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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497507 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2912 on: December 20, 2020, 04:44:52 PM »
You obviously didn't read my post #2916 and look at the investigation that was done by experts after being okayed by a judge in Michigan.

Yes I did. It talks about what could possibly be done, not what actually happened. If you have actual evidence of widespread vote changing (that somehow was not detected in manual recounts) then bring it. Nearly 60 court cases have failed miserably so far.

No it isn't debunked nonsense.  It is, it has already been looked into, nothing to see and all good, carry on - most news organizations have already concluded that it has been thoroughly debunked even before the investigation began!

Again, if you have actual evidence of the Chief Justice having committed a crime, then bring it. Anyone can make up gossip and innuendo and demand that it be “investigated”.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2912 on: December 20, 2020, 04:44:52 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2913 on: December 20, 2020, 04:49:39 PM »
Why was there such a delay and how was it that Florida could have their election counted and finished on election night and not dragged on for days!

Florida counted their mail-in ballots up-front. That’s why Biden was ahead for most of the night in Florida. Georgia counted them after counting the Election Day votes.

And if mail-in ballots are postmarked by Election Day, it takes time for them to arrive and be counted. States have been doing it that way for decades. Why should everything need to be done in a single day?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 05:10:52 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2914 on: December 20, 2020, 05:19:11 PM »
You keep calling it Hunter's laptop, but I haven't seen any conclusive proof that it is in fact his laptop?

Hell, nobody has even seen a laptop.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 06:12:50 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2914 on: December 20, 2020, 05:19:11 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2915 on: December 20, 2020, 05:22:23 PM »
The Moderna vaccine will be rolling out this week. Or as it will be known to history: Trump Vaccine II.  Another magnificent achievement.  This vaccine was facilitated by the efforts of the Operation Warp Speed and President Trump in record time.  An amazing accomplishment that will end this crisis.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2916 on: December 20, 2020, 06:13:47 PM »
The Moderna vaccine will be rolling out this week. Or as it will be known to history: Trump Vaccine II.  Another magnificent achievement.  This vaccine was facilitated by the efforts of the Operation Warp Speed and President Trump in record time.  An amazing accomplishment that will end this crisis.

And again, Trump had nothing to do with it.

Instead, COVID-19 will go down in history as the Trump virus.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 06:14:56 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2916 on: December 20, 2020, 06:13:47 PM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2917 on: December 20, 2020, 08:36:40 PM »
Hell, nobody has even seen a laptop.

It appears his lawyer sent John Paul a lawyer wanting the laptop back from the computer repair shop where it was left!  There is also been a number of emails released from the laptop which are in Congress and that stated that keys needed to be cut for  Hunter, James, Joe and Dr. Jill along with a Chinese oil executive - very strange but circulating in Congress.  As well another email had been released from laptop which said that 10 million was reserved for the "Big Guy"!

If someone didn't have the laptop, how did the Chinese get a hold of the video of Hunter and possibly niece Natalie on it smoking his crack pipe.  Must have been some pretty good editing if that isn't a picture of Hunter!  It looks like the Chinese hold a lot of information and blackmail material on them.  This video got 4 million views - nothing to see there either!  I am surprised this video is still on and hasn't been censored yet since it is "disinformation".

The laptop story is all over the internet - surely there is fire behind the smoke - I guess in your opinion not.   All just a Russian disinformation scandal and we need to censor 1st amendment rights of newspapers and internet sites (Breitbart and Gateway as examples) so that this disinformation can not be given to the peasants so they can make their own decisions about fact or fiction!  Not to mention censoring the New York Post story from Facebook and Twitter pre- election  because it was HACKED and RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION (thoroughly debunked lol).

If someone was inventing all this Disinformation they sure were busy 24/7.  Oh yes.  it really looks like someone like the laptop information to Gateway Pundit and they redacted and only should certain lines of text messages.  They went to a lot of work to try and frame Hunter and make all these FAKE stories up!

« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:53:02 PM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2918 on: December 20, 2020, 11:26:18 PM »

Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn

There are media reports that General Flynn has suggested to President Trump the idea of declaring Martial Law, as a way to circumvent the election of 2020.

