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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 499831 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2768 on: December 09, 2020, 03:03:20 PM »

The reason Australia and New Zealand had success against COVID is because of strong leadership and the compliance of the citizens to follow the orders. If you had a significant portion of the population refusing to comply with the orders and a large segment of the media egging them on to break the rules, mocking masks, and calling the virus a "hoax" you'd be in a severe health crisis too.

These frauds over here pretend to be patriots and religious but their actions go against everything they claim they are. If the right wingers here followed the orders and wore masks we would have success just like New Zealand. Medical experts said if we all wore masks and locked down for 8 weeks we would significantly reduce the virus to where infections and death would be minimal to zero. We already could have accomplished that feat months ago but they refused to do so with each state having different or no requirements at all. Leadership starts at the top and we have a idiot who has no provided no leadership whatsoever. He blames others for his failures and we have a right wing media and a GOP joke of a party the enables and covers for him.       
Hospitals are being maxed out which is why new lockdown orders are being enforced to help stop new hospitalizations from COVID-19 because there will be no place to put new patients. Don't forget about people requiring hospitalization for other ailments. There won't be any place to put them. Even with this disaster looming, right wingers are still protesting against lockdowns.

The problem is, these deranged people are in a cult being brainwashed by their cult leader, right wing media, and lunatic conspiracy theorists that are given a platform to spew their disinformation. They are the reason that COVID-19 is out of control and why we are worse off 9 months later than we were before. They refuse to do the simple measures that will stop the spread of the virus and then attack the measures for not working. It's insane and tragic what has happened to our country with this orange scumbag leading the way for them to destroy our country based on hate, fear, lies, and disinformation. Trump is killing his own supporters in their own communities and these morons still don't care. They say "they will die for him". Yeah, that is called a cult.                   

Let me guess.  They wore masks and socially distanced!  Just like everyone in the US has done.  Old China Joe has a plan though!  He is going to mandate mask wearing.  Thirty-eight states have already done that for months and now have record high numbers of cases.  That is working great, but the kicker of course is that Old China Joe has no authority over the states except in places like federal buildings.  And everyone there is already wearing a mask.  Net impact - none.  Second, his goal is to distribute millions of doses of the Trump vaccine. Uh Oh.  That is already in the works thanks to the magnificent efforts of President Trump. Net impact - none because it is already in the works. Third, rejoin the China controlled WHO who covered up the spread of the virus and caused this disaster in the first place!  Net impact - more money wasted and spent on the same corrupt incompetents that failed us already.  Thankfully all this nonsense will be unnecessary once the Trump vaccine resolves the issue. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2768 on: December 09, 2020, 03:03:20 PM »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2770 on: December 09, 2020, 05:59:50 PM »
Alan. Michael Griffith is dodging my questions. Would you be willing to answer them?

Trump and Giuliani have made the following claims:

Claim 1: The Dominion Voting Systems computers turn Trump votes into Biden votes. This company is widely used throughout the United States including all six of the contested states of which Trump needs to flip three or four.

Claim 2: Invalid ballots were mailed in from people who had died, or had moved, or were no longer eligible voters for that state.

Claim 3: In Georgia, during the first night after election day, invalid ballots were brought inside suitcases that were kept hidden. Ok, brought in inside the normal ballot boxes and kept in plain sight under tables. They were then counted.


Which of these claims are true and which are false?

Claim 3 was for sure when you certainly can see these boxes were brought out and 4 people left behind to count.  Of course you could claim the surveillance was doctored and time stamp erroneous.  That is a conspiracy!

Claim 2 needs to be broadened/clarified.   These votes need to have proof of validity.  In order to vote in person, you have to show ID.   Mail in votes needed to have signatures and addresses compared before being validated.  They were given a pass and mixed in with the legal votes and there is no way to go back and compare and validate once envelopes were opened.    That is why the fight is on now to verify signatures and addresses for those votes.  Truly a sham process and all those votes that can't be verified, should be thrown out!     
Claim 1 is likely the biggest scam.   The DVS voting system does actually have internet connections and Comey and others denied it.    If you can, watch the HBO Documentary Kill Chain.  If not, look at the free HBO trailer for that documentary and see Comey and others say it is not linked to the internet.   That is a laugh, data is loaded up from memory sticks and put online!   

. . .

Ok. Let’s just talk about Claim 1, “likely the biggest scam”. This claim can’t be true. Trump demanded, and got, a manual recount of the counties he was most suspicious of. And the manual recount matched very closely the counts they got when the ballots were run through the Dominion Voting Systems machines. How could that be? If thousands of “Trump” votes were turned into “Biden” votes, a manual recount would expose that.


