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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497531 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2904 on: December 20, 2020, 07:51:13 AM »
What does that have to do with the expert report made by a judge's okay and telling you that the electronic systems can still be manipulated like it was in Venezuela for Chavez?    Read the report - nothing to see there?  The report says they can divide votes just like they did before when the system was Smartmatic, Diebold or Dominion?   It is written in the manual how to do it. 

Do you have some evidence that this was actually done, or is it purely hypothetical?

Furthermore, how did Supreme Court justice John Roberts ever get to his position?  He was how many times on the log book on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express?   lol!  Who has the dirty on him to keep him under reign?

Debunked nonsense. But it’s amusing watching Rethuglicans eat their own.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2904 on: December 20, 2020, 07:51:13 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2905 on: December 20, 2020, 08:06:44 AM »
he hundreds of thousands of votes you are talking about were the mail in votes.  If you came in person and voted, you had to show your ID and prove that your were a citizen and where you lived.   On the other hand, this scrutiny was not done to the mail in votes.

This is just flat out false.

So let us just throw them all out and assume for a moment that you would not expect any change in support for those that voted in person to those that voted with mail in?  IOn other words if in person voting was 60/40, would you not expect mail voting to be similar 60/40?

No. Trump spent months telling his followers that the virus was a hoax and that mail-in voting was fraudulent and that they need to vote in person.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:08:04 AM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2906 on: December 20, 2020, 08:32:55 AM »
Stop being so pathetic. You ask me to name an expert and at the same time you are telling me which experts are not acceptable to you. Do you really think I am going to waste my time on something that you will never ever accept anyway.

What makes you think Dominion won't go after everybody who were doing their best to destroy the company's reputation, when the whole scam is proven to be bogus. The mere fact that Powell is a lawyer doesn't mean she can accuse people or companies of wrong doing without having the obligation to prove it in court. You don't know what Dominion has planned for these people and neither do I.

Truth is, they don't want that report to surface because it is credible and keeping that report under wrap is critical.

And let me guess, the courts and judges are going to help keeping that report under wrap, right? The damned thing is already in the public domain. All Powell has to do is publish it on her own website, but she doesn't... Now, why is that?

What you fail to understand is that everything man has made another man can make as well. That goes for computers as well, so there is always a possibility of manipulation in electronic systems. No system, not even voting by paper ballot, is 100% secure and free of manipulation. What matters is not that something can be manipulated, but instead it is that guys like you need to show that manipulation actually took place. And so far, Guiliani, Powell et all have failed miserably to provide that evidence.

There is only one liar in chief and that's Donald Trump. No doubt about it.

So Joe Biden lies all the time about not knowing what his son was doing in the Ukraine or China  and there is No prosecution!

Maybe that's because your empty claim that Joe Biden lies means nothing when you provide no proof for it at all, which is exactly what has been happening.

There is pictures of him with Ukrainains on golf course and Hunter accompanied him on a government jet to China and he claims he knows nothing of his son's business dealings.

Pictures like that and a trip on a plane mean nothing. They certainly do not provide evidence of wrong doing. All they do is feed your need for making all sorts of wild allegations. There are pictures of Guiliani and Trump with some crooks from the Ukraine, who are currently being investigated for all sorts of stuff, and Guiliani and Trump denied knowing what they were up to. Them you do believe, right?

This Bobulinski guy is just another one claiming to have evidence but never producing it. If he had anything of substance against Hunter Biden, they would have arrested him by now. They haven't. And making allegations on a Tucker Carlson show is easy but it should tell you something that the FBI isn't interested in his personal vendetta against the Bidens. The Bidens have no reason to file a lawsuit against that loser. In fact they have every reason not to, because if they did it would only fuel the fire and give the guy a podium. By leaving it as it is, Bobulinski will fade into memory very quickly, because tomorrow there will be another story and on and on it goes.

No, you don't see at all. All you do is ramble on. Have you even read the Mueller report? I don't think you have, because you wouldn't be misrepresenting it as you are doing. And after yet another rant you have failed to provide a shred of evidence for your pathetic claim that Hillary Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier. You are all about unproven and unsubstantiated allegations and not a bit about evidence and facts.

