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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 501106 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2760 on: December 09, 2020, 05:27:17 AM »
So much "winning"  from Trump and the GOP :D

Arizona Supreme Court rules against bid to review more ballots, certifies Joe Biden's win

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2760 on: December 09, 2020, 05:27:17 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2761 on: December 09, 2020, 05:38:32 AM »

This might not be too popular a post with some, but oh well.

Similarities between the Trump claims and the JFK CTers claims.

Both say that the conspirators made many actions that exposed the plot.

In the JFK assassination:
•   Planted a Carcano rifle which is, allegedly, unusable for an assassination. They could have planted an M-1.
•   This made it necessary to plant a bullet at the hospital, and bullet fragments in the car, which would have been unnecessary if M-1 rifles were used.
•   Fired from multiple directions. For crossfire purposes. This is unnecessary because if the President ducks out of sight, one won’t be able to shot him from the front or rear.
•   Using an M-1 makes it easier to explain if wounds are inflected separately but too close together in time.

In anyway the conspirators could reveal a conspiracy, they did so.
•   Frame the wrong man, who couldn’t really shoot well, despite being a former Marine.
•   Using the wrong type of weapon. Must now plant bullet and bullet fragments.
•   Firing from the wrong directions.
•   Hitting JFK at two separate times, but too close together. A non-problem if they use M-1’s.

Any possible way they could maximize the odds of reveling multiple shooters, they did so.

Similarly, the 2020 Election plot was needlessly over elaborate.
•   Dominion Voting Systems computers turn Trump votes into Biden votes.
•   Mailing in ballots that appear valid but were from people who had died or moved to another state or never existed.
•   Sneaking in fake ballots in suitcases that were never mailed in.

Why such an elaborate plot?

Would using Dominion Voting Systems software really work? Wouldn’t this be discovered when the ballots are manually recounted, as many of them were?

If this plot was real, it would be much simpler. Don’t bother with dishonest software. This will fail when the ballots are manually recounted. Just mail in a bunch of bogus ballots. If this is not enough, then you go to Plan B and sneak in additional ballots that were never mailed in. But this would be done toward the end of the counting, not on the first night, before one has an idea of how many ballots are needed.

This is similar to the problem CTers have with the magic bullet. Why smuggle in an extra bullet, so early, within a half hour of the assassination, before they know how many bullets the doctors may find?

Why sneak in extra ballots, “In suitcases, hidden under tables” on the first night of counting, long before one knows how many extra votes Biden will need? It took many more days to count the votes. How did they know at the beginning of the count how many Biden would need? If they knew it that early, why not have them mailed in so they wouldn’t have to sneak them in at all?

Both the JFK CT scenarios and the Election 2020 CT scenarios don’t make any sense to me. Am I thinking about both hypothetical conspiracies in the wrong way? Is my thinking right about the 2000 Election but similar reasoning wrong as far as the assassination is concerned?

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2762 on: December 09, 2020, 05:41:52 AM »
So much "winning"  from Trump and the GOP :D

Arizona Supreme Court rules against bid to review more ballots, certifies Joe Biden's win

I suggest you keep on watching and believing the Chinese News Network, The Guardian and Vanity Fair until the country is so deep in debt that the socialists will take over for the common good of humanity.   You can live on a bowl of Chinese rice can't you?   The big social media sites are censoring and banning news stories so that they have just become an Operation Mockingbird operation.   FBI is doing nothing to investigate affidavits and it is really sad that no light is being allowed in to disinfect the election process.    If Biden won, so be it.  Like Hunter Biden's laptop, sworn affidavits of election fraud brought forward are not looked at by the FBI - there is nothing to see and no need to investigate because the teevee tells you that!   Keep on drinking your Koolaid and lap it up like a little puppy dog.  Brainwash yourself good!    Don't ever think for yourself or your country!  This link below is banned from Facebook and Twitter because it had an opinion which was at odds with the officials - that is pure BS and PROPAGANDA management by socialist media sites!

Keep on believing that  "investigating an election process is a danger to democracy"! 

« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 05:50:50 AM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2762 on: December 09, 2020, 05:41:52 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2763 on: December 09, 2020, 06:41:45 AM »
I suggest you keep on watching and believing the Chinese News Network, The Guardian and Vanity Fair until the country is so deep in debt that the socialists will take over for the common good of humanity.   You can live on a bowl of Chinese rice can't you?   The big social media sites are censoring and banning news stories so that they have just become an Operation Mockingbird operation.   FBI is doing nothing to investigate affidavits and it is really sad that no light is being allowed in to disinfect the election process.    If Biden won, so be it.  Like Hunter Biden's laptop, sworn affidavits of election fraud brought forward are not looked at by the FBI - there is nothing to see and no need to investigate because the teevee tells you that!   Keep on drinking your Koolaid and lap it up like a little puppy dog.  Brainwash yourself good!    Don't ever think for yourself or your country!  This link below is banned from Facebook and Twitter because it had an opinion which was at odds with the officials - that is pure BS and PROPAGANDA management by socialist media sites!

