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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 493554 times)

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #608 on: July 23, 2020, 02:15:47 AM »
     Intimidation can silence people, sometimes run 'em off. The Nazi's employed this back in-the-day. This is the company You keep. This is why Trump will Win in Nov. People appreciate a guy with a backbone that will Defend them from this oppression. Today, it even includes the Fake News Media.  As did Nazi Germany. Get it? Trump 2020 Rolls on!

Likely, Nazi’s are something you’re familiar with considering there’s a Nazi wannabe who you support currently in the WH. You consider destroying our constitution to be indicative of having a backbone? A man, not unlike you who has told the American people 20,000+ fact checked lies? Like Trump, YOU are a proven documented liar. Like Trump, you’re a racist. Like Trump, you’ve never served America. Fake news media? They simply replay Trump’s own words for the world to see. He’s a clown, no different than you. The only difference? You don’t have 2 nickels to rub together. You’re just one more red neck from Arkansas with an internet connection. Schooled again!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #608 on: July 23, 2020, 02:15:47 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #609 on: July 23, 2020, 02:16:38 AM »
  Law Officers are Not Thugs. Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days. These Law Officers will Liberate Portland. As I have said, this is a WINNING Issue for Trump which explains the Dem Hysteria all day long. They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation. This Issue is making Trump the "Law & Order" POTUS Candidate vs the doddering "Fuzzy" Joe Biden. STARK Comparison = Easy Choice to make.

They are thugs inciting violence. Right wing extremists have infiltrated peaceful protests to cause a civil war which was their plan. This is a Trump reality shows. He is losing badly and wants political theatre. America will not fall to fascism and authoritarianism. Congeess knows all about the right wing extreme "boogaloo movement to start a civil war.     

Congress Just Got an Earful About the Threat of the Boogaloo Movement
Thursday’s hearing was the first time it’s been discussed publicly by Congress, and experts warned they need to act now with more oversight.

Members of Congress just got a stark warning about the potential national security threats posed by the Boogaloo Bois and other insurgent extremist movements.

The consensus among the experts who testified before the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism on Thursday was that more violence from these groups was inevitable, and that Congress needs to act now by providing more oversight.

The Boogaloo movement, in particular, was a hot topic of discussion, and Thursday’s hearing was the first time it’s been discussed publicly by Congress. The loosely organized movement, which has pulled in libertarian anarchists, anti-government extremists, online spombleprofglidnoctobunsposters, and a few white supremacists, started as a meme on weapons boards on 4chan and Reddit. In recent months, it’s made its way into the real world, and has been linked to several acts or plots of violence. Adherents of the movement, often called Boogaloo Bois, have shown up at protests against lockdowns and police brutality, typically armed to the teeth. Boogaloo is code for civil war.

Supporters started wearing Hawaiian shirts under their body armor and weapons, and the look went viral,” JJ MacNab, a fellow from the Program on Extremism at George Washington University and an expert on militia movements, told the committee Thursday. “Other militants started copying the shirt, patches, and jargon. For most, it was just an in-joke, a tribal aesthetic that separated those who were in the know from those who weren’t.”

"Supporters of the Boogaloo movement are generally very anti-law enforcement and have tried to position themselves as allies to Black Lives Matter. But critics have warned that they’re looking to exploit the racial justice protest movement to advance their own agenda, which is civil war.

The hearing, which was convened by New York Rep. Max Rose, a Democrat, shows that Congress isn't entirely asleep at the wheel when it comes to staying on top of new security threats. Rose has previously written to the Department of Homeland Security asking them to produce a threat assessment on the Boogaloo movement.

During the hearing, however, some Republicans continued to beat the drum about the alleged threat posed by antifa. Despite FBI data not supporting the notion that “antifa” poses a significant threat to public safety and that the U.S. does not have a domestic terror law, President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to designate antifa as a domestic terror group.

"We also must review others … groups like antifa — and I know these days that seems to be a conservative talking point,” said Rep. Mark Walker, of North Carolina, a ranking Republican on the committee. “Over the past three months, there has been a consistent effort by antifa supporters to infiltrate protests to lay siege to government buildings and target law enforcement.”

One witness, John Donohue, a fellow at Rutgers University Miller Center for Community Protection and Resiliency and a former NYPD chief of strategic initiatives, also underscored what he described as incendiary, violent rhetoric directed at law enforcement from the left.

Donohue said an upcoming research paper from Rutgers looked at the “exponential growth” in “online anti-police messaging” from the far-left. “The anti-government, anti-police messaging has broken into mainstream media and on Facebook and Twitter,” said Donohue. “Memes advocating the murder of law enforcement, and slogans found on the internet used by the far left were found scrawled on buildings and statues across America.”

But MacNab said that the obsession around antifa and the left was leaving law enforcement vulnerable to violence from the right.

“I think police have a bit of a blind spot for right-wing that they don’t have for the left,” she said. “If you look at any video of a street protest, for example in Portland or Seattle, you have a line of police officers separating left-wing protesters and right-wing protesters. If you watch, the police have their back to heavily-armed people standing behind them. They’re facing left-wing with the assumption that left-wing is what’s going to harm them. Whereas the people standing behind them have some pretty rabid anti-police ideas as well.”

Three Boogaloo Bois, for example, were arrested in late May for allegedly plotting an attack on infrastructure and bringing explosives to a Black Lives Matter protest in Las Vegas, which they wanted to throw at police to cause chaos and confusion. All three members had met on a large Facebook group, where members were sharing bomb-making recipes, and then peeled off into a smaller, more local online group, before organizing real-world meetups.

