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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 501579 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #728 on: July 24, 2020, 03:48:04 AM »
Not good news for the president in these polls’: Fox News breaks down how Trump is losing reelection
Bob Brigham

Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Thursday broke down how the latest polls from the network lack any good news for President Donald Trump.

“We’re giving you the first look tonight at new Fox polls for several battleground states,” Baier said.

“Not good news for the president in these polls,” he noted.

In Pennslyvania, Trump was only receiving support for 39% of voters, while former Vice President Joe Biden was polling at 50%. Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016.

“The president has lost 3 points since April,” Baier noted.

In Michigan, Biden is polling at 49% while Trump is polling at 40%. Trump also carried Michigan in 2016.

Biden is up 51% to 39% in Minnesota, a state Hillary Clinton narrowly carried in 2016.

Not good news for the president in these polls’: Fox News breaks down how Trump is losing reelection

The right has already effectively admitted defeat. Smearing Biden isn't working, covid-19 is wreaking havoc on the economy and Trump hasn't got a clue how to deal with it. Sending in his thugs in uniform to harm civilians will backfire big time in the courts. Their precious change of venue for the Republican convention has blown up in their face. They can not get the people to come, so they cancel and do what the Democrats said what they would do from the beginning. The right has got no strategy for the next four years, they can no longer deny and ignore the polls... so the last line of defense is claiming there somehow is a silent majority who is afraid to admit that they support Trump and will vote for him in November.

Hope is the last thing to die! What is most comical is that if there is a silent majority, how would they know those people will vote for Trump in November?

It is truly pathetic.

They did it again; after Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran/Contra) and Bush jr (Gulf war II), the Republicans once again showed the entire world that they are incapable of governing without having major scandals. Those so-called God-fearing patriots who in truth only care about money over people and power to abuse are way passed their expiration date....


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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #728 on: July 24, 2020, 03:48:04 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #729 on: July 24, 2020, 03:50:13 AM »
Not good news for the president in these polls’: Fox News breaks down how Trump is losing reelection
Bob Brigham

Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Thursday broke down how the latest polls from the network lack any good news for President Donald Trump.

“We’re giving you the first look tonight at new Fox polls for several battleground states,” Baier said.

“Not good news for the president in these polls,” he noted.

In Pennslyvania, Trump was only receiving support for 39% of voters, while former Vice President Joe Biden was polling at 50%. Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016.

“The president has lost 3 points since April,” Baier noted.

In Michigan, Biden is polling at 49% while Trump is polling at 40%. Trump also carried Michigan in 2016.

Biden is up 51% to 39% in Minnesota, a state Hillary Clinton narrowly carried in 2016.


Biden is cleaning up in the Pennsylvania suburbs and is well ahead of Clinton in every demographic in the state. 70,000 Republicans voted against Donald Trump in the Republican Pennsylvania primary, so that's 70,000 votes he will not get. Even if the state is a close election, those 70,000 votes will defeat Donald Trump. The difference was only 8,000 in 2016 and he isn't getting any new voters.

Royell and his fellow cultists make fun of the polls and talk about 2016 being wrong claiming 2020 is going to be the same. That's false. All the polls in 2016 were within the margin of error and when Comey came out 3 days before with his b.s. that moved the polls just enough. In 2020 the polls are outside the margin of error and Biden has a huge lead in all the important states. Clinton never had these numbers. Donald Trump is underperforming badly in all aspects. Royell the "polling expert" doesn't even know this.

Battleground states have been moved into Joe Biden's column, blue states are getting bluer, and red states are now battleground states like Utah, Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Montana and even Arkansas.

Donald Trump lied to his voters in the rust belt. No new factories or new jobs like he promised. Only millions of people filing unemployment claims and getting sick and dying from COVID-19. And Royell thinks those people are going to line up around the block to vote for Donald Trump.                     

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #730 on: July 24, 2020, 06:26:43 AM »
Donald Trump is a Disaster

Who is Donald Trump? Donald Trump is a disaster! This ad will be running on TV in the great state of Texas.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #730 on: July 24, 2020, 06:26:43 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #731 on: July 24, 2020, 06:31:30 AM »
Enough Is Enough: Trump Gestapo Attacks Navy Veteran in Portland

Heroes fight for America. Trump fights against it.

Christopher David is a true American hero.  He sacrificed for the United States in the Navy and was within his constitutional rights to join the protests in Portland.  On the other hand, Donald Trump has unlawfully sent federal forces to Portland to attack American citizens. 

As the election nears, and Trump's poll numbers continue to tank, his tactics will get more destructive as he launches an assault on the American people.  We must honor true heroes like Christopher David, and follow his lead and stand up to Trump and make it clear that #EnoughIsEnough!

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #732 on: July 24, 2020, 09:22:09 AM »
Even Fake News NOW chattering about a Vaccine being imminent. Fake News Shirt Collars are getting extremely tight. Economic Numbers are Booming with a Vaccine NOW being touted. Oh My! Trump "Winning, Winning, Winning" in the face of these devastating SURVEYS is exposing them as being absolute BUNK. Almost forgot. Much like the recent FOX News SURVEY, expect ALL of these SURVEYS to continue Tightening up as we get closer to the election. These SURVEYS want those Trump trailing numbers to eventually fall within their "margin of error" caveat. They need that Caveat/Excuse when Trump does 2016 all over again come Nov 3.

The latest Fox News polling says that Joe Biden is up by nine points in Michigan and eleven points in Pennsylvania. This is even uglier for Donald Trump than the overall polling averages, which say that Biden is up by about eight points in Michigan and about seven points in Pennsylvania.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #732 on: July 24, 2020, 09:22:09 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #733 on: July 24, 2020, 10:34:17 AM »
Law Officers are Not Thugs. Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days. These Law Officers will Liberate Portland. As I have said, this is a WINNING Issue for Trump which explains the Dem Hysteria all day long. They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation. This Issue is making Trump the "Law & Order" POTUS Candidate vs the doddering "Fuzzy" Joe Biden. STARK Comparison = Easy Choice to make.

They are unidentified thugs

Oregon strikes back at Donald Trump

It’s becoming more and more clear that Donald Trump and his administration made a mistake when they sent henchmen into Portland to kidnap peaceful protesters. The Oregon Attorney General is already taking legal action in response. Now the Inspectors General of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice are getting involved:

Senator Jeff Merkley (D OR): BREAKING NEWS: At my request & the request of @RonWyden @RepBonamici @repblumenauer, the Inspectors General of DHS and DOJ have officially launched investigations into Trump's flagrant abuse of power in the streets of Portland. His strongman tactics will not tolerated.

@DanielStrauss4: The Inspectors General for the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security are opening investigations into the feds' involvement in Portland.

In addition, the courts are already beginning to crack down on the Trump regime’s lawlessness in Portland:

@KyleIboshi BREAKING: Federal judge grants temporary restraining order prohibiting federal officers from arresting journalists or legal observers during Portland protests, unless crime has been committed.

The federal agents and/or contractors committing these crimes on the Trump regime’s behalf should be aware that they’ll all face criminal charges and prison time if Donald Trump loses the election. In the meantime, it’s clear that no one is taking this lying down.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #734 on: July 24, 2020, 11:25:42 AM »
WaPo/ABC Poll: Biden Ahead of Trump 55% to 40%

Last week there was a Quinnipiac University Poll with Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by 15 points. Now a Washington Post/ABC News poll came out yesterday with the same 15-point lead for Biden. In May, this poll had Biden ahead by 10 points. In March it was 2 points. The poll was among registered voters, but among those who say they are certain to vote, Biden's lead is 11 points. Among likely voters it is just a tad lower, at 10 points.

Let's put this in perspective. Biden's lead is greater than that of any challenger since Bill Clinton seized the lead over George H.W. Bush in 1992 after Ross Perot dropped out in July (before dropping back in again in October). At this point in 2016, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 3 points. At no point in 2016 did her lead go above 8 points, and it reached 8 only briefly. Also, Biden is above 50%. That means even if all the undecideds break for Trump (which is extremely unlikely), Biden will still win the popular vote. Clinton wasn't above 50% at any point in 2016.

Many pollsters have asked about enthusiasm, but this poll finally asked the right question: What are you excited about? Here are the results:

The cat is now out of the bag. Trump voters want to reelect Trump. Biden is just collateral damage. On the other hand, Biden voters want to defeat Trump. Electing Biden isn't really a priority. The Democrats could have nominated Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) or a can of tuna fish and it wouldn't have had a lot of effect on Democratic voters, although it might have had some effect on the 21% of Trump supporters who a primarily motivated by their dislike of Biden. This implies that there is relatively little Biden could do, short of transmogrifying into Trump, to blow this lead. Trump's only real hope now is cheating one way or another (e.g., voter suppression, shutting down the Postal Service in October, etc.).

Another interesting question is on whether Trump has united the country or divided the country. A full 35% said he has united the country and 61% said he has divided the country. Surely Trump voters know very well that Trump is trying to divide the country, as Fox News tells them daily how awful the liberals are and how Trump is doing his best to squash them like bugs. Are they just trolling the pollsters? It makes one wonder.

By double-digit margins, voters think that Biden has the temperament to be president (+26), would better unite the country (+24), better understands people (+17), is more honest (+14), better represents their values (+12), and has a better idea of what America should stand for (+10) than Trump. The only personality point where Biden doesn't win is on who is a stronger leader, where it is tied at 45%.

On the issues, Biden wins on race relations (+25), the virus (+20), and crime (+9). Asked whether the top priority should be stopping the virus (even if that hurts the economy) or restarting the economy (even if that lets the virus spread), 63% want to stop the virus and 33% want to restart the economy. Presumably this 33% consists primarily of people with no job and no money and who see a restarted economy as their only hope.

Partisan Gap Is Huge and Favors the Democrats

One of the questions pollsters often ask is: "Which party do you identify with?" According to Gallup, the answer to that question has moved sharply toward the Democrats since January, as shown by this graph:

The current gap of 11 points is historically large. It's happened before, but it is not common. The Democrats led by more than 10 points after Barack Obama's second election win, after Bill Clinton was impeached, and during George H.W. Bush's last summer as president in 1992. The Republicans have never led by more than 10 points at any time since Gallup began asking the question in 1991.

The implications are fairly clear. Since only 39% of Americans are Republicans, there is no way Donald Trump can get reelected in the absence of a strong third-party candidate (sorry, Howie, Jo, and Kanye, you don't qualify), unless large numbers of Democrats sour on their candidate and vote for him. So far polling doesn't show any major group of voters about to desert Joe Biden in favor of Trump.

Biden's Strategy: Do No Harm

While some pundits are mocking Joe Biden for hiding in his basement and not taking positions on many controversial issues, it might be just what the doctor ordered. After a tumultuous 3˝ years of Donald Trump, many voters just want things to calm down and Biden is Mr. Calm. While young Democrats would prefer a much more dynamic candidate or one with progressive ideas, many of them hate Trump so much they will go to the polls to defeat Trump (see above), and a vote to defeat Trump is indistinguishable from a vote to elect Biden.

In Wisconsin, for example, Biden is already way ahead of where Hillary Clinton was, even without much effort. The state used to be part of the "blue wall," but it flipped in 2016. It could very well flip again in 2020 because voters who hated Hillary Clinton don't see Biden as threatening. His being milquetoast is actually a plus with many moderates, especially in the suburbs of Wisconsin and other states. Many older voters, in particular, are not interested in breaking down barriers with historic candidates like Barack Obama and Clinton. They just want someone who won't cause any damage. Biden fits that description well.

Groups that the Biden campaign is targeting include seniors, suburban voters, and even rural voters in a state like Wisconsin. These are groups that are not interested in Bernie Sanders' revolution, or anybody else's revolution for that matter. They just want all the screaming to stop. Biden is their man. How about this as a campaign pledge:

America's present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate; not experiment, but equipoise; not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality.

While it fits Biden's style well, he would be advised not to use it, since he has previously been tarred for plagiarism. This was Warren Harding's basic platform in 1920. Harding summed it up by saying he was for a "return to normalcy." And while Harding didn't hide in his basement during the whole campaign, he basically didn't leave his front porch in Ohio the whole time. It's kind of the same thing ±8 feet. And it worked. Harding beat James Cox (D) 60% to 34%.

North Carolina Makes Early Voting Easier

On Friday, the North Carolina Board of Elections, which has a 3-2 Democratic majority, issued a new rule that requires polling places during early voting to serve no more than 20,000 voters. For example, Wake County (Raleigh) has 460,000 registered voters, so it must have at least 23 polling places. North Carolina will not copy the Wisconsin primary, in which Milwaukee, a city of 600,000 people, had a single polling place.

For rural areas with far less than 20,000 voters, nothing will change, but for all towns and cities with more than 20,000 voters, extra polling places will be added. This helps the Democrats far more than it helps the Republicans. Republican state Sen. Ralph Hise immediately complained, saying that it wasn't fair that areas with many Democrats would get more polling stations and those that are predominantly Republican would not. He also asked who would pay for the extra polling stations. Of course, there is nothing prohibiting rural areas from having as many polling stations as they would like and there was money in the CARES Act to pay for extra voting costs during a pandemic.

Chris Wallace Fact Checks Trump on Fox News

Not all Fox News interviewers are in the tank for Donald Trump. One who isn't is Chris Wallace. An interview Wallace did with Trump was broadcast yesterday (outdoors, but with neither one wearing a mask). In the interview, Trump lied repeatedly and Wallace confronted him repeatedly. For example, Trump claimed that U.S. COVID-19 mortality is the lowest in the world. Wallace didn't accept that and told Trump that not only is it not the lowest, it is the seventh highest.

Trump also claimed that Joe Biden wants to defund the police. Wallace pointed out that Biden has specifically rejected that position. When the subject of polling came up, Wallace brought up the Fox News poll showing Biden ahead by 8 points. Trump simply said it was fake news. Wallace was not impressed.

Trump also said that the coronavirus was nearly contained. Actually, the Friday total of 77,000 new cases is an all-time high, so the virus is anything but contained. When Wallace pressed Trump on his lack of a national plan for handling the virus, Trump blamed the governors. Trump also defended the Confederate Battle Flag and whined about not being allowed to hold big rallies in states with Democratic governors.

This is the first Sunday morning news show interview Trump has given in a year (after all, there's golf to be played) and the first one with Wallace in 2 years. Given the President's performance yesterday, no doubt new campaign manager Bill Stepien is going to tell Trump to avoid all interviews with folks not named Hannity or Carlson until after Nov. 3. But Trump does not take direction well, so we'll see.

Biden Opens Wide Leads In Midwestern States

A new Fox News poll from three battleground states:

Michigan: Biden 49%, Trump 41%
Minnesota: Biden 51%, Trump 38%
Pennsylvania: Biden 50%, Trump 39%
“In each state’s head-to-head matchup, the president underperforms both his 2016 vote share and his current job approval rating — and Biden’s edge is larger than the survey’s margin of sampling error.”

Democrats Now Favored to Take Back the Senate

The Cook Political Report forecasts a net gain of five to seven U.S. Senate seats for Democrats, which would give the party the Senate majority.

“Ultimately, every day that Trump stubbornly refuses to change course is another day that it becomes increasingly likely he may not only tank his own re-election bid but could be on a kamikaze mission to take the Republican-held Senate down with him. At this point, a net gain of five to seven seats for Democrats looks far more probable than the one to three seat gain that would leave them shy of a majority.”

Trump Tried to Pressure U.K. into Holding the British Open at His Golf Club in Scotland

Donald Trump promised to break old norms and once again he has apparently done so. And not in a good way. Up until now, most presidents didn't use the power of their office to line their own pockets. Yes, the administration of Warren Harding was corrupt, but Harding himself didn't seek to profit personally in the Teapot Dome scandal. That was Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall's little project. Even Richard Nixon, who was certainly very corrupt in many ways, didn't see the U.S. government as a personal profit center. Trump seems to be breaking new ground here.

First, we had Trump encouraging foreign governments to hold big events at his hotel—and pay the full rate. Then we had Trump visit his golf clubs over 275 times, with each visit requiring many Secret Service personnel to rent rooms and golf carts to the tune of $105 million so far, all of it a direct transfer from the Treasury to Trump's personal bank account.

But now a new scandal has arisen. According to the New York Times, Trump asked his friend and ambassador to the U.K., Woody Johnson, to pressure the U.K. into holding the British Open at his failing golf club, Turnberry, in Scotland. The club has been losing large amounts of money for years, and a major golf tournament there would not only bring in a huge amount of money directly from fees and people staying there, but in addition its prestige would zoom up and possibly save the club from going under.

Johnson has zero diplomatic experience and his only qualification for one of the top diplomatic posts is being a major Trump donor. Naturally, Johnson tried to please his patron, so he talked to his deputy, Lewis Lukens, about the project. Lukens advised him not to do it, saying it would be unethical for a president to use the presidency for private gain. But Johnson didn't listen and brought the idea up with the U.K. government's Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell. Mundell didn't take the bait.

The episode left Lukens deeply unsettled, so he e-mailed other officials at the State Dept. telling them what had happened. A few months later, Johnson forced Lukens out. This is a pattern we have seen before (see: Vindman, Alexander).

Federal law makes it a criminal offense for any government official—except the president and vice president—to use his office to promote private businesses. However, the Constitution forbids the president from receiving emoluments, which in the 18th Century meant "payments," from foreign governments. Getting the British government to hold a big event at Trump's personal property would seem to qualify.

Getting Johnson to ask for a favor is hugely unethical because it compromises him. At some time in the future, the British government could come to him and say: "Remember that time you asked us for a favor? Now we would like to ask you for a favor." No experienced diplomat would even consider making such a request. So indeed, Trump is carrying out his campaign promise and smashing norms.

Barr Could Be Disbarred

Four past presidents of the D.C. Bar Association have signed a letter to the Bar Association's Office of Disciplinary Counsel asking for AG William Barr to be investigated and potentially disbarred. The letter points to four specific actions that the authors allege violate the D.C. Bar's ethical rules, to wit:

His deceitful behavior in absolving the President of the obstruction of justice that Robert Mueller found
Attacking an inspector general's report using half-truths, mischaracterizations, and concealment of facts
Maligning FBI officials who have not been indicted for a crime, making a future fair trial impossible
Ordering an unconstitutional attack on peaceful protesters at Lafayette Square
The summary ends with: "We don't have an attorney general now. We have an additional lawyer for the President."

The letter is 40 pages long and gives a detailed brief for each of the counts of Barr's violating bar association rules. There are 23 signatories in addition to the four past presidents.

Bar associations can take years to process complaints and they do it in secret. This isn't even the first time bar association leaders have said Barr is unsuited for the job. Last month, the president of the New York City Bar Association sent Congress a letter calling him "unfit" for the job of attorney general. Note that admission to the bar—or, for that matter, a law degree—is not a prerequisite for the Attorney Generalship, and so disbarment would not automatically lead to the Trump administration being dis-Barred.

Cell Phone Companies Reject Trump, Texts

Any campaign worth its salt should always be looking for whatever edge they can find. And new technologies and media are often fertile ground for such opportunities. So, you can't blame Trump 2020 for trying to exploit text messaging to the hilt, the way that the Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaign did. Over the July 4 weekend, the Trump campaign tried to send millions of text messages to supporters, in part to raise money, and in part to test the system in anticipation of sending lots and lots of "make sure to get to the polls and vote" texts in late October and early November. It did not go well, as the major cellular providers' anti-spam measures all kicked in, with the result that less than 1 million text messages reached their intended destination.

