Imagine a doctor tells you at any American hospital that your loved one has died of COVID-19. In your despair the doctor says to you “it is what it is”. No compassion. No empathy. No humanity. No doctor would likely ever say that. The President of the United States used those words towards 330,000,000 Americans. As an American, as a combat vet never have I been embarrassed or ashamed to be an American. Until I read those words.
This is just crazy talk, detached from all reality. Trump has repeatedly expressed sorrow for those who have died from COVID-19, but he has always provided healthy doses of reality and perspective, as have hundreds of scholars and scientists.
When are you panic peddlers ever going to deal with the fact that the worst death spikes from the virus began 3 weeks after the lockdowns began, and continued for several weeks?
To show how sharply COVID-19 deaths have dropped in recent weeks, and to show that the worst spikes in deaths occurred 3 weeks after the lockdowns began, below are the stats from the CDC’s “Daily Updates” site. Some states imposed lockdowns in the 3rd week of March. By late March, about half the states had imposed lockdowns; nearly all other lockdowns were imposed by April 7. Most states began to reopen in mid-May and late May.
4/18/2020-------- 16,987
4/25/2020-------- 15,333
5/2/2020---------- 13,046
5/16/2020--------- 9,060
5/23/2020--------- 7,072
5/30/2020--------- 6,030
6/6/2020----------- 4,899
6/13/2020--------- 4,103
6/20/2020--------- 3,676
6/27/2020--------- 3,553
7/4/2020----------- 4,005
7/11/2020---------- 4,629
7/18/2020---------- 4,608
7/25/2020---------- 2,405
8/1/2020------------ 258
Here’s the URL to the CDC “Daily Updates” page: