Buying into the Fake News narrative of " Trump conspiracy theories" confirms Fake News being your source of alleged "Information". Parroting that
is why I continue embarrassing you guys. YOU Only Know what THEY TELL YOU!
Says the guy who parrots right wing fake news all day. I've been reading your b.s. posts since last November. What have you ever been right on as you claim to be "in the know"? That's right....Nothing! You had no clue the GOP convention was canceled and Trump's Gestapo was being moved out of Portland. You are a troll that lives in fantasy on the internet. Pretty sad! Funny to watch your dementia laden loon spiral out of control.
Donald Trump goes berserk, accuses Fox News of purposely reporting fake stories to hurt him
As Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to collapse and even some conservatives and Republicans have begun to turn against him, Fox News has been incrementally shifting its coverage of Trump in a more negative direction – particularly during its daytime shows. Trump keeps whining about it. Now Trump is taking things even further with a bizarre accusation.
It was widely reported today, and confirmed by Oregon officials, that DHS has agreed to immediately withdraw its contractor goons from the streets of Portland. Fox News was one of the many news outlets to cover the story. When Donald Trump saw the news on Fox, he went berserk.
Trump tweeted: “Fox News reported incorrectly what the Federal Government is doing with respect to Portland. We are demanding that the Governor & Mayor do their job or we will do it for them. To complicated to discuss in a Tweet, but bad reporting by Fox (possibly on purpose!).” We’re guessing he’ll delete this tweet once someone points out to him that he misspelled the word “too” – but there are bigger fish to fry here.
It sounds like Donald Trump is so far gone cognitively, and so clueless about what’s going on in his own failing administration, he either doesn’t know that DHS has pulled out of Portland, or he no longer fully controls DHS. Take your pick, but Trump appears to be merely lying about Fox News instead of doing anything to try to regain control of his collapsing regime.