Show me an honest politician and I'll show you a liar! Power corrupts. It always has and always will. There isn't a political system in the world that is free of corruption. You may not like it, but you will have to live with it, because there is no alternative. The system we have at the moment is the best of the worst. And you can have dreams about a better world but the world will never change, because people will not change. Look at how divided we are right now. People are so far apart with what they believe in and find important that we are unable to reach any kind of agreement about anything. That's the reason I have given up on politics a long time ago. In the past I have supported Republican and Democratic Presidents whenever they proposed something that was good for the country, but beyond that I couldn't care less. Until Trump came along, the most obvious threat against our way of life, our country and our future, there ever was. Once he's gone, I'll go back to living my life and leave the headbashing to all the fools who still believe they can actually change something.

Okay so you are wasting your time providing experts.  That is good cop out!

The only thing Dominion can do is change their name again.  That seems to be the theme with these electronic voting system providers. They never stick with anything very long before someone else buys them out!

I will put my money in a paper ballot at anytime.   VLTs were invented to keep a certain percentage for the house.  What was wrong with the old system of adding votes 1+1+1 and having an election declared by midnight on the day it was done?   You can't be serious that you can have an election go on for a month.  Still going on in New York - that isn't called an election.   

Okay so corrupt Joe and his son get on 16 hour airplane ride to China and each locks himself up in a bathroom. You sure are simple. Not only that, 10 days later the SUPER IQ genius Hunter gets a lucrative billion dollar contract to manage money for the Chinese Communist Party affiliates.   

So you claim Trump and Guilliani are being investigated.  While the Bobulinski is off the radar for investigation.   That makes it fair - nothing to see in that story.  Hunter's laptop with emails on it that have been verified stating that keys were being cut for the Chines oil executive, his uncle James, his mother Dr. Jill and the Big Guy Joe!  Nothing to see - sure hope Biden can pardon Hunter before leaving office!

Speaking of the Mueller report, Mueller couldn't answer any of the questions posed to him at the hearing.  He wasn't aware of what it contained - he didn't write and was obviously a figurehead.   I think greasy Weissman was the one that likely authored it and kept it as ambiguous as possible to say nothing, no incrimination no exoneration, it was a nothing burger.

Now to your last point about Donald, that is a very scary thought.   I thought the exact same thing about Hilary and Joe.   Who was more corrupt and who wants to do more for the people was the big question as I saw it.    You see JFK and DJT were very rich people people before they came into power and we are told neither of them drew a presidential wage.  They both made pledges to stop corruption, drain the swamp and govern for the good of the people.    The military industrial complex was to be dismantled and not allowed to continue by putting our children to war for international endeavour to fill the pockets of the elite and rich.   The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.  Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place.    It appear both  JFK and DJT  were in the same camp and did not belong in politics because of what they tried to stop.

So what did you not like about Trump's policy? Perhaps, a country secured by enforced borders and building border walls to keep human and drug traffickers out? Or Is it not letting illegal immigrants to have full citizenship and a right to vote in the country in which they came across the border illegally and now live and have children in(DACA)? Or maybe it is paying for the illegal immigrants health care while living in the United States even though they aren't citizens.  Maybe in economic terms, Trump's ability to attract back the large companies who left the USA because tax rates were cheaper elsewhere and they left the country with their money and sold the jobs to overseas places like China so they could increase profitability. Maybe you consider the Climate fears and the Paris Accord a great deal for the world?  China can pollute without control while the rest of the countries watch their working class numbers fall. Maybe it is foreign policy which saw law and order restored to the Middle East like never before. The military industrial complex "was" collapsing under more Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Venezuela et al endless wars!

Here is what Biden is going to do for ya!

