LOL. That is basically an argument that democracy doesn't work. The people are too "stupid" to elect who the establishment wants them to rule the country. For over a century America has been governed by a ruling class of mostly do nothing establishment politicians who feel entitled to govern the unwashed masses. They have been told what to do by their paymasters and lobbyists. Any outsider is derided as dangerous. There are no republicans and democrats. Only establishment politicians. Trump terrified them because he is an outsider. He can actually exercise his own judgment instead of waiting for some wonk or lobbyist to instruct him on what to do. It is Alice in Wonderland logic to suggest that Trump is the threat to democracy. There is no democracy in this country. We are simply given a choice between establishment figure 1 or 2. Biden is the classic example. He has been in public office for nearly five decades and has not a single achievement. Not one. He is clearly suffering from confusion and dementia but the establishment wants to have another figure head in office. They will let him know what the agenda is once he is elected.
Translation: The rape victim, "had it coming," because she showed too much cleavage and her pants were too tight?
An exposed sexual predator you support is literally raping world stability and you whine with a "hey, look over here," post that addresses nothing more than .... what? What facts can you offer? Who passed the National Labor Relations Act, Social Security, Medicare, ACA, the Consumer Finance Protection Board, the Voting Rights Act? It sure wasn't the political faction you embrace!
Not Trump's fault....the uppity negro in the White House had a sketchy birth certificate, and somebody had to be the one to lie about sending his investigators to Hawaii (oh man! what they're finding!)
was the real problem?IOW, unprecedented corruption in service exclusively to Putin and other strongmen and to the top one percent and racists of all levels of wealth, and open, gleeful sabotage of the rule of law, of public health admin., and environmental protection, in the course of lying 20,000 times, even abusing press coverage of the presidency to constantly emphasize substance-free conspiracy theories
are the solutions to what you object to? As would be expected from a Fake News Parrot, YOU are unfamiliar with the Details surrounding this case. Try NOT operating from a position of Ignorance. Expand your sources of Information.
Parrot? No Parrot! You're the Parrot!
American Carnage Patch Dolls -copyright Tom Scully, 2020
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Erin "Putin-Butina-NRA" Perrine - Russia Timeline![](
ABC News - 9.44M subscribers
Trump campaign press communications director
Erin Perrine discusses the campaign’s convention plans, the president’s handling of COVID-19 and challenging Joe Biden.