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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497781 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2856 on: December 15, 2020, 06:27:37 PM »
So much of this thread typifies what's wrong with politics in America. We have "Team A" and "Team "B" or my tribe and your tribe and everything is viewed through that. Sure, we've always had that type of tribalism. But it's gotten worse. The two sides view each other not as people who are wrong but who are fellow Americans who are worthy of living with but people who are bad who must destroyed.

Trump is all evil or all good. And opposition to Trump is all good or all evil. No shades of gray, just these absolutes.

Trump was an awful president, a person uniquely unsuited for the presidency. It was always about him, his ego, his name. It was as if he thought he was running a business, a product to sell. His personal attacks on people and critics, his unwillingness to listen to criticism, his inability to see things other than a transaction to benefit from was simply unacceptable. It always about him and nothing else. The nation's interest was secondary. He did some good things - the Middle East peace agreements he's managed are enormously good; but a lot of bad. He had to go.

But he wasn't a dictator, he wasn't a Hitler. If he really wanted to be a dictator he would have used the pandemic crisis to consolidate power. That's what dictators do: they use a crisis to attain power. Reichstag Fire anyone? And he's been smeared for four years. This Russian collusion conspiracy theory is nonsense. There was no collusion. It didn't happen. Apparently that conspiracy theory is okay because Trump is so awful. Sorry, it's not.

Biden is a terribly flawed president. He's clearly showing signs of age. He's never been on top of issues. On foreign policy he has always been wrong. On domestic issues he's been someone with little vision. But he's a decent man, he's not a mean person. And in a contest between him and Trump the choice is obvious. To me.

So we have to move on. Biden is the legitimate president. When he's right we need to support him; when he's wrong we need to tell him so. But this "my tribe good and their tribe is evil" thinking has to end. There are no tribes, there are no teams: there's just Americans.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2856 on: December 15, 2020, 06:27:37 PM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2857 on: December 15, 2020, 06:55:37 PM »
:D :D :D

Under this fraudulent traitor we have over 300,000 dead Americans.

B.enedict Donald had nothing to do with the vaccine. Pfizer made that perfectly clear but you continuously choose to post disinformation. The orange fraud called COVID a "hoax" so you giving him false credit is an absolute joke.

Put the death rate in its proper perspective.  So COVID-19 is responsible for 300,000 deaths in 2020.  We are told  that underlying conditions were a factor as well but COVID was ultimately responsible.    However standalone COVID should show up in the statistics overall for 2020.    Were there any deaths this year due to normal flu?   A lot of elderly people die of pneumonia but they also battle congestive heart failure at the same time.  So what do you write down on the death certificate,  pneumonia or heart disease?   

Look at the stats.  Soon we can do a check and see how much COVID influenced the overall death rate by statistics for this year.   Assume COVID starts at Jan 1, 2020 and ends up being 300k this year.   (If we wait until the end of December, we can update that number as well!)

2018 data states that 2,839,205 people died of all causes.   Population of US for 2018 = 327,096,263  So normally 7800 people die every day before COVID.

Lets add 300,000 for COVID deaths to the total "normal" number and leave population  as it was in 2018.  We shall expect that the death rate in the US is now going to be 8600 people dying every day (combining statistics) in a simplified manner because of the seriousness of the COVID pandemic that is going across the land.   

However we know that a lot of these deaths were in the elderly and that COVID influenced the underlying conditions present.   The MSM is telling us the pandemic created 300,000 more deaths than normal.    The question to answer is.... Is this 300,000 deaths a propaganda number or will overall death rate go up by that amount and become 8600 deaths daily.      Was this a bad flu or is it a real pandemic?  The flu statistics are included in the death rate in the 2018 statistics.    It is like looking at mail in voting fraud, matching signatures in ballots and then finding out that the ballots being counted do not have creases on them because they weren't mail in at all!   

