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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 386453 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4048 on: July 08, 2021, 12:42:20 AM »
The GOP is a deranged Qanon extremist cult

Michael Flynn's family insists video showing them reciting 'QAnon oath' was actually just showing a family tradition

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4048 on: July 08, 2021, 12:42:20 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4049 on: July 08, 2021, 12:47:40 AM »
The right wing media including Faux Propaganda use Russian Propaganda daily to feed the sheep. These frauds love  Russia over America.   

Tucker Carlson erupted with 'spying' claims shortly after he tried using 'Kremlin intermediaries' to score Putin interview: report

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4050 on: July 08, 2021, 01:38:01 AM »
Right wing Faux hack Tucker Carlson is a Russian stooge peddling Kremlin propaganda to the cult.

Expert connects the dots between Tucker Carlson's Kremlin contacts and fawning coverage of him in Russian press

News broke on Wednesday that Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried working through "Russian intermediaries" shortly before he started making explosive claims about being "spied" on by the United States government.

Julia Davis, who conducts analysis of Russian state media for The Daily Beast, noticed on Twitter last month that Carlson was receiving fawning adulation from the Russian press, which praised him for echoing Kremlin talking points about the Capitol riots and also for attacking America's intelligence services.

"I've been telling you guys for quite some time about how pleased the Russians are with Tucker Carlson," Davis observed after seeing the news about Carlson's efforts to score an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "I guess none of it was coincidental."

Davis then posted several examples of Russian state media heaping praise on Carlson over the last month, including one segment in which hosts gloated over the fact that Carlson recited Putin's arguments about Capitol rioters being politically oppressed.

"We hit the mark," one of them said. "Putin was heard. Bullseye."

Read the whole thread here:

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4050 on: July 08, 2021, 01:38:01 AM »

Offline Jerry Organ

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4051 on: July 08, 2021, 02:37:43 AM »
LOL.  Imagine there being jobs after the Dems shutdown the entire country for months and now it is reopening thanks to the Trump vaccine?

There is no "Trump vaccine". It was a co-operative effort by the nations of the world and independent international pharmaceutical companies.

The reopening is "thanks" to the wait for "Trump vaccine"? LOL! Trump told states to "liberate", not wait until there was a vaccine before re-opening.

Too bad there is no one to take them since Whispering Joe is still paying people to stay home.

Let's compare the states that said they were opting out of the Biden Unemployment subsidy with how they rank (1 is best; 50 is worst) on one economic recovery scale.

Utah  1         Iowa  27
Idaho  3         North Dakota  32
Arizona  7         Ohio  34
Georgia  12         Alabama  38
Tennessee  16         Arkansas  41
South Carolina  17         Wyoming  45
Missouri  23         Mississippi  49

(US News, GDP by state Link )

Late-to-drop subsidy:

Florida  8         South Dakota  30
Texas  9         Maryland  35
New Hampshire  11         Oklahoma  37
Montana  19         Lousianna  45
Nebraska  20         West Virginia  48
Indiana  21          

Utah and Idaho are largely rural states experiencing for some years a housing boom. Many of the farms there don't hire American-born workers, anyway. Eleven other states made it into the top 20; 12 were in the bottom-half, with five in the bottom 10. Clearly rejecting the unemployment subsidy isn't helping those states.

There are many reasons why the return to work hasn't been instantaneous. Over 100,000 working-age people died from COVID-19 (many, I assume, from Trump's mask-shaming, "Liberate" states campaign and super-spreaders). The other 500,000 COVID-19 deaths would have affected working people, emotionally and financially. Some companies urged people to accept early retirement. Other workers were staying home to look after children during the pandemic. As they and their children become vaccinated -- and facilities for children re-open -- many of these workers will again become available for work.

Lower-paying and no-benefit jobs (the kind that make possible the One Percent) are lacking being filled because the poor, blacks and Latinos were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic as compared to whites, who might have had savings or, like the Trump kids, "worked" without interruption for Pappy.

Trump squashed numerous legal immigration programs that has now led to the number of skilled workers being down. Trump -- who has a dislike for public schooling -- shifted funding for trade and technical schools, to "choice" meaning he thought more students should go to private schools (he had a $5 billion plan to support scholarships for private schools in 2019).

