Trump makes fun of handicapped people
Trump calls everything that he doesn't understand a 'hoax, then when he finally gets a little truth into his head, says 'nobody knew that'
Nice choice, Richard.
Results matter more than words. We've had decades of politicians that were consumed with not saying anything controversial for fear of offending anyone. They didn't get anything done, though. I could care less whether Trump is a nice guy or says some idiotic things. At the end of the day, he usually does the right thing. Often the kind of decision that the establishment politicians can't make because their paymasters won't allow it. Almost every other politician is as egotistical as Trump. They are just more adept at hiding it because their only objective is to get elected. Over and over again. They will say anything, promise anything, but accomplish nothing. Just look at Old Joe. In office for nearly 50 years and not a single accomplishment. Not one. Is he a nicer guy than Trump? Maybe. But I'm not his family member or friend where that makes any difference. We are electing a President not our favorite uncle.