Intimidation can silence people, sometimes run 'em off. The Nazi's employed this back in-the-day. This is the company You keep. This is why Trump will Win in Nov. People appreciate a guy with a backbone that will Defend them from this oppression. Today, it even includes the Fake News Media. As did Nazi Germany. Get it? Trump 2020 Rolls on!
Intimidation can silence people, sometimes run 'em off. What intimidation? If you have to be ashamed of supporting somebody, that person isn't worthy of your support.
The Nazi's employed this back in-the-day. Yes, and my family members lived through that hell and saw it all.... Now they see Trump's stormtroopers and for them it's a repeat of what the Nazis did.
People appreciate a guy with a backbone that will Defend them from this oppression. What oppression? Who's in charge? All this is happening on Trump's watch. The only oppression there is, in the so-called land of the free, is right wing thugs protesting the semi-automatic weapons and some sort of secret police force that is beating up people for no reason.. And you support that BS.
You really don't get this, do you now?.... It starts in Portland and Chicago and it will spread all over the country if nobody stops Trump. And pretty soon all your freedoms are gone.... and the next thing you know is that they come for you and there won't be anybody around to stand up for you.
As did Nazi Germany. Get it?Yeah I get it.... and just about everybody in Europe gets it as well as more and more Americans.... The Nazis have arrived.....