Was this COVID flu politicized and to what extent?   We know that some years have a greater amount of deaths due to flu - it is a variable.  Media won't investigate and report all the aspects - maybe statistics will prove more deaths.  It could be subjective and a trade off when you consider lockdowns might create higher suicide rates, depressive rampages and lessen diagnosed cancers and heart disease which will cause increased deaths too.  I believe statistics are now telling you heart attacks are not killing people like before - being falsely replaced by the COVID.  I guess lockdowns are healthier for you  - no sense getting out and jogging or doing physical activity anymore to increase your heart health!  Wherein lies the truth behind what is being played out as a pandemic?   It would be nice if the MSM would  give some researched data rather than continued hype and sensationalize the data.  Give the whole picture and some perspective instead.

We have doctors now saying that ND and SD are reaching herd immunity.  The people exposed to the virus are 40 to 50 times the actual reported positive because that statistically is how it works.  There is also a 50% false positive rate and error in testing which goes unreported.    What has been tested and its relationship to the real population infection rate.   There is a need to protect the elderly with underlying circumstances where certainly death rates for things like flu does increase with age and vaccines are helpful.  The jury is still out and there are medical studies that discuss the effectiveness of wearing masks, indoor and outdoor dining and 6 ft social distancing.  Maybe one shouldn't even be in the same room as someone sick with a cold or flu as you might catch it, mask or not, 6 ft or not!  Maybe someone should look at the Science and the research done from all aspects!   That goes unreported and unimportant for the peasants to know.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2858 on: December 15, 2020, 10:04:38 PM »
Here is the proof of DVS machine manipulation you were waiting for.  Read the report - unfortunately that might be above your pay grade.  I will pull out of a few of the hi-lights for ya!

Page 18 of the report:
This software was used before in Venezuela and has this "Ranked Choice Voting" Algorithm (RCV for short) built-in to tamper with the election!  Cheating was built in by Chavez  and is still there!  Smartmatic originated in Venezuela and Lord Malloch-Brown (CEO) and tied directly to George Soros own the software rights and sold them to DVS.  Again, DVS and Tides Canada (now called MakeWay)  shared the same office floor in a small building in Chinatown Toronto and just recently moved out - wonder why!  (Soros is well known for his Open Society Organization and Malloch-Brown has just left Smartmatic to become President there this month!  (On an aside note, notice possible connection of director FBI Comey on HSBC board (money laundering Hong Kong Bank) and Malloch-Brown in the UN and his World Bank Connection -both involved in international global money rackets.)  The software was left wide open, no tracing and common passwords were used.  Votes could be "adjudicated" at any time by anyone connected even by the internet which may have been why voting stopped like it did in other rigged elections before!

Here is another good one where people thought they were smart and tried to erase the election data!  From pages 20 to 21 of the report!  Why and what did they attempt to hide?  Maniupulation perhaps?   Election results are to be kept unaltered for 24 months.
Continuing on on page 21, someone from DVS updated new programming change from 10/23/2020 to 11/05/2020 which is NOT ALLOWED but for some mysterious reason happened!  This means someone is involved at the top (DVS, Smartmatic or someone who wants to control this election?)

I wonder if the update on 11/05/2020 coincided with Biden finally overtaking Trump?   As I said,  Trump or Biden, the election needs to pass an integrity test.  This election did not.  It is okay to have mail in ballots as well.  However signatures need to be matched and proven in order to validate those ballots.  I guess the judge should just throw out all this information and call it a done deal!  The ultimate litmus test would be to take all those mail in votes and see how many of them have folds on then and compare to machine tally.   That would be too easy if you went back and looked at the actual real ballots - rather than just "recount" the fake ones!  You better pray for election integrity because the use of this tool is throwing the system into oligarchy which I assume is just now being uncovered but involves all the major families of the world including the Royals!

Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

 :D :D :D

More disinformation and propaganda. Republicans are in charge of Georgia and you think they wanted to help Biden win?  :D

Lame Duck Donald was losing in EVERY single poll against Biden from February to November. He never had a lead in any national poll. Georgia was always going to be close. All these bogus claims of voter fraud and not one right wing judge could see any evidence of so called "voter fraud" in any state.   
« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 10:08:30 PM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2858 on: December 15, 2020, 10:04:38 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2859 on: December 15, 2020, 10:07:25 PM »
Put the death rate in its proper perspective.  So COVID-19 is responsible for 300,000 deaths in 2020.  We are told  that underlying conditions were a factor as well but COVID was ultimately responsible.    However standalone COVID should show up in the statistics overall for 2020.    Were there any deaths this year due to normal flu?   A lot of elderly people die of pneumonia but they also battle congestive heart failure at the same time.  So what do you write down on the death certificate,  pneumonia or heart disease?   

Look at the stats.  Soon we can do a check and see how much COVID influenced the overall death rate by statistics for this year.   Assume COVID starts at Jan 1, 2020 and ends up being 300k this year.   (If we wait until the end of December, we can update that number as well!)

2018 data states that 2,839,205 people died of all causes.   Population of US for 2018 = 327,096,263  So normally 7800 people die every day before COVID.

Lets add 300,000 for COVID deaths to the total "normal" number and leave population  as it was in 2018.  We shall expect that the death rate in the US is now going to be 8600 people dying every day (combining statistics) in a simplified manner because of the seriousness of the COVID pandemic that is going across the land.   

However we know that a lot of these deaths were in the elderly and that COVID influenced the underlying conditions present.   The MSM is telling us the pandemic created 300,000 more deaths than normal.    The question to answer is.... Is this 300,000 deaths a propaganda number or will overall death rate go up by that amount and become 8600 deaths daily.      Was this a bad flu or is it a real pandemic?  The flu statistics are included in the death rate in the 2018 statistics.    It is like looking at mail in voting fraud, matching signatures in ballots and then finding out that the ballots being counted do not have creases on them because they weren't mail in at all!   

Was this COVID flu politicized and to what extent?   We know that some years have a greater amount of deaths due to flu - it is a variable.  Media won't investigate and report all the aspects - maybe statistics will prove more deaths.  It could be subjective and a trade off when you consider lockdowns might create higher suicide rates, depressive rampages and lessen diagnosed cancers and heart disease which will cause increased deaths too.  I believe statistics are now telling you heart attacks are not killing people like before - being falsely replaced by the COVID.  I guess lockdowns are healthier for you  - no sense getting out and jogging or doing physical activity anymore to increase your heart health!  Wherein lies the truth behind what is being played out as a pandemic?   It would be nice if the MSM would  give some researched data rather than continued hype and sensationalize the data.  Give the whole picture and some perspective instead.

We have doctors now saying that ND and SD are reaching herd immunity.  The people exposed to the virus are 40 to 50 times the actual reported positive because that statistically is how it works.  There is also a 50% false positive rate and error in testing which goes unreported.    What has been tested and its relationship to the real population infection rate.   There is a need to protect the elderly with underlying circumstances where certainly death rates for things like flu does increase with age and vaccines are helpful.  The jury is still out and there are medical studies that discuss the effectiveness of wearing masks, indoor and outdoor dining and 6 ft social distancing.  Maybe one shouldn't even be in the same room as someone sick with a cold or flu as you might catch it, mask or not, 6 ft or not!  Maybe someone should look at the Science and the research done from all aspects!   That goes unreported and unimportant for the peasants to know.


Same old disinformation trying to downplay the seriousness of COVID-19 with bogus hypotheticals. Never fails with these conspiracy theorists and COVID deniers.   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2860 on: December 15, 2020, 10:12:51 PM »
Yes, those masks and lockdowns the dems touted as a solution were a disaster.  Thankfully President Trump never fell for those false claims but placed all the resources of the federal government behind the development of a real solution - the vaccine.  Magnificent.   All the naysayers in the media and libs said it couldn't be done so quickly.  And the Moderna vaccine is coming this week.  Or as it will be known in the history books - The Trump Vaccine II.

More disinformation and propaganda.

Wearing masks and lockdowns saved thousands of lives and prevented the virus from spreading. Only when states started opening back up did we see the virus surging again.     

New Zealand beat the virus because of masks and lockdowns.

