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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 491751 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #640 on: July 23, 2020, 04:26:30 AM »

   Excellent day for Trump. Dem's look foolish trying to Defend the carnage in Chicago + Over 50 straight days of Anarchy in Seattle. Biden? MIA Physically & Mentally. Trump 2020 Rolls On!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #640 on: July 23, 2020, 04:26:30 AM »

Online Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #641 on: July 23, 2020, 04:50:09 AM »
   Excellent day for Trump. Dem's look foolish trying to Defend the carnage in Chicago + Over 50 straight days of Anarchy in Seattle. Biden? MIA Physically & Mentally. Trump 2020 Rolls On!

Interesting. I assume this posting is directed towards Trump supporters you believe exist on this thread. Would you name them please.

Online Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #642 on: July 23, 2020, 05:05:29 AM »
Interesting. I assume this posting is directed towards Trump supporters you believe exist on this thread. Would you name them please.

So, Storing AGAIN has run away and hidden from what I thought was an easy question, even for him. I said please. What more can I do?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #642 on: July 23, 2020, 05:05:29 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #643 on: July 23, 2020, 05:24:06 AM »
Likely, Nazi’s are something you’re familiar with considering there’s a Nazi wannabe who you support currently in the WH. You consider destroying our constitution to be indicative of having a backbone? A man, not unlike you who has told the American people 20,000+ fact checked lies? Like Trump, YOU are a proven documented liar. Like Trump, you’re a racist. Like Trump, you’ve never served America. Fake news media? They simply replay Trump’s own words for the world to see. He’s a clown, no different than you. The only difference? You don’t have 2 nickels to rub together. You’re just one more red neck from Arkansas with an internet connection. Schooled again!

    And AFTER All of that Slanderous Venom above, this guy is Now begging me to answer a question he has?  ::) 

Online Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #644 on: July 23, 2020, 05:50:15 AM »
    And AFTER All of that Slanderous Venom above, this guy is Now begging me to answer a question he has?  ::)

Thought it was about time as you typically stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass good bye. Am I wrong? Btw, I’m not “this guy”. It’s above your pay grade. So, for the readers, answer the question.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #644 on: July 23, 2020, 05:50:15 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #645 on: July 23, 2020, 06:18:05 AM »
Trump has awakened a sleeping giant - and he’ll live to regret it

According to Harry Enten, Joe Biden is currently leading the presidential race by historic margins in the suburbs.

Biden is up by a 52% to 43% margin among suburban voters in the ABC News/Washington Post poll…In the average of all the polls, Biden’s ahead by more than 15 points with suburban voters. This is a historic margin, if it holds…Four years ago at this time, Trump was beating Clinton by a 45% to 35% margin in the ABC/Washington Post poll among suburban voters…

If you were to go back over time, the exit poll data reveals that no Democrat has won the suburban vote by more than 5 points since at least 1972, when the first exit poll was taken in a presidential election…Back in 2008 (the best year for Democrats this century), Obama won in the suburbs by 2 points in the exit polls. The final ABC News/Washington Post poll had him winning in the suburbs by 5 points.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind about this data. The first is that the demographics of the suburbs are changing, as I documented a few months ago. No longer the exclusive destination of “white flight” that began in the 1960s, the suburban population is becoming more diverse both in terms of race and class.

Secondly, the “blue wave” of the 2018 midterms happened primarily in the suburbs. Of the 41 congressional districts that Democrats turned from red to blue that year, 38 were suburban. That was paired with the biggest gender gap in U.S. political history.

The term “resistance” has been used to describe everything from Black Lives Matter to the Bernie Sanders campaign. But we must never forget the role that women (especially mothers) played. It all started with the Women’s March the same weekend that Trump was inaugurated. As the research by Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson documented, it didn’t end there.