1) Bring back the US to the Paris Treaty. That means giving advantage to those countries (like China) who are given special privileges to pollute the world whilst penalizing the workforce of his own country. Very good!
2) Make Americans pay for the healthcare of illegals even though they came here illegally. Take down border walls - no real need to protect your borders from anyone coming across - drug runner or human trafficker. Very good!
3) Rejoin the WHO and give the biggest worldwide support of any country. This is done even though the WHO was not allowed to investigate the origins of the Wuhan Virus (COVID) within the border of China. The WHO is run by CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Very good!
4) Remove sanctions from Iran and allow them to continue being a nuclear threat to the world. Maybe send them over another airplane full of cash! Contrast this foreign policies to the one which saw Israel forming peaceful agreements with their Arab neighbors under Trump and establishing regional peace. Very good!
5) Re-establish Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel so that Hamas can continue to harass the Israelis and demand "their" land back and kindle the fire of hatred on that land. Very good!
6) Stack the court so you can establish the leftist agenda. Move it to 13 members rather than 9. Make the SCOTUS an arm of their agenda rather than an interpretative body of the existing constitution. Very good!
7) Start a war with North Korea or Venezelua so that the CIA can create a war and send our children in to loose their lives. Very good!
8) Biden's ties to China will ensure that they can do as they please with Hong Kong (who want their freedom) and expand their dominion over the East and South China Sea and build their military islands there. When Biden was VP, his son Hunter went with him on the government jet to China. Very good!
9) Squelch the call for investigation of Trump's 2016 win which was attributed to Russian Collusion and an improper FBI investigation brought about by FISA warrant abuse. Lawyers from Crossfire Hurricane were allowed without prosecution to destroy the data from their phones so it can't be used to show their bias. Hilary was allowed to operate and then dismantle home server and destroy 5 devices by hammer. Two different investigations? Not a word said and no one prosecuted! Very good!
10) Joe Biden allowed to exert his influence in Ukraine to aid and abet his son with Burisma Gas Holdings and have a Ukrainian top prosecutor Shokin fired to stop his investigation of it. MSM and social media allowed to censor anything that might hurt support for the Democratic Party. (That could be an 11th point) Very Good!
11) Finally Joe can give himself and Hunter a pardon for all their past corruption.   Kamala can then take over 78 year old Joe's reigns. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2906 on: December 20, 2020, 08:32:55 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2907 on: December 20, 2020, 08:53:24 AM »
Do you have some evidence that this was actually done, or is it purely hypothetical?

You obviously didn't read my post #2916 and look at the investigation that was done by experts after being okayed by a judge in Michigan. These were experts and they had an opinion and said that the operator's manuals for the machines has a ranke choice voting algorithim in it.  Obviously these machines were designed to do more than just add votes 1+1+1.  The history of Dominion Machines can have its beginnings linked to the Venezuelan computer scientists who designed Smartmatic for Chavez.,2644.msg102594.html#msg102594

Here is a link to the expert report:

Their credentials on Page 1:

I am part of the management team of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, (ASOG). ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cybersecurity, open source investigation and penetration testing of networks.

Then you should also look at the history of electronic voting systems to see the path of name changes and parties involved as it moved from Venezuela to where it is today in the US:

Even Democrats had raised issues with these machines before:

Debunked nonsense. But it’s amusing watching Rethuglicans eat their own.

No it isn't debunked nonsense.  It is, it has already been looked into, nothing to see and all good, carry on - most news organizations have already concluded that it has been thoroughly debunked even before the investigation began!

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2908 on: December 20, 2020, 09:18:46 AM »
This is just flat out false.

No. Trump spent months telling his followers that the virus was a hoax and that mail-in voting was fraudulent and that they need to vote in person.

Mail-in voting if not done properly is grounds for harvesting.  So please explain how mail-in votes were validated in Georgia.   Were envelope signatures compared and scrutinized by representative of both parties?  Was this done by a machine and then manually adjudicated?  Were addresses of these parties validated and citizenship confirmed?   Were ballots sent out in mass or did you have to request a ballot before it was sent to you?   We know Raffensperger said that absentee ballots had a very strict procedure involving showing electronic photo ID before being issued to those parties. However, he makes no mention of verification of mail-in following same procedure - in fact he conveniently avoided and sidestepped that one. 

Maybe you can provide an answer to how the mail-in voting sector and the absentee ballot sector were handled?  Did they follow the same procedures?   Are the mail-in ballots kept separate from in person ballots for counting purposes to compare?   Would you expect mail-in ballots and in person ballots to tabulate similarly. In other words, if it was done for convenience purpose and the Biden/Trump split was 60/40 respectively in person would you expect the ratio to be exactly the same in the mail-in category?  Or were the Democrats just a much more COVID fearful group and mail-in ballots went 90/10 in favor of Biden as they refused to show up in person?

You will note in the 2nd link a very critical statement:

But Carter on Thursday pointed to a statement last May from the Carter Center endorsing the use of mail-in ballots. Using the findings from the 2005 commission report, that statement argued "that where safeguards for ballot integrity are in place ... there was little evidence of voter fraud."

So what safeguards where in place in Georgia?  Why was there such a delay and how was it that Florida could have their election counted and finished on election night and not dragged on for days!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2908 on: December 20, 2020, 09:18:46 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2909 on: December 20, 2020, 09:38:35 AM »
Supporters of Daffy Donald the Lame Duck are by definition daffy and lame themselves. Here we have the self-proclaimed 'wartime president' going AWOL in The Great Covid War and committing High Treason in the process.

