrage every single American and especially people who lost loved ones to COVID-19 or had to go through being sick from the virus themselves, and ended up losing their jobs. This is the worst crime against America in the history of the United States.             

Trump believed the pandemic would let him indefinitely delay the 2020 election until whenever he wanted: Michael Wolff

When former President Donald Trump was getting closer to the election, he was telling the country that the virus wasn't that bad anymore. Vaccines were on the way, he said. Besides, he'd told Americans many times that the deadly virus wasn't that serious. Still, Trump thought that he could push back the 2020 election indefinitely.

Michael Wolff's new book  Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump White House, details the horrifying plot that Trump had was to stop the election because there was "too much virus" and "people can't get to the polls." The ironic idea came while Trump was raging against mailed ballots and vote-by-mail in general.

"With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???" Trump tweeted at the end of July, 2020.

So, it appeared that Trump wanted to discount mail voting and then use the inability to vote as an excuse to remain the president for as long as he chose.

Then-chief of staff Mark Meadows informed the president that they couldn't postpone the election due to mandated election dates outlined in the Constitution.

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4092 on: July 14, 2021, 05:07:56 AM »
I remember when right wingers were lying about COVID-19 telling us that children and young adults were "immune" from COVID-19 and it only affected old people. Yes, that was all part of the deadly and dangerous right wing COVID-19 disinformation campaign. The fact is every human is vulnerable to getting deathly ill from COVID-19. These right wingers want kids in school during a deadly pandemic and don't want them to be vaccinated so they end up being on life support. Just another example of the "Pro Death Party" known as the GOP.

Two children on life support as Mississippi sees surge in delta variant cases
Vast majority of hospitalizations, deaths are among those who are unvaccinated, Dobbs says

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4092 on: July 14, 2021, 05:07:56 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4093 on: July 14, 2021, 05:10:49 AM »
It's sick and disgusting to celebrate and politicize the death of anyone.  You should be ashamed.  Do you have any friend or family members who can assist you in finding mental health assistance?  It is widely available.

What's sick and disgusting is an individual like you continuing to make false attacks against me. 

Nowhere am I "celebrating" the death of anyone. I think it's tragic how people are listening to this right wing disinformation on vaccines and dying because of it.

This woman was fed lies by the right wing media and GOP politicians about the vaccine and she believed them. She was a nurse so she should have known better. The vaccine lies these right wingers are promoting is killing off their own supporters and allowing the virus to mutate into a more deadly variant.

That is not "politicization", that is a fact.

Right wingers have politicized COVID-19 and vaccines right out of the gate calling it a "hoax", telling their followers not to wear masks and not to follow stay at home orders, and now they are telling them not to get vaccinated. 

The GOP is a death cult wanting their own supporters to get sick and die by purposely lying to them.         
« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 05:34:28 AM by Rick Plant »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4094 on: July 14, 2021, 02:39:06 PM »
The GOP Death Party is now killing kids. They won't let them get vaccinated and are ending vaccinations in the state. The GOP has no regard for human life and they make Americans unsafe with their lies and deadly actions. All of these deaths will be on their hands including the right wing media like Faux Propaganda who broadcasts daily lies and conspiracy theories about the vaccines.   

'Killing kids to own the libs': Americans horrified after Tennessee shuts down all child vaccination programs

Tennessee Republicans' war against childhood vaccinations reached a new level on Tuesday after Tennessean reported that the state's health department "will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers."

The halt to child vaccine programs comes just one day after Tennessee's top vaccine official was fired for what she claimed were her efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccinations for teenagers.

That firing came weeks after Republican Tennessee State Rep. Scott Cepicky held a public hearing in which he attacked the department for making fliers encouraging "impressionable" teens to get vaccinated.

The latest move, as reported by Tennessean, will shut down all vaccination drives in public schools and will stop sending "postcards or other notices reminding teenagers to get their second dose of the coronavirus vaccines."

Blistering CNN supercut takes aim at Fox and NewsMax for spreading 'deadly' propaganda 'as Americans die'

In a blistering supercut, CNN took aim Wednesday morning at right-wing media outlets and elected officials for spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 vaccinations.

