On election night, Trump was in a commanding lead. How were those results put on teevee? That was in person voting. Then, election polling was closed. You have that ratio of votes that you saw. In a normal vote, you would expect the mail in ratio would be similar to what you saw in live polling. Instead, you saw a flip. After 3 days of mail in counting, enough votes were found by mail to overthrow the live polling results. Is that how popular vote works? They were "scared" to go in person and so all results cast in that manner favored Biden.
Then, all these mail in votes were mixed in with the rest so you can't even compare anymore. You can only see the results when live polls closed where Trump had a commanding lead and compare them to what you saw by next morning. In a place like Florida, was there a massive Biden surge in votes due to mail in? Or was the ratio between live votes and mail in votes there similar? Launch an argument that the mail in vote ratio there was the same for Biden as it was in a place like Georgia. Statistics should say they are very similar when comparing live vote ratio to mail in ratio as you are giving the shut-ins a way to vote. Democrats there should be no different in their casting then Democrats in Georgia.
Election integrity means you need to look at the physical ballots and not just feed them through the same machines that gave the same score last time. Each ballot needs vetting and yes the process takes time. Verify signatures, addresses and identities. Look at things like if ballots came out of an envelope and had creases on them or were they stacked and fed in and had no creases. See if the adjudicated votes matched those fed in. Mail in votes should be scrutinized just as hard as those that came in person to vote.
If this was examined and shown that Biden won, there was and is no problem. However, if you have affidavits signed (and perjury is punishable by incarceration), then lets throw these people into jail for lying about what they put their signatures. Let's make the case and prove it. We saw how the FBI worked over campaign workers in the Trump campaign and incarcerated them for lying to them, lets force the judges to make real decisions instead of just throwing out the accusation as being unfounded, lacked evidence and not worth pursuing. No time for that!
We can't prove that anyone used the machines fraudulently to count votes and never will. However, if you insist on using machines which have the capability written in the operator's manual to divide votes by percentage, there is a major problem. The Scribd expert report shows that. They redacted the operator's manual picture proving what they said was true by the judge? Why would they do that? Confidential information or exposure of truth and obviously they must have had a picture to back up their statement about this algorithm? As well, there was a common user name and password entry into the system they said that allows multiple users access to the same voting records, there is a problem with accountability. Plausible deniability by anyone with access! How hard would it be to have a machine count 1+1+1? For some reason, these electronic voting systems were not used across the entire country in all states. Why not? Votes were allowed to be changed in the adjudication process electronically and to "cure" votes. Sorry, the electronic system is compromised and if it continues to be used, you will see the same results as in Venezuela, 55/45 perhaps?

Benedict Donal.d never had a "commanding lead". He was losing in EVERY single poll and was losing in the vote total as well. Everybody knew that the mail in ballots outnumbered in person voting. This is all debunked garbage that every single judge threw out of court.