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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 501467 times)

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #672 on: July 23, 2020, 06:20:55 PM »
  Please keep relying on that 538  BS:.  538 shoulda been run outta business when their 2016 Election Forecast rewarded their faithful followers with an absolute Disaster. But, since 538 loyally echo'd their Marching Orders, they continue playing The Pied Piper with the Mice trailing right behind. Get ready Mice. Here comes the Cliff! Trump 2020 Rolls On.

Weak! Not ONE thing YOU have preached on this forum is/has happened. Not one. How do you explain this? You’re some kind of consultant right? Not difficult to understand why you have ZERO supporters here! :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #672 on: July 23, 2020, 06:20:55 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #673 on: July 23, 2020, 06:31:03 PM »
  Please keep relying on that 538  BS:.  538 shoulda been run outta business when their 2016 Election Forecast rewarded their faithful followers with an absolute Disaster. But, since 538 loyally echo'd their Marching Orders, they continue playing The Pied Piper with the Mice trailing right behind. Get ready Mice. Here comes the Cliff! Trump 2020 Rolls On.

Meaningless comments from a meaningless individual. The lowest life form on this forum, 100% anti American, power hungry by proxy with nothing of any value or significance to say.

I bet Royell can't even begin to explain what he stands for.

We know from his abominable behavior on this forum that he; (1) couldn't care less about the 143.000 + covid deaths and plays down the corona crisis, (2) constantly denies reality by dismissing everything he doesn't like or can't deal with as "fake news", (3) cheers on Trump as he is unleashing armed thugs, pretending to be law enforcement, on the American people and enjoy it when people get beaten up, (4) has no problem with a Nazi like repressive Government actively trampling the constitution and people's rights, (5) defends Bill Barr as he makes a complete mockery of our justice systems and abuses his powers as AG.

But beyond that.... crickets.

All Royell really seems to stand for is suppression and domination of the American people, corruption and a complete breakdown of law and order. That's one hell of an American!

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #674 on: July 23, 2020, 06:31:25 PM »
  I don't blow my own horn. Those that Rejected the Haters by almost a 3-1 margin KNOW the score. I spoke with Jimbo late last night. Internals extremely good and continuing UP. This includes the all important Swing States. You do Not Know, what You do Not Know. You Know whatever the Fake News Media and 538 TELLS You. It's that simple.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #674 on: July 23, 2020, 06:31:25 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #675 on: July 23, 2020, 06:39:28 PM »
Like his sociopathic hero, Royell thinks that if he says something it becomes reality.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #676 on: July 23, 2020, 06:48:34 PM »
  I don't blow my own horn. Those that Rejected the Haters by almost a 3-1 margin KNOW the score. I spoke with Jimbo late last night. Internals extremely good and continuing UP. This includes the all important Swing States. You do Not Know, what You do Not Know. You Know whatever the Fake News Media and 538 TELLS You. It's that simple.

Broken record response. Per usual. Directly from pre-propaganda school 101. Only internals you have access to are likely your hemorrhoids! Even Fox News is turning on your POTUS. Denial, denial, denial! Storing, the dark side is killing you. It’s not to late. Beg real Americans for forgiveness. Give something back to society other than your hatred for America. Trump is destroying you as he does all who come in contact. Learn your history junior. Never get tired of schooling you. You’re welcome. Btw, help us all out. Learn how to write and punctuate.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #676 on: July 23, 2020, 06:48:34 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #677 on: July 23, 2020, 06:48:52 PM »
  I don't blow my own horn. Those that Rejected the Haters by almost a 3-1 margin KNOW the score. I spoke with Jimbo late last night. Internals extremely good and continuing UP. This includes the all important Swing States. You do Not Know, what You do Not Know. You Know whatever the Fake News Media and 538 TELLS You. It's that simple.

In the next page of this thread Paul May addresses the outlook for "Trump 2020" outside the Bubble of Denial that Royell exists inside of, muttering constantly about "the Fake News" only cultists and "der bleater" claim to interpret reliably.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 08:06:23 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #678 on: July 23, 2020, 07:11:27 PM »
Storing? This is based on “internals”

What Are Trump’s Odds, Really?

Jonathan V. Last

1. Welcome to the Matrix. I’ve spent a lot of time recently talking about the future of American politics post-Trump almost as an assumption that Trump is going to lose.

I want to clarify my thinking here, for myself as much as for you guys.

I don’t like talking about electoral outcomes in terms of predictions so much as probabilities, because that’s how the world actually works. When someone says, “Candidate X is going to win” what they really mean—or what they should mean—is “The odds are highly in favor of Candidate X winning.”

