Personal observation:
In the late 1960’s, Donald Trumps father purchased, for consideration a letter from the family doctor stating The Donald had bone spurs and should be exempt from any form of military service. The draft board bought the story and excused Trump from serving at the height of the Vietnam war. President Lyndon Johnson, recognizing the polarizing nature of the war and how it was not only dividing Americans but the Democratic Party itself stepped aside and chose not to run for re-election.
Fast forward to 2020. President Donald Trump is now smack in the middle of his Vietnam. Like Lyndon Johnson, one of his own creation. The COVID-19 pandemic. Not unlike LBJ, he has no way out. When Johnson gave up the presidency in 1968, 27,000 Americans had died in Vietnam. 60,000 would die before wars end. Under Trump’s lack of leadership 135,000 Americans have died with many more coming. As Vietnam was LBJ’s legacy so too will the pandemic be Donald Trump’s. His ego and narcissism will not allow him to step aside. The American people have seen the light and Trump will be discarded come November 3rd. It cannot come soon enough.