He has not cleaned up any damned swamp. He has slimed America.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 09:58:13 AM by Bill Chapman »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2910 on: December 20, 2020, 10:44:53 AM »
Okay so you are wasting your time providing experts.  That is good cop out!

The only thing Dominion can do is change their name again.  That seems to be the theme with these electronic voting system providers. They never stick with anything very long before someone else buys them out!

I will put my money in a paper ballot at anytime.   VLTs were invented to keep a certain percentage for the house.  What was wrong with the old system of adding votes 1+1+1 and having an election declared by midnight on the day it was done?   You can't be serious that you can have an election go on for a month.  Still going on in New York - that isn't called an election.   

Okay so corrupt Joe and his son get on 16 hour airplane ride to China and each locks himself up in a bathroom. You sure are simple. Not only that, 10 days later the SUPER IQ genius Hunter gets a lucrative billion dollar contract to manage money for the Chinese Communist Party affiliates.   

So you claim Trump and Guilliani are being investigated.  While the Bobulinski is off the radar for investigation.   That makes it fair - nothing to see in that story.  Hunter's laptop with emails on it that have been verified stating that keys were being cut for the Chines oil executive, his uncle James, his mother Dr. Jill and the Big Guy Joe!  Nothing to see - sure hope Biden can pardon Hunter before leaving office!

Speaking of the Mueller report, Mueller couldn't answer any of the questions posed to him at the hearing.  He wasn't aware of what it contained - he didn't write and was obviously a figurehead.   I think greasy Weissman was the one that likely authored it and kept it as ambiguous as possible to say nothing, no incrimination no exoneration, it was a nothing burger.

Now to your last point about Donald, that is a very scary thought.   I thought the exact same thing about Hilary and Joe.   Who was more corrupt and who wants to do more for the people was the big question as I saw it.    You see JFK and DJT were very rich people people before they came into power and we are told neither of them drew a presidential wage.  They both made pledges to stop corruption, drain the swamp and govern for the good of the people.    The military industrial complex was to be dismantled and not allowed to continue by putting our children to war for international endeavour to fill the pockets of the elite and rich.   The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.  Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place.    It appear both  JFK and DJT  were in the same camp and did not belong in politics because of what they tried to stop.

So what did you not like about Trump's policy? Perhaps, a country secured by enforced borders and building border walls to keep human and drug traffickers out? Or Is it not letting illegal immigrants to have full citizenship and a right to vote in the country in which they came across the border illegally and now live and have children in(DACA)? Or maybe it is paying for the illegal immigrants health care while living in the United States even though they aren't citizens.  Maybe in economic terms, Trump's ability to attract back the large companies who left the USA because tax rates were cheaper elsewhere and they left the country with their money and sold the jobs to overseas places like China so they could increase profitability. Maybe you consider the Climate fears and the Paris Accord a great deal for the world?  China can pollute without control while the rest of the countries watch their working class numbers fall. Maybe it is foreign policy which saw law and order restored to the Middle East like never before. The military industrial complex "was" collapsing under more Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Venezuela et al endless wars!

Here is what Biden is going to do for ya!

1) Bring back the US to the Paris Treaty. That means giving advantage to those countries (like China) who are given special privileges to pollute the world whilst penalizing the workforce of his own country. Very good!
2) Make Americans pay for the healthcare of illegals even though they came here illegally. Take down border walls - no real need to protect your borders from anyone coming across - drug runner or human trafficker. Very good!
3) Rejoin the WHO and give the biggest worldwide support of any country. This is done even though the WHO was not allowed to investigate the origins of the Wuhan Virus (COVID) within the border of China. The WHO is run by CCP (Chinese Communist Party). Very good!
4) Remove sanctions from Iran and allow them to continue being a nuclear threat to the world. Maybe send them over another airplane full of cash! Contrast this foreign policies to the one which saw Israel forming peaceful agreements with their Arab neighbors under Trump and establishing regional peace. Very good!
5) Re-establish Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel so that Hamas can continue to harass the Israelis and demand "their" land back and kindle the fire of hatred on that land. Very good!
6) Stack the court so you can establish the leftist agenda. Move it to 13 members rather than 9. Make the SCOTUS an arm of their agenda rather than an interpretative body of the existing constitution. Very good!
7) Start a war with North Korea or Venezelua so that the CIA can create a war and send our children in to loose their lives. Very good!
8) Biden's ties to China will ensure that they can do as they please with Hong Kong (who want their freedom) and expand their dominion over the East and South China Sea and build their military islands there. When Biden was VP, his son Hunter went with him on the government jet to China. Very good!
9) Squelch the call for investigation of Trump's 2016 win which was attributed to Russian Collusion and an improper FBI investigation brought about by FISA warrant abuse. Lawyers from Crossfire Hurricane were allowed without prosecution to destroy the data from their phones so it can't be used to show their bias. Hilary was allowed to operate and then dismantle home server and destroy 5 devices by hammer. Two different investigations? Not a word said and no one prosecuted! Very good!
10) Joe Biden allowed to exert his influence in Ukraine to aid and abet his son with Burisma Gas Holdings and have a Ukrainian top prosecutor Shokin fired to stop his investigation of it. MSM and social media allowed to censor anything that might hurt support for the Democratic Party. (That could be an 11th point) Very Good!
11) Finally Joe can give himself and Hunter a pardon for all their past corruption.   Kamala can then take over 78 year old Joe's reigns.