"607,771 Americans have died of the virus, and 99 percent of the people dying right now are unvaccinated," New Day hosts Brianna Keilar and John Berman repeated between each clip of a Fox News or NewsMax host — or Republican lawmaker such as Madison Cawthorn or Lauren Boebert — spouting anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.

"Millions of Americans are seeing the nonsensical, nonscientific propaganda instead of this," Berman said later, before playing a haunting clip from the Australian Government's Department of Health, showing a woman on a ventilator struggling to breathe.

"When history asks how so many American died when they could have been saved by a simple shot or two, you'll see these TV clips again that we've just shown, in documentaries, about the cautionary tale that has been America's response to the coronavirus pandemic," Keilar added. "About how a large part of our country, misled by misinformation often echoed by elected officials and right-wing media, was thrown a life raft, and instead said, 'No, I'll take my chances.'"

CNN contributor Bill Carter then called for employees at Fox News and other outlets that have been spreading vaccine disinformation to step down.

"If you worked at an organization where some people were poisoning the water in a town, how could you not speak up and say you can't do this?" Carter said. "This is poisoned information."

Watch it below:

'It's devastating': Unvaccinated woman thought she could ‘escape’ COVID-19 – now she says she’ll ‘never be the same’

After a rough battle with COVID-19, a North Carolina woman who was unvaccinated is now urging people to get the shot, 13News reports.

"I thought I was healthy enough and that I could escape it," said Linda Edwards, who contracted the virus about three weeks ago. "Really, it was the most frightening thing I've ever been through in my life."

"It was devastating. I had no dreams of ever staying that long. It's the longest I've ever been in the hospital," she said of her two-week hospital stay. "I was there hoping and praying my son was okay here because he had tested positive, too."

Her son, Shane, had been airlifted to the same hospital she was staying in and was in the room right next to her, but doctors didn't tell her because they didn't want to worry her. Shane was a dire situation of his own, facing renal failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

"They thought it would really bother me, and it would have because he was really serious," she said. "They said it's a miracle he walked out of there."

"It's changed my whole life. I'll never be the same," Edwards said. "I just thought if I live through this, I want to go on a mission to try to help people to see that it is not worth not taking the vaccine because of what it can do to your family. We could've easily have had two funerals."

Only 34% of the people in the county where Edwards lives are partially vaccinated, and 31% are fully vaccinated. According to Graham County Health Director Beth Booth, the vaccine hesitancy in the county "is almost taken to another level."

"We feed them the science and the information, but they still believe a certain way. A lot of the belief system out here is that it is still very political," Booth said.

As for Edwards, she says she'll be getting vaccinated as soon as she can.

Watch video below:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4095 on: July 14, 2021, 02:58:34 PM »
Keep arresting these right wing extremist domestic terrorist MAGA scumbags. Lock them up and throw away the key. They all believe they are above the law just like their orange criminal messiah.   

One MAGA Rioter Who Threatened To Kill Nancy Pelosi Believes She’s Innocent Because She’s Above The Law

The fallout from the failed January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol will be felt for years to come. The upside is we’ve gotten a very official glimpse into the far-right conspiracy theories and ideology that Donald Trump’s rhetoric helped stoke in recent years.

The latest example comes from courtsey a MAGA rioter who was caught on camera entering the Capitol and threatening at least one member of congress. According to The Daily Beast, a Pennsylvania pizza shop owner named Pauline Bauer is accused of multiple crimes during the attack, including several counts of violent entry, disruptive conduct, and obstruction of Congress. According to the charges, Bauer tried to organize buses to transport people to Washington for the rally and told police inside the Capitol that she wanted to kill Nancy Pelosi.

“Bring Nancy Pelosi out here now,” Bauer reportedly said. “We want to hang that f*cking As I was walking a' alane, I heard twa corbies makin' a mane. The tane untae the tither did say, Whaur sail we gang and dine the day, O. Whaur sail we gang and dine the day?  It's in ahint yon auld fail dyke I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair, O. But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair.  His hound is to the hunting gane His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady ta'en anither mate, So we may mak' our dinner swate, O. So we may mak' our dinner swate.  Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane, And I'll pike oot his bonny blue e'en Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare, O. We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare.  There's mony a ane for him maks mane But nane sail ken whaur he is gane O'er his white banes when they are bare The wind sail blaw for evermair, O. The wind sail blaw for evermair.'.”