What explanation to you have for why the manual recounts they conducted did not reveal this massive fraud with the Dominion Voting Systems fraud?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2770 on: December 09, 2020, 05:59:50 PM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2771 on: December 09, 2020, 06:01:36 PM »
Alan, you can argue and make claims all you want, but the courts - where the evidence should be presented - is ruling against you every time. When 46 out 47 law suits are denied and the Supreme Court even refuses to hear a case, that should tell you enough about the quality (or rather lack thereof) of your arguments.

If I had people marching, looting and burning in the streets, I would think twice about what I was saying too and whether I want to live and let live.   There are all too many threats issued against these people and when you know that the FBI and CIA are in control, you might just end up committing suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head.  Coercion plays a big role in society these days and the rights entrained into the constitution are being trampled on and not followed.   The duty of the SCOTUS is to ensure that the constitution of the USA is being followed.  The left is  saying it is outdated and needs to change.    So be it.  However, the proper procedure for this was laid out in the constitution.  It doesn't mean you stack the court and make changes to it.   It means you need to go to the people of the country and have meaningful input - not let judges interpret according to their wishes.  It needs to be done by the will of the people and by national debate if you want to meddle with these things.  That is clearly laid out in the Constitution!   Any changes need to be done by the people, not by courts!

Can you imagine in CA that they want to defund the police, not take thugs into custody and release them on their own accord without posting bail?   That is a lawless society where the police power has been handed over to the criminal.   The judges are ruling for that - does it make sense to you?   The judges are right and law and order goes out the window!

Look at Michael Flynn case where really the only sticking accusation comes from the FBI who said that he lied to them.   What was the BIG lie that requires a prison term?  He was entrapped! These people that accused don't even show up in court - he never faced his accusers.  It was all only paper trail created to discredit the Trump campaign and FBI and CIA are allowed to hide behind smoke and mirrors.   They never proved that he did anything wrong - but the judge is vehement in saying that they  did.  As a "matter of national security, everything is redacted"!   Justice is finished in this country.  If no one investigates the real issue and throws people in jail for it, there is a problem and democracy will no longer exist.  It will be replaced by socialism where your freedoms will be controlled by government and the system will become a new feudal regime.

I suspect that China is the big new empire to come in - each empire only lasts for a season and the end is near in the USA when democracy is being foiled the way it has been.  In the history  of mankind, there never was a nation quite like the USA nor a constitution that held the rights of people in high esteem.   

Look at Hilary Clinton.
1) She had a server in her home (Barack knew it) with confidential information on it.
2) She paid for the Steeled dossier and Russian Collusion hoax through 3rd party techniques.
3) She destroyed 5 devices with a hammer and bleached laptops with evidence against her.

Look at Joe Biden.
1)You have a 78 year old man with dementia controlling the nuclear button of the country - he is just a yes man for someone.   
2) He even made a video tape at a CFR meeting where he bragged about blackmailing the Ukraine government into firing their prosecutor Shokin.
4) Hunter Biden laptop was taken by the FBI and held during the impeachment trial.  There is porno on that computer, could even involve his niece.
5) He runs a campaign from his basement and gets more votes than anyone else in history!
6)  It seems Joe himself like to reach up a few lady's skirts as well.

Not one person was convicted of anything that was done.    Either the system is flawed and rigged or these people are all so squeaky clean that it is ridiculous to think that.  Realize that if you control the media, you control the people.     Take free speech away and not allow anyone to voice a contrary opinion and what do you get?  This is what Facebook and Twitter are doing.   They decide what you get to see because you are too stupid to use common sense and make your own decisions about what to believe!

Did the Democrats not have any better leaders than this to put forward?   Epstein ends up committing suicide while being on suicide watch.   I would assume his lady friend will end up there too!  Look at Swalwell and his affair with the China girl or Nancy Pelosi who had to release one of her China spies in her own circle.   There is indisputable evidence that the Chinese have infiltrated the system and are working to undermine democracy and establish socialism.  COVID was a convenient plus.   Why do you think Chinese are happier to have Biden as Supreme Leader rather than Trump?  Are they for the people of the USA?
It is remarkable that the sheeple are allowing governments to entirely control their lives and take away their freedom of speech and the right to make decisions in their own lives.   You are no longer allowed to decide and use common sense with the COVID virus.  Prior to this,  life continued on -SARS, MERS H1N! etc. with precaution.   If you were sick, you socially distanced - that is common sense.  Look back at how this occurred in Germany, history is a great teacher.   The sheeple there were bombarded with propaganda and for a time Hitler got his way.   The people innocently believed, could not change it and it became out of their control.   They went to war for their great leader!   False flags used all the time.


Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2772 on: December 09, 2020, 06:03:57 PM »

Ok. Let’s just talk about Claim 1, “likely the biggest scam”. This claim can’t be true. Trump demanded, and got, a manual recount of the counties he was most suspicious of. And the manual recount matched very closely the counts they got when the ballots were run through the Dominion Voting Systems machines. How could that be? If thousands of “Trump” votes were turned into “Biden” votes, a manual recount would expose that.


What explanation to you have for why the manual recounts they conducted did not reveal this massive fraud with the Dominion Voting Systems fraud?

I guess you didn't watch any of the videos did you?   A recount means you recount 3% of the vote.  It is not a FULL recount.   So if you watched the original HBO documentary you would have seen this pointed out.  Obviously you are too smart to watch anything - just lap it up like a puppy dog - I give up on stupidity!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2772 on: December 09, 2020, 06:03:57 PM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2773 on: December 09, 2020, 06:28:20 PM »
If I had people marching, looting and burning in the streets, I would think twice about what I was saying too and whether I want to live and let live.   There are all too many threats issued against these people and when you know that the FBI and CIA are in control, you might just end up committing suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head.  Coercion plays a big role in society these days and the rights entrained into the constitution are being trampled on and not followed.   The duty of the SCOTUS is to ensure that the constitution of the USA is being followed.  The left is  saying it is outdated and needs to change.    So be it.  However, the proper procedure for this was laid out in the constitution.  It doesn't mean you stack the court and make changes to it.   It means you need to go to the people of the country and have meaningful input - not let judges interpret according to their wishes.  It needs to be done by the will of the people and by national debate if you want to meddle with these things.  That is clearly laid out in the Constitution!   Any changes need to be done by the people, not by courts!

Can you imagine in CA that they want to defund the police, not take thugs into custody and release them on their own accord without posting bail?   That is a lawless society where the police power has been handed over to the criminal.   The judges are ruling for that - does it make sense to you?   The judges are right and law and order goes out the window!

Look at Michael Flynn case where really the only sticking accusation comes from the FBI who said that he lied to them.   What was the BIG lie that requires a prison term?  He was entrapped! These people that accused don't even show up in court - he never faced his accusers.  It was all only paper trail created to discredit the Trump campaign and FBI and CIA are allowed to hide behind smoke and mirrors.   They never proved that he did anything wrong - but the judge is vehement in saying that they  did.  As a "matter of national security, everything is redacted"!   Justice is finished in this country.  If no one investigates the real issue and throws people in jail for it, there is a problem and democracy will no longer exist.  It will be replaced by socialism where your freedoms will be controlled by government and the system will become a new feudal regime.

I suspect that China is the big new empire to come in - each empire only lasts for a season and the end is near in the USA when democracy is being foiled the way it has been.  In the history  of mankind, there never was a nation quite like the USA nor a constitution that held the rights of people in high esteem.   

Look at Hilary Clinton.
1) She had a server in her home (Barack knew it) with confidential information on it.
2) She paid for the Steeled dossier and Russian Collusion hoax through 3rd party techniques.
3) She destroyed 5 devices with a hammer and bleached laptops with evidence against her.

Look at Joe Biden.
1)You have a 78 year old man with dementia controlling the nuclear button of the country - he is just a yes man for someone.   
2) He even made a video tape at a CFR meeting where he bragged about blackmailing the Ukraine government into firing their prosecutor Shokin.
4) Hunter Biden laptop was taken by the FBI and held during the impeachment trial.  There is porno on that computer, could even involve his niece.
5) He runs a campaign from his basement and gets more votes than anyone else in history!
6)  It seems Joe himself like to reach up a few lady's skirts as well.

Not one person was convicted of anything that was done.    Either the system is flawed and rigged or these people are all so squeaky clean that it is ridiculous to think that.  Realize that if you control the media, you control the people.     Take free speech away and not allow anyone to voice a contrary opinion and what do you get?  This is what Facebook and Twitter are doing.   They decide what you get to see because you are too stupid to use common sense and make your own decisions about what to believe!