Keep on believing that  "investigating an election process is a danger to democracy"! 


Says the guy who reads "The Federalist" and actually drinks the orange Kool Aid. Thanks for the laugh.  :D

There was nothing to investigate. Bogus claims of unproven "voter fraud" does not warrant an investigation and every court in the country made that perfectly clear. Attempting an illegal coup is dangerous to a democracy and that's what the GOP attempted to do. The rule of law was upheld and they were shut down. Democracy won. The fact is, right wingers hate democracy and want a fascist authoritarian dictatorship with Lame Duck Donald.     

Chinese rice? Lame Duck Donald is tens of millions of dollars in debt to China and his corrupt daughter received dozens of trademarks from China she had no business even acquiring. He even has secret Chinese bank accounts that he paid taxes on which he doesn't even pay in the United States.

Lame Duck Donald has put the United States in massive debt with his big tax breaks to billionaires and not a peep from the right about the national debt.           

The social media sites finally did their job somewhat by flagging and blocking dangerous far right wing propaganda and Russian disinformation from being spammed on their sites. Too bad they didn't do that in 2016.       

The signed "affidavits" are fraud and even Trump's own handpicked right wing judges ruled that every lawsuit was bogus. His own right wing Supreme Court denied his bogus attempt at overturning ballots in Pennsylvania. These are ALL his own people rejecting his bogus allegations.

If you were paying attention to the actual news months ago, we all knew Lame Duck Donald was going to claim "massive voter fraud" and then try to get the results overturned in the courts with his own handpicked judges and his own corrupted electors with help from Republican legislators. I was writing about this for months. Why do you think the right wing Senate wanted to ram through Amy Covid Barrett so fast. He knew he was going to lose the election because he was so far down in the polls, so his big plan was to have the election overturned in his favor by his corrupt friends he picked in the courts. The vote was so overwhelmingly against him, his corrupt buddies couldn't help him steal the election and eneded up legally following our laws.               

Politifact and every credible news organization has debunked the bogus video you posted and the Ukrainian prosecutors said Hunter Biden was officially cleared of any wrongdoing. You lived by your bogus conspiracy theories and you got burned just like all the other MAGAts did. You all were conned and you lost badly. 

41 days left until this orange criminal leaves office.     

Enjoy the next 4 years of President Joe Biden!  Thumb1:

No, Georgia election workers didn’t kick out observers and illegally count ‘suitcases’ of ballots

Ukrainian prosecutors find no evidence against Hunter Biden: Audit probed energy company Burisma, of which Biden was a board member from 2014-2019

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2764 on: December 09, 2020, 07:02:59 AM »

I suggest you keep on watching and believing the Chinese News Network, The Guardian and Vanity Fair until the country is so deep in debt that the socialists will take over for the common good of humanity.   You can live on a bowl of Chinese rice can't you?   The big social media sites are censoring and banning news stories so that they have just become an Operation Mockingbird operation.   FBI is doing nothing to investigate affidavits and it is really sad that no light is being allowed in to disinfect the election process.    If Biden won, so be it.  Like Hunter Biden's laptop, sworn affidavits of election fraud brought forward are not looked at by the FBI - there is nothing to see and no need to investigate because the teevee tells you that!   Keep on drinking your Koolaid and lap it up like a little puppy dog.  Brainwash yourself good!    Don't ever think for yourself or your country!  This link below is banned from Facebook and Twitter because it had an opinion which was at odds with the officials - that is pure BS and PROPAGANDA management by socialist media sites!

Keep on believing that  "investigating an election process is a danger to democracy"! 

Alan. Michael Griffith is dodging my questions. Would you be willing to answer them?

Trump and Giuliani have made the following claims:

Claim 1: The Dominion Voting Systems computers turn Trump votes into Biden votes. This company is widely used throughout the United States including all six of the contested states of which Trump needs to flip three or four.

Claim 2: Invalid ballots were mailed in from people who had died, or had moved, or were no longer eligible voters for that state.

Claim 3: In Georgia, during the first night after election day, invalid ballots were brought inside suitcases that were kept hidden. Ok, brought in inside the normal ballot boxes and kept in plain sight under tables. They were then counted.


Which of these claims are true and which are false?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2764 on: December 09, 2020, 07:02:59 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2765 on: December 09, 2020, 09:18:09 AM »
Alan. Michael Griffith is dodging my questions. Would you be willing to answer them?

Trump and Giuliani have made the following claims:

Claim 1: The Dominion Voting Systems computers turn Trump votes into Biden votes. This company is widely used throughout the United States including all six of the contested states of which Trump needs to flip three or four.

Claim 2: Invalid ballots were mailed in from people who had died, or had moved, or were no longer eligible voters for that state.