Oath of Enlistment into the United States armed forces:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

While this oath is a little ambiguous, is your true oath to the Constitution or the President, the true oath is to the Constitution. To the will of the people. While in Nazi Germany, the oath was to Adolf Hitler, in American, the oath is to the Constitution. Yes, obey the orders of the President, provided these orders do not violate the Constitution.

If these media reports are true, if there are credible witnesses to General Flynn making these suggestions to President Trump, I would like to see government, under President Biden, bring charges of treason against General Flynn.

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2919 on: December 20, 2020, 11:32:51 PM »
Okay so corrupt Joe and his son get on 16 hour airplane ride to China and each locks himself up in a bathroom. You sure are simple. Not only that, 10 days later the SUPER IQ genius Hunter gets a lucrative billion dollar contract to manage money for the Chinese Communist Party affiliates.   

Where is this "lucrative billion dollar contract"? Have you seen it? And what's wrong with a lawyer managing money for a client?
Trump has a bankaccount in China and pays more taxes there then he does in America....

Who care about Trump!   I want to know about Biden when he becomes President and his corruption.  Don't keep on bringing Trump into it.  Don't try to lead me around be a leash - I am not your puppy dog!  There is footage of the Bidens making a plane trip together to China and the fact is Hunter gets a huge contract shortly thereafter to money manage lol!

So you claim Trump and Guilliani are being investigated.  While the Bobulinski is off the radar for investigation.   That makes it fair - nothing to see in that story.  Hunter's laptop with emails on it that have been verified stating that keys were being cut for the Chines oil executive, his uncle James, his mother Dr. Jill and the Big Guy Joe!  Nothing to see - sure hope Biden can pardon Hunter before leaving office!

You already know that Trump is being investigated. They are just waiting for him to leave office. And as far as Guilliani goes, if he isn't being investigated, he should be.

You keep calling it Hunter's laptop, but I haven't seen any conclusive proof that it is in fact his laptop? If you have seen such evidence, please tell me where I can find it? And, btw, since when is sharing an office with a Chinese oil executive a crime?

You have just admitted that there is a laptop.  That is where the information comes from and that email lol!   So now you are saying that giving a key to 4 Bidens including Joe and Dr. Jill and one Chinese executive is not glaringly conflict of interest and a blatant lie by Corrupt Joe.  He said repeatedly that he knows "nothing" of his son's affairs and business in China and Ukraine.  So why would you be one of the recipients of the key to the office of the 4 Bidens and the Chinese oil executive.  You don't make sense in your arguments!   I will refer you to the other post w.r.t. laptop ownership and contents!,2644.msg102950.html#msg102950

Biden isn't the one giving out pardons. That's Trump, who according to some has plans to pardon all his kids and Guilliani. Now why would he even have to consider doing that?

"According to some" again Fake News MSM leaks to propagate and spread disinformation. Where is that all based lol?   A CNN propaganda leak?

Speaking of the Mueller report, Mueller couldn't answer any of the questions posed to him at the hearing.  He wasn't aware of what it contained - he didn't write and was obviously a figurehead.   I think greasy Weissman was the one that likely authored it and kept it as ambiguous as possible to say nothing, no incrimination no exoneration, it was a nothing burger.

A nothing burger that Bill Barr still felt he needed to misrepresent! And we know now that some aspects of the investigation were not pursued completely.... One can only wonder why! One thing is for sure, though, the Mueller report did not exonerate Trump like his sycophants constantly claim.
But it didn't indict either.  After 2 1/2 years of constant battering,  they didn't find Russian Collusion.  However with the help of MSM and disinformation, they managed to spread enough BS that they could flip the house in the bi-election before ending the nothing burger investigation!  There are many people in the country who are feeling very threatened by the riots, looting and lawlessness that is occurring in Portland, Detroit and New York as examples.  If you don't kowtow to their will, you will be beaten up by BLM and ANTIFA and other such Soros' funded organizations.   Any one that does take a stand for the Republican party is heckled, beaten or thrown under the bus when possible.   This movement by these thugs has created a create chasm in the nation and mayors and other democrat strongholds are reinforcing this and saying they are just peaceful protests - BS!  Look at what this one judge is saying - oops they likely made this story up so they could run it lol!