Anyone who's done product testing will immediately see that Team Trump went too far, too fast. Scaling up to the millions, and doing so on a holiday weekend, when technical support is going to be scarce, was unwise. The ultimate result was entirely predictable, and the cellular providers' explanation—that any group or organization would have triggered the spam filters if they tried what Trump 2020 tried—is entirely plausible. That did not, of course, stop Donald Trump Jr. from claiming that it's a Big Tech anti-conservative conspiracy. The campaign is now working with Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile to try to work out the kinks. And maybe they'll do it, and will pick up a little edge as a result. On the other hand, Team Trump does have the problem that, when all is said and done, the messages really are spam. That means the cellular companies have to be mindful, both of angry customers who don't want to receive (or pay for) unwanted messages, and also of federal law. So, maybe it won't get worked out by Election Day.

Trump Is Trying to Eliminate Testing for the Coronavirus

Senate Republicans are working on a bill to provide $50 billion to states and federal agencies to increase testing for the coronavirus. During the weekend, administration officials worked hard to kill the bill. Senate Republicans are not happy with this pushback and the outcome is not clear yet.

Why would the administration (which, in this case, surely means the President because no other top official opposes testing) want to block testing in the middle of a pandemic? It's not hard to understand once you realize what the President's goal is. It is getting reelected. Having constant reporting in every media outlet about thousands of deaths from COVID-19 every day doesn't help achieve this one key goal. So to reduce the official count of new cases, hospitals are now required to report to the Dept. of HHS, where the numbers can be more easily fudged. Actual deaths are much harder to fudge, but by reducing testing, the people who die will not have officially died of COVID-19, so the number of COVID-19 deaths will not grow so quickly. Statisticians will see that the number of total deaths and the number of deaths from unknown causes may skyrocket, but Trump can then trumpet the news that deaths from COVID-19 are down. Problem solved.

Maybe. Senate Republicans who are up for reelection this year may decide they don't want to play this game, as their opponents would then label them as part of the cover-up. On the other hand, they also are frightened about receiving a tweet of death if they openly oppose Trump, so they have to be very careful while the sausage is being made. Another factor is that the House has to approve any new relief bills and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is not much of a fan of reducing testing in order to label the upcoming wave of COVID-19 deaths as "unknown cause."

That said, it is also clear that improvements need to be made in the testing process. Yesterday on "Meet the Press," Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) noted that it often takes, seven, eight, even nine days to get results back. By then, an infected person can spread the coronavirus to dozens or hundreds of people without knowing it. He called the delay in getting results back a "complete disgrace."

Lincoln Project Isn't Missing a Beat

Donald Trump made a big mistake by agreeing to sit for an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace this weekend, because Wallace pulled few punches, and called the President out on numerous lies and exaggerations. The very worst sequence, quite probably, came when Trump bragged about having "aced" the cognitive test he was given (The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, or MOCA), and asserted that Joe Biden would never be able to pass the test, and also that if Wallace were to take it, he would be unable to answer the "very hard" last five questions. This means that Trump apparently admitted that, among other things, he had difficulty repeating the sentence "I only know that John is the one to help today," explaining what a train and a bicycle have in common, and naming at least 11 words that start with the letter 'F' (you can see the test here).

The Lincoln Project (LP) jumped right on it with this ad, which plucks the worst moments from the interview, including the exchange about testing, and frames them as a sitcom episode (specifically, an episode of "Seinfeld"), complete with laugh track:

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #735 on: July 24, 2020, 12:20:39 PM »
'Trump is insane': President ridiculed for incoherent’ appearance on Fox News

The mental acuity of the leader of the free world was called into question after Donald Trump had an “incoherent” response to a softball question.

“If you’re given four more years, what will this country look like, in your view, four years from now?” Sean Hannity asked.

Trump repeated many of his unkept promises from 2016 that he has failed to deliver while — complaining about “globalists.”

“We’re going to be respected — and we are now by other countries, they’re respecting us more than they have in many, many decades,” Trump argued, despite America being pitied globally for Trump’s bungled response to the coronavirus pandemic.

In June, Trump also flopped after being asked as softball question from Hannity on his vision for a second term.

Here’s some of what people were saying about Trump’s Fox News appearance in link below:

'A National Humiliation': America mocked for Trump and his ‘shaky mental state'

Donald Trump’s focus on defending his mental stability has been a catastrophe for America during a pandemic and economic crisis.

“Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. Sadly, I suspect I don’t need to explain what I’m referring to here. If you’re reading this, you most likely already know what these five words are: a direct quote from President Trump, who told a visibly discomfited Fox News interviewer the other night that he had aced a mental-acuity test by correctly reciting them,” Susan Glasser wrote in The New Yorker.

“Yes, it has once again come to this: the President of the United States bragging—twice, just this week, in Fox interviews—that he does not have dementia and daring Joe Biden to take the same cognitive test,” she explained. “But Trump’s mental state has long been the elephant in the room for Republicans, and it’s not surprising that most G.O.P. officials refuse to mention it. Yet many Republicans have—brazenly, under the circumstances—followed Trump in questioning the fitness for office of Biden, a gaffe-prone septuagenarian who would be the oldest person elected to the Presidency should he beat Trump in November. If the stakes weren’t so very, very high, the entire debate that Trump insists on having over which of our Presidential candidates is possibly senile would be exactly the sort of public car crash from which you’d want to avert your eyes. It’s a national humiliation, an embarrassment. Can’t we just make it stop?”

“But this is one of those weeks in Trump’s America that does not allow for escapism. The actual news is as bad as Trump’s shaky mental state, or worse: unemployment claims are rising again. Federal aid for the businesses and individuals hardest hit by the crisis is about to run out. Coronavirus deaths in the U.S. are back above a thousand per day for the first time since early June. Cases are rising at an alarming rate across the South and West. States that have pushed and been pushed by Trump to reopen before the disease was under control are now being forced to close back up. There is inadequate testing, and unacceptable delays in processing the tests that do take place,” Glasser noted. “Trump has repeatedly been asked in recent days about a national testing plan, a national mask order, a national strategy to help schools serve students safely. He has rejected all of them.”

TRUMP: I asked the doctor, I said, 'is there some kind of cognitive test that I could take?' ... the last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question. You'll go 'person, woman, man, camera, TV.' So they say -- 'can you repeat that?' ... for me it was easy." Flushed face

“Beyond these ever-harder-to-ignore questions about Trump’s basic fitness to handle the complexities of the Presidency, there is an entire public debate over his mental health. A preening narcissist in the best of times, Trump’s lifelong self-absorption, lack of empathy, chronic untruthfulness, and apparent inability to distinguish right from wrong have led hundreds of psychiatrists to break with their profession’s rule against diagnosis without examination and call Trump mentally ill,” Glasser explained.

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported Trump has been telling the story for some time, while changing the names of the objects in the test.

@katierogers: The president has been known to recite five words to aides in the West Wing or on Air Force One — he’d tweak the list to make it appropriate for the setting — while claiming that Biden could not do the same."

Trump says 'you have to be very sharp' to be president — then forgets the name of the Space Force

Donald Trump discussed the importance of being smart while president during a Thursday evening interview with Fox News personality Sean Hannity.

“You have to be very sharp. I’m dealing with the heads of these countries and everyone of them is a world-class chess player and if you’re not a 100% on your game, if you’re not 100% sharp plus, you got a problem,” Trump argued.

Trump: You have to be very sharp. I’m dealing with the heads of these countries and everyone of them is a world class chess player and if you’re not a 100% on your game, if you’re not 100% sharp plus, you got a problem.

Moments later, Trump forgot the name of the Space Force, the new branch of the armed services that he created with much fanfare.

The President, who boasted about his memory, forgets the name of the Space Force.

Trump is 'completely confused' about his cognitive test: medical expert   

Speaking on CNN this Thursday, a medical expert addressed President Trump’s recent rant on Fox News where he bragged about his performance on a cognitive test designed to detect early signs of dementia. NYU School of Medicine’s Dr. Art Kaplan said that the test Trump took was simply to diagnose whether or not he’s mildly cognitively impaired from a disease — not to determine his intelligence.

“He’s completely confused about the purpose and point of this particular quick examination,” he said. “My belief is he’s trying to establish himself as the stable genius that he wants us all to think that he is.”

Kaplan went on to say that Trump is using the test to defend against people who have concerns about his mental fitness for office.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #735 on: July 24, 2020, 12:20:39 PM »