Listen: Leaked audio of Trump bragging about holding classified info about Iran attack planning
On Monday, CNN obtained the audio of former President Donald Trump boasting to patrons of his Bedminster golf club that he was in possession of highly classified national defense information.
In addition to Trump admitting he didn't have the power to declassify the documents, he casually laughed and joked about Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, and he could be heard waving around a sheet of paper, suggesting the document was actually there on the scene — despite his claims in his own defense that he didn't actually have it.
"'These are the papers,' Trump says in the audio recording, while he’s discussing the Pentagon attack plans, a quote that was not included in the indictment," reported Jeremy Herb. "In the two-minute audio recording, Trump and his aides also joke about Hillary Clinton’s emails after the former president says that the document was 'secret information,'" said the report. "'Hillary would print that out all the time, you know. Her private emails,' Trump’s staffer said. 'No, she’d send it to Anthony Weiner,' Trump responded, referring to the former Democratic congressman, prompting laughter in the room."
Trump was fully aware that he was being recorded by his own staffers as all this was going on.
"The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran," said the report. "The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances."
Trump faces 37 federal charges for hoarding classified information at his Mar-a-Lago country club in South Florida. Prosecutors allege that he had his body man, Walt Nauta, move around the boxes of documents to various unsecured areas to prevent federal authorities and even his own lawyers from knowing he had them.
Listen to audio below: George Conway: 'Sociopathic criminal' Trump committed 'multiple felonies' on tape
Following CNN's exclusive airing of audio of former President Donald Trump boasting about his improper possession of highly classified military documents to staffers and patrons of his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey, conservative attorney George Conway laid out the seriousness of his actions on "Anderson Cooper 360."
"How damning is this for the former president, do you think?" asked Cooper.
"Well, the special counsel already had Trump dead to rights because we knew this tape existed in some form. But to actually hear a former President of the United States committing a felony, probably multiple felonies, on audiotape while laughing about it is something I just — I think it's just stunning," said Conway, a longtime critic of the former president. "And I just don't see how, I mean, I can understand exactly why Trump's legal advisers think that this really changes the complexion of the case because ... I don't know how you can explain that in front of a jury."
The Iran battle plans Trump was waving around, Conway continued, are "by definition one of the most confidential things you could probably have, which is, you know, an off-the-shelf plan to attack a potential enemy of the United States of America. It's very, very valuable top-secret information. It's something the Iranians would probably pay tens of millions of dollars for. It's something that if it ever got into the wrong hands, it could lead to the deaths of American servicemen, if the Iranians were able to prepare for an attack and they knew what the attack was going to be, if they knew what the options laid out in the Pentagon document were. And the fact that he is just so absolutely cavalier, I mean, it's just sociopathic. This man has no respect for rules, no respect for the lives of other human beings, no respect for the country, no respect for the Constitution, no respect for his duties. He is a sociopathic criminal, and this is just another nail in the coffin of — it's just another thing that's going to put him away."
"I just played the video of the former president last week to Bret Baier, downplaying them, calling them articles and newspaper stories," said Cooper.
"He's lying," said Conway flatly. "I once wrote a semi-humorous piece in The Washington Post when this first came out last year about cookies. He's saying he doesn't have the cookie jar. You put the cookies there. The jar is mine. The cookies are mine. The story changes from moment to moment to moment. It's like the narcissist's prayer, which is, if I did it, I didn't do it. if I did it, you made me do it. It was okay anyway. The endless lying. And he just — it's like an onion. You peel his lies and get more lies."
AFPNixon never said anything ‘as clearly illegal’ as Trump in new audio: Watergate historian
A Watergate historian and journalist compared the just-released audio of Donald Trump talking about classified documents with people who did not have a security clearance, to the secret tapes former president Richard Nixon made during his more than five years in the White House.
Garrett Graff, a former Politico editor and Washingtonian editor-in-chief is also the author of the 2022 book, Watergate: A New History.
“Speaking as a Watergate historian,” Graff said Monday night, “there’s nowhere on thousands of hours of Nixon tapes where Nixon makes any comment as clear, as clearly illegal, and as clearly self-aware as this Trump tape.”
Trump says, “these are bad sick people,” in the tape (below), obtained and published by CNN, which explains the former president’s staffer “claims there had been a ‘coup’ against Trump.”
“Like when Milley is talking about, ‘Oh you’re going to try to do a coup.’ No, they were trying to do that before you even were sworn in,” the staffer says in the audio.
“He said that I wanted to attack Iran, Isn’t it amazing?” Trump says, “as the sound of papers shuffling can be heard,” CNN adds.
“I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.”
Further into the recording, Trump says, “See as president I could have declassified it.”
“Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret,” Trump continues.
“Now we have a problem,” the staffer says.
“Isn’t that interesting,” Trump says.
“It’s so cool. I mean, it’s so, look, her and I, and you probably almost didn’t believe me, but now you believe me.”
Graff also says the audio is “incredibly damning” to listen to. “Somehow so much worst listening than even reading” the transcript.
Talking Points Memo publisher Josh Marshall calls the audio “an amazing recording,” and says Trump “ticks off every link in the chain of criminality and full awareness of each link in the chain.”