All of that is disturbing enough, but in her legal filings Bauer is using what experts called “an inadvisable legal strategy”: She recently said she has chosen to represent herself in court while going on on a wild rant about sovereign citizenship.

But in what experts describe as an inadvisable legal strategy, Bauer has demanded to represent herself in court, appeared to threaten a court clerk with prison time, and declared herself a “self-governed individual” with special legal privileges.

Bauer does not simply appear in court, she clarified during a June 11 proceeding via Zoom. “I am here by special divine appearance, a living soul,” she told a judge that day, while stating that she did not want an attorney.

“I do not stand under the law,” she said. “Under Genesis 1, God gave man dominion over the law.”

The sovereign citizen movement is complicated, but it’s essentially an anti-government belief that says they are above any laws and also, of course, should not pay taxes. Which is why actually being arrested and tried for crimes has, well, not exactly jived with her whole deal.

In one document, filed last week, Bauer listed a series of strange alternative spellings of her name in a document that she (incorrectly) claimed freed her from some government control.

Bauer appears to have attempted multiple avenues of sovereign legal strategy. In one recent filing, she appeared to threaten a court clerk with prison time, noting that it would be the penalty for failing to properly log her filings.

In another new filling, she offered a document that “serves as Proof that my living DNA existed on this Land before there was a UNITED STATES of America or Any STATE Thereof.” The attached document was a family tree showing what Bauer said were ancestors born in Virginia and Pennsylvania before 1776. (Even if accurate, this has no bearing on U.S. law.)

There’s reportedly plenty of evidence that she went to DC, threatened political leaders, and was inside the Capitol. And there’s (of course) evidence on Facebook that she organized transportation to DC through her pizza business. So despite what she may believe, reality isn’t exactly something that can be warped here in her favor.

FBI agents find another cache of guns belonging to Jan. 6 insurrectionist who had Capitol Lego set

FBI agents have seized another cache of guns belonging to an accused Jan. 6 insurrectionist who also had a Lego set of the U.S. Capitol, as well as notes about forming a militia.

"In arguing that Robert Morss, of Glenshaw, should continue to be held in custody as a danger and a flight risk, Assistant U.S. Attorney Melissa Jackson of the District of Columbia said that agents found three handguns at another address where Mr. Morss had stored some of his belongings when he moved to Pittsburgh from State College, Pa., last year," the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. "Ms. Jackson also said that agents found a tactical vest and other clothing that the FBI said Mr. Morss is seen wearing during the insurrection. In addition, a review of his phone showed numerous texts from before and after Jan. 6 in which she said he talked about what supplies to bring to the Capitol and later discussed fleeing after the FBI began arresting people."

When they arrested him last month, agents found three guns at Morss' home, bringing the total to six. In the text messages, Morss reportedly wrote that he was "considering leaving the country" and needed "to get out of town" because authorities "are crushing everyone."

Nevertheless, Morss' attorneys and family are seeking his pre-trial release, portraying him as "a man dedicated to his country who loved being a teacher and suggested he is not a threat to anyone or a risk to run from the law," the Post-Gazette reports.

A federal judge planned to hear more arguments Wednesday, before making a decision about whether to release Morss later this week.

Morss, a substitute school teacher, made headlines recently when agents found the Capitol Lego set, with some speculating that he was using it to plan another attack. However, prosecutors clarified in a court motion before Tuesday's hearing that the Lego set "was in a box and not fully constructed at the time of the search."

During the insurrection, Morss is accused of assaulting officers, civil disorder, robbery of U.S. property and obstruction of an official proceeding.

Video shows Morss near the front line of rioters who pushed past police guarding the Capitol, organizing a "shield wall" in the attack on officers in the Lower West Terrace tunnel and then entering the building through a broken window, according to the FBI.

In other video footage, Morss can be seen trying to seize a baton from a Capitol police officer. He yelled, "You guys are betraying us. You get paid enough to betray your own people? This is our Capitol. This is our Capitol."