MacNab believes that the Boogaloo movement is too sprawling and incoherent for them to be able to form a “private army.” Her biggest concern is small cells, where supporters operate in groups of about three to five to plot acts of violence. Their size, and the fact that they aren’t necessarily coordinating with a centralized leadership, make them harder for law enforcement to intercept.

It’s clear from recent arrests that some supporters of the Boogaloo movement have already organized themselves in that way.

MacNab also cited a laundry list of factors driving the resurgence of violent anti-government militia movements, including renewed conversations about gun control, the COVID-19 pandemic, mainstreaming of “deep state” and anti-vaccine conspiracies, high unemployment rates, civil unrest, and divisiveness plaguing the upcoming 2020 election.

“I am concerned that there will be a shootout at one or more of the Black Lives Matter protests,” MacNab said. “There are too many guns at these events held by too many groups with conflicting goals.”

Cover: Boogaloo patches on a protester's gear in Richmond, Va., July 2020. Photo by Tess Owen for VICE News

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #610 on: July 23, 2020, 02:17:23 AM »
  Law Officers are Not Thugs. Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days. These Law Officers will Liberate Portland. As I have said, this is a WINNING Issue for Trump which explains the Dem Hysteria all day long. They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation. This Issue is making Trump the "Law & Order" POTUS Candidate vs the doddering "Fuzzy" Joe Biden. STARK Comparison = Easy Choice to make.

Law Officers are Not Thugs.

These are not law officers. Real law enforcement officers don't operate like that and wear identification.

These Law Officers will Liberate Portland

Real law officers do not liberate cities. They uphold the law, arrest people who commited a crime and prosecute them. They do not beat up people and kidnap them in unmarked vehicles.

They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation.

A liberation from what? Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of protest, laws that are in place to protect people.... What the hell is he "liberating"?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #610 on: July 23, 2020, 02:17:23 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #611 on: July 23, 2020, 02:23:45 AM »
   Guess you have missed ALL the people, (minors too), wearing MAGA Hats and Trump Shirts that have been physically assaulted. Guess you missed Dem. Maxine Waters getting on TV and urging people to CONFRONT Trump supporters. Guess You have missed Repub's that have been accosted from coast-to-coast in Restaurants, Movie Houses, Theme Parks, etc. This is what happens when you Rely on Fake News. You become Ignorant of what is happening across this country. Last night, CNN & MSNBC did NOT cover the carnage in Chi Town. I am here to INFORM YOU, it DID Happen! You're Welcome.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #612 on: July 23, 2020, 02:25:14 AM »
  Law Officers are Not Thugs. Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days. These Law Officers will Liberate Portland. As I have said, this is a WINNING Issue for Trump which explains the Dem Hysteria all day long. They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation. This Issue is making Trump the "Law & Order" POTUS Candidate vs the doddering "Fuzzy" Joe Biden. STARK Comparison = Easy Choice to make.

Liberate Portland? Liberate Poland? We’ve seen this before.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #612 on: July 23, 2020, 02:25:14 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #613 on: July 23, 2020, 02:25:55 AM »
  Another victim of FAKE NEWS. These are Law Officers. You're Welcome.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #614 on: July 23, 2020, 02:27:29 AM »
  Law Officers are Not Thugs. Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days. These Law Officers will Liberate Portland. As I have said, this is a WINNING Issue for Trump which explains the Dem Hysteria all day long. They know this, and they realize that Trump is expanding the Liberation. This Issue is making Trump the "Law & Order" POTUS Candidate vs the doddering "Fuzzy" Joe Biden. STARK Comparison = Easy Choice to make.

US attorney requests DHS investigation after video shows masked, camouflaged federal authorities arresting protesters in Portland
By Amir Vera, Konstantin Toropin and Josh Cam - July 20, 2020

So... the Mayor, Governor, both US Senators, congressional reps., and the local U.S. Attorney all disagree with your regurgitation of racist, Trump politically motivated evisceration of the Bill of Rights, the truth, and the history of Nixonian racial demonization as a political tool to repress free speech.

All of the above, except Trump and yourself, happen to either be in Oregon, or enjoy local contacts in that state far superior to your regurgitated, Trump campaign racist, political propaganda.

.... Portland has been under siege for Over 50 Consecutive Days.

Can you and der bleater at least get on the same page? You claim unidentified "federal contractors" dressed in unidentified "camo" are "Law officers are not thugs", while the head-o-your-cult called elite FBI personnel, "traitors" deserving of the death penalty.

So which is it, the "Law officers are not thugs", are only the ones who carry out der bleater's contrived, political-propaganda-racist disruption?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 02:36:48 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #615 on: July 23, 2020, 02:29:03 AM »
Royell Storing is nothing but a troll and a Trump fanatic. What's funny is Trump doesn't even give a damn about him or his fellow deplorables.

Joe Biden has already won this election. He has 280 locked in Electoral Votes. All people need to do is vote to make it happen and we can end this nightmare. Get people registered to vote and make sure they vote.     

Another reason Donald Trump is losing in a landslide is this:

Undecided Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Biden

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally, 46% to 38%.

Key findings: “The poll found that 61% of undecided or third-party registered voters said they would support Biden if they had to choose, while 39% would vote for Trump.”

“Seventy percent of undecided or third-party registered voters say they disapprove of Trump’s performance in office and the same number said they think the country is headed on the wrong track. And 62% said they thought the U.S. economy was headed in the wrong direction.”
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 02:30:05 AM by Rick Plant »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #615 on: July 23, 2020, 02:29:03 AM »