Now to your last point about Donald, that is a very scary thought.   I thought the exact same thing about Hilary and Joe.   Who was more corrupt and who wants to do more for the people was the big question as I saw it.    You see JFK and DJT were very rich people people before they came into power and we are told neither of them drew a presidential wage.  They both made pledges to stop corruption, drain the swamp and govern for the good of the people.    The military industrial complex was to be dismantled and not allowed to continue by putting our children to war for international endeavour to fill the pockets of the elite and rich.   The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.  Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place.    It appear both  JFK and DJT  were in the same camp and did not belong in politics because of what they tried to stop.

The last 4 years was the quietest period in a long time.

Are you kidding me? The past 4 years have been the most divisive in decades.

Are you referring to all the Soros' funded "anti-nation" agenda moves. I would agree calls to defund police, allowing looters, rioters and thieves to run at loose on streets without incarceration and supported by the democrat mayors in those states certainly does show how those people that can afford to leave those areas are doing just that.  That includes businesses running for the hills and moving to more stable countryside like Florida and Texas.   Again you make a point and say nothing.  "The past 4 years have the most divisive in decades."  Please put a little money behind where your mouth is.    Its like me making a statement "that Trump won the election by a landslide and you know it."    I said it, therefore must be true.  You are slinging nothing burgers with no meat in them - basically a rhetorical statement that says nothing.   You never debated obviously.

Middle East countries forging peace deals with each other,  North Korea quiet and Iran in its place. 

Oh please... are you that gullible? The words Middle East and Peace Deals can never be used in one sentence. It's an illusion. Some countries are now prepared to recognize Isreal. Wow... It's in their own interest to do so and they finally understand that.
North Korea is hardly quiet. They played Trump like a fiddle and he didn't even notice it. And Iran in its place is another illusion. You can't bully Arabs into making peace. It doesn't work...

Oh I see it takes AMERICAN troops on the the ground to ensure peace.   You like never ending wars and withdrawing troops.  You plan would be to put more Americans in danger!    Under Trump,  the chief trouble maker in Iran, Soleimani was taken out.   He was leading their terrorist movement and assaults on US troops in Iraq.   Horrible thing allowed to happen LOL!   

Under Obama and VP Biden they sent a jet full of US cash to the terrorists regime.   I guess if you can't  bully Arabs into making peace, you buy them!    The last 4 years was a never ending cycle of "Democratically" controlled MSM and the "Democrats" themselves never accepting an election won by their opponents.  Aiding to that are the Soros' funded BLM and ANTIFA movements which are there, not to bring justice but to bring chaos, looting and terrorism to the nation so that it would divide and polarize the nation and not unite.  Understand that he is looking for an Open Society where socialism abounds and all peoples of the world will be brought under one regime and control! 

The police no longer feel safe to remove lawlessness from society and so just let looting and arson go without interruption.  Certainly it  hasn't a peaceful movement as proclaimed by MSM.   Pre-election saw boarding up of businesses, New York and all over.  It was obviously done to protect their businesses from BLM and ANTIFA type terrorism.   We know this because with the Biden  win in the works,  we have not seen any Pro-Trump arson, looting and lawlessness where businesses have all their goods stolen and stores wrecked.  The protection was to protect from the left should the right have been perceived to have won.

So what did you not like about Trump's policy?

How many days do you have?

Perhaps, a country secured by enforced borders and building border walls to keep human and drug traffickers out?

This is funny. The walls are not securing the country. That's an illusion. Those days as long gone.  Israël tried to keep Palestinians out by building a wall, and it did not good. They simply dug underneath it. The criminals won't be kept out by the wall either. They will find other ways to get into the country. I have seen the wall in Berlin in the 80's and even that wall, which was far more advanced than anything Trump is building, did not manage to keep people in.

It sure looks like it is working.  The MSM have not been reporting massive border runs by Mexicans and Latin Americans since the beginning of the Trump 2016 election.  There are less drug traffickers and women and children used in prostitution rings coming across.  Again I see you slinging nothing burgers.  That wall in Berlin was very effective and many people died at that wall trying to escape.   What exactly is your point?   There should not be any borders?  Sounds like you want the George Soros  Open Society Foundation to come in, bring in socialism and equality for all the peasants of the world and have one government over all. You will get your wish as the country is so broke that adding more taxation to the already enslaved population will remove the midldle entirely and create a race of poverty and without color.

