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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 493897 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1360 on: August 12, 2020, 06:02:54 AM »
It's a good thing Hillary didn't win, she would have us in WWIII and half the world would be dead from the virus.

VP pick Harris doesn't think Biden is a racist now. Liberals lie about everything. It's amazing

 Your Democratic party, otherwise known as the party of slavery, the party of the Japanese internment camps, the party of Jim Crow, is the only party who had slave-owners in 1860. What a disgrace!


Bogus smears is all the right wingers can use since they have no issues.

America is hungry for real leadership.

That's why Donald Trump is going to lose in a massive landslide.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1360 on: August 12, 2020, 06:02:54 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1361 on: August 12, 2020, 06:08:11 AM »
John it looks like 200,000 will be reached by the end of September. Election Day will be about 220,000 I think. My earlier prediction had not allowed for the spike caused by the reopening of Florida and Texas etc. if schools reopen in areas that are not under control then it will be,for just a brief period. Your teachers will get infected relatively quickly......leads back to shutdown.

PS. This prediction is based on the assumption that the Trump team is politically savvy enough to put in place some measures that attempt to reduce infection rates between now and the election. If not then 250,000 is possible.

Heard the new prediction that 200,000 will be reached by Labor Day. 40,000 deaths are predicted this month.

97,000 kids who went back to school are now infected with COVID-19 in only 2 weeks. They will spread it to their families. The 250,000 idiots in Sturgis will spread COVID in South Dakota and in their communities when they return home. New cases and deaths are going to soar even more.         

Offline Paul May

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1362 on: August 12, 2020, 03:59:48 PM »
Donald Trump Would Rather Burn the Whole Country Down Than Lose.
What’s worse than Trump when he’s winning? Trump when he’s not.

Drew Magary

If you’ve ever divorced Donald Trump, you know that things don’t end well with him. The United States is already getting a horrifying idea of what that process looks like. Nearly 165,000 of us are dead, and there is copious evidence that this is because Trump was afraid a Covid-19 outbreak would make him look bad with voters. So he pretended the pandemic could never happen. Well, it happened, and thanks to this absolute fucking monster, it will remain happening in America for much longer than it has been in other, more worthwhile countries

There is a certain portion of the American population that will stick with Trump no matter how many people he kills or how many innocent protestors he has tear-gassed so he can pretend to be a Christian. Your Codys, your lower-end Karens, etc. But there are now a great many indicators that the rest of the United States has had enough. White women suddenly aren’t too fond of the man. (Took them long enough.) Joe Biden opened with a huge lead on Trump in the spring and has since built on it, particularly in the dreaded swing states. Yes, yes, I’ve seen this movie before, but one perceptive Biden operative told Politico that there is a fundamental difference between now and 2016, because in 2016, Trump had no presidential track record to run on. He now does, and it is profoundly abysmal. The difference is real, and it is substantial.

So, naturally, rather than turn his numbers around by being, you know, a competent leader in crisis, Trump and the Republican Party have already begun dismantling the electoral system, and the country, so that his atrocious numbers won’t end up mattering at all. On Friday night, one of his stooges gutted the leadership at the U.S. Post Office, at a time when mail-in ballots, which tend to favor Democrats, will prove vital to an election taking place in the middle of a plague. That same stooge is also openly extorting states for expedited election mail. Trump also signed an executive order touted as a second relief bill that really just absolves the federal government of spending a significant amount of money on aid — if the order is even legal to begin with, and who the fuck ever knows with this guy? And he refused to put a moratorium on evictions. A lot of us are gonna end up jobless and homeless because of this inaction, which could produce an information famine for tens of millions of people right when they desperately need to know when/where/how to vote, and when they need that information to be accurate. But don’t worry, Trump’s order includes a payroll tax cut that starves Social Security and Medicare, so at least your grandparents will die out in the street alongside you.

Now that the endgame is in sight, we’re getting Trump in Full Divorced Guy Mode, pulling out every last vindictive move in his arsenal. He wants to shut down TikTok, thereby silencing just about every single teenage opponent of his, including my oldest kid. He wants to reopen schools, which has already stoked the pandemic’s embers. He has deliberately withheld aid from blue states because he doesn’t give a fuck if voters who live there die. He put onerous demands on pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers right when they need to operate with peak efficiency to make supplies for pandemic relief. (Leave it to Trump to make me feel bad for pharma companies.) He sent mercenaries and other assorted goons to our cities, Portland being the foremost example, to beat the spombleprofglidnoctobuns out of people at random. Oh, and he and the GOP are now working directly with Russia to influence the election. I have to say, As I was walking a' alane, I heard twa corbies makin' a mane. The tane untae the tither did say, Whaur sail we gang and dine the day, O. Whaur sail we gang and dine the day?  It's in ahint yon auld fail dyke I wot there lies a new slain knight; And naebody kens that he lies there But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair, O. But his hawk and his hound, and his lady fair.  His hound is to the hunting gane His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame, His lady ta'en anither mate, So we may mak' our dinner swate, O. So we may mak' our dinner swate.  Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane, And I'll pike oot his bonny blue e'en Wi' ae lock o' his gowden hair We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare, O. We'll theek oor nest when it grows bare.  There's mony a ane for him maks mane But nane sail ken whaur he is gane O'er his white banes when they are bare The wind sail blaw for evermair, O. The wind sail blaw for evermair.'ing about your opponents rigging elections for two decades so that you can dismiss the outcry when YOU actually rig one is a neat little bit of jujitsu.

