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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497482 times)

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2920 on: December 21, 2020, 12:20:33 AM »
 Hey. Been working.  :)
Hope everyone is ok.  Me, my job tests me - and everyone else- 2 to 4 times a week.
Dr: Crow:  are you ok? Hope you are well.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2920 on: December 21, 2020, 12:20:33 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2921 on: December 21, 2020, 02:14:42 AM »

The following shows a scene I expect to see reenacted on January 20.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2922 on: December 21, 2020, 03:14:36 AM »

The “Law and Order” President is calling upon the Proud Boys and cohorts to show up in Washington D. C. on January 6 and be wild and somehow disrupt the formal counting of the Electoral College votes by Congress.

I suppose the Washington D. C. police will have to handle whatever happens. Washington D. C. has no governor and I don’t expect Trump to order in the National Guard to keep order. Clearly, he wants disorder.

Does anyone besides the President have the authority to order in the National Guard into Washington D.C. ?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2922 on: December 21, 2020, 03:14:36 AM »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2923 on: December 21, 2020, 03:48:13 AM »

I have no intention to continue this conversation. You're all over the place and in no way able to make a coherent point. On top of which you repeat already debunked lies.

Two examples;

We already have seen what happens in the ghettos of Paris where the Moslem people have set up shariah law and live in their own inner cities where you don't dare walk!

Total BS. Some idiot made this claim on Fox News a couple of years ago and none of it was true. I have an appartment in Paris and normally am there several times per year. The whole thing is a lie. There is no such thing as "no-go areas". But don't believe me, just watch the French telling you.

(*) Just in case you start attacking the Young Turks; I'm posting their version because I couldn't find the original video quickly enough. The fact that YT used the video does not devalue the information contained in it.

You seem to be pulling statement about Shokin being fired not at the same time that Hunter was on the Burisma board.  Did CNN tell you this or exactly where do you get this factual statement from.

No, the Ukraine Government confirmed that to European investigators and news outlets a long time ago.

You really need to get your information for more sources, as you seem to have lost any sense of reality.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 04:10:18 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2924 on: December 21, 2020, 03:51:44 AM »
Interesting you keep on not wanting to examine the audit report made by experts and allowed by judge to examine the Dominion Voting Systems machines in Michigan where  it is written into the operator's manual how you can manipulate votes. You seem to quote all sorts of fake MSM outlets which don't even want to look at evidence uncovered.  I have introduced this in POST #2926 and Michael T. Griffiths again posted it in POST #2931 and you have given no reply to this hard evidence!  You just ignore it.
Page 18 of the report:
I guess you can't read posts and the expert reports contained that stated that the Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm is built into the software and you can read about it in their own manual.  These machines are not there just to count votes 1+1+1......
  They were designed to alter votes like they did in Venezuela!

Thats okay. Like all the rest of the LNers, keep your ostrich head buried and don't examine evidence!   Your fact checking cronies have a lot to answer to and it isn't to the people that make up the country!    There is ample evidence that George Soros and his henchman Lord Malloch Brown have their hands in electronic voting systems, as do some prominent politicians in America.  Do the research -Wikipedia is a good place to start.   If you accept Vanity fair and Usatoday as truth checkers, surely you can accept Wikipedia as well!  How can you discount the flowchart below as it is presented as fact?  Here is a flowchart for ya to research:

Michael T Griffith's post is just as ridiculous as yours. There was zero evidence of any voter fraud. Every right wing judge tossed out each bogus lawsuit in court.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2924 on: December 21, 2020, 03:51:44 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2925 on: December 21, 2020, 03:58:27 AM »
The hundreds of thousands of votes you are talking about were the mail in votes.  If you came in person and voted, you had to show your ID and prove that your were a citizen and where you lived.   On the other hand, this scrutiny was not done to the mail in votes.  They didn't even undergo signature verification.   So let us just throw them all out and assume for a moment that you would not expect any change in support for those that voted in person to those that voted with mail in?  IOn other words if in person voting was 60/40, would you not expect mail voting to be similar 60/40?   Was there ballot harvesting?   How were mail in ballots proven?  What would your outcome now become?  Did Biden still win?   Why would there be such a large discrepancy that only Biden voters mailed their ballots in and very few Trump did?  That is an anomaly that needs further scrutiny in those 4 states.

Furthermore, why was election counting halted?  Up until the halt, who was winning?

