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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 493249 times)

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2020, 04:52:46 PM »

  Where are You guys this A.M. with your SURVEYS showing Sessions leading BIG in Alabama? And once again this Includes the often heralded though Frequently Wrong 538. Please keep those SURVEYS comin'. YOU do Not Know, what YOU do Not Know.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2020, 04:52:46 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2020, 05:29:47 PM »
  Where are You guys this A.M. with your SURVEYS showing Sessions leading BIG in Alabama? And once again this Includes the often heralded though Frequently Wrong 538. Please keep those SURVEYS comin'. YOU do Not Know, what YOU do Not Know.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
Let that sink in.
Jefferson Davis. President of the Confederacy.
P.G.T. Beauregard. General in the Confederate Army.

Odd, that you celebrate Sessions' loss today; where were you earlier, when he was Trump's good buddy?

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2020, 05:40:33 PM »
  Where are You guys this A.M. with your SURVEYS showing Sessions leading BIG in Alabama? And once again this Includes the often heralded though Frequently Wrong 538. Please keep those SURVEYS comin'. YOU do Not Know, what YOU do Not Know.

You this ignorant in real life? Remarkable. Sessions? Who cares. Here’s what the Trump friendly Rasmussen poll is saying. Stop cleaning those GOP toilets for a moment and read it, or well, have somebody read it to you.

Rasmussen tends to be one of the more Trump-friendly pollsters so when they deliver a warning shot the Administration, Republicans should pay attention. That is the case with a new poll released today that helped to explain why Trump’s attacks on Joe Biden are not taking gaining ground.

The new Rasmussen poll found that 44 percent of voters are likely to vote for President Trump while 51 percent say that they plan to vote against him. Remember that, at seven points down, this is one of the better polls for Trump. The Real Clear Politics average currently gives Biden an 8.7-point advantage with many polls showing the Democratic challenger with a double-digit lead. Trump has not led in a poll since February and there has not been a tie since April.

When the Biden votes are considered more closely, 63 percent said that there vote was more against Trump than for another candidate. Only 32 percent said that their vote was intended to be for the challenger. This is good news for Democrats and presents a challenge for Republicans.

While Joe Biden was the overwhelming choice of Democratic primary voters, polling shows that many voters have reservations about him. Last week, another Rasmussen poll found that 38 percent of voters think Biden has dementia. That includes 20 percent of Democrats.

Yet, the astounding truth is that a candidate who is widely believed to be suffering from dementia is holding an average nine-point lead over the incumbent president. The two polls can be explained by the intense dislike for President Trump from a majority of voters. Even Rasmussen’s Trump approval index shows the president 10 points underwater (which is better than the 14.8-point deficit in the Real Clear Politics average).

Team Biden seems to have made the right choice (or perhaps the pandemic made it for them) in keeping the Biden campaign as a low-key affair. If Joe Biden stays out of sight, he can’t make any (or at least as many) embarrassing gaffes.

Meanwhile, the Democrats just have to bide their time until November as Donald Trump destroys himself and the Republican Party on a daily basis. The Trump Administration faces three simultaneous crises in the pandemic, its associated economic problems, and the racial divide. The president is not handling any of these crises well.

Pew polling gives an edge to Biden on every issue except the economy. Even there, Trump has lost ground and now clings to a bare, two-point majority in the Real Clear Politics average.

The verdict is in: Voters don’t like Trump. Of course, that isn’t really news since he lost the popular vote in 2016 even as he won the election. The news flash is that the more voters see of Donald Trump, the less they seem to like him.

The best-case scenario would be if the Trump campaign could adopt the Democratic tactic of being neither seen nor heard. Unfortunately for the GOP, that is much more difficult to accomplish for a sitting president in a time of crisis than it is for his challenger. In any case, Donald Trump is a man who is as unable to stay out of the limelight as he is to change his behavior.

