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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 499422 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2776 on: December 09, 2020, 11:21:27 PM »
Hunter under investigation for tax fraud.  Who could have guessed?  Where has he been?  Hanging out with Fang Fang?  Party on Hunter.  The Big Guy will be in the Oval Office soon.  Let the good times roll.  The rules don't apply to you.  You are the fortunate son.

Hunter under investigation for tax fraud.

No he isn't. They are looking into his tax declarations, just like they do with God knows how many other people's every year. No fraud allegation has been made nor is it in now way certain there was fraud involved.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2776 on: December 09, 2020, 11:21:27 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2777 on: December 09, 2020, 11:24:24 PM »
Hunter under investigation for tax fraud.

No he isn't. They are looking into his tax declarations, just like they do with God knows how many other people's every year. No fraud allegation has been made nor is it in now way certain there was fraud involved.

LOL.  Is Fang Fang one of your many aliases?  Unless the Big Guy gives him a pardon, Hunter is going up the river.  And it won't be the Yangtze on his papa's yacht paid for by the Chinese.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2778 on: December 09, 2020, 11:42:27 PM »
LOL.  Is Fang Fang one of your many aliases?  Unless the Big Guy gives him a pardon, Hunter is going up the river.  And it won't be the Yangtze on his papa's yacht paid for by the Chinese.

Hunter is going up the river.

Should be a fun ride, along with the Trump family and those two crooked insider traders they call senators in Georgia

Who needs Presidential pardons when they "have done nothing wrong".... The Trump kids, right!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2778 on: December 09, 2020, 11:42:27 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2779 on: December 09, 2020, 11:52:03 PM »
Hunter is going up the river.

Should be a fun ride, along with the Trump family and those two crooked insider traders they call senators in Georgia

Who needs Presidential pardons when they "have done nothing wrong".... The Trump kids, right!

Yes, the FBI just issues subpoenas for routine tax purposes.  Could happen to anyone. LOL.  Nothing to worry about Hunter.  Live it up party man. And those codes that suggest the FBI are looking into money laundering are just common.  Don't worry that some Chinese guy left a diamond worth $100K under your pillow.  Just routine stuff.  The Big Guy will sort out it.  Whoever he is.  China Joe is on line two.  Better put Fang Fang on hold and take that call.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2780 on: December 10, 2020, 12:05:33 AM »
Yes, the FBI just issues subpoenas for routine tax purposes.  Could happen to anyone. LOL.  Nothing to worry about Hunter.  Live it up party man. And those codes that suggest the FBI are looking into money laundering are just common.  Don't worry that some Chinese guy left a diamond worth $100K under your pillow.  Just routine stuff.  The Big Guy will sort out it.  Whoever he is.  China Joe is on line two.  Better put Fang Fang on hold and take that call.

Yes, the FBI just issues subpoenas for routine tax purposes.

Get your facts straight. He is not being investigated by the FBI. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is not the FBI.

Oh yeah, before I forget. What ever happened to the laptop issue? Ever heard of Steve Bannon's buddy Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 12:10:09 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2780 on: December 10, 2020, 12:05:33 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2781 on: December 10, 2020, 04:32:14 AM »
There is no need to be rude. I have not been rude to you. People who have a weak case (I’ve observed this from CTers) tend to do two things.

1.   Be rude.

2.   Post links to long articles, or long videos, implying that the answer to my simple question, is to be found somewhere in there.

Generalise much? Please be so kind as to provide a definition of your understanding of a CT is.

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2782 on: December 10, 2020, 04:37:55 AM »
There is no need to be rude. I have not been rude to you. People who have a weak case (I’ve observed this from CTers) tend to do two things.

1.   Be rude.

2.   Post links to long articles, or long videos, implying that the answer to my simple question, is to be found somewhere in there.

So far, you fit the profile of one who has a weak case, to a ‘T’. So, before I waste my time:

Question 1:

How did the Democrats, know in advance, which ballots Trump would request a recount of and which he would not?

It seems to me, to get this dominion voting systems fraud to work, the Democrats would have to employ a psychic who tell them which counties they could manipulate and which counties they should leave alone.

Even a 3% manual recount should hit upon a county the Democrats should not have manipulated the ballot count.