Again,  I say that there is widespread corruption and pay for play schemes on all sides of these parties.  No one party is innocent.  There have been accusations in Georgia that
Raffensperger had no requirement for mail in voting verification.  He avoided saying anything about that but mentioned that to obtain absentee ballots he put in place for the system a required electronic portal photo ID before you could have an absentee ballot issued.  Why was that?

There should be multi-million dollar lawsuits issued against Lin Wood for defamation of character.  If I was being slandered, like he is slandering Kemp and Raffensperger, I would get his butt sued off.   However, they would rather not go there and keep out the light instead!

The system is so corrupt that the MSM is all part of it worldwide.  When was the last time you heard about politicians giving themselves pay raises?  When was the last time you heard a reporter call for government fiscal responsibility, balanced budge and an end to everlasting deficit spending?   When has there been an investigation of Hunter, James or Joe Biden?   Why is it off limits to ask Joe a tough question about his past dealings with Ukraine and China?    How are 1st Amendment rights involving free speech not being followed anymore.   News stories about Hunter Biden and his laptop were kept censored from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook and the people not allowed to see?  How is that allowed?  Are not the peasants allowed to see all information and make their own opinion anymore as to what they want to believe and not believe?   This propaganda is worldwide and is being pushed by Soros Open Society Foundation.  The man in charge of Smartmatic, Lord Malloch Brown just took over Soros. Open Society Foundation.  From an election commandeer to the man in charge of an organization that addresses climate change and economic inequality. Where do you fit in? 

China is exploiting America's liberty and using it against them.   If Governments continue to spend without end, who will end up paying for it?   Money is based on paper, not gold and it will collapse.   There will have to be a system of communism/socialism which will have to take over because the indebtedness of the peasant will be called into play when he can't make a living, voice his opinion freely anymore or pay the tax burden placed on him!

Absolutely not.
1)  The abolishment of the 1st Amendment rights is the first indication of a rigged election.    When should censoring of news actually be allowed?   I think we all agree that maybe porn and swearing might be grounds to censor on.   However we have seen Dorsey (Twitter) and Zuckerberg (Facebook) deliberately keep people from posting their opinions and suspending their accounts. They have censored news items before election.   What gives these publishers the authority to censor news.   If you have both Democrats and Republicans having accounts,  are you being unbiased by withholding factual information?   Why has someone like Alex Jones been banned?  Is he not entertaining?   Why has youtube banned any videos showing possible election fraud - can't peasants make their own decisions?  They have become biased.    Why has it become necessary to keep people in the dark and from seeing both sides of a story?    That is election rigging.   What did they gain by doing this?   Are they getting some political appointees to Biden's close council in the process?

2)  The COVID crisis was a great way to create fear and shut down the economy, close small businesses, restaurants etc. and allow big business to take over.   Who is making the money now and who wants to prolong the crisis?  Follow the money.   Amazon, Microsoft,  Walmart, Costco and FedEx, pharmaceuticals  etc. and all the big corporations are making more money than ever since this all began.   If the election wasn't rigged, why are all these companies hellbent on putting their political donations into one basket - the Democratic party?    Again, we will see how many positions Biden will give in his cabinet to those in Wall Street and MSM and the others who have donated to him.  They have literally spent billion in order to see him win.  Using money as influence peddling should be a crime.   Maybe elections should have a maximum $10,000 donation limit to stop this corrupt process.  The more money you have, the more you get to play in the government is how it seems to work now.

3) COVID crisis once more.   If it did start in China, the Chinese allowed flights to the rest of the world from Wuhan while banning their own internal flights.    That is not right.  Furthermore a close examination of death rates must be looked at.  2018 statistics state that 7800 Americans die everyday from all illnesses.  We are now told that 300,000 have died in 2020 from COVID alone.  So we should expect that next year when looking back at the stats that 8700 Americans died everyday because it was a pandemic and not just a regular flu that normally kills the elderly.   MSM is once more hellbent to not report the average age of death of those dying.  What is it 78? 82?   No one reports.  However, fear is the key, masks and all.   Look at Sweden, they have reported less deaths and have never locked down once.    So taking it one step further,  we can now initiate mail in voting which has never been done before.  Many politicians in times past (including Democrats) have said you can never trust that process as it is susceptible to vote harvesting.    I would disagree and suffice it to say that it could be done legitimately.  However, you may need to base it on tax returns filed so that you have a database and can issue a mail in ballot accordingly.   Failing that, you need to make an in person declaration and register by presenting proof of citizenship and driver license ID and show up on election day at your proper polling place. Pretty simple system if you think about.