Did the Democrats not have any better leaders than this to put forward?   Epstein ends up committing suicide while being on suicide watch.   I would assume his lady friend will end up there too!  Look at Swalwell and his affair with the China girl or Nancy Pelosi who had to release one of her China spies in her own circle.   There is indisputable evidence that the Chinese have infiltrated the system and are working to undermine democracy and establish socialism.  COVID was a convenient plus.   Why do you think Chinese are happier to have Biden as Supreme Leader rather than Trump?  Are they for the people of the USA?
It is remarkable that the sheeple are allowing governments to entirely control their lives and take away their freedom of speech and the right to make decisions in their own lives.   You are no longer allowed to decide and use common sense with the COVID virus.  Prior to this,  life continued on -SARS, MERS H1N! etc. with precaution.   If you were sick, you socially distanced - that is common sense.  Look back at how this occurred in Germany, history is a great teacher.   The sheeple there were bombarded with propaganda and for a time Hitler got his way.   The people innocently believed, could not change it and it became out of their control.   They went to war for their great leader!   False flags used all the time.

There's a lot of hyperbole and paranoia in your post. You must be seeing demons everywhere. I suppose that's what happens when you live in a bubble and clearly only get your information from sources at the right of the spectrum. Your reasoning seems to be more emotional than based on realism and the Republican fearmongering you present here is the same as it was decades ago. The perceived threats may be different now but the rhethoric is the same. You keep on repeating Republican talking points - with unproven speculation and misrepresentations thrown in for good measure - that have already been debunked. But you conveniently forget or ignore that the biggest polictical scandals of the past decade (watergate, iran-contra etc) were all of Republican origin.

You are constantly playing the victim and are talking about your rights being diminished, but what about the rights of others?  The country has nearly 330 million people and the active Republicans (who turned out to voted) are shown to be around 75 million. That makes you (and the Democrats with 80 million voters as well) a minority, so what right does the (extreme) right or left have to impose their will on the American people and not try to seek common ground for the good of the country and all it's people?

I don't get it. Why are you so hellbent on destroying the country with this constant fighting instead of trying to work together? You may consider Europe  to be socialist, but from first hand experience I can tell you life over there is a lot more relaxed than in the USA. Unlike the States, there are not more weapons in circulation than there are people. Apart from some unavoidable terror attacks by individuals, there aren't any mass shootings and the healthcare system is far better (and cheaper) than anything we've got in the States. You keep going on about your personal freedom that you want to protect but in a country with 330 million people in it there will never be the level of personal freedom, like the kind you want, at least not without imposing on the right to personal freedom of somebody else. Case in point; unlike in Europe, I have to hire security to protect my property in the States because some people want to have the freedom to own and bare weapons that are normally for use in wars and go way beyond personal protection. So, what gives those weapon owners the right to limit my personal freedom to the extend that I have to hire security to safeguard my property? Have you ever thought about that?

What gives somebody the right to refuse to take safety precautions against the spreading of covid-19 and endanger the lives of others as a possible consequence? Have you ever thought about that?

Btw your comments re Michael Flynn are completely bogus. You claim he was entrapped and that they never proved he did anything wrong. The man admitted to the offences twice in court, for crying out loud. And the mere fact that he was given a pardon means implicitely that he did commit a crime. And who, in your opinion, determines what the "real issue" is? Let me guess, it is whatever you think it is, right?

And one final note; if you feel that you need to defend your freedom by owning arms, it means that you feel threatend, which in turn means then you are and will never be free. Have you ever thought about that?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 08:35:23 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2774 on: December 09, 2020, 10:40:54 PM »
Hunter under investigation for tax fraud.  Who could have guessed?  Where has he been?  Hanging out with Fang Fang?  Party on Hunter.  The Big Guy will be in the Oval Office soon.  Let the good times roll.  The rules don't apply to you.  You are the fortunate son.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2775 on: December 09, 2020, 10:48:57 PM »

I guess you didn't watch any of the videos did you?   A recount means you recount 3% of the vote.  It is not a FULL recount.   So if you watched the original HBO documentary you would have seen this pointed out.  Obviously you are too smart to watch anything - just lap it up like a puppy dog - I give up on stupidity!

There is no need to be rude. I have not been rude to you. People who have a weak case (I’ve observed this from CTers) tend to do two things.

1.   Be rude.

2.   Post links to long articles, or long videos, implying that the answer to my simple question, is to be found somewhere in there.

So far, you fit the profile of one who has a weak case, to a ‘T’. So, before I waste my time:

Question 1:

How did the Democrats, know in advance, which ballots Trump would request a recount of and which he would not?

It seems to me, to get this dominion voting systems fraud to work, the Democrats would have to employ a psychic who tell them which counties they could manipulate and which counties they should leave alone.

Even a 3% manual recount should hit upon a county the Democrats should not have manipulated the ballot count.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2775 on: December 09, 2020, 10:48:57 PM »