Trump's followers are trying to turn Ashli Babbitt into their movement's martyr

Ashli Babbitt, the 35-year-old QAnon supporter and Trump superfan who was killed in the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, is already far more famous in death than she ever was in life. Her fate reminded me of a famous 1963 episode of "The Twilight Zone," "He's Alive," in which Adolf Hitler's ghost (Curt Conway) returns from the grave to teach a young neo-Nazi named Peter Vollmer (Dennis Hopper) how to manipulate a crowd. Hitler explains that exploiting the death of an obscure follower transforms that individual into a heroic martyr. "This is an act of friendship," says the spectral Führer. "We are allowing him to serve the cause."

Whether or not Donald Trump and his movement think they are doing Babbitt a favor by lionizing after her death, she has clearly become a sacrifice to the ex-president's ego and glory. Trump's supporters are eager to uncover the name of the police officer who shot Babbitt, but much less eager to remember that she died after Trump urged an angry right-wing mob to storm the Capitol. The video of her shooting, which makes clear that Babbitt and other members of the mob were literally trying to break into the House chamber and attack members of Congress, is likewise swept under the rug. That's without even mentioning the obvious fact that Babbitt died in service of the bogus cause of Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has sided with Vladimir Putin in questioning Babbitt's shooting. Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, the leading insurrectionist in Congress, has staged a spectacular performance of outrage over her death. Her name has repeatedly been a trending topic on Twitter. Even those outside the Trump cult have been bowed: CNN, a frequent target of Republican abuse and outrage, published a piece about Babbitt last month that omitted many damaging facts and seemed infected with terminal both-sides-ism.

Trump recently told a crowd of his supporters in Florida that he wanted to know the identity of the police officer who had shot Babbitt, suggesting there was something sinister at work. "We all saw the hand, we saw the gun," Trump said. "You know, if that were on the other side, the person that did the shooting would be strung up and hung. OK? Now they don't want to give the name. ... It's a terrible thing, right? Shot. Boom. And it's a terrible thing."

There's a disturbing historical echo behind Trump and his supporters' effort to manipulate Babbitt's death this way, an echo also clearly referenced in Rod Serling's script for the "Twilight Zone" episode. That would be the case of Horst Wessel, who became for Hitler and the Nazi Party what Babbitt may now be for the Trump.

Born in the German city of Bielefeld in 1907, Wessel was a law school dropout who joined the SA or "brownshirts," the Nazi Party's paramilitary organization, during the waning days of the Weimar Republic in the late 1920s. He was perhaps more like a member of the contemporary Proud Boys or Oath Keepers; we still don't know how deeply Ashli Babbitt was involved with right-wing extremism. At any rate, Wessel impressed future Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, helped organize the Nazi youth movement in Vienna and staged or led numerous violent street clashes in Berlin with Communists — the antifa of their day, more or less. Wessel fancied himself as a tough guy and sought out situations where he could act out his macho impulses. Given that, his death almost had elements of farce. After a dispute with his Communist landlady — which was likely over unpaid rent, not politics — Wessel was shot on the street by two other Communists on Jan. 14, 1930. He died in a hospital a few weeks later, three years before the Nazis took power in Germany.

Wessel looks like a distinctly mediocre individual in the historical rear-view mirror, but the Nazis transformed his life and death into legend. In a campaign approved by Hitler and led by Goebbels, Nazi propaganda outlets depicted him as a hero. His funeral procession was viewed by 30,000 people who lined the streets of Berlin. He become the subject of a major motion picture and was honored by numerous monuments and books. A song Wessel had written for the SA the year before he died, later universally known as the "Horst Wessel Song," became an unofficial anthem of the Third Reich: According to a 1934 law, every German citizen had to give the "Hitler greeting" upon hearing it.

As far as we know, Ashli Babbitt didn't write a song and had no previous history of right-wing violence. But like Wessel, she cannot be described as a peaceful protester or even an overzealous advocate for a dubious cause. She died in a violent attack against democracy, as part of the first serious effort in American history to overturn an election by force. She died based on the lies of a would-be authoritarian dictator, the first American president to resist leaving office after losing an election. Her death was a personal tragedy, no doubt. But now the cynical movement that sent her to die in the Capitol wants to exploit that tragedy by turning her into a martyr for fascism. We've seen that before, and we've seen where that can lead — to a place even darker than the Twilight Zone.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4095 on: July 14, 2021, 02:58:34 PM »