Okay so corrupt Joe and his son get on 16 hour airplane ride to China and each locks himself up in a bathroom. You sure are simple. Not only that, 10 days later the SUPER IQ genius Hunter gets a lucrative billion dollar contract to manage money for the Chinese Communist Party affiliates.   

Where is this "lucrative billion dollar contract"? Have you seen it? And what's wrong with a lawyer managing money for a client?
Trump has a bankaccount in China and pays more taxes there then he does in America....

So you claim Trump and Guilliani are being investigated.  While the Bobulinski is off the radar for investigation.   That makes it fair - nothing to see in that story.  Hunter's laptop with emails on it that have been verified stating that keys were being cut for the Chines oil executive, his uncle James, his mother Dr. Jill and the Big Guy Joe!  Nothing to see - sure hope Biden can pardon Hunter before leaving office!

You already know that Trump is being investigated. They are just waiting for him to leave office. And as far as Guilliani goes, if he isn't being investigated, he should be.

You keep calling it Hunter's laptop, but I haven't seen any conclusive proof that it is in fact his laptop? If you have seen such evidence, please tell me where I can find it? And, btw, since when is sharing an office with a Chinese oil executive a crime?

Biden isn't the one giving out pardons. That's Trump, who according to some has plans to pardon all his kids and Guilliani. Now why would he even have to consider doing that?

Speaking of the Mueller report, Mueller couldn't answer any of the questions posed to him at the hearing.  He wasn't aware of what it contained - he didn't write and was obviously a figurehead.   I think greasy Weissman was the one that likely authored it and kept it as ambiguous as possible to say nothing, no incrimination no exoneration, it was a nothing burger.

A nothing burger that Bill Barr still felt he needed to misrepresent! And we know now that some aspects of the investigation were not pursued completely.... One can only wonder why! One thing is for sure, though, the Mueller report did not exonerate Trump like his sycophants constantly claim.

Now to your last point about Donald, that is a very scary thought.   I thought the exact same thing about Hilary and Joe.   Who was more corrupt and who wants to do more for the people was the big question as I saw it.    You see JFK and DJT were very rich people people before they came into power and we are told neither of them drew a presidential wage.  They both made pledges to stop corruption, drain the swamp and govern for the good of the people.    The military industrial complex was to be dismantled and not allowed to continue by putting our children to war for international endeavour to fill the pockets of the elite and rich.   The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.  Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place.    It appear both  JFK and DJT  were in the same camp and did not belong in politics because of what they tried to stop.

The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.

Are you kidding me? The past 4 years have been the most divisive in decades.

Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place. 

Oh please... are you that gullible? The words Middle East and Peace Deals can never be used in one sentence. It's an illusion. Some countries are now prepared to recognize Isreal. Wow... It's in their own interest to do so and they finally understand that.
North Korea is hardly quiet. They played Trump like a fiddle and he didn't even notice it. And Iran in its place is another illusion. You can't bully Arabs into making peace. It doesn't work...

So what did you not like about Trump's policy?

How many days do you have?

Perhaps, a country secured by enforced borders and building border walls to keep human and drug traffickers out?

This is funny. The walls are not securing the country. That's an illusion. Those days as long gone.  Israël tried to keep Palestinians out by building a wall, and it did not good. They simply dug underneath it. The criminals won't be kept out by the wall either. They will find other ways to get into the country. I have seen the wall in Berlin in the 80's and even that wall, which was far more advanced than anything Trump is building, did not manage to keep people in.

Or Is it not letting illegal immigrants to have full citizenship and a right to vote in the country in which they came across the border illegally and now live and have children in(DACA)? Or maybe it is paying for the illegal immigrants health care while living in the United States even though they aren't citizens.

