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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 391954 times)

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3240 on: January 09, 2021, 10:14:18 AM »
This is really concerning.  The new round of censorship by big Tech is going to push all the right (conservatives) into a different corner of the world - off on another platform.  2 camps are being formed and there will be no middle ground meeting, debate or conversation.

Having Biden and AOC stating what they did today has dangerously divided the country.   There is absolutely no reach across the aisle here by the left.  75 million people who will be black listed by the 85 million leftists on the other side is not good.      Communication needs to be encouraged not censored.  Freedom of speech (1st amendment) is dangerously close to being eliminated by mass censorship.   The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank - Democracy fails and they love it.

Cuomo said "who says protesters have to be peaceful" - the list goes on.   
Ayanna Pressley says ""there needs to be unrest in the streets."   
Kamala Harris says  "protesters should not let up".   
Maxine Waters said ""If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere".   
Even Nancy Pelosi said "I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be...."

She may be more right than she thinks.

The left has never backed down from their stance and continue to push for country breakup.   This will force a bad situation I predict.  Here Prince Charming adds more foliage to the fire - should "maybe take them back behind in the school yard and beat them up"!  It sure looks like there is a real conciliatory leader in the making here.  Talks like a real leader!  Joseph Goebbels!

The Republicans are divided. Not a functional political party. Trump has a militia.....good luck with that long term. Check out the crap spewed out by Fox today......delusional. What is Rupert's true position? WSJ editorial says Trump must go now yet the cringeworthy Hannity/Carlson/Ingraham promote deflection pieces and continue the disinformation campaign. He's having it both ways. Maybe Fox hasn’t got the message yet.

As for Twitter etc, they are commercial entity and have TOS.....nothing to do with first amendment.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3240 on: January 09, 2021, 10:14:18 AM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3241 on: January 09, 2021, 10:19:26 AM »
This is really concerning.  The new round of censorship by big Tech is going to push all the right (conservatives) into a different corner of the world - off on another platform.  2 camps are being formed and there will be no middle ground meeting, debate or conversation.

Having Biden and AOC stating what they did today has dangerously divided the country.   There is absolutely no reach across the aisle here by the left.  75 million people who will be black listed by the 85 million leftists on the other side is not good.      Communication needs to be encouraged not censored.  Freedom of speech (1st amendment) is dangerously close to being eliminated by mass censorship.   The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank - Democracy fails and they love it.

Cuomo said "who says protesters have to be peaceful" - the list goes on.   
Ayanna Pressley says ""there needs to be unrest in the streets."   
Kamala Harris says  "protesters should not let up".   
Maxine Waters said ""If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere".   
Even Nancy Pelosi said "I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be...."

She may be more right than she thinks.

The left has never backed down from their stance and continue to push for country breakup.   This will force a bad situation I predict.  Here Prince Charming adds more foliage to the fire - should "maybe take them back behind in the school yard and beat them up"!  It sure looks like there is a real conciliatory leader in the making here.  Talks like a real leader!  Joseph Goebbels!

Funny you mentioned Goebbels......I posted this to Rupert’s national paper here today....waiting for it to be accepted by moderator..

Students of history will recognise the employment of fear, creation of a common enemy and the "big lie" by autocrats to obtain power. In the 1930’s Goebbels was crucial to the rise in popularity of Hitler. Strangely it appears although that Trump had numerous "political commentators" and "news" outlets, cable and social, championing his propaganda he never rose to the heights of popularity of his duly elected German counterpart.

Indeed his popularity amongst the US population never reached 50% and languished in the low 40's for most of his term. Now that the Republican Party is fractured it appears a new "strategy" will be needed. Continue with voter suppression perhaps. Certainly there commentators appear to be simply preaching to the converted and those numbers have proven to be insufficient.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3242 on: January 09, 2021, 10:45:51 AM »
This is really concerning.  The new round of censorship by big Tech is going to push all the right (conservatives) into a different corner of the world - off on another platform.  2 camps are being formed and there will be no middle ground meeting, debate or conversation.

Having Biden and AOC stating what they did today has dangerously divided the country.   There is absolutely no reach across the aisle here by the left.  75 million people who will be black listed by the 85 million leftists on the other side is not good.      Communication needs to be encouraged not censored.  Freedom of speech (1st amendment) is dangerously close to being eliminated by mass censorship.   The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank - Democracy fails and they love it.