My thinking on the race has remained basically unchanged for the last 16 months or so:

The most likely outcome is that the fairly popular vice president of the last very popular president will defeat the historically unpopular incumbent. This isn’t rocket science. It’s just the Occam’s razor view of the election. Most of the time when you hear hoofbeats, they’re horses, not zebras, etc.

This isn’t to say that circumstances haven’t shaped my thinking about the probability of the various outcomes. They very much have.
For instance, the twin monsters of the pandemic and Trump’s response to civil unrest have increased the chances that Biden’s margin will be large and the ticking clock has reduced the chances that Trump has room to change the dynamic of the race. Six weeks ago I ventured that the cake was already mostly baked. What was true then is more true now.

So here’s what my outcome matrix looks like as of late July:

(1) Biden wins a mid-size victory of roughly +6 points: 1-in-2 odds

The natural equilibrium of this race is more or less Biden +6. It’s been that way since before Biden declared his candidacy and was like that through the pre-primary and primary stages. Until May, the exact size of Biden’s lead over Trump moved around a little bit, but never got much closer than +4 / +5.

I would be mildly surprised if the race does not tighten down the stretch, because one of the iron laws of politics is that All Races Tighten. So my assumption is that at some point in the fall, we’re likely to be back to Biden +6. And then it’s a coin flip as to whether the race moves again (in either direction) or finishes at its natural level.

(2) Biden wins a large victory of > +8 points: 1-in-4 odds

Pre-pandemic I would have said that a landslide election was lower-probability because of the polarized nature of the electorate. In the environment we’re in now, with Trump’s approval ratings what they are on the two most salient issues of the day, the odds are pretty fair for a blowout.

There are two ways to get to a landslide.

The first is that Biden’s lead since May turns out not to be a temporary jump in valence, but a new equilibrium point. And he just holds the position from here to November.

The second is that the race tightens down the stretch and then, in the final two weeks or so, if Trump is clearly losing, the bottom drops out as people come off the fence against the incumbent, and the bandwagon effect takes over.


Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #679 on: July 23, 2020, 07:38:42 PM »
Trump Is A Sinking Ship Taking The GOP With Him

Republicans tied their political fate to Donald Trump. Trump swept them into power in 2016 and it's likely he will leave the party in shambles in 2020.

by: Edward Hardy on July 23, 2020

Before beginning this assessment of Donald Trump’s campaign and the impact that it’s having on the Republican Party, it’s important to state that the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day. However, it cannot be ignored that the signs aren’t good for the President.

In 2016, at this stage of the campaign, polls showed that Hillary Clinton had a narrow lead, sometimes within the margin of error. Four years later, polls regularly show Joe Biden with a more substantial lead of 10% or more. This is supported by the state-by-state polls that give a greater insight into what’s happening on the ground in key battleground states, including places that Republicans once considered safe. The reality is that Donald Trump’s campaign is a sinking ship and he is taking the rest of the Republican Party with him.

During the 2016 election, one of the elements that propelled Trump to head the Republican Party’s primary field, easily overtaking seasoned politicians who’d been longstanding members of the GOP, was his ability to suck all the oxygen out of the campaign. By dominating the political sphere and media coverage, he ensured in 2016 that, whenever the election was discussed, he was the primary topic of conversation. Embracing the old proverb that ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’, he was happy with any attention, positive or negative, as long he was the only candidate in the minds of voters.

Arguably, he actually preferred the negative publicity because it would allow him to get into a dogfight, sometimes in live debate and sometimes on Twitter, capturing the attention of the media, distracting them, and playing into his plan for domination of the conversation. Once he had seized control of the Republican Party, he began to deploy those same tactics to seize control of the presidency. Again, he smothered the political dialogue, preventing Clinton from gaining traction because everything was framed around Trump rather than her political agenda. This all worked to plan and to the Republican Party’s favor, delivering them control of the House, the Senate, and the White House.

In 2020, Trump is still dominating American politics. Doing so ensures that Democrats and Republicans are confronted with having to address, defend or challenge his actions and comments and the impact that they have. Over the last few years, Trump’s presidency has resulted in many voters, including some who supported him in 2016, becoming very disillusioned with him.

Republicans who align themselves with Trump and his agenda often face severe criticism from voters, outside of Trump’s base. Despite this, the Republican Party has become so cowed by the cult of personality Trump has created that they will attempt to justify everything he does, from his failed handling of the coronavirus outbreak to stoking division in the midst of international protests over racial inequality. The reality is that, because Trump is at the forefront of voters’ minds, every Republican candidate running for office is directly tied to his agenda and to his presidential record.

