So you can have an abortion or go to Walmart but can't vote or go to work, school, or church. Got it. The point is obvious. You can't change the rules at the last minute in a nationwide election to impact potentially millions of votes. That will create chaos. Ballots will be challenged by both side. Courts in different places will create different standards subject to endless appeals from both sides. This doesn't just affect Trump. It will affect any democrat that is elected by casting doubt on the process and undermining the legitimacy of their presidency. If Hiden is elected, then so be it. Why create a situation in which there is doubt as to the results? He is ahead in the polls. So let people vote the same way they go to the grocery store.
You can't change the rules at the last minute in a nationwide election to impact potentially millions of votes. More of the same crap. There were no last minute changes to anything. Mail in voting is allowed by law and has been for a long time. Trump has been complaining about these so-called "changes" for months, when there is nothing to complain about. There is not a shred of evidence to support his bogus claim that mail in voting is fraudulent.
So let people vote the same way they go to the grocery store. And that's exactly what this is all about. Eliminate as many people as possible, who don't want to vote in person but would and will vote by mail because of the pandemic. It's not about fraud, it's about Trump wanting to limit the number of people voting to a minimum, because he figures that's the only way he can win.
And there won't be doubt about the results when Biden wins by a landslide. The only person who is trying to create doubt is the moron you support.