4) Follow the money and look at employment rates.   Mass shutdown of the middle class industry such as restaurants and small grocery stores has just occurred, what are these people supposed to do to make a living in the future?    The amount of money that is being thrown in by the plutocrats into the Democratic party is staggering.  Why have they done this?   Why is there so much partnering with China.   The Green New Deal gives a great deal for China and allows their economy to prosper and allows them virtually unlimited emissions and at same time World Economic Forum is calling for a Great Reset to occur in 2021.  Why does a Paris Accord have different pollution standards and not call on China to operate under exact same rules as American companies?  The Chinese are already a world power with incredible amounts of wealth, labor and making and making copies of just about everything in the world these days.   If Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Disney and Joe Biden (lol) want to make more money, they look at China as a great lucrative market and a source of cheap electronics, goods and labor.  Why is there not some sort of divisions in funding between Democrat and Republican by the plutocrats?  What do they have to gain by supporting only one party and why?    That bias and big money should make you question and think about the possibility of election rigging.   Zuckerberg even put money into voting machines while Bloomberg was busy giving money to the inmates in Florida t pay fines so could vote. Pretty Bizarre!   

Right wingers are trying to create after the fact voting laws to throw out legal votes. They control the legislatures and had no problem with anything until after they lost. Oregon votes strictly by mail and there is no "voter fraud".

We all knew corrupt criminal B.enedict Donald was going to claim "voter fraud" without any evidence because he already knew he was going to lose the election. This was written about for months and now he's doing what was written about since the Summer. Not one single piece of evidence of any voter fraud found by a right wing judge.     

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2926 on: December 21, 2020, 04:06:52 AM »
The hundreds of thousands of votes you are talking about were the mail in votes.  If you came in person and voted, you had to show your ID and prove that your were a citizen and where you lived.   On the other hand, this scrutiny was not done to the mail in votes.  They didn't even undergo signature verification.   So let us just throw them all out and assume for a moment that you would not expect any change in support for those that voted in person to those that voted with mail in?  IOn other words if in person voting was 60/40, would you not expect mail voting to be similar 60/40?   Was there ballot harvesting?   How were mail in ballots proven?  What would your outcome now become?  Did Biden still win?   Why would there be such a large discrepancy that only Biden voters mailed their ballots in and very few Trump did?  That is an anomaly that needs further scrutiny in those 4 states.

Furthermore, why was election counting halted?  Up until the halt, who was winning?

Again,  I say that there is widespread corruption and pay for play schemes on all sides of these parties.  No one party is innocent.  There have been accusations in Georgia that
Raffensperger had no requirement for mail in voting verification.  He avoided saying anything about that but mentioned that to obtain absentee ballots he put in place for the system a required electronic portal photo ID before you could have an absentee ballot issued.  Why was that?

There should be multi-million dollar lawsuits issued against Lin Wood for defamation of character.  If I was being slandered, like he is slandering Kemp and Raffensperger, I would get his butt sued off.   However, they would rather not go there and keep out the light instead!

The system is so corrupt that the MSM is all part of it worldwide.  When was the last time you heard about politicians giving themselves pay raises?  When was the last time you heard a reporter call for government fiscal responsibility, balanced budge and an end to everlasting deficit spending?   When has there been an investigation of Hunter, James or Joe Biden?   Why is it off limits to ask Joe a tough question about his past dealings with Ukraine and China?    How are 1st Amendment rights involving free speech not being followed anymore.   News stories about Hunter Biden and his laptop were kept censored from social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook and the people not allowed to see?  How is that allowed?  Are not the peasants allowed to see all information and make their own opinion anymore as to what they want to believe and not believe?   This propaganda is worldwide and is being pushed by Soros Open Society Foundation.  The man in charge of Smartmatic, Lord Malloch Brown just took over Soros. Open Society Foundation.  From an election commandeer to the man in charge of an organization that addresses climate change and economic inequality. Where do you fit in? 

China is exploiting America's liberty and using it against them.   If Governments continue to spend without end, who will end up paying for it?   Money is based on paper, not gold and it will collapse.   There will have to be a system of communism/socialism which will have to take over because the indebtedness of the peasant will be called into play when he can't make a living, voice his opinion freely anymore or pay the tax burden placed on him!