…after they marched, many of them went home, held meetings, invited friends to the meetings, started Facebook groups to get more friends to the meetings, called their Congressional representatives, held letter-writing parties, flooded Town Halls, and, finally, figured out which Republicans in their town councils or county governments or state legislatures or congressional districts they wanted to get rid of—and sometimes, which Democrats…

As parents and often churchgoers, they have broad networks of family and friends. Maybe they recently retired and have time on their hands. Their groups shrank a bit over the summer, but Trump’s belligerent tweets and reckless executive orders have served as a kind of reveille, rallying at least some of the troops back to the flag.

As I wrote just prior to the 2018 midterms, even white evangelical mothers in Texas rebelled against Trump’s caging of immigrant children, leading one of them to say that “I care as much about babies at the border as I do about babies in the womb.”

It was the “Mothers of the Movement” that organized against police brutality after the killing of their unarmed children by law enforcement. One of them, Lucy McBath, was elected to Congress in 2018 to represent a district in suburban Georgia.

That’s why it didn’t surprise me that mothers showed up this weekend in Portland, Oregon—armed with face masks and bike helmets— to protest the actions of federal troops in that city.

The list of things Donald Trump has done to offend mothers in this country is long—not the least of which is his attempt to force their children back to school with no plan to keep them safe from a raging pandemic. As Skocpol and Williamson documented with their research, many of these mothers had never been involved in electoral politics before. The president and his Republican enablers have woken up a sleeping giant and the day will come when they rue the day they did so.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #646 on: July 23, 2020, 06:25:44 AM »
Excellent day for Trump. Dem's look foolish trying to Defend the carnage in Chicago + Over 50 straight days of Anarchy in Seattle. Biden? MIA Physically & Mentally. Trump 2020 Rolls On!

And the delusion continues....COVID-19 rages out of control, record deaths & infections in 9 states, Biden's lead grows more in Georgia and Texas. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsyvania are not battleground states, Trump humiliated himself on Fox talking incoherently about his "hard" cognitive test, hundred thousands more file for unemployment, Trump had a disastrous press conference, Americans are outraged thugs are occupying their streets.
And a 15 point Biden lead.  :)

What more proof do you need that this idiot has dementia?

Trump admits to Fox News that the 'memory' questions were the hardest for him in the cognitive test

In an interview with Fox News Wednesday, President Donald Trump explained that he asked for doctors to give him the cognitive test, it wasn’t suggested by them.

The test is a 30-question, short-answer “test” that is supposed to detect any change in memory. Giving it once doesn’t generally give the broad spectrum of how one’s cognitive function has changed over time but asking Trump to identify an elephant seems like the baseline of mental acuity.

He said that there were many allegations and “fortunately none of them stuck,” but it prompted him to take the test.

“I said to the doctor, the doctor was Ronny Jackson, can I take a test,” Trump continued,

He said that there were many allegations and “fortunately none of them stuck,” but it prompted him to take the test.

“I said to the doctor, the doctor was Ronny Jackson, can I take a test,” Trump continued,

“The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult,” the president said.

Trump explained that it was the last question where he really struggled the most, ones to do with memory.

“Like a memory question, it would go, like you’ll go ‘person, woman, man, camera, TV,” he continued, noting that if he got it in order he got “extra points.”

The test went on, he said, and 10 or 15 minutes later they would ask the first question again and ask him to repeat it.

“They said if you get it in order you get extra points. They said, no one gets it in order. It’s actually not that easy, but for me it was easy.”

“If you’re in the office of the presidency, we have to be sharp,” Trump said. He has challenged Biden, who hasn’t exhibited any symptoms of having cognitive impairment, to also take the test. Trump’s allies have frequently mistaken Biden’s stutter for cognitive problems, however.

In dementia, short-term memory is usually among the first things patients suffer from. In Alzheimer’s, long-term memory is often less affected.

Watch the interview below:

TRUMP: I asked the doctor, I said, 'is there some kind of cognitive test that I could take?' ... the last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question. You'll go 'person, woman, man, camera, TV.' So they say -- 'can you repeat that?' ... for me it was easy."

Trump's details about his cognitive test are freaking people out: He can’t remember the name of the test he took for his memory

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump bragged about his cognitive test again, but this time in a Fox News interview, he gave specifics, noting that the memory portion of the exam was the most difficult part for him, while also being easy.