I wrote back in March, “The good news for Republicans is that the focus has been on Donald Trump. The bad news is that the focus has been on Donald Trump.” That has proven to be true. With the multiple crises keeping President Trump at the forefront of the news, voters are not liking what they see and are voting with their feet as they move to support Biden.

The problem is simple. The solution is not. What are Republicans to do with the most unpopular incumbent of the last half-century, a man who not only threatens to cost the party the White House but control of the Senate as well?

I could point out that the Republican convention has not formally anointed Trump as the party’s standard-bearer yet, but it wouldn’t do any good. Republicans had their chance to dump Trump back in January and didn’t take it. By November, they will probably wish they had.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2020, 05:40:33 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2020, 05:44:28 PM »
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
Let that sink in.
Jefferson Davis. President of the Confederacy.
P.G.T. Beauregard. General in the Confederate Army.

Odd, that you celebrate Sessions' loss today; where were you earlier, when he was Trump's good buddy?

   NOT "celebrating" Jeff's loss. I am pointing out, Once Again, these SURVEYS You guys consistently hang your hats on are BOGUS. Their is absolutely Nothing scientific about SURVEYS. Actually POLLING Bellwether Cong District(s) is the Only way to receive Legit Voter Information You can rely on with Confidence. 

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2020, 05:52:28 PM »
   NOT "celebrating" Jeff's loss. I am pointing out, Once Again, these SURVEYS You guys consistently hang your hats on are BOGUS. Their is absolutely Nothing scientific about SURVEYS. Actually POLLING Bellwether Cong District(s) is the Only way to receive Legit Voter Information You can rely on with Confidence.

Here’s the ONLY survey (your word) that counts: 135,000+ dead Americans on Trump’s watch. The buck stops there! Read it and weep, not for the lunatic in the WH but for American families who lost loved ones. Funny, how you never mention Americans who died through his negligence. Says so much about you.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2020, 05:52:28 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2020, 08:21:44 PM »
  As I continue to say, "Judge a pitcher by the Reaction of the hitter". That close to 8 Mill Jobs created in Only 2 Months has the Propaganda Machines and their PARROTS up and operating in Hyper Drive. Yeah, we continue hearing All about the SURVEYS and Trump being behind by 15 points, AND then in the face of that we see the PANIC REACTIONS like the above. My, My, My! Just LOOK at the Reaction of that shaking in his cleats hitter.

'Judge a pitcher by the Reaction of the hitter'

Trump is a knuckleballer and has no idea where the ball is going

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2020, 08:34:03 PM »
There is strong evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline. His vocabulary range has narrowed. His abstract thinking is limited. His reasoning is shallow. He is unfocused. He has difficulty processing complex information. His decision-making is impaired. His judgment is poor. He often appears listless and apathetic. He repeats simple words and phrases over and over. He cannot shift and adapt. His gait can be abnormal. He had trouble drinking a glass of water with one hand.  Trump’s cognitive decline could be reflective of dementia; such cognitive problems gradually get worse, not better.

This is who Storing attempts to defend with an almost religious zeal. 135,000+ dead Americans? Like Trump, Storing doesn’t care. A despicable, deplorable (wink) human being.

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2020, 09:20:59 PM »
There is strong evidence of Trump’s cognitive decline. His vocabulary range has narrowed. His abstract thinking is limited. His reasoning is shallow. He is unfocused. He has difficulty processing complex information. His decision-making is impaired. His judgment is poor. He often appears listless and apathetic. He repeats simple words and phrases over and over. He cannot shift and adapt. His gait can be abnormal. He had trouble drinking a glass of water with one hand.  Trump’s cognitive decline could be reflective of dementia; such cognitive problems gradually get worse, not better.

This is who Storing attempts to defend with an almost religious zeal. 135,000+ dead Americans? Like Trump, Storing doesn’t care. A despicable, deplorable (wink) human being.

The Mighty Casey Trump has struck out
And yet, Royell remains in Mudville, announcing the lineups to an empty stadium
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 09:35:54 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2020, 09:20:59 PM »