Where do you think the working poor is putting the subsidy, what with funerals and unending expenses like rent, food, utility, media and, for some, a car? Saving it up for Trump Resort memberships?

Have you gone out to eat recently?

Guess you had no lay-off. If eating-out and take-away is your primary source of food.

The restaurants can't find workers.  They are empty because they can't find anyone willing to work instead of getting paid more to sit at home.

Probably the empty ones might be those places that would pay workers as little as $2.13/hr, per the federal law for tipped employees? Or the state minimum wage rate which won't cover the cost-of-living in a big city like New York or Las Vegas. So folks have to survive on starvation wages so you can get your Waffle Fries and Cheetos Chicken Sandwich.

Could be many restaurant workers didn't make enough or have enough hours to qualify for unemployment benefits, let alone the subsidy. They're in the Red States, living under an overpass with no phone to let them know they're now needed.

Every service industry is in the same situation.

And fast-food CEOs making an average of $6,600 per hour has nothing to do with it? How about Chipotle Mexican Grill's CEO Brian Nicco pay package that reached $33.5 million in 2018? Nicco received 25% more-per-hour than the average annual salary of Chipotle service workers, you know, the people that actually do all the heavy lifting. Lure them back with a living wage and humane benefits, like most MAGA thugs get to enjoy.

It's the socialist dream to put everyone on the government dole and make them forever dependent on handouts ensuring they vote for the party that sends the checks.

Sure. Be like you. Think working folks are feeling-less cogs who can be shelved and brought out when needed. Then when they complain about their situation, there's an attempt to silence them by calling them un-American and "welfare" bums.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 04:06:06 AM by Jerry Organ »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4052 on: July 08, 2021, 12:00:35 PM »
So Criminal Donald is now under criminal investigation in 3 states: New York, Georgia, and now Arizona.   

Arizona launches criminal investigation into Donald Trump

Arizona secretary of state asks AG for a criminal investigation into election interference by Trump
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 12:10:41 PM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4052 on: July 08, 2021, 12:00:35 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4053 on: July 08, 2021, 12:09:11 PM »
Analysis: More Jobs Created in Biden's 5 Months Than Bushes/Trump Combined

July 3, 2021

The graph below speaks to one of the most significant inconvenient truths in American politics – the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30 years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. With the strong June jobs report, over 3m jobs have been created in the first five months of the Biden Presidency. Remarkably this is more than was created over the Presidencies of the last 3 Republican Presidents, combined.

When it comes to managing the US economy, the two parties are not the same. Since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic and job growth during their Presidencies. Republican Presidents have overseen three consecutive recessions, the last two, were severe. The numbers in the first graph below tell the story – in 16 years of Clinton and Obama, 34m jobs were created. In the first four months of Biden it is 2.2m. Over 16 years of the two Bush Presidencies and Trump, it was 1.9m. Democratic policies have been able to make globalization work for America; GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver for the American people, have repeatedly let us down.

It is our firm belief here at NDN that the current radicalization of the GOP is intimately linked to its repeated failure to handle the challenges of the post-Cold War era. The rigid ideological approach of the modern GOP has left it unable to govern in a time of rapid change; and those repeated failures have left many Republicans angry, reactionary and willing to do the unthinkable to stay in or regain power. The modern GOP has no answers for many of the most important challenges America faces today, and rather than modernizing, adapting, as all institutions must in a time of change, the GOP has decided to fight the future by rigging the system to remain in power while the country and its people drift from their narrow grasp. If the GOP is successful, it is a clear formula for a sustained period of American decline as it will continue to delay much needed progress of the big challenges we face.

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4054 on: July 08, 2021, 05:07:46 PM »
There is no "Trump vaccine". It was a co-operative effort by the nations of the world and independent international pharmaceutical companies.

The reopening is "thanks" to the wait for "Trump vaccine"? LOL! Trump told states to "liberate", not wait until there was a vaccine before re-opening.

Let's compare the states that said they were opting out of the Biden Unemployment subsidy with how they rank (1 is best; 50 is worst) on one economic recovery scale.