Or Is it not letting illegal immigrants to have full citizenship and a right to vote in the country in which they came across the border illegally and now live and have children in(DACA)? Or maybe it is paying for the illegal immigrants health care while living in the United States even though they aren't citizens.

Two elements here. First of all, it's hardly humane to punish the children of illegal immigrants, who were born in America, for what their parents did wrong. Keeping them in suspense for years and constantly threatening with deportation to countries they don't know and have never been before is cruel beyond belief. And secondly, it's a bit hypocritical to complain about paying for health care for those immigrants when in many cases they were brought into the country by American businessmen who needed them to do the cheapest and dirtiest jobs for the lowest wages. Jobs that Americans do not want to do themselves. For crying out loud, Trump has (or at least had) illegal immigrants working for him at his resorts!

The immigration problem isn't unique to America. In Europe they have the same problems and in nearly all cases they are self inflicted wounds. Blaming the immigrants for the economic problems is not only dishonest and pathetic, it's also dangerous. It breeds hate! Throughout history the Jews have been blamed for all sorts of economic hardship they did not cause nor were responsible for and look what ultimately happened to them. The immigrants are the modern scapegoats used by corrupt politicians to explain away their own failed policies.

Okay so you want to not have a border in the future I get it.  You must have read George Soros' manifesto on the Open Society Foundation.  You can flood the country with more immigrants and have more illegals born here.  In that way, in a generation their society will become your society.  That is a good point and I will have remember that!  Germany had one of most open immigration policies in the word under Angela Merkel.   How many Syrians have fled their own country and became German citizens.  When enough of the radicals move into your country, they will take it over.  Several hundred thousand Syrians have already move into Germany.   These people are fleeing and taking refuge or establishing roots and movements.  Legitimate fleeing versus the Trojan horse.   Societies should be distinct. However an Open Society Foundation means everyone is equal.   The big question is can you stop racism and force equality on the masses?  Some of these people looking for a better life are not being very well vetted and appear to have their own agenda.  We already have seen what happens in the ghettos of Paris where the Moslem people have set up shariah law and live in their own inner cities where you don't dare walk!

I think the great Mohammed Ali summed it up pretty good.  Just because I am black, it doesn't mean that want to hang around with white hombres!

Maybe in economic terms, Trump's ability to attract back the large companies who left the USA because tax rates were cheaper elsewhere and they left the country with their money and sold the jobs to overseas places like China so they could increase profitability.

Another illusion. Trump hasn't brought back any major company. The companies that left were never concerned about tax rates. Their main interest was improving their profitability by using a cheaper labor force with far less regulations. Why would they build a car in America when they can do it for half the costs in Mexico?

Give me a break!  Of course they are concerned about taxes! Why do you think they create organizations in tax havens so that they can keep their money there?   It is a win-win.  Cheap labor in a foreign country, make cheap  products, sell for highest price and transfer money back out where you don't have to pay tax.   So explain why there has been more people employed in the country year by year since Trump won the election?  You think continuing on with the Green New Deal under Obama and Biden where the Chinese don't play under the same climate rules at the Paris Accord is really going to encourage jobs to be created at home?   Don't be absurd.   You have no argument.  Of course, you can always launch the old argument that the corner was turning and Trump fell into it. What an absurd moronic argument that is!

Here is what Biden is going to do for ya!

Aha.. you've got a crystal ball, have ya? Or is it just the usual fearmongering the Republicans are famous for?

1) Bring back the US to the Paris Treaty.


Did you ever look at the Paris Treaty?  They make these outrageous claims that solely benefit the Chinese!   They can continue to dominate the world with their cheap labor and factories emitting smog that has no comparison unless you want to compare to a city like LA.   Who benefits.  Those plutocrats who make their money building cheap products with cheap labor, sell the products abroad and transfer the money back to safe havens with a great trade imbalance.   That is great.  You want to have governments dictate everything that you do and control and monitor what you do.    Climate fearmongering is what the government "scientists" are proclaiming to be the great threat to the earth.   Yellowstone could blow its top tomorrow and it would be out of your control.   Deserts are formed every day and changes are beyond our control.  Adding a little more CO2 into the air actually encourages more plant development and creates an equilibrium with the O2 we need to breathe.   400 years ago Greenland was Greenland and inhabited with agriculture.   Look at the archaeological digs in the world.  One time civilizations are being uncovered under 50 feet of dust and dirt from 2000 years ago.  Do you really thing you can stop the process?   Climate is changing constantly just as the solar flares on the sun change constantly which also creates events which we can't control.       

