'I failed my fellow Americans': the white women defecting from Trump
Voting for her first time, Luckenbach-Boman said she believed Trump, as a political outsider, was the change the US needed. She quickly changed her mind.
“It was just a few months into his presidency that I realized the biggest mistake I could have made as an American citizen was not informing myself,” Luckenbach-Boman said.
“I just want to apologize to the world,” said Julie, a fraud manager from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who asked that the Guardian not use her real name.
“I feel so guilty for having a part in voting this moron in.”
Trump (Putin-Jill Stein) clinched a narrow victory in Pennsylvania, beating Clinton by 44,292 votes. For Julie, it was a combination of concern over healthcare and distrust of Clinton that swung her towards Trump.
“I didn’t think Hillary was honest about wanting to help women,” Julie said.
“I just found her very unbelievable, and Trump kept hitting on the one thing that was important to me – decreasing healthcare costs. She did not.”
Julie, 51, has three children, two of whom have an autoimmune disease and another who has a chronic digestive disorder, while her husband was forced to stop working after becoming sick....
Outside of the northeast where "know your destructer" drove the vote, this has little to do with making an informed choice.
Trump simply conned these "marks", preying upon white grievance and involuntary attraction to authoritarianism.
No thinking person not under involuntary attraction to, "Mexicans are rapists", and "grab them by the pussy, I don't even ask, when you're a star, they just let you do it", and "lock her up", can ever make a logical explanation for why they voted for Trump.
a pig in a poke
phrase of pig
something that is bought or accepted without knowing its value or seeing it first.
A half dozen people I am close to, voted for Trump. All were aware I had been a NY metro native for nearly fifty years before relocating to where I am now. None thought to ask me,
"Hey Tom, you are much more familiar with this reptilian predator than we are. Do you think it is wise to vote for it, instead of voting for the most qualified presidential candidate in U.S. history and the first female to achieve the nomination of one of the two major political parties?"
How could anyone in their right mind actually believe Trump would be a better choice if their main concern was obtaining affordable healthcare, or move the country closer to economic equality? Voting for Trump was at least as illogical as union members voting for Reagan, or construction workers "rioting for Nixon" in 1970.