Appreciate your posting those pics showing the MOM'S SUPPORT of Fed intervention.

Nice try. The mom's were tear gassed and they do not support Donald Trump's Gestapo. You're not a good gaslighter. You lost.
Robert Evans:
I am here outside the Federal Courthouse in Downtown Portland, where a crowd of mothers have gathered again after being tear gassed last night by feds. This is one of the largest Portland crowds we have seen this month. I've been thinking about this. And I don't have your platform
This thing Barr & Trump are doing in Portland, most likely a dry run for all cities. Doing nothing is not going to work @tedwheeler @OregonGovBrown
So, who has the power to stop this? Women do
Mask up women of Oregon, Washington State, Northern Cali. Descend on Portland. Stand between Barr's secret police unidentified ninja turtle costumed army and the young men & women protesting.
Mothers, daughters, grandmothers, teenage women. It's up to us to stop fascism.
Because Barr and Trump's nutso white supremacist unidentified army is not going to shoot women. It is simply not going to happen.
Women, only we can call this bluff of Trump's. If it happens in your area women, get organized now to stop it.