President Biden is 100% correct when he said MAGA Republicans are a threat to our democracy.
Ex-FBI official explains why he's more worried now than when he was chasing Al Qaeda and ISIS
Former CIA and FBI official Phil Mudd revealed that he no longer works in the intelligence community, but he's still concerned about threats against his life.
While working at the FBI, Mudd served as the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency's Counterterrorism Center during the years after Sept. 11. He's written two books on the US's hunt for Al Qaeda terrorists and was on the front lines of the attempts to bring down those who aligned with the group.
Speaking to PBS in 2005, Mudd said, "we would be foolish to assume that there are not people here who either act like Al Qaeda or who want to act like Al Qaeda, who see the world with the same vision Al Qaeda has. ... And again, it would be foolish for us to think they're not here."
Yet, 17 years later, Mudd is worried again, but this time, it's radical right-wing, Republican terrorists from home-grown MAGA cells.
"It makes me nervous. In some ways, I'm glad to be out," Mudd told CNN's Jim Acosta on Sunday. "You're talking about the professional part of this. How do you conduct an investigation with a former president vilifying the FBI? But in a personal level, remember people who are in the service have to go home to a spouse, or a girlfriend or family, including children, and say we're going into a midterm election cycle with there are election deniers who will listen to the president. And maybe more significantly into a 2024 election cycle when it's conceivable, obviously, that you could once again have President Biden versus President Trump. If you have public information, for example, information about your home address, information on social media, and you're an FBI agent, what would you think, Jim?"
He continued, saying that during the days that he was at the FBI and the CIA "chasing ISIS and Al Qaeda. And let me close with this, I would be more concerned about going to my home residence today than I was when I was in the papers with stories about chasing Al Qaeda and ISIS. I don't know how to make it clearer. You have to be concerned about personal security.
"It is that bad?" asked Acosta.
"Yeah," Mudd said frankly.
See the full conversation below: Trump shouldn't 'be above the law' for taking top secret docs: former admin official
According to CNN contributor Alyssah Farah Griffin -- who served as Donald Trump's White House Director of Strategic Communications -- her former boss should be held to account for taking top secret documents to his Mar-a-Lago resort and leaving them sitting around.
Sitting on a panel with fellow Trump administration aides Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye -- all of whom expressed disgust with the former president's actions -- Farah Griffin asserted there should not be a separate set of rules for the former president.
Agreeing with former attorney general Bill Barr, who said on Fox News that the DOJ had every right to search the Florida resort for stolen documents, Farah Griffin adamantly claimed Trump is "not above the law."
"Every one of us, I believe, held a security clearance in government," she began. "There are very specific protocols to even handle these documents. If you physically take them out of a building, you need a certified carry card, you need a lead-covered bag so it can evade x-rays."
"He [Trump] has them co-located with his Time magazine covers at a country club in Florida that's been a target for espionage," she exclaimed. "There is no way that this is acceptable if you don't believe in a two-tiered system of justice where a former president is above the law. And I would just note, you know, Trump rallied last night in Pennsylvania and it descended into a 'lock her up' chant about Hillary Clinton."
"The reason Republicans like myself asked for her to be investigated was mishandling of classified information -- exactly what Donald Trump is doing in Mar-a-Lago," she added.
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