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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 497336 times)

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1744 on: September 17, 2020, 05:47:28 PM »
Huh?  I know it is difficult to recall because he never actually accomplished anything but Old Joe was in public office for nearly five decades.  He was VP for eight years.  But he is blaming Trump for climate change?  Comedy gold.  And just before proudly bordering his private jet!  You think it is a smart move?  I honestly feel sorry for Old Joe.  He is being used despite his obvious cognitive problems. His family needs to intervene at some point:

Joe Biden (yesterday): "Cause if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care runnin' a, you know, a department store uh, thing, you know, where, in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean?"

I know it is difficult to recall because he never actually accomplished anything but Old Joe was in public office for nearly five decades.

And always had to deal with others who did not share his views.... Just how many proposals of the House has Mitch McConnell on his desk, simply because he does not want Congress to deal with it? And you want to blame one man for a broken system, because that's what you are doing.

So what, that Biden was VP for eight years. Tell us what Pence has accomplished on his own, as VP?

But he is blaming Trump for climate change?

BS.. He and many others blame Trump for playing it down and doing nothing about it. Trump is putting big money over the future of the next generations!

Your obvious obsession with Biden exposes just how worried you are about him beating Trump. It also shows that your main argument is "better the devil you know"..... Too bad it isn't fooling anybody.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1744 on: September 17, 2020, 05:47:28 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1745 on: September 17, 2020, 06:05:49 PM »
I know it is difficult to recall because he never actually accomplished anything but Old Joe was in public office for nearly five decades.

And always had to deal with others who did not share his views.... Just how many proposals of the House has Mitch McConnell on his desk, simply because he does not want Congress to deal with it? And you want to blame one man for a broken system, because that's what you are doing.

So what, that Biden was VP for eight years. Tell us what Pence has accomplished on his own, as VP?

But he is blaming Trump for climate change?

BS.. He and many others blame Trump for playing it down and doing nothing about it. Trump is putting big money over the future of the next generations!

Your obvious obsession with Biden exposes just how worried you are about him beating Trump. It also shows that your main argument is "better the devil you know"..... Too bad it isn't fooling anybody.

Weird logic.  Old Joe blames Trump for climate change.  I point out that Hiden was in public office for fifty years and never did a thing about climate change to be told Biden had to "deal with others who don't share his views."  LOL.  Do you think Trump has had to deal with his share of "others who don't share his views"?   Wow.   Trump has a laundry list of accomplishments.   If Hiden, however, is unable to get anything done because others in DC don't share his "views" then what is he going to accomplish this time?  That called politics.  You have to get things done when others disagree or you are a do nothing politician.  Which, of course, Hiden has always been.

You are not concerned with Hiden's cognitive ability with ravings like this yesterday:  "Cause if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care runnin' a, you know, a department store uh, thing, you know, where, in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean?"  The guy is off his rocker.   Hopefully he doesn't push the red button in the Oval Office thinking it summons the nurse to change his adult diaper.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1746 on: September 17, 2020, 07:33:03 PM »
Huh?  I know it is difficult to recall because he never actually accomplished anything but Old Joe was in public office for nearly five decades.  He was VP for eight years.

Typical "Richard".  I posted a list of accomplishments as long as his arm, which he ignored and just repeated his same old "never accomplished anything" mantra.  Which is exactly how "Richard" approaches facts about the assassination.

  • Biden served in the U.S. senate and the House for 30 years and was on two key committees as both ranking member and chairman: the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee
  • While in the Senate & House, Joe Biden passed 167 pieces of legislation which you can view here:
  • While he was vice-president, he was essential in helping getting Obamacare passed
  • Biden got the Recovery Act passed and oversaw it's implementation,which brought us out of the 2008 recession
  • Brought forth gay marriage to forefront and made it become a reality.
  • Oversaw infrastructure spending to counteract the Great Recession
  • Helped formulate U.S. policy toward Iraq through the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011.
  • Violence Against Women Act
  • Federal rape shield law.
  • Legal aid for survivors of domestic violence.
  • Funding for victim assistance services, like rape crisis centers and hotlines.
  • Programs to meet the needs of immigrant women and women of different races or ethnicities.
  • Programs and services for victims with disabilities.
  • Protections for victims who are evicted from their homes because of events related to domestic violence or stalking.
  • Programs and services for victims with disabilities.
  • Community violence prevention programs.
  • Work to passing The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, historic legislation expanding hate crimes law to include crimes based on one’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
  • Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Steered the Obama-Biden Administration’s repeal of the discriminatory policy to allow gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of the armed services
  • Championing LGBTQ Protections in the 2013 Violence Against Women Act Re-Authorization
  • Championed equality and inclusion for LGBTQ+ youth
  • Defending Equal Benefits to Same-Sex Couples
  • Voted against constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman
  • Original co-sponsor of “Employment Non-Discrimination Act” prohibiting bias and discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment
  • Launched First Comprehensive National HIV/AIDS Strategy
  • Early Support for HIV/AIDS Resources. Biden has long fought for access to treatment for people with HIV/AIDS. Dating back to 1987, he voted to authorize critical funding for medication that prolonged life for people with AIDS
  • Cosponsored the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, providing life-saving treatment and care to low-income, poor, and uninsured people living with HIV
  • Sponsored reauthorization of the Global AIDS program (PEPFAR), which significantly expanded the funding and targets for treatment, care, and prevention of HIV/AIDS and repealed statutory ban on visas for people who were HIV-positive
  • Insurance companies must cover pre-existing conditions
  • Kids stay on their parent’s insurance until 26 under certain conditions
  • Requires health plans to disclose how much of premium goes to patient care
  • Prevents children from being denied health insurance coverage
  • Cut prescription drug cost for medi-care recipients by 50%
  • Requires large employers to contribute to a national healthcare plan
  • Worked with Obama to institute the toughest Wall Street reform since Great Depression
  • Insurance companies can no longer drop you when you get sick
  • Expanded state run health insurance to cover additional four million kids

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1746 on: September 17, 2020, 07:33:03 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1747 on: September 17, 2020, 07:35:49 PM »
That called politics.  You have to get things done when others disagree or you are a do nothing politician.