Utah  1         Iowa  27
Idaho  3         North Dakota  32
Arizona  7         Ohio  34
Georgia  12         Alabama  38
Tennessee  16         Arkansas  41
South Carolina  17         Wyoming  45
Missouri  23         Mississippi  49

(US News, GDP by state Link )

Late-to-drop subsidy:

Florida  8         South Dakota  30
Texas  9         Maryland  35
New Hampshire  11         Oklahoma  37
Montana  19         Lousianna  45
Nebraska  20         West Virginia  48
Indiana  21          

Utah and Idaho are largely rural states experiencing for some years a housing boom. Many of the farms there don't hire American-born workers, anyway. Eleven other states made it into the top 20; 12 were in the bottom-half, with five in the bottom 10. Clearly rejecting the unemployment subsidy isn't helping those states.

There are many reasons why the return to work hasn't been instantaneous. Over 100,000 working-age people died from COVID-19 (many, I assume, from Trump's mask-shaming, "Liberate" states campaign and super-spreaders). The other 500,000 COVID-19 deaths would have affected working people, emotionally and financially. Some companies urged people to accept early retirement. Other workers were staying home to look after children during the pandemic. As they and their children become vaccinated -- and facilities for children re-open -- many of these workers will again become available for work.

Lower-paying and no-benefit jobs (the kind that make possible the One Percent) are lacking being filled because the poor, blacks and Latinos were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic as compared to whites, who might have had savings or, like the Trump kids, "worked" without interruption for Pappy.

Trump squashed numerous legal immigration programs that has now led to the number of skilled workers being down. Trump -- who has a dislike for public schooling -- shifted funding for trade and technical schools, to "choice" meaning he thought more students should go to private schools (he had a $5 billion plan to support scholarships for private schools in 2019).

Where do you think the working poor is putting the subsidy, what with funerals and unending expenses like rent, food, utility, media and, for some, a car? Saving it up for Trump Resort memberships?

Guess you had no lay-off. If eating-out and take-away is your primary source of food.

Probably the empty ones might be those places that would pay workers as little as $2.13/hr, per the federal law for tipped employees? Or the state minimum wage rate which won't cover the cost-of-living in a big city like New York or Las Vegas. So folks have to survive on starvation wages so you can get your Waffle Fries and Cheetos Chicken Sandwich.

Could be many restaurant workers didn't make enough or have enough hours to qualify for unemployment benefits, let alone the subsidy. They're in the Red States, living under an overpass with no phone to let them know they're now needed.

And fast-food CEOs making an average of $6,600 per hour has nothing to do with it? How about Chipotle Mexican Grill's CEO Brian Nicco pay package that reached $33.5 million in 2018? Nicco received 25% more-per-hour than the average annual salary of Chipotle service workers, you know, the people that actually do all the heavy lifting. Lure them back with a living wage and humane benefits, like most MAGA thugs get to enjoy.

Sure. Be like you. Think working folks are feeling-less cogs who can be shelved and brought out when needed. Then when they complain about their situation, there's an attempt to silence them by calling them un-American and "welfare" bums.

I'm surprised you have so much time to criticize America with a blackface Prime Minister, churches being torched, and mass graves of indigenous children being found.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4055 on: July 08, 2021, 06:31:24 PM »
And over 800,000 more jobs were created in June....another record!   
 Biden Created More Jobs in First Two Months Than Any President in History
This got me to thinking [and checking]
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown caused 114 million people to lose their jobs over 2020....According to the latest edition of the ILO Monitor, 114 million jobs were lost in 2020, which, in combination with working-hour reductions within employment, resulted in working-hour losses approximately four times as high as during the financial crisis in 2009.

That sounded massive ...In fact unemployment was reported there as half the population of the country! However continuing to check facts...

About 10 million? Well that was more like it.
It goes to show you again...figures may not lie but liars can figure.
over 800,000 more jobs were created in June
Added yeah. Was it a creation or a restoration? Who locked down everything in the first place? Joe Biden didn't create jack.........

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #4055 on: July 08, 2021, 06:31:24 PM »