Cuomo said "who says protesters have to be peaceful" - the list goes on.   
Ayanna Pressley says ""there needs to be unrest in the streets."   
Kamala Harris says  "protesters should not let up".   
Maxine Waters said ""If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere".   
Even Nancy Pelosi said "I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be...."

She may be more right than she thinks.

The left has never backed down from their stance and continue to push for country breakup.   This will force a bad situation I predict.  Here Prince Charming adds more foliage to the fire - should "maybe take them back behind in the school yard and beat them up"!  It sure looks like there is a real conciliatory leader in the making here.  Talks like a real leader!  Joseph Goebbels!

More  BS:

Read the Terms of Service of a social media website. When you post about hate and incite violence you will get removed from the platform just like Seditious Donald did. You don't have the "freedom of speech" to incite a cult to commit violent acts. The country has already been severely divided by a fascist wannabe dictator and it will take a long time to undo the damage he caused.   

Maga thugs post about violence and overthrowing the Government. They have no business being on social media to preach hate and talking about performing violent acts. Your maga thugs wanted to hang Mike Pence. They were chanting "hang Mike Pence" and built a gallows noose outside the Capitol to execute members of Congress. You are ok with this? 

Trump mob 'wanted to hang Mike Pence from a tree' and even strung up a noose in front of the Capitol building during riot, says photographer

« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 10:54:02 AM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3242 on: January 09, 2021, 10:45:51 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3243 on: January 09, 2021, 10:48:54 AM »
I loved seeing this  :D :D :D

Offline Colin Crow

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JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3244 on: January 09, 2021, 02:45:05 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3245 on: January 09, 2021, 03:42:54 PM »

There is talk of getting Trump to resign. How? It appears he fears prison. And pardoning himself most likely won’t work. But if Mike Pence promises him a pardon. If the Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, promises him a pardon. I think we would do it. And it would avoid the dangers of the next 11 days, possibly where Trump might try anything or, a more likely problem because outrageous orders won’t be obeyed, our enemies might strike Taiwan. Might strike the Ukraine. Might strike South Korea. There must be one condition. No more pardons issued from Trump.
Let me start out by making a shocking confession I have ever made on this board. I am a Conspiracy Theorist. Yes. that’s right. I am a CTer. Not of the JFK assassination. Not of any Large-Secret-Enduring conspiracy. But of a much smaller conspiracy designed to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election.
This plan of Trump, which he has had for months, since early December “Be there . . . It will be wild”, since September “Stand down and stand by”, was harebrained. How could he expect it to work, for a mob to seize control of the Capitol? The answer, I think, is that he had control of the leadership of the Capitol Police. That is why Capitol Police Chief Sund turned down, on multiple occasion, the assistance of the National Guard. While telling at least one Congresswoman to not worry, the National Guard would be there. I thought there was 300 National Guard nearby. I was wrong. They were requested by the Mayor and scattered about the city to address traffic control for that one day. It was not the Mayor’s job to protect the Capitol. So, it was just a relatively small number of Capitol Police who ended up guarding the Capitol. Not dressed in riot gear, as could have been done. Not even positioned in good positions to make the best use of their limited numbers. And, at least a few others, who opened doors, while the bulk of the policeman had to enduring being struck with fire extinguishers or partly crushed in doors.
How would Donald Trump know, weeks, maybe months in advance:
•   There would be no strong National Guard presence.
•   The police, at least initially, caught without wearing riot gear.
•   Would be out of position.
•   Certain “protesters” would lead a mob to the correct door that would be opened for them.
How did he know all this? Was he psychic? No.
So, my one condition, for a couple of pardons for one Donald J. Trump, is that he issue no more pardons himself. He must leave certain members of the Capitol Police to hang out and dry.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3246 on: January 09, 2021, 10:51:19 PM »
Oh well.  Soon utopia will be here.  Biden and Harris with the help of Sanders can ensure that the treasury is further indebted

Where was this concern with the debt 4 years (and 8 trillion dollars) ago?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3247 on: January 09, 2021, 10:55:30 PM »
Having Biden and AOC stating what they did today has dangerously divided the country.

Where was all this concern about divisive rhetoric from Trump, Cruz, Hawley, Nunes, Jordan, Perdue, Loeffler, etc, etc, etc?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #3247 on: January 09, 2021, 10:55:30 PM »