B.enedict Donald had nothing to do with the vaccine because Pfizer and Moderna said so. They didn't even show up for his bogus "vaccine summit".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2860 on: December 15, 2020, 10:12:51 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2861 on: December 16, 2020, 12:17:49 AM »
Here is the proof of DVS machine manipulation you were waiting for.  Read the report - unfortunately that might be above your pay grade.  I will pull out of a few of the hi-lights for ya!

Page 18 of the report:
This software was used before in Venezuela and has this "Ranked Choice Voting" Algorithm (RCV for short) built-in to tamper with the election!  Cheating was built in by Chavez  and is still there!  Smartmatic originated in Venezuela and Lord Malloch-Brown (CEO) and tied directly to George Soros own the software rights and sold them to DVS.  Again, DVS and Tides Canada (now called MakeWay)  shared the same office floor in a small building in Chinatown Toronto and just recently moved out - wonder why!  (Soros is well known for his Open Society Organization and Malloch-Brown has just left Smartmatic to become President there this month!  (On an aside note, notice possible connection of director FBI Comey on HSBC board (money laundering Hong Kong Bank) and Malloch-Brown in the UN and his World Bank Connection -both involved in international global money rackets.)  The software was left wide open, no tracing and common passwords were used.  Votes could be "adjudicated" at any time by anyone connected even by the internet which may have been why voting stopped like it did in other rigged elections before!

Here is another good one where people thought they were smart and tried to erase the election data!  From pages 20 to 21 of the report!  Why and what did they attempt to hide?  Maniupulation perhaps?   Election results are to be kept unaltered for 24 months.
Continuing on on page 21, someone from DVS updated new programming change from 10/23/2020 to 11/05/2020 which is NOT ALLOWED but for some mysterious reason happened!  This means someone is involved at the top (DVS, Smartmatic or someone who wants to control this election?)

I wonder if the update on 11/05/2020 coincided with Biden finally overtaking Trump?   As I said,  Trump or Biden, the election needs to pass an integrity test.  This election did not.  It is okay to have mail in ballots as well.  However signatures need to be matched and proven in order to validate those ballots.  I guess the judge should just throw out all this information and call it a done deal!  The ultimate litmus test would be to take all those mail in votes and see how many of them have folds on then and compare to machine tally.   That would be too easy if you went back and looked at the actual real ballots - rather than just "recount" the fake ones!  You better pray for election integrity because the use of this tool is throwing the system into oligarchy which I assume is just now being uncovered but involves all the major families of the world including the Royals!

Oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.

No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread problems

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2862 on: December 16, 2020, 03:50:59 AM »

Put the death rate in its proper perspective.  So COVID-19 is responsible for 300,000 deaths in 2020.  We are told  that underlying conditions were a factor as well but COVID was ultimately responsible.    However standalone COVID should show up in the statistics overall for 2020.    Were there any deaths this year due to normal flu?   A lot of elderly people die of pneumonia but they also battle congestive heart failure at the same time.  So what do you write down on the death certificate,  pneumonia or heart disease?   

Look at the stats.  Soon we can do a check and see how much COVID influenced the overall death rate by statistics for this year.   Assume COVID starts at Jan 1, 2020 and ends up being 300k this year.   (If we wait until the end of December, we can update that number as well!)

2018 data states that 2,839,205 people died of all causes.   Population of US for 2018 = 327,096,263  So normally 7800 people die every day before COVID.

Lets add 300,000 for COVID deaths to the total "normal" number and leave population  as it was in 2018.  We shall expect that the death rate in the US is now going to be 8600 people dying every day (combining statistics) in a simplified manner because of the seriousness of the COVID pandemic that is going across the land.   

However we know that a lot of these deaths were in the elderly and that COVID influenced the underlying conditions present.   The MSM is telling us the pandemic created 300,000 more deaths than normal.    The question to answer is.... Is this 300,000 deaths a propaganda number or will overall death rate go up by that amount and become 8600 deaths daily.      Was this a bad flu or is it a real pandemic?  The flu statistics are included in the death rate in the 2018 statistics.    It is like looking at mail in voting fraud, matching signatures in ballots and then finding out that the ballots being counted do not have creases on them because they weren't mail in at all!   