Previous challengers have often found that presidential campaigns can be an uphill battle because the incumbent has access to a platform that isn’t available to them. This time around, Democrats cannot contain their glee when Trump holds a press conference or a rally. It seems that every time he speaks, he commits self-sabotage thus making his approval numbers worse. The White House’s coronavirus press briefings aptly demonstrate this, with a recent ABC News/Washington Post survey finding that 60% do not approve of how Trump is managing the outbreak. That’s why Democrats are, potentially, pleased to see that these briefings have returned because it will increase the brightness of the spotlight shining on the Trump administration’s failures and inability to protect America during a crisis.

The polls indicate that, if the election happened today, the damage inflicted by Trump would not just keep the House in Democratic hands and deliver the White House keys to Joe Biden, but would also flip the Senate blue. States that were once considered safe red seats (Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Montana, and North Carolina) not only have Democratic challengers clipping at the heels of their opponents but, in recent polls in all six of those areas, Democrats are leading the Republican incumbents.

In past campaigns, the Republican Party would benefit from fundraising enabling them to deploy millions of dollars in ad buys in those states, but even that doesn’t appear to be an effective strategy this time around. In June, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) posted a record-breaking haul of $14 million, although the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) wasn’t far behind with $13.6 million. In fact, the DSCC actually has more cash on hand, leading the NRSC by $7.7 million.

Republican politicians now face a difficult choice. If they express criticisms of, or disagreements with, the President, voters might consider this to be a self-serving and insincere attempt to gain some political advantage, given that those same politicians have become so intertwined with Trump’s agenda. Alternatively, Republican officeholders could pit themselves against Trump and risk facing the inevitable repercussions arising from having triggered Trump’s ire, possibly ending their political career and, also, potentially weakening the GOP’s performance in the election. Of course, they could decide to continue to align themselves with Trump and take their chances with voters.

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) understands the first option. She is under pressure from voters in her own state of Maine to stand firm on issues that would put her in conflict with the President. However, while she will make mild critiques or express her concerns about Trump, thus far she has been unwilling to fully break with the party. For example, her actions during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh drew criticism from both sides and saw her retreat back behind the cloak of the GOP.

Jeff Sessions is Trump’s former attorney general and recently tried to follow the second option during his campaign to regain his Alabama Senate seat. After being repeatedly berated by Trump for his handling of the Mueller investigation, Sessions finally snapped and tried to hit back at the President on Twitter by defending his decision to recuse himself from the investigation, justifying his actions as attorney general. That did nothing to win over voters and only emboldened Trump’s attacks, resulting in Sessions losing his re-election campaign in a seat he once won with 97% of the vote, his successful opponent being a former football coach with no political experience. Those examples and more show just why Republicans are so powerless as their party is ripped apart.

Some astute Republicans know that there is only one thing left to do. They have to destroy Donald Trump’s political career, regardless of the collateral damage for the GOP as a whole, or he’ll destroy them, potentially wreaking further havoc on America and putting Republicans out of office for the foreseeable future. That’s why the Lincoln Project sprung up and has gained so much traction on social media. The individuals behind it are long-term Republican supporters, strategists, and operatives. They do not support the Democratic Party, its agenda or its presidential nominee. However, they are clear that they will do whatever it takes to remove Donald Trump and his ideology from the Republican Party for good, as well as removing those who have acted as Trump’s enablers. That might mean they have to temporarily hurt the party they have supported for so long, in order to regain control of the GOP. However, they believe that if they don’t now take the drastic steps needed, there might not be much of a future for the GOP.

Members of the Republican Party have to accept what is currently happening, even if they don’t like it. They can stand by Donald Trump and watch him throw away the presidency and the Senate with his chaotic and divisive campaign, or they can accept that this President is a lost cause, ditch him and cut their losses. Republican politicians can risk their jobs and take a stand, or watch voters take that stand for them and send them packing in November. If Republicans want to protect democratic processes in the US and avoid the destruction of the GOP, they must take drastic action now to distance themselves from Donald Trump before it’s too late. Republican politicians must seize this moment and choose party over Trump.

Edward Hardy is a US and UK political commentator and the host of The Hardy Report podcast. The show is a weekly political news and current affairs podcast, bringing listeners interviews with a range of activists, campaigners and politicians from across the political spectrum in the United States and the United Kingdom.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #679 on: July 23, 2020, 07:38:42 PM »