Claim 3: In Georgia, during the first night after election day, invalid ballots were brought inside suitcases that were kept hidden. Ok, brought in inside the normal ballot boxes and kept in plain sight under tables. They were then counted.


Which of these claims are true and which are false?

Claim 3 was for sure when you certainly can see these boxes were brought out and 4 people left behind to count.  Of course you could claim the surveillance was doctored and time stamp erroneous.  That is a conspiracy!

Claim 2 needs to be broadened/clarified.   These votes need to have proof of validity.  In order to vote in person, you have to show ID.   Mail in votes needed to have signatures and addresses compared before being validated.  They were given a pass and mixed in with the legal votes and there is no way to go back and compare and validate once envelopes were opened.    That is why the fight is on now to verify signatures and addresses for those votes.  Truly a sham process and all those votes that can't be verified, should be thrown out!     
Claim 1 is likely the biggest scam.   The DVS voting system does actually have internet connections and Comey and others denied it.    If you can, watch the HBO Documentary Kill Chain.  If not, look at the free HBO trailer for that documentary and see Comey and others say it is not linked to the internet.   That is a laugh, data is loaded up from memory sticks and put online!

You should maybe read what your own Democrats said about DVS and election software!

Maybe you should watch the first HBO documentary done in 2005!   So you can see how you can go in the backdoor and change the .xls sheets!  You could maybe win back the election were Gore admitted defeat to Bush in a very narrow electronic VLT game!

Then follow that up by looking at what Harri Hurst in that documentary said in March of this year 2020.

The youtube link is below and see what Harri Hurst says at 2:20 seconds.  No difference in software - still susceptible to manipulation like it was in early 2000s.

I know that is asking a lot and would take several hours for ya to do.  Of course, you won't bother looking as the teevee doesn't want you to go there and there is nothing to see anyway.  Maybe the court will see it different unless they are scared of riots and having the left go ballistic and knock them off or stack the court.  After the police get defunded and there becomes no need for cash bail to hold lawbreakers in.......interesting times!

Then follow that up and read the signed affidavit by a cybersecurity expert.  He mentions connection to Frankfurt and a lot of anomalies from machines - oh he did sign it as well!

I don't think there is anything to see really - all claims false lol!  Bush himself used the software to help himself get re-elected.   The system is corrupt and ran by 3rd party "outsourced" providers.  DVS is worldwide and everyplace these machines were used before (starting in Venezeula and changing hands many times), there was always a controversy!   They all use the same root software which began with Smartmatic, Sequoia, Diebold and continued onto DVS.

You might even look at perfect switches which were recorded.  Of course, these were edited and can be proved false!!!!!  The first one has been pulled from youtube - likely censored because it showed an exact shift of 560 votes on CNN, one candidate -560 while the other gained 560 - just a little glitch!

This 2nd youtube link is still live!   So why is everyone not allowed to voice an opinion and then you can make a decision as to what you want believe?   Everyone is too stupid I guess and so you have to control what people see and their very thought process.  You wouldn't want anyone to question the teevee - that would raise a lot of issues, maybe even cause some rioting!  BLM would have to come out again and march against the protestors!

Maybe you should look at this flowchart and the interconnections- it is very interesting.  Someone went to great lengths to invent it and even included ties to George Soros - all very much a conspiracy theory that should not be seen by anyone with reasonable intelligence!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 09:26:01 AM by Allan Fritzke »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2766 on: December 09, 2020, 02:09:30 PM »
Alan, you can argue and make claims all you want, but the courts - where the evidence should be presented - is ruling against you every time. When 46 out 47 law suits are denied and the Supreme Court even refuses to hear a case, that should tell you enough about the quality (or rather lack thereof) of your arguments.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2767 on: December 09, 2020, 02:31:01 PM »
One clear indication that something was seriously wrong with the mail-in ballots is the fact that the rejection rate for mail-in ballots in this election was the lowest in recent history, even though the number of main-in ballots was, by far, the largest in history. In fact, the mail-in ballot rejection rate for November's election was lower than the rejection rate in the primaries earlier this year--the rejection rate for mail-in ballots in primaries is usually lower than the rejection rate in the general election.

In previous elections, as many as 10-15% of mail-in ballots were rejected. As a 2012 Reuters article explained, "For a variety of reasons, mail-in ballots are much more likely to be rejected than conventional, in-person votes" ( Yet, the mail-in ballot rejection rate in November's election was historically low. Indeed, in some key counties, the rejection rate was below 1% in the November election. Give me a break.

If the usual mail-in ballot rejection rate had occurred in November's election, Trump would have won, and won rather handily.

Shockingly, as of now, not one of the key swing states has conducted a genuine signature verification of their mail-in ballots. Georgia's feckless secretary of state refused to do so, despite a very public request from the governor. The Democratic governors and secretaries of state in Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have refused to conduct a thorough, genuine audit of the mail-in ballot signatures. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots, more than enough to have altered the election results.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2767 on: December 09, 2020, 02:31:01 PM »