Absolutely not.
1)  The abolishment of the 1st Amendment rights is the first indication of a rigged election.    When should censoring of news actually be allowed?   I think we all agree that maybe porn and swearing might be grounds to censor on.   However we have seen Dorsey (Twitter) and Zuckerberg (Facebook) deliberately keep people from posting their opinions and suspending their accounts. They have censored news items before election.   What gives these publishers the authority to censor news.   If you have both Democrats and Republicans having accounts,  are you being unbiased by withholding factual information?   Why has someone like Alex Jones been banned?  Is he not entertaining?   Why has youtube banned any videos showing possible election fraud - can't peasants make their own decisions?  They have become biased.    Why has it become necessary to keep people in the dark and from seeing both sides of a story?    That is election rigging.   What did they gain by doing this?   Are they getting some political appointees to Biden's close council in the process?

2)  The COVID crisis was a great way to create fear and shut down the economy, close small businesses, restaurants etc. and allow big business to take over.   Who is making the money now and who wants to prolong the crisis?  Follow the money.   Amazon, Microsoft,  Walmart, Costco and FedEx, pharmaceuticals  etc. and all the big corporations are making more money than ever since this all began.   If the election wasn't rigged, why are all these companies hellbent on putting their political donations into one basket - the Democratic party?    Again, we will see how many positions Biden will give in his cabinet to those in Wall Street and MSM and the others who have donated to him.  They have literally spent billion in order to see him win.  Using money as influence peddling should be a crime.   Maybe elections should have a maximum $10,000 donation limit to stop this corrupt process.  The more money you have, the more you get to play in the government is how it seems to work now.

3) COVID crisis once more.   If it did start in China, the Chinese allowed flights to the rest of the world from Wuhan while banning their own internal flights.    That is not right.  Furthermore a close examination of death rates must be looked at.  2018 statistics state that 7800 Americans die everyday from all illnesses.  We are now told that 300,000 have died in 2020 from COVID alone.  So we should expect that next year when looking back at the stats that 8700 Americans died everyday because it was a pandemic and not just a regular flu that normally kills the elderly.   MSM is once more hellbent to not report the average age of death of those dying.  What is it 78? 82?   No one reports.  However, fear is the key, masks and all.   Look at Sweden, they have reported less deaths and have never locked down once.    So taking it one step further,  we can now initiate mail in voting which has never been done before.  Many politicians in times past (including Democrats) have said you can never trust that process as it is susceptible to vote harvesting.    I would disagree and suffice it to say that it could be done legitimately.  However, you may need to base it on tax returns filed so that you have a database and can issue a mail in ballot accordingly.   Failing that, you need to make an in person declaration and register by presenting proof of citizenship and driver license ID and show up on election day at your proper polling place. Pretty simple system if you think about.

4) Follow the money and look at employment rates.   Mass shutdown of the middle class industry such as restaurants and small grocery stores has just occurred, what are these people supposed to do to make a living in the future?    The amount of money that is being thrown in by the plutocrats into the Democratic party is staggering.  Why have they done this?   Why is there so much partnering with China.   The Green New Deal gives a great deal for China and allows their economy to prosper and allows them virtually unlimited emissions and at same time World Economic Forum is calling for a Great Reset to occur in 2021.  Why does a Paris Accord have different pollution standards and not call on China to operate under exact same rules as American companies?  The Chinese are already a world power with incredible amounts of wealth, labor and making and making copies of just about everything in the world these days.   If Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Disney and Joe Biden (lol) want to make more money, they look at China as a great lucrative market and a source of cheap electronics, goods and labor.  Why is there not some sort of divisions in funding between Democrat and Republican by the plutocrats?  What do they have to gain by supporting only one party and why?    That bias and big money should make you question and think about the possibility of election rigging.   Zuckerberg even put money into voting machines while Bloomberg was busy giving money to the inmates in Florida t pay fines so could vote. Pretty Bizarre!   

Nobody shows "ID" for absentee voting. You have no clue what you're talking about.

The state mails the person the ballot with a security ID bar code which confirms the ID of the voter. Nobody can tamper with it. Then they fill it out and mail it or put it in a drop box.

There is 0% chance of any voter fraud.   

Benedict Donal.d lied about mail in balloting so right wingers didn't vote by mail and Democrats did.

The Republican legislature in Pennsylania voted against counting mail in ballots until after all the in person voting was counted to create an illusion that Benedict Donal.d  was "winning" when he never was.

This is all b.s. propaganda and disinformation.   

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2927 on: December 21, 2020, 09:44:01 AM »
That's because there is no "voter fraud". This is all a right scam to keep election loser Benedic.t Donald in power.

Judge throws out lawsuit, finds no fraud or misconduct in Arizona election: Judge finds no evidence of election fraud or misconduct, dismisses lawsuit filed by Arizona's GOP chairwoman

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #2927 on: December 21, 2020, 09:44:01 AM »