Was this COVID flu politicized and to what extent?   We know that some years have a greater amount of deaths due to flu - it is a variable.  Media won't investigate and report all the aspects - maybe statistics will prove more deaths.  It could be subjective and a trade off when you consider lockdowns might create higher suicide rates, depressive rampages and lessen diagnosed cancers and heart disease which will cause increased deaths too.  I believe statistics are now telling you heart attacks are not killing people like before - being falsely replaced by the COVID.  I guess lockdowns are healthier for you  - no sense getting out and jogging or doing physical activity anymore to increase your heart health!  Wherein lies the truth behind what is being played out as a pandemic?   It would be nice if the MSM would  give some researched data rather than continued hype and sensationalize the data.  Give the whole picture and some perspective instead.

We have doctors now saying that ND and SD are reaching herd immunity.  The people exposed to the virus are 40 to 50 times the actual reported positive because that statistically is how it works.  There is also a 50% false positive rate and error in testing which goes unreported.    What has been tested and its relationship to the real population infection rate.   There is a need to protect the elderly with underlying circumstances where certainly death rates for things like flu does increase with age and vaccines are helpful.  The jury is still out and there are medical studies that discuss the effectiveness of wearing masks, indoor and outdoor dining and 6 ft social distancing.  Maybe one shouldn't even be in the same room as someone sick with a cold or flu as you might catch it, mask or not, 6 ft or not!  Maybe someone should look at the Science and the research done from all aspects!   That goes unreported and unimportant for the peasants to know.

Are the number of COVID-19 deaths over reported? It’s possible. Dominion voting systems are used to tabulate the number of COVID-19 deaths. It’s possible that some of the deaths by car accidents have been flipped to COVID-19 deaths. This needs to be investigated. You can find information of this hidden scandal at:

But I suspect Allan is too busy to read all this.

Seriously, there have been a good deal more than 300,000 deaths in the United States. Like from people delaying doctor visits because of fear of the virus and dying because treatment started too late.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 04:01:41 AM by Joe Elliott »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2863 on: December 16, 2020, 03:58:32 AM »
No, Dominion voting machines did not cause widespread problems

What kind of misinformation is the Chicago Tribune spreading?  I guess it is a play on words, everything they is false!!
The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had problems in Michigan and Georgia,
Then later the same article states:
In the two Michigan counties that had mistakes, the inaccuracies were because of human errors, not software problems
Issues in three Georgia counties had other explanations. In one county, an apparent problem with Dominion software delayed officials' reporting of the vote tallies but did not affect the actual vote count. In two other counties, a separate company’s software slowed poll workers' ability to check-in voters.

Let me check there math for them: 2+3=5,  but they said earlier there were only 2 out of 5 counties in total problems in Michigan and Georgia. If you look below, they were obviously in charge of the "separate company's software" as they had control statewide - what a pack of lies!

Lets prove this and see how many counties used their software in these 2 states:


Keep on lapping it up like a little puppy dog.  Do you like milkbones?  You provide no evidence to the contrary - always just a bag of gas.  Start quoting and backing up the real facts man!   You don't like the report of DVS machines done by the experts - prove that the manual doesn't tell you how to divide votes lol.

Page 18 of the report:
A high "error rate" in the election software (in this case 68.05%) reflects an algorithm used that will weight one candidate greater than another (for instance, weight a specific candidate at a 2/3 to approximately 1/3 ratio). In the logs we identified that the RCV or Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm was enabled (see image below from the Dominion manual). This allows the user to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result. The declaration of winners can be done on a basis of points, not votes.

I guess you can't read posts and the expert reports contained that stated that the Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm is built into the software and you can read about it in their own manual.  These machines are not there just to count votes 1+1+1......
  They were designed to alter votes like they did in Venezuela!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2863 on: December 16, 2020, 03:58:32 AM »