There’s no sense in me predicting the coming election, because I have gotten such predictions hilariously wrong in the past, but also because any prediction I make would be laboring under the pretense that this election will take place in a country that works. This country doesn’t fucking work anymore, and Trump already knows that the more broken we are, the more he and the GOP can take advantage of its weaknesses. This has never been a functional marriage between a country and its president. But now that the endgame is in sight, we’re getting Trump in Full Divorced Guy Mode, pulling out every last vindictive move in his arsenal and relentlessly browbeating his partner — that would be us — until they don’t even know why they’re bothering to fight him anymore.
Since June, I have been strangely optimistic about the fate of this country. I watched the Black Lives Matter movement storm into the mainstream and take up firm residence within it. But Trump has already proven that there’s no bottom to his presidency, and he’s determined to pull us ever further down into the abyss. He’s not done ruining our lives. And even if he DOES lose in November, I have to worry about him actually conceding, and then I gotta worry about the two ENDLESS months he’ll spend as a lame duck, shredding every last document and burning every last dollar he can get his miserable hands on. In such ways, he’s a strikingly predictable man. He lives to abuse, and he delights in seeing his victims finally give in after the onslaught. That is how he wins, even when he loses. That’s what’s in store for us as this year comes — with glacial speed — to a close.

Twelve years ago, I was like, “Oh wow, America’s future is bright! We might even have flying cars soon!” And now I’m like, “Boy, I hope New Zealand starts welcoming refugees.” My kids tell me this country sucks, and even though I want to reflexively defend it, I have neither the energy nor the proof to dispute them. I wish this country still mattered, but it doesn’t. If Joe Biden wins, he’s gonna need to spend the next four years just making it so I can get the mail on time. That’s how fucked we are now, and that’s just how the GOP likes it. If they can’t have America, neither can the rest of us.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1362 on: August 12, 2020, 03:59:48 PM »

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1363 on: August 12, 2020, 09:04:07 PM »
You Trump people are absolute morons. How direct must I be? I AM NOT a Democrat. I’ve said that numerous times yet comprehension does not appear to be a strong suit of yours. I’m opposed to the Nazi in the WH and those of YOUR ilk that support his draft dodging, pathological lying, self admitted sexual predation and buddy of Putin. He’s a traitor to our constitution as are you. Now, what part of this do you fail to comprehend?
You're a chameleon. How's that? Draft dodger? Enough with the phony military argument, like you can say the previous  6 elections you voted- starting with the '92 election for Perot or Bush sr., '96 election for Dole or Perot, '00 & '04 elections you would have to be ashamed since Gore Bush & Kerry were all equal frauds, '08 for McCain, and'12 election you couldn't vote because the two Frauds Barry and deferment Romney had no military background. As far as the '16 election don't tell me you voted for Madam Sec Clinton for her efforts in Benghazi???

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1364 on: August 12, 2020, 09:20:33 PM »
You're a chameleon. How's that? Draft dodger? Enough with the phony military argument, like you can say the previous  6 elections you voted- starting with the '92 election for Perot or Bush sr., '96 election for Dole or Perot, '00 & '04 elections you would have to be ashamed since Gore Bush & Kerry were all equal frauds, '08 for McCain, and'12 election you couldn't vote because the two Frauds Barry and deferment Romney had no military background. As far as the '16 election don't tell me you voted for Madam Sec Clinton for her efforts in Benghazi???
Gore: Vietnam vet
Kerry: Vietnam vet. Many awards, wounded.
Obama: No draft. No war at that time.
Hilary Clinton: Benghazi? Investigated multiple times, nothing found.
Bill Clinton: student deferment
Trump: draft dodger, faked bone spurs

You are a wonderful fill in for Mr Storing.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1364 on: August 12, 2020, 09:20:33 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1365 on: August 12, 2020, 10:08:58 PM »
IMO if you remove the "c", the "m" and the "d" from Kelinschmidt's surname, you get what he regularly posts.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1366 on: August 12, 2020, 10:09:37 PM »
Old Joe finally found out from his paymasters who his VP will be.  Kantala Harris.  The woman who called him a racist and sexual predator.  I'm sure he is delighted.  He very much didn't want to pick her but she is a do nothing establishment politician just like himself.  What a surprise!  The repubs are branding her a radical and the dems a moderate.  But she is neither.  Her only loyalty is to herself.  Prosecuting thousands in California for Marijuana use then joking about using it herself.  She is reviled for her ambition and duplicity even by DC standards.  "You Know the Thing" Joe better have a food taster when she comes to dinner.  She is not even popular in the black community.   Could he have done worse with someone like Benghazi Rice (and isn't she cursing Hillary/Obama for hanging her out to dry)?  Sure, but the more publicity that Harris gets, the more she is disliked.  Not to Hillary's level but she is a very cold unlikeable person.  Hypocrites don't fair well under scrutiny.  They are phonies who get caught in their own contradictions.  Good luck Joe.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1367 on: August 12, 2020, 10:20:04 PM »
:D :D :D

The economy is in shambles.

Keep hoping.  The stock market and job numbers beg to disagree.  Hitting record highs and recovering nicely.  And just wait for the Trump vaccine before the end of this year.  I'm thinking Nobel Prize time.  But keep hoping that more people die to enhance the chances of Old "which one is my wife" Joe.  That's a big political winner.  Very inspirational.  Higher taxes, open borders, riots, looting, no limitation abortions, ending all energy production and sinking the US economy.  All winners.  Can't wait for the entire US to be governed like NYC or Portland.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 10:21:32 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1367 on: August 12, 2020, 10:20:04 PM »