Two elements here. First of all, it's hardly humane to punish the children of illegal immigrants, who were born in America, for what their parents did wrong. Keeping them in suspense for years and constantly threatening with deportation to countries they don't know and have never been before is cruel beyond belief. And secondly, it's a bit hypocritical to complain about paying for health care for those immigrants when in many cases they were brought into the country by American businessmen who needed them to do the cheapest and dirtiest jobs for the lowest wages. Jobs that Americans do not want to do themselves. For crying out loud, Trump has (or at least had) illegal immigrants working for him at his resorts!

The immigration problem isn't unique to America. In Europe they have the same problems and in nearly all cases they are self inflicted wounds. Blaming the immigrants for the economic problems is not only dishonest and pathetic, it's also dangerous. It breeds hate! Throughout history the Jews have been blamed for all sorts of economic hardship they did not cause nor were responsible for and look what ultimately happened to them. The immigrants are the modern scapegoats used by corrupt politicians to explain away their own failed policies.

Maybe in economic terms, Trump's ability to attract back the large companies who left the USA because tax rates were cheaper elsewhere and they left the country with their money and sold the jobs to overseas places like China so they could increase profitability.

Another illusion. Trump hasn't brought back any major company. The companies that left were never concerned about tax rates. Their main interest was improving their profitability by using a cheaper labor force with far less regulations. Why would they build a car in America when they can do it for half the costs in Mexico?

Here is what Biden is going to do for ya!

Aha.. you've got a crystal ball, have ya? Or is it just the usual fearmongering the Republicans are famous for?

1) Bring back the US to the Paris Treaty.


2) Make Americans pay for the healthcare of illegals even though they came here illegally.  

I thought you said that was already happening? But never mind, legalize them, give them a job and they will pay for themselves.

3) Rejoin the WHO and give the biggest worldwide support of any country.

America never completely left the WHO to begin with and Trump only wanted to leave because he could not control them as he wanted to. They got in the way of his bogus Covid-19 denial scheme

The WHO is run by CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

No it isn't. That's just Trump propaganda

4) Remove sanctions from Iran and allow them to continue being a nuclear threat to the world.

Once a country has the knowledge to make a nuclear weapon you can never undo that knowledge. But from what I have seen so far, there hasn't been a nuclear threat from Iran yet.

Maybe send them over another airplane full of cash!

I doubt it, because the first plane load they got was their own money that had been frozen by the USA

Contrast this foreign policies to the one which saw Israel forming peaceful agreements with their Arab neighbors under Trump and establishing regional peace.

You clearly do not know much about the middle-East.

5) Re-establish Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel so that Hamas can continue to harass the Israelis and demand "their" land back and kindle the fire of hatred on that land.

Tel Aviv was never the capital of Israel.

6) Stack the court so you can establish the leftist agenda. Move it to 13 members rather than 9. Make the SCOTUS an arm of their agenda rather than an interpretative body of the existing constitution.

Republican fearmongering. Biden has spoken out against stacking the court.

7) Start a war with North Korea or Venezelua so that the CIA can create a war and send our children in to loose their lives.

There is no reason to start a war with either country and they will not start one with the USA either because they are not as stupid as you think they are.

8) Biden's ties to China will ensure that they can do as they please with Hong Kong (who want their freedom) and expand their dominion over the East and South China Sea and build their military islands there. 

Trump hasn't done a damned thing for Hong Kong. It was always obviously clear that China would do what it liked with Hong Kong after the British left. Who was there to stop them? Hong Kong is simply not big enough

9) Squelch the call for investigation of Trump's 2016 win which was attributed to Russian Collusion and an improper FBI investigation brought about by FISA warrant abuse.

Calls for investigations are meaningless. Republicans ask for investigations all the time. Trump wanted voter fraud in 2016 investigated because he couldn't accept that he lost the popular vote. He formed a committee who held two meetings and then dissolved because they could not find any voter fraud. And how many times have the Republicans not investigated Benghazi without ever finding anything to pin on Hillary Clinton. Unlike Trump, who interfered or tried to interfere with investigations all the time, Biden will probably let the DOJ and FBI do their job.

10) Joe Biden allowed to exert his influence in Ukraine to aid and abet his son with Burisma Gas Holdings and have a Ukrainian top prosecutor Shokin fired to stop his investigation of it.

BS... Shokin was fired because he was corrupt and Biden was merely the messenger. Most European countries agreed with Obama that Shokin needed to go. And when it happened, Hunter Biden had already left Burisma and Shokin was not investigating the company. This has been confirmed by officials in Ukraine. The whole thing is a Guilliani dreamed up fairytale.