“The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult,” the president said. “They said if you get it in order you get extra points. They said, no one gets it in order. It’s actually not that easy, but for me it was easy.”

A transcript:

It was the kind of commentary that sent many to wonder if Trump fully understands what he’s saying, much less doing himself any favors.

Trump has spent the majority of the year attacking former Vice President Joe Biden for being mentally impaired in some way. He’s attacked his opponent “sleepy Joe,” and even launched campaign ads showing videos of Biden praying at a funeral to illustrate he is “too old” to be president. Trump’s former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders even tried to paint Biden as mentally unfit because he has a stutter.

Huckabee Sanders tried to claim she wasn’t talking about Biden’s stutter, but no one believed it and she ultimately had to delete both tweets. Biden responded, talking about his speech and urged “empathy."

@Joe Biden: I’ve worked my whole life to overcome a stutter. And it’s my great honor to mentor kids who have experienced the same. It’s called empathy. Look it up.

Regardless of the tactic, Trump and his team’s efforts haven’t worked, as polls continue to show Trump losing. Biden hasn’t taken the bait, leaving Trump to ramble about mental fitness in ways that folks online question as an indication that he’s the one that is losing it.

See the comments in link below:

Hannity immediately contradicts Trump's grim admission about the pandemic

Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday evening appeared to contradict President Donald Trump’s admission at an earlier White House coronavirus briefing that the pandemic would grow worse.

Hannity told his primetime viewers that “the situation is getting better — not worse.” In a rare, somber moment hours earlier, Trump had told reporters that the pandemic “will get worse before it gets better.”

“That’s something I don’t like saying — but it is,” the president added.

That evening, Hannity, who on Monday was named as a co-defendant in a sexual misconduct lawsuit filed against the network, showered the president with praise. However, in an apparent continuation of his attempt to defend Trump, Hannity also directly contradicted the president:

By the way, President Trump never stopped working. The pandemic is not spiraling out of control, as they projected nightly. It is the worst pandemic since 1918. Losing one life is way too many.

The situation is getting better — not worse. And, by the way, none of these people on TV — and no Democrats — supported the travel ban 10 days after the first identified case of coronavirus, then the subsequent travel bans and the first quarantine in over 50 years. That alone — huge decisions that save lives. This administration has fulfilled every request from every state governor.

New York Times data earlier that day showed that the country had seen more than 1,100 deaths and more than 65,000 new cases in the previous 24 hours. In that time, the total number of reported U.S. deaths passed 142,000, and infections closed in on 4 million.

The previous week was the first to show a net increase in reported U.S. deaths since mid-April.

That same month, the University of Chicago published a study which found that “greater viewership of ‘Hannity’ relative to ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ was strongly associated with a greater number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the early stages of the pandemic.”

Trump has downplayed the pandemic from the outset. Among numerous other instances and patterns, he compared it falsely to the flu; claimed numerous times that it would “miraculously” vanish in April “with the heat”; predicted that the country’s 15 reported cases would soon zero out; urged states to reopen their economies in defiance of guidance from his own health experts; attacked Democratic governors who would not move at the pace he demanded; chalked up his country’s world-leading case count to expanded testing; routinely misled the country with false claims about statistics and models; pushed for schools to reopen amid rising death counts; and refused to wear a mask until recent days, even though his administration’s own research-based guidelines first laid out in April.

However, in his first White House coronavirus briefing in months, Trump, with his numbers plummeting in recent Fox News polling, appeared to concede that he was tethered to a grim reality. He encouraged Americans to wear masks, and at one point showed off his own navy blue face covering bearing the presidential seal. However, he did not personally demonstrate it.

“Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact,” he said, later adding: “I’m getting used to the mask.”

But Hannity, who often communicates directly with Trump and has been thought to at times exert a degree of influence on policy, did not seem to get the message.

The host instead attacked Democratic officials and news outlets for being selectively pessimistic and ignoring positive developments, such as heartening reports about progress on a vaccine — a story that all national outlets have covered, including Salon.