It's a little easier to be an autocrat when you have the power of executive order.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1748 on: September 17, 2020, 09:50:45 PM »
Weird logic.  Old Joe blames Trump for climate change.  I point out that Hiden was in public office for fifty years and never did a thing about climate change to be told Biden had to "deal with others who don't share his views."  LOL.  Do you think Trump has had to deal with his share of "others who don't share his views"?   Wow.   Trump has a laundry list of accomplishments.   If Hiden, however, is unable to get anything done because others in DC don't share his "views" then what is he going to accomplish this time?  That called politics.  You have to get things done when others disagree or you are a do nothing politician.  Which, of course, Hiden has always been.

You are not concerned with Hiden's cognitive ability with ravings like this yesterday:  "Cause if you could take care, if you were a quartermaster, you can sure in hell take care runnin' a, you know, a department store uh, thing, you know, where, in the second floor of the ladies department or whatever, you know what I mean?"  The guy is off his rocker.   Hopefully he doesn't push the red button in the Oval Office thinking it summons the nurse to change his adult diaper.

Weird logic.

To you, yeah it would be

Old Joe blames Trump for climate change.

Stop lying..

I point out that Hiden was in public office for fifty years and never did a thing about climate change to be told Biden had to "deal with others who don't share his views."  LOL.

More BS..., but I'll bite... what exactly could Biden have done about climate change that he didn't do?

Do you think Trump has had to deal with his share of "others who don't share his views"?

No... that's the difference between Trump and Biden.... Trump can just write an executive order. Biden can't and never could.
Biden was never in a position to decide to pull out of the Paris deal, but Trump was....

Trump has a laundry list of accomplishments. 

No he hasn't.... He has a laundry list of things he claimed to have accomplished and most of it is simply not true.

But tell me this; name me one thing that Trump has accomplished that made life provable better for average Americans. Go on then...

If Hiden, however, is unable to get anything done because others in DC don't share his "views" then what is he going to accomplish this time?  That called politics.  You have to get things done when others disagree or you are a do nothing politician.  Which, of course, Hiden has always been.

By your logic every single Senator or member of the House is a do nothing politician. And besides, as John already pointed out, Biden's list of real accomplishments is longer that Trump's bogus one.

You are not concerned with Hiden's cognitive ability with ravings like this yesterday

No. Are you concerned about all pathetic ravings that come out of Trump's mouth? You really should read some of the transcripts of his speeches.... If you can follow what it is he is saying...

The guy is off his rocker.

Yeah right.... well, I'd still prefer him over Trump any day, because that guy is certifiably nuts and a hell of a lot more dangerous than Biden ever will be.

When was the last time you heard Biden propose to nuke a storm? Trump did....

What does it tell you when a Republican advisor of VP Pence says this;

Are you sick enough to play this down? What is she, "Richard", a traitor or a patriot telling it as it is?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 12:43:42 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1748 on: September 17, 2020, 09:50:45 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1749 on: September 17, 2020, 11:38:37 PM »
  what exactly could Biden have done about climate change that he didn't do?
What all of these other hot shot politicians and fat cat CEOs that fly around on their personal jets all over the place any time they feel like it can do...stop doing that.
It seems to me that one nominee has diarrhea of the mouth and the other has constipation of the brain so we are phked no matter what we do.

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1750 on: September 18, 2020, 12:00:01 PM »
Who would have dreamt four years ago that an Attorney General of the United States would call on legal protesters, carrying out their Constitutional right,  to be charged with sedition.  Sadly the U.S. has really started to become a banana republic, led by a clown of a president, and supported by a crooked Attorney General(Jabba the Hutt?), and their herd mentality fellow travellers, including Richard Smith, Royell Storing (whatever happened to him..did he succumb to Covid?) and Michael T Griffiths. Do the latter three people really want to see the U.S. turn into a fascist state?
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 03:02:20 PM by Ray Mitcham »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1751 on: September 18, 2020, 03:43:23 PM »
Anyone who watched Old Joe's performance on CNN last night has to be very concerned.  He was old, frail, and rambling.  I feel sorry for him.  He is not a terrible person like Hillary.  Just incompetent.  He is being exploited by folks who want power.  Even if you think Trump is the devil, it has to be concerning to elect a person with such an obvious cognitive problem.  He won't last two months in office.  Instead of hate filled rage about Trump, just make an honest assessment of Old Joe.  He is not mentally fit to be President.  Not even close.  He will be pushed aside or replaced very quickly if elected.  Then we will have Kantala and the hardcore kooks in charge.  The entire country will be run like California, Portland, Chicago, and NYC.  A smoldering ruin.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1751 on: September 18, 2020, 03:43:23 PM »