Not sure why you HATERS are posting stories about voters that are changing their thought process when voting in the 2020 POTUS election. You are Not going to sway anyone that posts on this thread. Don't flatter yourselves by believing you are a Political Svengali.
Merely showing the exodus of Trump 2016 voters who now reject him and will vote for Biden. Check out YouTube and you'll find lots of them. The number of video confessions is growing every day. Each one is a lost vote for Trump which means his base is getting smaller fast and he has nobody to replace these people with.
Never in the history of the country has a President united so many voters/members of his own party against him in just one term. All the GOP members/voters that now turn their back on him will vote for Biden, and all Trump can do is whine on television why nobody loves him...... It's hilarious!