Under this fraudulent traitor we have over 300,000 dead Americans.
B.enedict Donald had nothing to do with the vaccine. Pfizer made that perfectly clear but you continuously choose to post disinformation. The orange fraud called COVID a "hoax" so you giving him false credit is an absolute joke.
Put the death rate in its proper perspective. So COVID-19 is responsible for 300,000 deaths in 2020. We are told that underlying conditions were a factor as well but COVID was ultimately responsible. However standalone COVID should show up in the statistics overall for 2020. Were there any deaths this year due to normal flu? A lot of elderly people die of pneumonia but they also battle congestive heart failure at the same time. So what do you write down on the death certificate, pneumonia or heart disease?
Look at the stats. Soon we can do a check and see how much COVID influenced the overall death rate by statistics for this year. Assume COVID starts at Jan 1, 2020 and ends up being 300k this year. (If we wait until the end of December, we can update that number as well!)
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm2018 data states that 2,839,205 people died of all causes. Population of US for 2018 = 327,096,263 So normally
7800 people die every day before COVID.
Lets add 300,000 for COVID deaths to the total "normal" number and leave population as it was in 2018. We shall
expect that the death rate in the US is now going to be
8600 people dying every day (combining statistics) in a simplified manner because of the seriousness of the COVID pandemic that is going across the land.
However we know that a lot of these deaths were in the elderly and that COVID influenced the underlying conditions present.
The MSM is telling us the pandemic created 300,000 more deaths than normal. The question to answer is.... Is this 300,000 deaths a propaganda number or will overall death rate go up by that amount and become 8600 deaths daily. Was this a bad flu or is it a real pandemic? The flu statistics are included in the death rate in the 2018 statistics. It is like looking at mail in voting fraud, matching signatures in ballots and then finding out that the ballots being counted do not have creases on them because they weren't mail in at all!
Was this COVID flu politicized and to what extent? We know that some years have a greater amount of deaths due to flu - it is a variable. Media won't investigate and report all the aspects - maybe statistics will prove more deaths. It could be subjective and a trade off when you consider lockdowns might create higher suicide rates, depressive rampages and lessen diagnosed cancers and heart disease which will cause increased deaths too. I believe statistics are now telling you heart attacks are not killing people like before - being falsely replaced by the COVID. I guess lockdowns are healthier for you - no sense getting out and jogging or doing physical activity anymore to increase your heart health! Wherein lies the truth behind what is being played out as a pandemic? It would be nice if the MSM would give some researched data rather than continued hype and sensationalize the data. Give the whole picture and some perspective instead.
We have doctors now saying that ND and SD are reaching herd immunity. The people exposed to the virus are 40 to 50 times the actual reported positive because that statistically is how it works. There is also a 50% false positive rate and error in testing which goes unreported. What has been tested and its relationship to the real population infection rate. There is a need to protect the elderly with underlying circumstances where certainly death rates for things like flu does increase with age and vaccines are helpful. The jury is still out and there are medical studies that discuss the effectiveness of wearing masks, indoor and outdoor dining and 6 ft social distancing. Maybe one shouldn't even be in the same room as someone sick with a cold or flu as you might catch it, mask or not, 6 ft or not! Maybe someone should look at the Science and the research done from all aspects! That goes unreported and unimportant for the peasants to know.