Fox News generally has served for months as a bastion of coronavirus misinformation, a reliable presidential redoubt from the slings and arrows of facts. A Media Matters audit of the cable network in May showed its coronavirus coverage had declined 20% over two months, while other networks rarely eased back.

Earlier this month, the media watchdog rolled out another study, which found that Fox News had peddled misinformation about the pandemic 253 times in the span of five days, 35% of which came from the “straight news” side of the network.

Watch the Hannity clip via Media Matters in link below:

Trump is showing Republicans like Matt Gaetz how to master the art of corruption: biographer David Cay Johnston

Donald Trump, David Cay Johnston, explained that there is so much corruption in the White House under his leadership that he never fully learned that he can’t use companies as an extension of himself.

“If you or I go on a reporting trip and find a lamp we’d like to buy for our living room, we know you don’t put that on your expense account,” Johnston explained. “Donald doesn’t think that way. There is no staff in his — ‘what’s the business, what’s the government.’ It’s all him, and that is why he sees nothing wrong at all with what I think are very clear violations of the Emoluments Clause with the money he is receiving through the businesses from foreign governments and these aren’t foreign governments that are casually stopping by and having a cup of coffee somewhere.”

He went on to cite the countries who rented out full floors at Trump’s hotels, the president’s pitch to host the G7 Summit (which has now been canceled) at his property in Florida, and the military’s use of Trump Turnberry as a stopping-off point in Scottland for “refueling.”

“Trump’s company applied to trademark the term ‘telerally,'” noted MSNBC host Joy Reid. “He’s trying to make money out off of and having a television rally. That sounds insane, but is he not just teaching future presidents that this is like a, you know, the $475,000 you get paid, that’s nothing. You can get rich doing this!”

Investigative reporter David Fahrenthold explained that for presidents prior to Trump, it had been a kind of “honor system,” and people would do the right thing because that’s what president’s should do. With Trump, the system has become more about trying to get away with whatever he can.

“Trump’s been really good at exploiting the honor systems,” he continued. “He comes into a system where everybody obeys the rules because they worry about how it looks, about what’s right and wrong, and he doesn’t pay attention to those things. He reaps a huge advantage by doing a thing the people don’t expect. There’s not a lot of conflict of interest laws. It’s sort of what that president believes is right and what the public and voters will tolerate. He’s gone a long way down, violating his owns promises about what he would do. If he gets thrown out of office this year, and people think that the way he chose to mix his and his presidency was part of that, maybe it’s his message to future presidents. Maybe it’s if you do this, you can get away with it, at least for your first time.”

Reid agreed, noting that if someone has “no honor,” then you can’t have an “honor system.” She also noted that Trump is teaching others how to do it with people like Brad Parscale making millions of MAGA donors as well as people like Matt Gaetz, who was caught funneling taxpayer dollars to his pals for a “home studio” so he can do television appearances.

“Well, if he wants to spend his own money and have a studio, I’m fine with that,” said Johnston. “But taxpayers absolutely not. And this is spreading from Trump. I mean like the virus, hop-scotching across the country on jetliners. Trump’s immoral abuse of taxpayers is spreading throughout the administration.”

He went on to cite the private jets being used by Trump’s secretaries to carry them to lavish island getaways for “conferences.” Taxpayers funded a pair of tactical pants for one secretary. Secretary Mike Pompeo made taxpayers fund staff for his wife and host dinner parties with powerful people all over the world. It’s a continuation of the Trump scheme.

Reid closed by calling it “breathtaking corruption.”

See the full video in link below:     

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #647 on: July 23, 2020, 06:27:01 AM »
  Hilarious stuff above. 5 Women don't mean squat. Now, the Internals? Big Time Trump, especially in swing states. And this was before the "Untouchables" were sent into Portland, Chicago, Alb. Plus, Trump is going to be handing out Corona $$$. Trump 2020 Rolls On!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 06:29:17 AM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #647 on: July 23, 2020, 06:27:01 AM »