2) Make Americans pay for the healthcare of illegals even though they came here illegally.  

I thought you said that was already happening? But never mind, legalize them, give them a job and they will pay for themselves.

That was part of the Democratic platform which if you would have watched the debate, you would have noticed.  They all agreed that healthcare should be paid for everyone of the illegals in this country - not just those that worked and contributed to the taxation system.     Again you say, "they will pay for themselves".  In other words, you are saying that they should have their own healthcare insurance bought with their own money - that is not the socialism they brought forth at the platform.  Everyone needs free healthcare paid for and controlled by government is what was put forth at the candidate platform by everyone of them socialists.

3) Rejoin the WHO and give the biggest worldwide support of any country.

America never completely left the WHO to begin with and Trump only wanted to leave because he could not control them as he wanted to. They got in the way of his bogus Covid-19 denial scheme

The WHO is run by CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

No it isn't. That's just Trump propaganda

Get your head out of the sand.  The COVID crisis began maybe as early as August 2019.   The first cases in the US and in China were reported in mid-December last year.  The Chinese appointed Dr. Tedros, director general issued statements originating from the CCP that the COVID was not contagious.  They shut down internal flights from Wuhan to the rest of China, cornered up as many masks as they could and encouraged flights to the rest of the world at the same time.  That is unconscionable.   It wasn't until January 20 that they admitted it was contagious!  The WHO acts in total assimilation with the CCP.  Trump offered to send staff over to examine and help at Wuhan - the CCP refused it.
Watch the embedded video  at 1:30  where a reporter tries to get a WHO representative to answer tough questions, especially when it concerns another Chinese controlled country Taiwan!  I know you don't agree with anything of Fox News but watch the imbedded clip instead of the interview of a WHO representative. It's a laugh as he breaks his internet connection.

4) Remove sanctions from Iran and allow them to continue being a nuclear threat to the world.

Once a country has the knowledge to make a nuclear weapon you can never undo that knowledge. But from what I have seen so far, there hasn't been a nuclear threat from Iran yet.

Maybe send them over another airplane full of cash!

I doubt it, because the first plane load they got was their own money that had been frozen by the USA

So why was it important to give it back in the form of cash. Wouldn't a wire transfer have been appropriate. Or is better to make it untraceable or just unlock the accounts that were frozen.  That is quite an argument you launch is being good idea to give CASH BACK! LOL!

Contrast this foreign policies to the one which saw Israel forming peaceful agreements with their Arab neighbors under Trump and establishing regional peace.

You clearly do not know much about the middle-East.

I see your the resident expert on that and when Israeli airplanes were allowed to fly into the neighboring countries - nothing has really has changed and no new peace agreements have been established.  Another nothing burger as you have not backed up your EXPERT statement.  There is evidence to the contrary!

5) Re-establish Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel so that Hamas can continue to harass the Israelis and demand "their" land back and kindle the fire of hatred on that land.

Tel Aviv was never the capital of Israel.

Every president had made this promise to the Jewish people of America to move the embassy to Jerusalem.  This is the First President that had the balls to actually do it.  You make it sound like isn't a big deal!   You obviously don't like "Promises made, promises kept" philosophy in campaigns!   I guess that is why you voted for basement Joe as he would even step forward with any statements on policy prior to election.

6) Stack the court so you can establish the leftist agenda. Move it to 13 members rather than 9. Make the SCOTUS an arm of their agenda rather than an interpretative body of the existing constitution.

Republican fearmongering. Biden has spoken out against stacking the court.

Back that up. He spoke it many decades but went asked pre-election, he would not commit but sidetracked as he wanted to ride the fence and gain votes from both sides.  That is BS what you are saying. Putting your money, where your mouth is!