Sorry it came across as rude. I usually see that from the LNers who cuss and swear at every opportunity to try and make a point they can't back up other than running to CNN, Vanity Fair, The Guardian or NYT.   You are falling into it again.   Its a magic trick.  If you asked me if I ever lied and I told you not that I remember.  What did I tell you?  Absolutely nothing.   Again, it was pointed out in the first HBO documentary that you are allowed to choose what you are to look at.  They will point you into a spot where they can come clean and give you 3% to look at that is not flawed.  If you know how the system works, you will make sure you have a clean corner for investigation.  Again watch the documentary and learn how it worked back in Bush vs. Gore election.   Discarding ballots, signed election ticker tapes thrown out - all sorts of anomalies.   The only way anything gets uncovered is when you go through the trash and see what real and spoiled ballots (supposed yo be kept for 2 years) you will find.   There are rules to follow and nothing came of that investigation either.

The FBI and CIA will be looking the other way in all this.  They will warn Democrats in a defensive manner but they will prosecute the Republicans in an offensive manner.  We have witnessed this for the last 4 1/2 years!  The Deep State has objectives which are not held accountable by the voting peasants.   The elites have a military industrial complex to run worldwide - who cares if your taxes go up and more debt is created - just as long as you can ride the wave!!!
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 04:42:36 AM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2783 on: December 10, 2020, 06:36:56 AM »
There's a lot of hyperbole and paranoia in your post. You must be seeing demons everywhere. I suppose that's what happens when you live in a bubble and clearly only get your information from sources at the right of the spectrum. Your reasoning seems to be more emotional than based on realism and the Republican fearmongering you present here is the same as it was decades ago. The perceived threats may be different now but the rhethoric is the same. You keep on repeating Republican talking points - with unproven speculation and misrepresentations thrown in for good measure - that have already been debunked. But you conveniently forget or ignore that the biggest polictical scandals of the past decade (watergate, iran-contra etc) were all of Republican origin.

I merely made a point that judges are turning criminals loose into the streets without being held on cash bail before trial and sentencing.   As if they will on their own recognizance show up in court to face charges - some very serious.  Meanwhile ANTIFA and BLM are not protesting but looting and rioting on the streets of major cities.  It is one thing to have a march, it is quite another to destroy and burn businesses to the ground.   CNN and MSM calls it peaceful demonstrations -I call BS on that.    These are organizations bent on destroying society and throwing out the law book.  These are terrorists - not peace loving demonstrators.   IF ANTIFA and BLM are really trying to improve society, maybe they should tale all their funds to places like Chicago where street warfare is killing people daily.    They really do need help there with crime problems -its not the police causing it!   These organization's goals aren't there to help - they are there to disrupt normal society!    Maybe they should use the money Soros donated to them for a good cause instead!

Again, I am not talking Republican or Democrat.  Bush was in bed with all the rest.  Washington is made up of swamp creatures. They all took a turn on the Lolita Express!   Epstein likely had blackmail file folders on every one them to keep them towing the line.

You are constantly playing the victim and are talking about your rights being diminished, but what about the rights of others?  The country has nearly 330 million people and the active Republicans (who turned out to voted) are shown to be around 75 million. That makes you (and the Democrats with 80 million voters as well) a minority, so what right does the (extreme) right or left have to impose their will on the American people and not try to seek common ground for the good of the country and all it's people?

My point is not about 80 million Democrats, 75 million Republicans - that doesn't matter. What matters is that the process is legal to get to those numbers and backed by the Federal constitution.      You must have confidence in those numbers - I sure don't.    The election process needs to be investigated and found to not have fraud.  The MSM is already saying there is nothing to see here - totally debunked.   Meanwhile there are 200 or more affidavits saying otherwise.   Elections need to be transparent.   The fearmongering put forth by the  Democratic run MSM is that investigating elections is a total danger to Democracy.    Completely bogus!

It is imperative that the process is investigated and shown that Biden won fair and square.  There appeared to be a lot of anomalies when Trump was winning and then after midnight on election night the process reversed.  After a thorough investigation, only then, should the results be legalized and accepted.  The FBI is not investigating any of it nor helping to prove or disprove.   They are absent from the process!   The MSM is not doing any investigative reporting either - merely throwing the carpet over the process and throwing smoke bombs.  That is wrong!   The Democrats never accepted the election results in 2016 and fought for 4 years to overthrow it.   Why now is Biden  suddenly singing its time to "work together" and now you too?  What has changed?