11) Finally Joe can give himself and Hunter a pardon for all their past corruption. Kamala can then take over 78 year old Joe's reigns.

Let's wait and see who Trump is going to give pardons to, shall we?

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2911 on: December 20, 2020, 02:18:14 PM »

1.   Is there a single non-Trump enthusiast who believes the election was rigged in Biden’s favor, giving him hundreds of thousands of net votes versus Trump?

The hundreds of thousands of votes you are talking about were the mail in votes.  If you came in person and voted, you had to show your ID and prove that your were a citizen and where you lived.   On the other hand, this scrutiny was not done to the mail in votes.  They didn't even undergo signature verification.   So let us just throw them all out and assume for a moment that you would not expect any change in support for those that voted in person to those that voted with mail in?  IOn other words if in person voting was 60/40, would you not expect mail voting to be similar 60/40?   Was there ballot harvesting?   How were mail in ballots proven?  What would your outcome now become?  Did Biden still win?   Why would there be such a large discrepancy that only Biden voters mailed their ballots in and very few Trump did?  That is an anomaly that needs further scrutiny in those 4 states.

Furthermore, why was election counting halted?  Up until the halt, who was winning?

You could not name a single non-Trump enthusiast who believed the election was rigged.

Election counting was halted? No, it wasn’t. Trump called for the counting to stop but it continued.

There is no mystery why Trump got a early lead in some states, but Biden overtook that lead, for two reasons:
1.   Large counties take longer to count. These large counties are generally urban populations, which vote heavily for Biden.
2.   Mail in ballots take longer to count. Biden encouraged his voters to mail in their ballots. To avoid an unnecessary risk of being exposed to the virus at the polling place. Trump discouraged his voters to mail in their ballots. So, naturally, the late counting mail in ballots heavily favored Biden.

2.   Is there a single outside reporter from Britain, Japan, Germany, anywhere, who believes this rigged election hypothesis? [/b]

We do have some Trump supporters, Republican governors, Republican Secretary of State, from various states, judges appointed by Republicans and even by Trump, who think the election was fair.

It seems to me that the side with the truth on their side could attract believers from both Trump and Biden voters. To convince foreign observers and reporters, without a horse in the race, that they are right. Only the non-believers in this Large-Secret-Enduring 2020 Election conspiracy hypothesis have been able to attract such support.

Again,  I say that there is widespread corruption and pay for play schemes on all sides of these parties.  No one party is innocent.  There have been accusations in Georgia that
Raffensperger had no requirement for mail in voting verification.  He avoided saying anything about that but mentioned that to obtain absentee ballots he put in place for the system a required electronic portal photo ID before you could have an absentee ballot issued.  Why was that?

There should be multi-million dollar lawsuits issued against Lin Wood for defamation of character.  If I was being slandered, like he is slandering Kemp and Raffensperger, I would get his butt sued off.   However, they would rather not go there and keep out the light instead!

The system is so corrupt that the MSM is all part of it worldwide.  When was the last time you heard about politicians giving themselves pay raises?  When was the last time you heard a reporter call for government fiscal responsibility, balanced budge and an end to everlasting deficit spending?   When has there been an investigation of Hunter, James or Joe Biden?   Why is it off limits to ask Joe a tough question about his past dealings with Ukraine and China?    How are 1st Amendment rights involving free speech not being followed anymore.   News stories about Hunter Biden and his laptop were kept censored from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook and the people not allowed to see?  How is that allowed?  Are not the peasants allowed to see all information and make their own opinion anymore as to what they want to believe and not believe?   This propaganda is worldwide and is being pushed by Soros Open Society Foundation.  The man in charge of Smartmatic, Lord Malloch Brown just took over Soros. Open Society Foundation.  From an election commandeer to the man in charge of an organization that addresses climate change and economic inequality. Where do you fit in? 

China is exploiting America's liberty and using it against them.   If Governments continue to spend without end, who will end up paying for it?   Money is based on paper, not gold and it will collapse.   There will have to be a system of communism/socialism which will have to take over because the indebtedness of the peasant will be called into play when he can't make a living, voice his opinion freely anymore or pay the tax burden placed on him!

You did not name a single outside reporter or observer who concluded the election was not rigged. So, the answer to my question is no.

You say “there is widespread corruption and pay for play schemes”. So that leaves no doubt. You are a believer in Large-Secret-Enduring conspiracies, which by logic are highly improbable.