7) Start a war with North Korea or Venezuela so that the CIA can create a war and send our children in to loose their lives.

There is no reason to start a war with either country and they will not start one with the USA either because they are not as stupid as you think they are.

What makes you so sure?  The CIA have been influencing elections and creating chaos worldwide putting forward support and then removing it.  Even Saddam Hussein was a great guy at one time.   They backed him up and they also backed up the shah of Iran for a while.  It is not about being stupid my friend, it is about being astute and seeing where your plutocrats and oligarchs can gain control, power and influence in the world with their help.  The world economic forum is hoping for a great reset in 2021 where the middle class is eliminated and you only have an upper class and lower class society.  That is the way the world has worked in the past and will in the future.  Some would call it the serf/lord feudal system.  The FBI and CIA as pawn of this military industrial complex.  They are a deep state entity which are not accountable to the people, Congress or Senate!

8) Biden's ties to China will ensure that they can do as they please with Hong Kong (who want their freedom) and expand their dominion over the East and South China Sea and build their military islands there. 

Trump hasn't done a damned thing for Hong Kong. It was always obviously clear that China would do what it liked with Hong Kong after the British left. Who was there to stop them? Hong Kong is simply not big enough

You obviously only watch MSM, and "TeeVee"  CNN and those other ones that Trump does nothing but collect money as President.  Oops, I forgot he does it without pay! These propaganda organizations spread nothing but hate and negative disinformation about Trump did for human rights of those in Hong Kong.  Again, you spout forward no facts, but speak as if you have a vast knowledge base.   You must think he should send an army there I guess and start a war!

9) Squelch the call for investigation of Trump's 2016 win which was attributed to Russian Collusion and an improper FBI investigation brought about by FISA warrant abuse.

Calls for investigations are meaningless. Republicans ask for investigations all the time. Trump wanted voter fraud in 2016 investigated because he couldn't accept that he lost the popular vote. He formed a committee who held two meetings and then dissolved because they could not find any voter fraud. And how many times have the Republicans not investigated Benghazi without ever finding anything to pin on Hillary Clinton. Unlike Trump, who interfered or tried to interfere with investigations all the time, Biden will probably let the DOJ and FBI do their job.

Again you are trying to change the subject matter and trying to point fingers elsewhere.  Don't chase your tail to hard in the circle you are trying to create.  The FISA warrants were abused,  the FBI had lawyers change wording, crossfire hurricane lawyers conveniently bleach bit all their data off phones.  There was not one indictment of anything that they did wrong.  Brennan, Clapper and Comey et al should face prosecution for what they pulled off.  As I said, these people are unaccountable and answer to no one.   They are all lawyer and carefully keep themselves in the tight corridor of "plausible deniability".    Oh what corruption is going on and MSM does not want to cover it - they just want to cover it up!     

10) Joe Biden allowed to exert his influence in Ukraine to aid and abet his son with Burisma Gas Holdings and have a Ukrainian top prosecutor Shokin fired to stop his investigation of it.

BS... Shokin was fired because he was corrupt and Biden was merely the messenger. Most European countries agreed with Obama that Shokin needed to go. And when it happened, Hunter Biden had already left Burisma and Shokin was not investigating the company. This has been confirmed by officials in Ukraine. The whole thing is a Guilliani dreamed up fairytale.

Keep on lapping it up like a little puppy dog. I hope will be happy with the open society foundation and the borderless society that you want.  Prove your timeline on these events please.  You seem to be pulling statement about Shokin being fired not at the same time that Hunter was on the Burisma board.  Did CNN tell you this or exactly where do you get this factual statement from.

11) Finally Joe can give himself and Hunter a pardon for all their past corruption. Kamala can then take over 78 year old Joe's reigns.

Let's wait and see who Trump is going to give pardons to, shall we?

What does that have to do with Trump?  I made a statement about Biden, you want to redirect fingers back to Trump.   What does Trump have to do with Hunter Biden? I am not comparing Trump to Obama!!!! LOL!   I am only stating the facts that Hunter has committed way more heinous acts than a Michael Flynn lie to the FBI or a Roger Stone lie ever did and had the book thrown at them for it!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 08:47:36 AM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2919 on: December 20, 2020, 11:32:51 PM »