I don't get it. Why are you so hellbent on destroying the country with this constant fighting instead of trying to work together? You may consider Europe  to be socialist, but from first hand experience I can tell you life over there is a lot more relaxed than in the USA. Unlike the States, there are not more weapons in circulation than there are people. Apart from some unavoidable terror attacks by individuals, there aren't any mass shootings and the healthcare system is far better (and cheaper) than anything we've got in the States. You keep going on about your personal freedom that you want to protect but in a country with 330 million people in it there will never be the level of personal freedom, like the kind you want, at least not without imposing on the right to personal freedom of somebody else. Case in point; unlike in Europe, I have to hire security to protect my property in the States because some people want to have the freedom to own and bare weapons that are normally for use in wars and go way beyond personal protection. So, what gives those weapon owners the right to limit my personal freedom to the extend that I have to hire security to safeguard my property? Have you ever thought about that?

You should answer that question yourself Mr. Weidmann.   Why were the Democrats so hellbent on destroying the country for the last 4 years instead of trying to work together?  Exactly what has changed now?  They wouldn't accept the results in 2016 and now "let's work together" lol!

Your next statement regarding personal protection is to have to hire security?  Isn't that what the police force is supposed to be hired for?   If they would be harder on the criminals, there would be no need for common citizens to arm themselves.  Get the gangs and drugs and lawlessness off the streets.   Why are you so fearful of guns in the hands of common citizens?  Are they the ones committing the crimes or are they apt to use these devices to protect themselves when someone is breaking and entering on their property?    Having guns in the hands of law abiding citizens is healthy because the criminal knows he can't just walk in and do as he pleases on your property.  If police are having their hands tied and do nothing against looters and violent aggressive movements, what are you supposed to do?  Take a knee?   Maybe bend over?

What gives somebody the right to refuse to take safety precautions against the spreading of covid-19 and endanger the lives of others as a possible consequence? Have you ever thought about that?
Btw your comments re Michael Flynn are completely bogus. You claim he was entrapped and that they never proved he did anything wrong. The man admitted to the offences twice in court, for crying out loud. And the mere fact that he was given a pardon means implicitely that he did commit a crime. And who, in your opinion, determines what the "real issue" is? Let me guess, it is whatever you think it is, right?
While COVID-19 is deadly, The average age of death the MSM is reporting is........?    School kids are dying and spreading at what rate?   Is anyone in the MSM reporting how many people use to die every day normally; or how many people are dying at the same time from regular flu which is killing the elderly as well?    Nothing reported.  I think we should be routinely alerted and not just mesmerized with fear.   However, you don't need to know that do you!   During the COVID pandemic, deaths due to heart attacks has gone down.   Living healthier now by staying indoors.   The MSM has weaponized the fear factor and politicize it.   If you recall in 911, there were different "terrorist threat levels", red, yellow orange etc.    Then there was the anthrax scare.   Fear is the key to controlling the peasants.

Second point, you seem to know alot about Flynn.  When he lied to the FBI, what was he being accused of?    Did he talk to the Russian Ambassador to ask for hackers for the election?   They never uncovered anything - save that "He LIED TO THEM."   Strangely, later he changed his plea - they had nothing on him.  It wasn't bogus.  Was he colluding with Russia to make a MOAB or push a reset button like Hilary?   Exactly what was the nature of what he was being accused of by the FBI besides lying?   Nothing there there!  But he lied and we got him!

And one final note; if you feel that you need to defend your freedom by owning arms, it means that you feel threatend, which in turn means then you are and will never be free. Have you ever thought about that?

Freedom does not come from owning arms, it never has and never will.  Freedom means being able to have discussion, talk and work together.  It means you having full control of your life and sharing it with others and being able to think for yourself and make decision.  It means law and order, less taxes and freedom to enjoy life.  Freedom comes when you have a society that allows you to work and protects you from those that don't want to or think that you owe them a living and do nothing.  Have you ever thought about that?

Freedom of speech is being threatened even more everyday, now with youtube censoring what you can see!  I noticed they already censored the CNN vote switching video I posted yesterday.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 06:38:06 AM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2783 on: December 10, 2020, 06:36:56 AM »