3.   Is it necessary to be a Trump supporter in order to believe the election was rigged? [/b]

If not, name them.

Absolutely not.
1)  The abolishment of the 1st Amendment rights is the first indication of a rigged election.    When should censoring of news actually be allowed?   I think we all agree that maybe porn and swearing might be grounds to censor on.   However we have seen Dorsey (Twitter) and Zuckerberg (Facebook) deliberately keep people from posting their opinions and suspending their accounts. They have censored news items before election.   What gives these publishers the authority to censor news.   If you have both Democrats and Republicans having accounts,  are you being unbiased by withholding factual information?   Why has someone like Alex Jones been banned?  Is he not entertaining?   Why has youtube banned any videos showing possible election fraud - can't peasants make their own decisions?  They have become biased.    Why has it become necessary to keep people in the dark and from seeing both sides of a story?    That is election rigging.   What did they gain by doing this?   Are they getting some political appointees to Biden's close council in the process?

2)  The COVID crisis was a great way to create fear and shut down the economy, close small businesses, restaurants etc. and allow big business to take over.   Who is making the money now and who wants to prolong the crisis?  Follow the money.   Amazon, Microsoft,  Walmart, Costco and FedEx, pharmaceuticals  etc. and all the big corporations are making more money than ever since this all began.   If the election wasn't rigged, why are all these companies hellbent on putting their political donations into one basket - the Democratic party?    Again, we will see how many positions Biden will give in his cabinet to those in Wall Street and MSM and the others who have donated to him.  They have literally spent billion in order to see him win.  Using money as influence peddling should be a crime.   Maybe elections should have a maximum $10,000 donation limit to stop this corrupt process.  The more money you have, the more you get to play in the government is how it seems to work now.

3) COVID crisis once more.   If it did start in China, the Chinese allowed flights to the rest of the world from Wuhan while banning their own internal flights.    That is not right.  Furthermore a close examination of death rates must be looked at.  2018 statistics state that 7800 Americans die everyday from all illnesses.  We are now told that 300,000 have died in 2020 from COVID alone.  So we should expect that next year when looking back at the stats that 8700 Americans died everyday because it was a pandemic and not just a regular flu that normally kills the elderly.   MSM is once more hellbent to not report the average age of death of those dying.  What is it 78? 82?   No one reports.  However, fear is the key, masks and all.   Look at Sweden, they have reported less deaths and have never locked down once.    So taking it one step further,  we can now initiate mail in voting which has never been done before.  Many politicians in times past (including Democrats) have said you can never trust that process as it is susceptible to vote harvesting.    I would disagree and suffice it to say that it could be done legitimately.  However, you may need to base it on tax returns filed so that you have a database and can issue a mail in ballot accordingly.   Failing that, you need to make an in person declaration and register by presenting proof of citizenship and driver license ID and show up on election day at your proper polling place. Pretty simple system if you think about.

4) Follow the money and look at employment rates.   Mass shutdown of the middle class industry such as restaurants and small grocery stores has just occurred, what are these people supposed to do to make a living in the future?    The amount of money that is being thrown in by the plutocrats into the Democratic party is staggering.  Why have they done this?   Why is there so much partnering with China.   The Green New Deal gives a great deal for China and allows their economy to prosper and allows them virtually unlimited emissions and at same time World Economic Forum is calling for a Great Reset to occur in 2021.  Why does a Paris Accord have different pollution standards and not call on China to operate under exact same rules as American companies?  The Chinese are already a world power with incredible amounts of wealth, labor and making and making copies of just about everything in the world these days.   If Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Disney and Joe Biden (lol) want to make more money, they look at China as a great lucrative market and a source of cheap electronics, goods and labor.  Why is there not some sort of divisions in funding between Democrat and Republican by the plutocrats?  What do they have to gain by supporting only one party and why?    That bias and big money should make you question and think about the possibility of election rigging.   Zuckerberg even put money into voting machines while Bloomberg was busy giving money to the inmates in Florida t pay fines so could vote. Pretty Bizarre!   

Absolutely not? It is absolutely not necessary to be a hard-core Trump supporter in order to see that the election was rigged? But you didn’t name a single person who fit both these categories. So, absolutely yes, it is necessary to be a hard-core Trump supporter in order to have any chance of looking at the facts and concluding that the election was rigged.

In contrast, people who believe the election was fair and that there is no evidence of widespread fraud come both from people against Trump and people who strongly support Trump.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2911 on: December 20, 2020, 02:18:14 PM »